Read Raising Avon Page 13


  At eight, Jeremy walked into the kitchen for breakfast. First he frowned at the food Avon had prepared for breakfast; fruit and berries. Then he frowned at her outfit. "A bit tight don't you think?"

  "And whose fault is that Captain Hanson?" Avon replied sarcastically. "It's none of your business if I want to proudly display the girls. Today is my day, not yours. You don't have to look."

  "Just make sure you pick out some things for the camping trip in three weeks. You need some clothes you can move around in; clothing which will hold up through the dirt and weather."

  "That's a good idea," Iramy agreed. "While she's picking out other outfits, I'll grab everything she'll need."

  "You're coming with us?"

  "You two need a referee. I don't think Lorian City can handle the angst between the two of you," Iramy stated with a healthy dose of sarcasm. "We don't need a civil war breaking out."

  An hour later the three walked into Avon's favorite boutique. The owner was surprised at how Avon's body had transformed. "You look wonderful," she cooed. "We are going to have fun filling your closet."

  "Not yet," Avon stated sadly. "The summer isn't over and I'm sure my figure is going to change more before it is over. Let's do about ten outfits; mostly casual. If I need something for a special occasion, I'll come back."

  The owner nodded and quickly found what Avon would like. She already knew her style. Avon looked at the expensive but simple outfits. "Maybe a couple of blouses which will show off my new figure?" Avon suggested. "I'm tired of dressing like a tomboy."

  Both the shop owner and Iramy smiled. Avon was finding herself, who she was. She was no longer hiding behind her clothes pretending to be the son the General never had. After finalizing the selections, Avon turned to Jeremy. "The Captain needs a few things also. I'm thinking some dress pants and some casual ones and a few shirts. I'd like to see him in something other than PT clothes."

  Jeremy had thought Avon had forgotten about her threat. Seeing the look on Jeremy's face, she laughed. "My treat, of course."

  "I don't need your charity," Jeremy sneered, insulted.

  "Not charity, a gift," Avon countered. "It's the least I can do considering I am forcing you to do this. I did win and you have to do whatever I say today. So suck it up."

  Jeremy grimaced. He was not happy. Not so much about getting civilian clothes, but Avon paying for them. "Only if I get to pick them out," Jeremy reluctantly agreed. "And no pink."

  The boutique owner laughed. "Pink would not be a good color for you, but I can see you in blue. Your blue eyes are beautiful."

  Jeremy was embarrassed by the owner's comment. "You are a handsome young man Captain," she continued. "I'm going to show you just how handsome you are."

  "We're going to lunch at Bella Luna's," Avon advised. "Let's dress up and have some fun." Avon turned to Iramy. "You too. Buy a new dress. Let's make this a party."

  Iramy smiled. She wanted more than anything for Avon to have a perfect day. "Yes, let's have some fun."

  It took Jeremy longer than expected to find clothing he felt comfortable in. Finally, with the help of the three ladies, he was dressed and ready for lunch. He hated to admit it, but he did like the way he looked. And he felt more relaxed. He hadn't realized how dressing in ICE clothing had kept him uptight all the time. Even in PT clothing, he was always on guard, always rigid.

  "Shall I have everything delivered?" the boutique owner offered.

  "No," Avon replied. "We load everything in the transport. Thank you."

  Everyone grabbed their purchases and left. "Thank you for the clothing," Jeremy stated sincerely as he helped Avon with her packages.

  "Thank you for letting me have some fun," Avon smiled. "You do look nice."

  Jeremy blushed again. "So we're going to Bella Luna's?" he asked. Avon nodded. "Isn't it the most expensive and exclusive restaurant in the city?"

  "Yes," Avon replied. "I know you like pasta and Bella Luna's makes their pasta by hand. Everything is homemade. No replicators. It's why it is so expensive. They make enough for about a hundred meals a day. Once they run out, the restaurant closes for the day. I've made reservations under the General's name so they will hold three meals for us. Today is lasagna. I hope you like it."

