Read Rage Page 17

  AJ hadn’t even considered something until just then. The idea of Clair’s dad blowing into their lives again terrified him now, not just because he’d hate to have to deal with him in Addison’s life again, but because, like with Addison, AJ’s heart had since claimed little Clair too. He had often daydreamed now of how nice it would be when they were finally a family for all the world to see. Clair would someday be his stepdaughter, only he’d never use the word step when introducing her to anyone. Not once had it occurred to him that he might have to feel possessive about Clair. But he sure as hell did. He’d be damned if he’d stand around and have some deadbeat asshole who never wanted anything to do with her show up one day and make any claims on his little buddy. AJ hadn’t thought it possible that he could hate the idea of Addison still talking to her ex more than he already did, but damn it, this just shot it up a few major notches.

  It’d been a long hot day, and they’d had double header in Houston, coupled with an extended evening of lovemaking. Now that Addison’s parents knew about the relationship, they were doing their part to give them more time together. Addison’s uncle and aunt lived in Houston, and they’d brought their granddaughters to the second game. Then they’d taken the kids to another Galaxy Pizza-type restaurant. Addison had opted out, using her work again as an excuse for needing to get back to the hotel. As usual, she’d been nervous about Clair going to a restaurant she wasn’t familiar with because of her food allergies.

  She’d checked and double-checked with her parents and Clair that they had an extra EpiPen handy just in case. She’d even called the restaurant ahead of time and spoken with the manager to make sure they didn’t use peanut oil and few other things Clair was allergic to.

  After their first round of fabulously exhausting lovemaking, when they were both lying there still basking in the glow and catching their breath, she’d practically jumped off the bed when her phone rang. Later she’d texted her parents several times to make sure Clair was still okay. So when AJ woke to an empty bed, it didn’t surprise him to hear her in the other room on the phone.

  He sat up, smiling when he looked down at his ready-to-go cock, despite how spent they’d both been when they passed out earlier. The instant recall of what had them so spent had everything to do with the further rise of what was already at attention.

  AJ got off the bed, anxious to be near Addison again, but at the same time slightly concerned that everything might not be okay with Clair. He picked up his own phone to check for any missed messages as he sauntered out into the front room of his suite.

  Addison’s anxious whispered words, “Because I can’t talk to you right now,” had only begun to register when he did a double take at the text message from Nathan.

  We’ve been trying to get a hold of you. Isaiah was rushed to the hospital. He’s in the ICU. We’re all at the hospital now. Call me ASAP.

  His heart was pounding instantly as he quickly scrolled through his other messages from both his sisters. All they knew was that his brother had been out on a call at work—a fire—when the roof of the structure caved in and Isaiah was caught in it. That news only furthered the panic of what he was already feeling.

  Rushing back into the bedroom to start packing his bag, he hit speed dial. “How is he?” he asked as soon as Nathan answered.

  “We don’t know anything yet,” Nathan said, but he was clearly as anxious as AJ felt. “The captain said he was one of the guys on the roof when it caved in. It took them a few minutes to get in, find them under the rubble, and pull them out. He was unconscious when they found him.”

  Addison set foot in the room just as AJ pulled his pants on with Nathan still on the phone. She watched, the alarm in her eyes growing, as he rushed to put the rest of his clothes on, still getting information from Nathan.

  “I gotta go,” he said as soon as he was off the phone. “I won’t make tomorrow’s game. Isaiah was hurt on the job. He was rushed to the ER. I don’t know if he’s gonna be okay. I gotta go home. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be” was her immediate response as she brought her hands to her face.

  He was still rushing around the room, his heart going a mile a minute as he threw his things in a bag, the dread of his brother not being okay building with each moment. “Fuck!” he muttered as he zipped the bag. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

  Flinching at Addison’s unexpected touch, he turned to face her, wrapping his arms around her the moment she caressed his face, and burying his face in her neck. She hugged him tight, surprising him with her words. “I’m coming with you,” she whispered in his ear. “It’s gonna be okay.”

  He inhaled deeply, even more surprised at the emotion he felt just from her touch. “He’s gotta be okay.”

  “He will be,” she assured him. “Think positive, okay?”

  AJ nodded, pulling away to look at her. “What about Clair? What are you telling her?”

  “The truth,” she said with a weak smile. “That you have a family emergency and I’m coming with you for support.” She smiled a little bigger. “I think she’ll be glad I’m going with you. She knows how close you are to your siblings.”

  He wrapped his arms around her again, amazed at how just holding her could bring him such comfort. Her coming with him would absolutely make the nerve-wracking trip so much better. The reality sunk in just then. Addison and Clair had slowly seeped into his heart and soul in a way no one ever had. Everything in his life seemed so much brighter now with them in it. Addison had a way of making him feel calm even at a moment like this. He needed her in his life now. It was as frightening a thought as it should’ve been exhilarating. Only it wasn’t quite so because of the emotion he was feeling about his brother being hurt. Still he breathed in even deeper, so glad she’d be there with him.

  “I love you,” he whispered in her ear, and she didn’t go still like he thought she might the second the words slipped out.

