Read Rage Page 18

  The warning did just the opposite of what she meant for it to do. It seemed to fan the flames because his expression hardened further, though his words said otherwise.

  “I’ll never have an issue with you needing to talk business with your male co-workers, as long as that’s all it is.” He paused as if to really drive that last part in, the suspicion in his eyes ever present. “It just didn’t sound that way in the hotel. You sounded nervous, almost anxious.”

  “I was,” she admitted. “You were sound asleep, so I was trying to get off the call before I woke you.”

  His expression finally eased up, and he glanced down at her lips then even lower to her neck area with a sudden smirk. “You ever wear that to work?”

  Addison glanced down at the necklace with her initials. “Sometimes.” She touched it, remembering how embarrassed she’d been when he thought maybe she’d worn it for his sake.

  “Do me a favor.” He leaned his forehead against hers in a final show of ease.

  “What’s that?”

  “Tell them they’re your boyfriend’s initials.”

  Addison laughed softly, tilting her head, but glad he was feeling well enough now to be playful.

  “What?” He smiled. “Technically, you’re not lying.”

  “If it’ll make your eyes twinkle like they are now versus that other fire I saw in them earlier, I will.”

  “Good,” he said, kissing her one more time, then got out of her way, slipping his hand into hers as they started back toward the crowded ICU waiting room.



  The day they’d all sat in the ICU waiting room, chatting while they waited for more updates on Isaiah’s condition, Nathan had mentioned he was done with Kelli. So seeing him arrive tonight arm in arm with her to the ESPY awards was beyond irritating. AJ would have to do his best to not be rude, but he’d barely managed a smile when his eyes met Nathan from across the pre-show cocktail party.

  As expected, Isaiah, too, was being a stubborn ass. Thankfully, they’d cleared him of any spinal cord and head injuries. Another thing AJ was thankful for was that Isaiah’s broken leg was keeping him from going back to work. If it wasn’t for that, AJ was sure he’d already be back. Nathan had filled AJ in on how crazy being home all day was making Isaiah. AJ hadn’t even expected him to make the ESPY awards tonight, given how he’d just been in the ICU two weeks ago. His pig-headed brother refused to even use a wheel chair for tonight’s event. Instead, here he was on crutches, wearing a full tux that had to be altered to accommodate the splint on his leg. The guy had even brought a date, and if AJ didn’t know any better, that broken limb would not be stopping Isaiah from any physical activities he and his date might engage in later tonight. The doctors had warned Isaiah to limit any kind of activity and stay off his leg as much as possible.

  It was as infuriating as Nathan still being in that ridiculous relationship. The last thing Nathan had told AJ about it was that she was still dealing with her business woes and needed to concentrate on that. But accompanying Nathan to a star-studded evening at the ESPYs she could do?

  “They are both grown men,” Addison whispered, squeezing his hand as she brought her champagne flute to her lips. “I know it’s hard for you, but whatever it is you’re thinking, keep it to yourself.”

  She took a sip of her champagne and smiled as Nathan and Kelli approached them, still far enough away that AJ was sure they couldn’t hear him.

  “You heard him at the hospital. He said he was done with her. What the fuck—?”

  “Ah,” Addison said, tugging his hand when Isaiah and his date Lola rejoined them.

  “Dude,” AJ turned to Isaiah, who was setting one crutch aside so he could take his drink from Lola but was apparently going to stand there with them on one. “You need to get off that leg.”

  “All I do at home is sit on my ass and lie around.”

  “It’s what you’re supposed to be doing,” Liv said as she and her husband Lorenzo arrived, followed by Emi and Sydney. “It’s only been two weeks, Sai. You’re still recovering.”

  “Thank you,” AJ said as he leaned in to kiss his sister hello. “You look beautiful.”

  He said the same to Emi as they did their rounds, saying hello to everyone.

  “Yeah, well two weeks is long enough,” Isaiah said. “I’m over it. The minute this thing is off, I’m heading back to work. I hate feeling like an invalid.”