  "If the sauce is anything like what Iramy made last week, I'm sure I will."

  "My dear, Captain Hanson," Iramy giggled. "My sauce is amateur compared to what you are about to taste. Even the bread is baked fresh daily. This is going to be an adventure for you."

  Minutes later they were walking into Bella Luna's. The hostess rushed forward. "Captain Hanson, Miss Zadoorian, Miss Wayzata, your table is ready."

  Jeremy looked around. Everyone was dressed nicely. He was glad Avon had insisted on procuring new clothes. Even dressed as nicely as he was, he felt out of his element. Iramy smiled and whispered, "They're just people enjoying a nice lunch."

  Jeremy tried to relax. Recalling his days in the slums and looking at his opulent surroundings, he realized he had just experienced both ends of the economic spectrum. Instead of being angry or resentful, he smiled. This is what he had aspired toward all his life. Knowing it might be a long time before he would have the opportunity to return to a restaurant like this, he decided to enjoy it.

  The table was set elegantly with candles, flowers, and a formal table setting. As soon as everyone was seated, the server arrived with water, wine, and freshly baked bread. Salads arrived seconds later.

  "You don't order here," Avon explained. "Everyone eats the special of the day. They make one entree. Today is lasagna."

  Jeremy smelled the aroma of the freshly baked bread. "This smells heavenly."

  "Wait until you taste it," Iramy cooed. "I could make a meal just from the bread if they'd let me but eat it slowly; it's all we'll get."

  Jeremy picked up one of the rolls and cut it in half. "Is the butter fresh too?"

  "Yes," Avon replied. "Remember us telling you about some of the other people we know who still grow fresh vegetables and make jams and such? There is a farmer who has cows for real milk. He also makes butter and cheese. The cost is astronomical, which is why this place is so expensive. I love eating fresh and this is the only place in town in which the food is one hundred percent real."

  "And I thought you were going to torture me today," Jeremy laughed.

  Avon shook her head. "I know you think I hate you and that I was going to attempt revenge. But believe or not, today is not about you. It is about me doing my favorite things; shopping, lunch at Bella Luna's, a relaxing afternoon and an old movie."

  "So this is about you?"

  "Yes, and you're lucky enough to be coming along for the ride," Avon giggled. "So suck it up and enjoy the journey."

  Jeremy took his first bite of the bread slathered with butter. He groaned with delight. "You can torture me like this any time."

  Iramy and Avon laughed. "Just wait. It gets even better."

  Each bite of food surprised Jeremy on another level. "I could come here every day."

  "No one can afford to come here every day," Avon laughed. "Personally I can't wait for dessert."

  Jeremy looked at Avon surprised. He had never seen Avon eat so much. "So all I need to do to get you to eat is bring you here every day?"

  "Don't I wish!" Avon exclaimed. "I'd have to run twenty miles a day or look like a Mumite."

  Jeremy laughed. Even he was full. He wasn't sure he had room for dessert. Iramy could see the look of satiation on his face. "You'll find room. They're serving Zuppa Inglese today. Try not to moan too loudly. It's almost better than sex."

  Avon and Jeremy looked at Iramy, shocked by her statement. "Sorry, but sex is still better."

  Avon had never seen Iramy date. Yes, she was an attractive woman in her mid-thirties but Avon was not aware of any liaisons. "Don't look at me like that," Iramy laughed. "I've had a l
over or two in my time."

  Avon stared at Iramy as if waiting for Iramy to continue, to tell her more. Iramy only pursed her lips and shook her head from side to side. "Not now, not ever."

  When dessert arrived, Jeremy looked at the plate attempting to discern its ingredients. "It is sponge cake soaked in a red Italian liquor between layers of a lemon flavored egg custard, drizzled with melted chocolate and topped with whipped cream," Iramy explained.

