Read Raising Avon Page 12

  Chapter 8

  Avon rose early the next morning. She really wanted to sleep in, but she knew Jeremy would try to wake early, as was his usual routine and exercise. Avon had decided it would be a PT free day, even for the consummate Captain Hanson.

  Avon barged into Jeremy’s room unannounced still in her pajamas. “Don’t you knock?” Jeremy barked, outraged by her audacity.

  “No PT today!” she snapped back, seeing him on the floor doing pushups.

  “I work out every day.”

  “Not today you don’t. I’m in charge today; remember?”

  “Just because you are ignoring our training, it doesn’t mean I have to.”

  “Yes it does. I won. I’m a better shot than you are.”

  “You got lucky. I want a rematch,” Jeremy demanded.

  “Sure, but not today. I’ve got plans for us today. First a light breakfast of fruit. Then some shopping; followed by lunch at my favorite bistro. After that, we are going to my favorite salon for a haircut. You need one too. And when we get home, a long soak in a bubble bath with scented candles; I’m thinking lavender so maybe you’ll relax a little. If it is even possible.”

  Avon paused for a moment relishing the look of regret and humiliation on Jeremy’s face. Seeing his discomfort, she went for the jugular. “And for tonight, after a light dinner, of course, I’m thinking of a couple chick flicks. I hope you like romantic comedies.”

  Still on the floor, Jeremy’s jaw tightened more with each announcement, each plan for the day. Breathing through his nose, he remained silent. He had lost and would follow through with the conditions of the wager just as he would expect Avon to do. But he did not find calm. Deep down Jeremy wondered if Iramy had rigged the scoring. But why?

  Jeremy flopped to the ground and growled his discontent.

  "I suggest a visit to the sanitation stall and then a trip back between the sheets. Breakfast is at eight. Be dressed and ready to go shopping. Casual clothes; no uniform."

  Avon laughed heartily and twirled on her heel. Skipping merrily, she returned to her room and lay back across her bed. She continued to giggle. Rolling onto her back she stared at the ceiling, happy. For the first time in a very long time, she felt in control of her life, even if for just a day.

  Her entire life had been choreographed; who she met, who her teachers were, what she was taught. First her father controlled every aspect of her life and then the Academy. She had hoped for a relaxing and independent summer with her father in a remote galaxy but even in his absence, he had ensured someone, Captain Jeremy Hanson, would control and manipulate her every move.

  After a month of being under Jeremy's thumb, she was looking forward to a little fun. Unfortunately, her fun would be at Jeremy's expense. In an attempt to jam all her favorite pastimes into one day, and with the mandate that Jeremy accompany her at all times, he would have to participate in her favorite activities. Of course, he would see it as revenge even if it wasn't. Avon knew no matter what she told him, her explanation would never be accepted as the truth. "Let it be," she giggled to herself. "He deserves it."

  Avon rolled off the bed and sighed disheartened as she walked into her closet. Even though, it was filled with tons of clothes, very few fit. While she had picked up a few outfits during their last trip into the city, it was not enough; thus the reason for more shopping.

  She selected a khaki pair of trousers she had purchased during her last excursion. Looking at the jerseys she had recently bought, she frowned. Frantically searching through the racks, she found a button-up blouse which had previously hung loosely on her thin body. She chuckled and looked down at her breasts. "I've got a little cleavage now, I should show it off." Happy, she headed to her bathroom to change.