  The bitterness in Isaiah’s tone was the same as it’d been every time AJ had spoken to him on the phone in the past two weeks. As much as AJ disapproved of his brother being here on his leg, instead of at home relaxing, AJ had hoped the night out would at least lighten him up a bit. Earlier it’d appeared as if Isaiah were having a good enough time. Suddenly, he was looking as somber as he did at home when he was complaining about being bored as shit. Even his beautiful date didn’t seem to be doing the trick.

  “My dad’s calling me over,” Addison leaned into him. “You stay here and hang out with your brothers and sisters. I won’t be long. He just wants me to say hello to his old managers and their wives. I haven’t seen them in years.”

  AJ nodded, glancing at Coach Lara, his wife, and the older couples they were mingling with. Addison kissed him softly before walking away. He watched as she strolled over slowly, holding her long gown in front of her. As tall as she was, she could easily be a model. She turned and smiled at him, making the irritation he’d been feeling melt away with just one smile. Damn, she was beautiful.

  By the time he brought his attention back to his circle, it’d gotten even bigger. Nathan and Kelli were already there. They’d also been joined by Sabian and his date. AJ said hello to all of them, including Kelli. He had to wonder if she realized how much he disliked her. Her pathetic little smile almost made him feel bad. Almost.

  Everyone was glued to Isaiah’s words as he answered Sabian’s questions about the accident. Some of the other guys from the team joined them now too, and they had more questions. AJ figured his tight-lipped answers when he’d gotten back to work after Isaiah was cleared of any life-threatening or even critical injuries hadn’t been enough for the inquisitive bunch. Somehow the fact that it was AJ’s brother who’d been injured had gotten back to the media, so the story had made national headlines, not just the local news. Of course, seeing him here so soon after the accident had everyone surprised and curious. They were gaining quite the crowd.

  AJ was done hearing about the accident. Every time he heard the story it only made him angrier—angry that his brothers would see fit to put themselves in such danger when it was so unnecessary. Instead of focusing on Isaiah like everyone else was, he peered at Kelli casually as he sipped his drink.

  He was curious what else besides her obvious good looks Nathan could be so hung up on that he’d continue to put up with her wishy-washy ass. She, too, appeared to be completely engrossed in Isaiah’s story. Her brows furrowed when Isaiah got to the part about the roof giving way and the blazing hell hole he’d falling into. Her hand even came over her mouth. AJ, too, felt his jaw clench, hearing this part again. It could’ve been so much worse.

  “I nearly crashed the next morning when I heard about it on the radio in my car,” Lola said, and AJ had begun to turn to her but was curiously caught by the sudden glare on Kelli’s face. “They announced the names of the fallen firefighters, and, oh my God,” Lola continued, clutching her chest now that AJ had turned to her, “I wanted to die. I hadn’t met his siblings yet. None of them knew he and I were seeing each other, so no one called me.” Lola leaned her head gently against Isaiah’s shoulder. “It was terrible finding out that way.”

  “We have your number now, Lola,” Liv said in a reassuring tone. “You’ll be the first we call after the rest of our siblings, if, God forbid, anything ever happens to him again.”

  AJ had begun to frown at that last comment when he caught Isaiah’s strange glare. He followed it to see what his brother was glaring at. He turned to see Ke
lli whisper something in Nathan’s ear then walk away abruptly.

  “Is she leaving?” AJ asked, incredulous, wondering if she was pulling the same stunt as last time.

  “No, ladies’ room,” Nathan said, not even trying to hide the annoyance with AJ’s immediate inquiry, and no doubt because AJ hadn’t been able to tone the tenor down.

  Emi beat AJ to the punch, asking the very thing he was thinking. “I thought you two broke things off.” Like AJ, his little sister didn’t seem too fond of Kelli either.

  “We did, but we’re still friends,” Nathan said, taking a swig of his beer and glancing away.

  AJ might’ve smirked, knowing his brother was biting his tongue and not adding anything more smart-mouthed to his response because of everyone there. But he was still feeling too irritated by the fact that his brother actually brought Kelli tonight.