  Having eaten the Zuppa Inglese at Bella Luna's before, Avon and Iramy were able to control their moans as they took their first bite. Still, their eyes closed as they slowly exhaled. Jeremy, on the other hand, was overtaken by the decadent taste and the creamy texture. When Jeremy heard Avon and Iramy giggle, he opened his eyes and quickly looked around. Red from embarrassment Jeremy was met with empathetic eyes. Everyone nodded and smiled. They knew it was his first taste of the famous Zuppa Inglese. He could tell they fondly remembered the first time they had eaten it.

  "If sex is better than this, then ..." Jeremy stopped midsentence.

  "Captain Hanson," Iramy cooed with a tight-lipped grin. "We need to find you a woman. And in that outfit, it shouldn't be too difficult."

  Now Jeremy was really mortified. He had unwittingly revealed he had never been with a woman. He was a virgin. "Me too," Avon whispered. "But some day."

  Jeremy looked around the restaurant again. There were quite a few very attractive young women in the room. Two of them were sitting at the same table with him. "Not ready," Jeremy shuddered. "I still have five more years of obligated service to ICE. Maybe when I get promoted to Colonel, I'll think about settling down."

  Soon they had finished lunch. Avon decided to forego a haircut. As they were preparing to return to the mansion, Jeremy froze. He remembered how Avon wanted to spend the afternoon. He feared she would move on her threat to force him to take a bubble bath. Jeremy had never been inside of a bathtub. It had only been recently he had taken a real shower with real water. He had used sanitation stalls all his life. Even in the slums, public sanitation stalls were available. Yes, the lines were long but staying clean was even more essential in the slums. Diseases were more common. No one could afford medical care or a regenerator. A single mosquito bite could cause a fatal infection if not vigilant. In order to prevent epidemics, the government had erected the stalls. Nevertheless, with the number of slum rats compared to the number of stalls, the stalls ran twenty-four hours a day. Using the stalls more than every three days was impractical. There were still deaths from diseases, but the government declared the mortality rate was acceptable and did not construct the number needed to prevent fatalities. Any death was just one less slum rat.

  "Come on Captain Hanson," Avon beckoned, bringing Jeremy back to reality. "We have a bath to take."

  "Damn," Jeremy muttered. "I was hoping you had forgotten about that."

  "It won't be that bad," Avon laughed. "Was the shopping and lunch so horrible?"

  "Shopping was so-so. I don't like to shop, but I do like the clothes. And the lunch was fantastic."

  "So maybe you'll like the bubble bath too," Avon suggested.

  Jeremy shuddered again, closing his eyes. He was trying his best to remain calm. This was Avon's day and he had agreed to do everything she wanted to do. He just didn't understand why he had to take a bubble bath. If she wanted to take one, fine. "No candles," Jeremy replied hoping for a small compromise. Avon did not reply.

  The forty-minute ride back to the mansion seemed like only ten minutes to Jeremy. While he didn't know much about baths or soaking tubs, he had seen how Avon set candles around her tub and talked about how relaxing and indulgent it was. It seemed a bit frilly and feminine to him. He thought of himself as a manly man, not a man who would dim the lights, light a bunch of scented candles and sit in a tub of hot bubbles. The closer to the mansion they got, the more anxiety Jeremy felt.

  As soon as the transport stopped at the front portico of the mansion, Avon jumped out as if she was headed to her own surprise party. "I'll bring in all the bags," Jeremy offered as a way to stall the inevitable.

  "Oh no, you don't," Avon giggled. "We'll help. Then we are going to show you the pleasures of hot steaming water and luxuriously scented bubbles."

  Jeremy exhaled slowly as he felt his throat tighten. "Scented bubbles?"

  "I'm going to bring over some of the dried lavender and add it to the water. I guarantee you'll be so relaxed in five minutes that you'll want to take a nap. It's glorious."