  Instead, she hugged him tighter. “I love you, too,” she said without hesitation.

  He pulled back to look at her, and she stared into his eyes. Declaring their love for one another should’ve been so much more thrilling. AJ would’ve planned the first time he ever said it to any girl, if his telling her hadn’t been so unexpected.

  “If it weren’t for the circumstances, I’d be making love to you already,” he said with a smile that felt as bittersweet as that moment did. “I’d tell you over and over just how in love I am with you while I did it too.”

  She smiled, touching his face again. “I’ve always known, even before I met you, AJ, I could easily fall in love with you. That thing everyone calls rage, I always called passion. I love your passion. It’s undeniable in everything about you: your love for the game, your family . . . me.”

  “You and Clair,” he whispered, taking her hand and kissing her fingers. “I think I fell in love with that little girl the moment I met her. She’s something else, and when I met her mother, I knew why. You’re amazing—”

  His phone dinging broke their moment, and he moved away from her, rushing to pick it up. It was another text from Nathan.

  He’s got a neck injury, but they don’t know the extent yet because he’s still unconscious. His leg is broken in a few places, but that’s all we know for sure. Could be a spinal cord injury.

  “Fuck,” AJ whispered, feeling something grip his wind pipe. “Possible spinal cord injury?”

  “Positive thoughts, Andrés,” Addison said, kissing his arm, then hurried around the bed to get her things together.


  When they reached the hospital, they were told Isaiah had finally woken up but he’d complained of neck and back ache so they gave him morphine. By the time AJ was able to go in and see him, he was out again.

  “What did they say about his spine?” AJ asked as he stared at his big brother looking so helpless in a neck brace and tubes all over.

  “Well, the fact that he was in pain is actually a good thing,” Nathan informed him. “He can feel his legs.
Mostly the pain is in his broken one.” Nathan shook his head. “I don’t know, man. This could be it for him.”

  AJ jerked his head up to gape at Nathan, the fear searing through him as Addison squeezed his hand gently. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean this may do it,” Nathan explained. “His knee was already giving him shit ever since that last injury. They had him on light duty for months and he hated it, remember? He said if he were ever put on permanent light duty, he’d quit. This may just do that.”

  “Good,” AJ said as the blissful relief replaced the brutal fear that had just shot through him. But it was fleeting. Instantly, he felt the familiar heat chase the bliss away. “I’ve told both of you there’s no need to continue putting yourselves in this kind of danger. I hope to God this does mean permanent light duty so his stubborn ass will finally quit. I just hope it doesn’t take something like this for you to finally listen too.”

  Nathan shrugged with a frown as Liv and Emi entered the room. They hadn’t been there when AJ arrived, and both wrapped their arms around him, bringing back the emotion he’d been so overcome with back at the hotel.

  “We were so scared,” Emi said, a bit teary-eyed.

  Livi nodded, wiping tears away from the corner of her eyes. “I heard about it on the news,” she said, taking a deep breath. “When they said several firefighters had been injured and what area they’d been in, I thought I might pass out.”

  “He’s gonna be fine,” Nathan said, rubbing her back. “You should go home, Liv. We’ll keep you posted. Being around here all tense and stressed can’t be good for you in your condition.”

  Livi rubbed her big belly. “Yeah, we’re leaving soon. I don’t want to impose too long on Rosie. She’s watching Enzo for us.” She turned to AJ. “Romero and Uncle Manny are here again. They were here the moment they heard about it. And the Morenos have come by too. But Romero, Manny, and Max left once they cleared Isaiah of any spinal injuries and he fell back asleep.”

  Since it appeared Isaiah would be out for a while, they all stepped out to walk Livi out and talk to their cousin and uncle. The waiting room was abuzz with family members and firefighters still in uniform, all there waiting to hear more about Isaiah and their other fallen comrades.

  Manny looked to be wiping tears away as he spoke to Lorenzo. “I tell you ever since these kids moved out here from Dallas it’s felt like they’re my kids. God damn scare this one gave us today.”

  AJ swallowed back the emotion as he greeted his cousin and uncle. The family had had their share of tragedies already, but this one had hit AJ harder than any of the others. Ever since his parents had divorced when he was still just a kid, Isaiah had stepped up as the man of the house, and AJ felt an extra-special bond with him. He was their rock. When his mother passed away so suddenly, Isaiah kept it together for all of them. Then when their dad passed, he was the one that got it all together for them and moved them all to California.

  Looking back now, the pressure to keep the family together and assure them everything would be fine must’ve been huge for such a young guy. Even now that things were all good—his sisters were happily married and money was no longer an issue—AJ had no idea what they’d do without Isaiah. He didn’t even want to think about it.

  Nathan explained to them what they knew so far then mentioned what he’d told AJ in the room about how maybe this was it for Isaiah. AJ pecked Addison when she excused herself to go to the ladies’ room.