  Without reacting to Nathan’s curt responses, AJ turned back to his other brother curiously. The guys had already begun another conversation regarding the impending playoffs. AJ frowned at the still somber-looking Isaiah, who was zoned out, staring out into the crowd. Doing a quick glance out in the general direction of where Isaiah was staring, he saw Kelli, who, like Addison and his sisters, wore a formal gown and high heels. She was still making her way toward the ladies’ room slowly—cautiously.

  One glance back at Isaiah, and AJ could see now his brother wasn’t zoned out; he was staring at Kelli. AJ had begun to glance back in Kelli’s direction but had to do a double take when he saw Addison striding back toward him. Just like that, any tension he’d begun to feel about his brother’s mood drained as their eyes met and she smiled sweetly. Then a guy in a suit stepped right in front of her, startling her, and making her stop in her tracks. Instantly, AJ was standing straighter—bigger. From behind, AJ couldn’t see who it was, only that he wore a tux like everybody else and was big like most of the other athletes there.

  The guy was so close to her. Seeing her actually take a step back looking annoyed had AJ handing Nathan his cocktail glass. That familiar blaze inside him, the one he’d felt all too often in his life, was already roaring, and suddenly nothing mattered: Not that they were in a fancy banquet room with lots of cameras, a place where he should be all the more mindful of his behavior. Or that her parents were only a few feet away from Addison and this asshole. Not that his non-response to Nathan’s question when he asked him where he was going was sure to raise brows with all his siblings since he’d charged away from them with a purpose.

  None of it.

  “Is there a problem?” he said just a few feet behind the guy who was still facing Addison.

  Addison shaking her head did nothing to alleviate the fire that only got bigger when the guy turned around and he saw the smug smirk on Bigsby’s face.

  “Romero,” he said, still smirking as Addison circled him and slipped her hand into AJ’s.

  “Tax question,” Addison said quickly. “I get asked a lot about stuff regarding tax laws and such.”

  “Like that?” AJ asked, glaring at Bigsby. “All rude and jumping in your face?”

  “I didn’t realize I was being rude,” Bigsby said with a big fake stunned expression, bringing his hand to his chest. “My apologies—”

  “You’re always a rude asshole, and you know it,” AJ said, taking a step forward and well aware that they were turning heads now.

  “Hey, AJ.” Someone touched his arm, and only then did he realize Nathan had followed him, but he lifted a hand before his brother could attempt to talk him down. It was too late for that now.

  AJ got even closer to Bigsby’s face. “If I ever see your arrogant ass get in my girl’s face like that again, I don’t give a shit what you’re asking her. I will knock you on your fucking ass. You hear me?”

  Just like the many times he’d exploded on someone in middle and high school, they were already surrounded by nosey onlookers. Only in this case there were cameras flashing left and right. Bigsby started to say something, still smirking smugly, though AJ could see he’d not only embarrassed him, but AJ’s “my girl” comment had rattled him. For a moment, it rendered the guy who normally had too much to say speechless.

  Coach Lara was there now with Nathan and Sabian stepping in between them and trying to disperse the crowd. Another man who appeared to be about coach’s age was talking to Bigsby now as the two were separated even further.

  “Don’t say anything,” Coach said as AJ grudgingly accompanied him and Addison through the crowd. “Too many cameras are filming every bit of this.”

  When they were finally far enough away from anyone who could hear them, the coach turned to AJ. “The guy’s been drinking,” he started to say.

  “We all have,” AJ countered, unwilling to give that asshole even the slightest benefit of the doubt.

  That short confrontation had AJ’s adrenaline and heart pumping so hard still he may well have buried his fist in the guy’s face like he’d felt like doing.

  Lara nodded. “But you know he’s an ass even when he’s sober.”

  AJ shook his head. “Doesn’t get him off. I see that shit again—”

  “I think he knows that, son.” Lara smiled, tapping AJ’s arm. “Just calm down. It’s over now. I seriously doubt he’ll be doing that ever again.”

  Between listening to Lara and then having to explain to his siblings why he’d nearly lost it with Bigsby, it was a while until he could get Addison alone. But first chance he did, he got right to it. “What else did he say to you?”

