Read Real Vampires Get Lucky Page 57

Page 57


  "Oh, of course you do. Sorry, Glory, I'll save the sob story. Damn it, for the first time in my life I had real money of my own. Not some man to support me, not a business that barely made enough to pay expenses with a little left over for me at the end of the month if I worked twenty shifts myself. " She kicked one shoe across the room. "No! I had real money. The Carvarellis didn't need my money. It would represent spit to them. "

  "But you borrowed it, you pay it back. That's the way it works. " I knew how she felt. Unfortunately. But a hit man. That was way beyond drastic. "Come on, Diana. Wouldn't being debt free be enough for you?"

  "You obviously don't get it, Glory. The interest rate is humongous. By the time I paid all I owed, I'd be right back at square one. Nothing left but my business. One bad month and I'd have to borrow again. " Diana sniffed. "But then I met this guy out there. He made it clear he'd do anything for money, even take out Lucky. " She grimaced. "Yeah, sounds cold saying it like that. Anyway, at the time, it seemed like the right idea. This guy would take care of Lucky, and I'd tell the Carvarellis that my payment must have been stolen when she was killed. "

  Yeah, this was really logical. In hell, maybe. I wouldn't let myself glance at the door I'd locked. Really smart, Glory. I wasn't about to let Diana see that she'd just scared the be-jesus out of me. I strolled around the room and idly picked up a nice antique letter opener that could work as a weapon in a pinch. Hey, hanging out with Blade had taught me a few tricks. I also put a chair between us.

  "Listen, Di, whoever you hired screwed up. First, he didn't finish the job and second, he should have taken Lucky's purse or at least her BlackBerry because she keeps records of all her appointments and payments in that thing. Her father could have checked to see if she'd collected from you earlier that night. "

  "Well, you can be sure I didn't pay that screwup another cent. " Diana studied me closely, but I was blocking my thoughts big-time.

  "What are you going to do with this information?"

  "First, don't even think about killing me, Diana. I've made sure to put what I know in several safe places where it will be found if something happens to me. And you know Blade. He'd make sure you didn't live past sunrise. " I actually kept a straight face through those lies. "Second, I need the name of your hit man. "

  "Why?" She slipped on her shoes.

  "I'll tell you, but first give me his name. "

  "Oh, what the hell. I don't owe him discretion. He's Etienne, Lucky's bodyguard. Funny, isn't it?"

  "Oh, a laugh riot. And I kind of suspected it anyway. " I had. I mean, look at the timing of his appearance in my shop. "Now here's what I need for you to do. Pay back the Carvarellis. Every cent you owe them. "

  "No way in hell. "

  "Diana, it's only a matter of time before they track you down anyway. Come forward and pay before the interest doubles again. I met with Mr. C. myself last night. He's not a nice man. Don't mess with him. No more hits. Just forget penthouses and pay off your debt. Mugs and Muffins is a nice business. You had a great party. Move on before Mr. C. shows you what an efficient hit man can do. "

  Diana bit her lip. "And I had an incredible weekend out at the EV compound. Okay, I hate worrying about that debt. And the penthouse is not as convenient to the coffee shop as my old apartment. "

  I knew rationalization when I heard it, but I let it go.

  "What about Etienne, Glory?"

  "From now on, I own the hit. I need to have that power. Tell him that you've transferred it to me. If I need him to take Lucky out, I'll pay the freight. How much is the balance due?" When Diana told me, I blinked but didn't say a word. Obviously murder doesn't come cheap.

  "So we're clear now?" I eased around the chair and moved to the door.

  Diana sighed and stuck her other shoe on her foot. "Oh, yeah. I go back to being a regular vampire with a coffee shop. The high life was nice while it lasted. " She grinned. "Igor was cute, but actually these high society things would end up boring after a while. Unless Israel Caine dropped in at all of them and brought his cute friend Nathan. I think I'll console myself with a little gladiator action. "

  I started to warn her off, then decided that would be pushing my luck. So I unlocked the door, and we headed our separate ways. I was sorry to find out a woman I'd called friend had such a dark side, but then even I think I would be willing to use Etienne if I had to.

  I ended up in the living room, where Lucky was handing Igor a check. Etienne was close to her, swigging Bloodthirsty like there was no tomorrow and looking around nervously. Ray was still surrounded by adoring fans but broke away when he saw me coming.

  "Glory, everything all right?" He glanced at Lucky.

  "Sure, why wouldn't it be?" I walked up to Lucky. "Did you want to see me, Lucky?"