  Jeremy walked as slowly as he could into the house. Since his load was smaller, he helped Avon with hers. As he passed Avon's room, he deposited her purchases at her door and sullenly crept to his room. Mere seconds later Avon appeared with a jar of dried crushed lavender as promised. "Follow me," Avon instructed and led Jeremy to the General's bathroom. While stark and less feminine, the soaking tub was identical to Avon's. Jeremy smiled a little. There were no candles.

  "I'll start the water and add the lavender and bubbles. Then I'll show you how to start the jets. You are going to love this."

  "Why are you doing this to me," Jeremy scowled.

  "Because I won," Avon giggled. "And after weeks of torturing me, humiliating me, hating me, I need to do at least one thing today for revenge. This is my revenge Captain Hanson. And you promised to do whatever I said today and the honor code says you have to do as promised. No lying remember?"

  "You lied about the paper cut," Jeremy reminded Avon.

  "True but I didn't lie when you were about to be arrested for stealing the wine," Avon retorted. "We both told the truth. Neither one of us would have been court-martialed for me healing you. I just kept you in my father's good graces."

  "I'm just glad neither one of us were put on official report for the wine fiasco. It could have ruined both of our careers."

  "I talked to General Armstrong and told him the entire truth. I told him why I did it. I told him I just wanted to have a little fun. I told him you tried to talk me out of it. I took full responsibility for the entire incident. I even made a vow to him that if I even stepped out of line, even just a little, I would voluntarily leave the Academy."

  "Why didn't you use the incident as your way out of the Academy?" Jeremy asked confused. "I thought you really didn't want a career with ICE."

  "I don't," Avon confided. "But pleasing my father is more important to me than my happiness. I will finish the Academy and complete my obligatory service. However, after my time is up, I am going to find a husband and have a family. I want children. I want to raise them in the country and teach them all the things Iramy and my father have taught me. I want to pass on the old world traditions of cooking. I might even learn to make bread."

  Jeremy smiled. It was a sincere, caring smile. He was truly happy. "So you've figured out what you want to do with your life?"

  "Yes," Avon nodded. "I can do this. I can finish the Academy. After seeing the bunker, I realized how much Daddy cares about me. He really does love me. He wants me to be strong and to be able to stand on my own two feet. He wants me to be self-sufficient. He doesn't want to worry about me when he is gone to whatever the galaxy of the month is. I also realized I want to be strong, mentally and physically. And the Academy will help me with my self-actualization. Your training is helping more than you know. I will never be as strong as you. I don't want to be as strong as you. I will pass the evals. I doubt I will ever meet the goals you've set, but I promise not to let you down or embarrass you."

  Jeremy stared at Avon with a hint of reverence. "Thank you for being so honest and for sharing that with me. I can't promise I won't try to push you a little more each day. I do want you to succeed. I want you to find your place in this world. I've found mine."

  "Now we are going to find some bubbles," Avon laughed changing the subject back to the bubble bath. "I know Iramy uses the tub and keeps some in the closet."

Do you think your father is one of Iramy's ..." Jeremy couldn't finish the question.

  "My father and Iramy," Avon laughed. "Never. I've never seen them alone in the same room together. Iramy has no interest in my father or career military men. She's more of the stay at home and cook and clean type. I always thought she would find a good man and leave us. I've always speculated that once I am off on my own, she will start a family of her own. She's still young enough."

  Avon finished adding the lavender and bubbles to the steaming hot water. Once the water was high enough, she pointed to the switch on the wall. "Once you get in, flip the switch. Get ready for the time of your life."

  "So you're still going to make me do this?"

  Avon turned on her heel and giggled. "Yes sir. And don't forget about dinner and a movie; lady's choice." Avon exited the bathroom leaving the door open on her way out.