  “Nothing else,” she assured him. “He’s being audited and I guess he’s worried.”

  “You don’t know him like that, do you?” he asked, searching her eyes. “For him to just barge up to you like an idiot and get in your face the way he did?”

  “Not really.” She shook her head. “I mean my dad did train him once upon a time, so I’ve known him for years, but he’s never done that. My dad’s right, babe. I smelled the alcohol on him the moment he was in front of me. He’s a jerk even when he’s sober. The alcohol just—”

  “Promise me you’ll tell me if he ever does something like that again,” he said, taking a deep breath. “I don’t care how drunk he is. That’s no excuse. I put up with a lot of shit from his pretentious ass on the field, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let him disrespect you like that. So promise me you will if he ever does again.”

  “I promise.” Her touch, as she caressed his face softly, once again had the power to settle his still-flustered insides.

  The room had begun to empty as the commencement of the awards show approached. Addison said she wanted to use the ladies’ room before the show started. Emi was quick to say she’d go with her. They headed there slowly. AJ glanced around when he noticed Isaiah wasn’t with them but Lola was. “Where’s Isaiah?”

  “Men’s room,” Lola replied with a smile.

  It was only then that AJ noticed something else. He was almost afraid to ask, but he turned to Nathan anyway. “What happened to Kelli?”

  “Ladies’ room,” Nathan said, noticeably irritated that AJ would be asking again.

  Nathan didn’t bother looking at AJ either. Instead, he turned to Addison as they reached the hallway where the restrooms were. “Sweetness, can you do me a favor and see if she’s still in there?”

  Addison nodded as she let go of AJ’s hand. “Sure.”

  The moment she was far enough AJ turned to Nathan, even more annoyed with him now because he could’ve just as easily asked Emi for the favor. “Sweetness?’

  His idiot brother smirked then laughed, sticking one hand in his pocket and scratching his chin with the other. “God, you’re easy.”

  Chapter 18


  Addison and Emi strolled down the hallway, chatting about their dresses and all the other celebrity athletes there. Addison tried to be as cheery as Emi, but she was still beyond annoyed about the scene that not just her dad had gotten dragged into but AJ’s entire family had been witness to. How dare
that drunk jerk! She was so lost in her infuriating thoughts she didn’t notice Emi had stopped until Addison was a few steps ahead of her.


  Turning in the direction Emi was staring at the double door entrance to what looked like a banquet room of some kind, Addison saw Isaiah push himself away from the wall he’d been leaning against and grab his crutch. Kelli, who stood talking to him, had her back to them but turned to see who’d called Isaiah’s name.

  “Nathan was looking for you, Kelli,” Emi said with that same chilly tone Addison had heard on AJ earlier and in the past when referring to Kelli. It was irritated, suspicious. “You’ve been gone a while.”

  “Yeah, I had to use the ladies’ room then make a call,” Kelli said as she, too, started toward Emi and Addison. “After the call, I ran into Isaiah on the way back and got caught up talking.” She motioned in the direction where AJ and Nathan were waiting. “Is everyone still inside the cocktail party?”

  “No,” Emi said, like AJ making no qualms about showing her distaste as she sized Kelli up. “They’re all just out in the hallway, waiting for us.”

  Kelli nodded. “Okay, thanks,” she said then started on her way back alone.

  Isaiah didn’t go with her. Instead, he waited until she was far enough before turning back to Emi and Addison with a frown. “Do me a favor,” he said more to Emi than Addison. “Don’t mention that to Nathan.”

  “What?” Emi asked, glancing in Kelli’s direction then back at her brother. “Why? What’s going on, Isaiah?”

  “Nothing’s going on.” Isaiah turned to Addison now.

  Even the bruising and scratches on his face didn’t do much to take from his chiseled good looks. He and his brothers all shared that same intense stare when they were serious. The same one staring at her now. “As finicky as AJ’s been about her, I’d appreciate if you don’t tell him either. It’s nothing. She was just asking for advice. Her relationship with Nathan is a complicated one, but she asked me not to tell Nathan she’d come to me. Even that would irritate AJ.”