  "I sure as hell did. Listen to me, Gloriana. I have this one last night in Austin, thanks to you. I'll never forgive you for telling Daddy to send me away. Do you hear me? Never. " Then she turned to Ray. "And you. I know your secret. Remember that. You keep looking over your shoulder, rock star, because I could drop the fact that you're a vampire to the tabloids anytime I choose. When it will give me the most pleasure. Got it?"

  I grabbed Lucky by the arm.

  "Glory, let her go. " Etienne played the bodyguard and tried to step between us. I gave him a hard look and let him glimpse into my mind. I let him see that I knew he'd blown the hit and that I now owned him. I could turn him over to Mr. C. or pull the trigger on the hit. Either way, he needed to cooperate. He quietly moved aside.

  "Etienne, rip out her throat. "

  "Go quietly, Luciana. Glory won't hurt you. She just needs to tell you something. " Etienne turned back to the punch bowl. Lucky struggled against me, but the older you get, the stronger you are in the vampire world. Especially if you've been drinking right. I was pretty pumped by the high-octane Bloodthirsty I'd had tonight. That and what Jerry had slipped me recently from his own personal pump station.

  When Ray and Igor looked inclined to follow me, I shook my head. "I can handle this. " I pulled her past Jerry. He stepped forward.

  "No, Jerry, Lucky and I need to do this in private. " He seemed inclined to disagree, but obviously read my determination and just nodded. I kept going until Lucky and I were beyond the lights and surrounded by darkness. Then I got close to Lucky. She looked startled and tried to jerk away. No go.

  "Do you remember who made you vampire, Lucky?" I hissed, making sure my fangs were mere inches from her face.

  "Yes. You, of course. "

  "That gives me special powers over you. Did Etienne tell you that?"

  "No, he didn't. What kind of powers?" She tried to jerk free again.

  "Of course I can read your mind. And yelling will gain you nothing. The people here tonight are my friends and they don't like the things you've been doing in Austin. You've been making trouble for all of us, drawing attention to yourself and stirring up things, making people think that there might be vampires and other paranormals living in these hills. "

  "Well, you've made sure I won't be around to do that anymore. " Lucky sobbed and tried the old go-limp trick. I just let her collapse on the grass, but still didn't release her arm.

  "I'll not allow you to ruin Ray's life any more than you already have. I want you to know that I've found out who ordered the hit on you. I now own that hit. " I gave her a moment to process that.

  "Tell my father! He'll reward you and make sure that vampire is staked out at dawn. " Lucky looked like this concept really turned her on. I stifled the urge to kick her.

  "No, I like owning the hit. I may need to use it. " I pulled her to her feet again. I needed to look into her eyes. "Because if I ever get a mental message from you that you're even thinking of going public with Ray's conversion to vampire, then I'll pull the trigger. The hit will happen. And, poof, Lucky Carver will be no more. "

  "I don't believe you. Daddy will-"

  I stared into her eyes. Saw her fear and just let it simmer for a minute. "Right now you're remembering the alley where you were attacked. You were afraid that night. You knew you shouldn't have gone to an alley that late and Brittany was tired because you'd kept her up late the night before partying in New York. " I smiled. "You really are a selfish bitch, aren't you? Then, while you slept on the plane, Brittany had to guard you. No wonder a vampire could whammy her and take you out. " Lucky put her free hand to her face. "You saw all those memories? I didn't . . . " No, but Brittany had told me the story herself while Ray and Des had shopped for costumes in my store. "You're lucky that the vampire who attacked you was tired from an ordeal he'd gone through recently himself. It made his work sloppy. If he'd been in top form, we wouldn't be having this conversation. "

  "So even if I'm all the way over in Transylvania . . . "

  "I'll know if you try to betray Ray's secret, Lucky. And I'll call in the hit. " I grabbed her chin and stared into her eyes. "You'll be dead before the next sunrise. Guaranteed. Do you believe me?"

  "Y-y-yes. "

  "Now get out of here and take Etienne with you. " I released her and she fell on her butt. "And Lucky?" I stared down at her.


  "Don't even think of trying to harm me. If your maker dies, you die. " I smiled into the darkness. I loved that little twist. I'd have to be sure to give Etienne a heads-up on that one.

  "Well, shit. " She actually tried to shoot me the finger, but her hand shook so hard it looked more like a good-bye wave.

  "Thought you'd like that. " I sauntered off, using my cloak like a matador's cape after taking out a bull. OlĂ©. I stopped next to Etienne, glad that the band was loud enough to keep a quiet conversation from being overheard. "You took that video in the alley, didn't you?"