  Jeremy was relieved when he heard the door to the hallway close. He turned and stared at the tub filled with scented bubbles. He inhaled slowly and fought the urge to defy Avon's request. Deep down, he knew he was an honorable person. Yes, he had done a few illegal things in his early teens. Luckily he had not been caught by the civilian constables. Unfortunately, his mother learned he had stolen some food. Once she had discovered the truth, Jeremy knew God's wrath was the least of his worries. His mother's fury was a hundred times worse. He never stole again.

  Despite his personal objections, Jeremy disrobed and cautiously climbed into the tub. The water was hot, but he found it agreeable. He slowly sat. He had never sat in a tub of hot water before. The closest was the swimming pool back at the Academy and the water was always cold; very cold.

  He inhaled deeply and found the lavender did seem to have a relaxing effect on him. He had heard of aromatherapy but had thought it was just a hoax, a way to sell sweet smelling oils. He pushed the bubbles around and found himself chuckling. What would the guys back at the barracks say if they could see him now? Shrugging, he reached over and flipped the switch on the wall.

  When the jets turned on, Jeremy almost jumped out of the tub. Sitting back into the water he felt the water pulsing on his tense muscles. It did feel good. Exercising every day did leave his muscles taut and sometimes in pain. But he had learned to welcome the pain. Pain meant he was still alive. Pain meant his hard work was a success. He had learned to like the pain. The pain made him strong.

  Between the lavender, the hot water, and the pulsing water, Jeremy started to relax. Laying his head back, he closed his eyes. He quickly realized this was not torture. Actually it was quite the opposite. Now he understood why Avon coveted her time in the tub as much as she did. He hated to admit it but once again Avon's plans for the day had been nothing but enjoyable. Of course, he hoped he would not have to admit it to her.

  "So how does it feel?" Avon laughed.

  Jeremy opened his eyes stunned and alarmed. He couldn't believe Avon was in the room with him while he was naked in the tub. His hands immediately went south to cover himself.

  "What the frack?" Jeremy screamed out. Avon was standing just feet away from him in a pink silk bathrobe. He couldn't help but notice how it fit snuggly around her hips and breasts. It was yet another piece of clothing which was now too small for her.

  "I just thought I would check on you," Avon chuckled. "You have a tendency to hurt yourself in the bathroom."

  "Only half the time," Jeremy countered. "You need to get out of here. It's not appropriate."

  "I'm covered. You're covered; well kind of," Avon rebutted noticing Jeremy trying to cover his man parts. Leaning forward, his upper back and chest were partially exposed. Avon giggled seeing the bubbles scattered over his body.

  "Are you trying to get me court-martialed? Fraternization is against the code."

  Avon shook her head to show her impatience. "We are not fraternizing Captain Hanson. I'm just making sure you haven't drowned. But if you want to fraternize..." Avon stopped midsentence and reached for the silk sash holding her robe closed. She pulled on one of the ties thus untying the bow on the sash while leaving the rest securely tied.

  "Out!" Jeremy yelled pointing at the bathroom door. "Get out of here now!"

  Avon started laughing hysterically. "Captain Hanson, you need to lay back and relax. I wasn't going to climb into the tub with you. It's just so easy to jerk your chain. You keep this up and you're going to have a heart attack before you're thirty."

  Avon retied her robe. "Have fun," she reiterated and left the room. This time she closed both doors on her way out.

  Jeremy tilted his back and took several breaths trying to calm himself. He prayed the lavender would help him to regain his composure. He had been relaxed until Avon entered the room. Now he was trying to find the peace he had experienced just moments before.

  Jeremy struggled with the urge to jump out of the tub. The experience was conflicting and awkward. First tension, then relaxation and back to tension, extreme stress and anxiety. Jeremy slid down into the water attempting to submerge as much of his body as possible. He tried to relax. However, every little noise had him jumping and his eyes darting for the door to see who had entered the room. Each time, no one was there.

  "I can't do this," Jeremy muttered aloud. He reached for the towel and climbed out of the tub. He dried off as quickly as possible and dressed; the entire time worrying about intruders.