  “Well, maybe this was a blessing then,” Manny said, raising his voice. “It probably is better if he quits before something worse happens. If anything, you twos are gonna give me fucking heart attack one of these days. Every God damn time I see something on the news about a fire—”

  “Hey, man!” Romero said, motioning his hand downward. “Bring it down a notch. We’re in a hospital.”

  Uncle Manny continued in a slightly lowered voice that only got louder again with each word about how his heart wasn’t able to take too much more of this shit.

  “Alright, Drama, relax,” Romero said with a soured face then turned back to Nathan. “Didn’t he used to do security before he got into the academy?”

  “Yeah,” Nathan said. “He was a bouncer at a few different clubs in Dallas.”

  “And he’s way bigger now that he was then, right?” Romero said with a gleam in his eyes, as both AJ and Nathan nodded. “There you go. Worst-case scenario he can come work for me.”

  “Hell no,” AJ protested immediately. “He ain’t going from fighting fires to putting his life in danger protecting someone else. No offense, but I got a much safer job for him, handling all my publicity and merchandising shit. That’s a full-time job right there.”

  “Your brother just said Isaiah would rather quit than sit at some desk, paper pushing.”

  “It’s not just paper pushing,” AJ began to argue but was distracted at the sight of Addison plodding back from the ladies’ room then stopping to finish the conversation she was having on the phone.

  Romero continued explaining how most of the jobs he had were harmless, something about his clients being more high-end now. AJ only caught bits and pieces of Romero’s attempt to sway him about his security position for Isaiah.

  Addison had since turned around and walked away from them again. The memory of the conversation she’d been having just when he got the text about Isaiah suddenly came to him. With the scare he’d had, AJ had forgotten all about it.

  Taking a deep breath, AJ shoved away the thoughts the old AJ had already begun having. He replaced the initial thought of who the fuck is she talking to that she can’t do it in front of me with there’s probably a reasonable explanation.

  There was no reason why he shouldn’t remain calm, even in the wake of his remembering the call she’d been on back at the hotel room. His face must’ve said otherwise because, when he turned to face Romero again, Romero must have mistaken his frown to be in reaction to whatever he’d just said.

  “I’m just saying,” Romero said, shaking his head, “it’s something to think about. It really isn’t as bad a gig as you’re thinking.”

  “It’d be safer; that’s for sure,” Manny added, holding a hand to his chest.

  Addison’s giggling got all their attention, and they all turned in time to see her hurry even further away.

  “I’ll be back,” AJ said, feeling new tension cramp his every muscle.

  Chapter 17


  Addison felt the smile on her face flatten the moment she saw AJ’s dark expression as he turned the corner and came face to face with her. “I’ll call you to say goodnight in a bit, okay?”

  She hung up and started toward AJ, meeting him halfway down the long corridor. “Is Clair okay?” he asked, staring at her.

  “She’s fine.” Addison smiled, slipping her hand into his as soon as she was close enough. “That was her, actually. Sorry I took so long you had to come searching for me. But you know Clair. She was telling me all about her evening with her cousins. Sometimes I forget how young her little heart is since she expresses herself so beyond her years. It’s so refreshing when I hear how excited she is about something a little girl her age should be excited about. Like how well she did on the whack-a-mole machine. Poor thing is so uncoordinated like her mother that she’s never done well with physical challenges. Her very animated blow-by-blow had me cracking up.”

  “No worries and you didn’t have to get off the phone with her,” AJ said, stepping in front of her and stopping in the middle of the hallway. He cradled her face, staring deep in her eyes. “I just wanted to make sure she was okay. I know how worried you’ve been.”

  He kissed her gently, softly, making her close her eyes and sigh against his lips when he was done. “That call you were on,” he said as her eyes opened and stared into his, “back at the hotel room, just when I got the text from Nathan about Isaiah. Who were you talking to?”

  Addison blinked a few times, not wanting him to notice the anxie
ty she was suddenly feeling. She hadn’t realized AJ had heard her on the phone and wondered just how much he’d overheard. “My co-worker,” she said, chiding her spiked heartbeat when she saw his eyes narrow.

  “Your co-worker?”

  “Yeah, subordinate actually,” she said, hoping he didn’t notice how deeply she inhaled. “He had questions about a project we’ve been working on.”

  “He?” AJ’s brows narrowed further. “You told him you couldn’t talk to him right then. Why?”

  Addison gulped in an effort to keep her composure, remembering his attitude when it came to Kelli. She understood his not liking shady women, but did he really expect Addison to explain every one of her phone conversations? Some parts of her life she was determined would forever be private. As hard as she tried, she wasn’t able to keep her own brow from rising. “Because I didn’t have my laptop or any of the information he wanted to discuss.”

  AJ searched her eyes silently for a little too long. “What’s his name?”

  “Alfred” she said without a flinch but placed her hand over his tense one that still cradled her face when she saw the familiar flare-up in his eyes. She understood he was a passionate man, and she’d already been witness to his jealous side, but she needed to get this straight now. “Baby, I have a lot of male co-workers and subordinates. Because my job requires me to be on the phone a lot, you’ll often hear me on the phone with them. I’m just warning you now. I don’t want this to be an issue, moving forward.”