  Dressing back in the clothes he had worn to lunch, Jeremy left his suite and went downstairs. He found Iramy sitting in the General's study curled up on the sofa reading a book. Beside her was a large glass of wine. Iramy quickly saw the look of unease on Jeremy's face.

  "It looks like you need a glass of wine," Iramy giggled. "Did you have a bad experience in the tub?"

  "You could say that," Jeremy sighed still trying to regain his composure. "I think I need to talk to Avon about boundaries."

  Iramy poured Jeremy a large glass of wine. Jeremy quickly drank it down in one gulp.

  "Shit," Iramy chuckled. "It must have been really bad."

  "She walked into the bathroom while I was in the tub."

  "Why would she do that?" Iramy asked confused.

  "She said she wanted to ensure I hadn't drowned."

  "Again, why would she do that?"

  "I can only assume it was because I had fallen in the shower while we were at the apartment in the city and bumped my head pretty bad. So much so, that she had to use the regenerator to heal the back of my head. It was a fairly nasty gash."

  "So it was you who hurt yourself, not her?"

  "Yep," Jeremy confessed as he poured another glass of wine. "She healed me and then lied to her father. She told him she had cut herself on a piece of paper, on a book. Still she had no right to come into the bathroom unannounced and in her robe."

  "While I wish I could have seen the look on your face, I agree it was inappropriate. I'm sure she realizes it now. Try not to give her a hard time about it. I'm sure she is just as embarrassed as you are."

  Jeremy shook his head. "I doubt it. She offered to climb in with me."

  Iramy was now the one flabbergasted. "She did what?" Iramy called out.

  "I'm sure it was just a joke on my behalf but I tell you what, I could see the image of General Armstrong tearing my bars off my uniform. And then General Zadoorian marching me in front of a firing squad and shooting me himself."

  "I sure that would be an accurate description of what would happen," Iramy agreed. "Let me get another bottle of wine. You need this more than I do. Let me get you a snack as well. Veggies or a meat and cheese plate?"

  "Meat and cheese," Jeremy replied. "Thank you. And then can you show me how to remove the water from the tub?"

  Iramy smiled sympathetically. "I'll take care of it for you. And if you ever decide to give the tub a try again, I'd suggest locking the door."

  Jeremy looked around the General's study. He was still amazed at the n
umber of books lining the shelves. He imagined himself sitting in the room, reading much like he had found Iramy. He surmised it would be a good way to relax. He walked to one of the shelves and started looking at the titles. Even the newest of books were over three hundred years old. He had never read for pleasure. He had read only one paper book in his life; a book written nearly five hundred years prior. A book about aristocracy, revolution and in the end, love and sacrifice.

  He was a soldier. He wondered if he would ever love anyone so much as to sacrifice himself for her happiness. He knew he wouldn’t hesitate to fight for his planet. He realized if he could do that then he could and would fight just as hard and die if necessary to protect someone he loved. People did it every day. Soldiers did it every day.

  Jeremy fondly recalled the revelation Avon had shared with him earlier. She had finally realized what she wanted in life. Jeremy envied her. He had never thought past his career as a soldier. He had never considered falling in love or having a family. He just assumed the two didn't mix. Could he have both? Could both co-exist? No, he decided. Not yet, not now.

  Jeremy heard a soft knock on the frame of the door to the room. He turned and saw Avon. "I owe you an apology," Avon whispered. "My father would be appalled. Not only for my lack of manners for barging into a private place but for my inappropriate behavior by offering to join you in your bath. And not just from a fraternization point of view. I was raised to be a proper lady. My behavior was incongruous as a lady and as a Cadet."

  "Apology accepted," Jeremy replied. He tried to smile, but the smile did not reach his eyes. Avon could see he was still perturbed.

  "I'll give you some space," Avon offered, still standing in the doorway. "I hope you can forgive me. I have a fun evening planned; a scrumptious dinner and then a movie."