Read Real Vampires Get Lucky Page 58

Page 58


  He carefully set his cup of Bloodthirsty on a table. "What?"

  "Don't play innocent with me, Etienne. You blew the hit, then hung around and took a video of me. " I leaned close, gesturing to where Jerry was talking to his mother. Oh, big frowns there. "I didn't tell Jerry about this. How do you think he'd feel about the man who caused me so much grief?"

  "I didn't take you for a woman who lets a man handle her problems. " Etienne flashed one of his patented smiles. I would have smacked him but didn't want to attract a crowd. As it was, Valdez noticed my body language and strolled over.

  "What's going on here?"

  "Seems like I've finally found our blackmailer. Your old friend was the one who blew the hit, then stuck around to take a video. "

  "No shit. " Valdez seemed to swell before my eyes.

  "Don't you dare shift and screw up your bonus. This creep is so not worth it. And I've got it all worked out. Trust me. "

  "I need to do this, Glory. I practically vouched for him. "

  "No. I forbid it. Now listen to me, Etienne. I expect to be paid back every dime of hush money with interest. And I want some nice presents from Europe. Some pretty little things I can sell in my shop. "

  "Yeah, right. " Etienne tried to turn his back on me and walk away.

  I stopped him with a vamp move that put me in front of him again. "Don't be stupid, Etienne. Jerry will be in Europe too. Transylvania. Ring a bell? I believe that's Lucky's territory. You owe me five hundred bucks, plus at least another five hundred for the aggravation you caused me. You think you're a badass vampire, but I could also drop a word in old man Carvarelli's ear too, you know. "

  "Listen to you. Next you'll be texting threats like a pro. " Etienne moved closer, like maybe he thought his charm could work on me. Valdez growled and threw himself between us.

  "Back off, asshole. "

  I put out a hand. "Full cooperation, Etienne, or I spill the beans to anyone who might want a piece of you. " I smiled.

  "You've got no proof that I-"

  "Au contraire, mon ami. " I was proud of that French touch. Proud too of the way I whipped the phone out of a special little pocket I'd sewn into my pants, and showed it to him. "I took this video earlier. Not as colorful as the one you made in the alley, but it works for me. " I held the tiny phone against my breast for a minute. It wasn't mine, but one I'd borrowed from Lacy just for tonight. It had been a trick slipping it out and taking the video I needed without being caught, but I'd managed it. "And don't even think about trying to snatch it. I already sent a copy of the video to my computer at home. For insurance purposes. " I opened the phone and hit play.

  Yep, there was Diana confessing that she'd hired Etienne to do the hit on Lucky.

  He paled and looked like he was ready to shift right out of there. Then he took a steadying breath and muttered something in French that I was sure was rude. Valdez thought so too. The two squared off and, judging by their expressions, there was some serious mental messaging going on.

  I patted Etienne's cheek as Lucky walked up. "Thanks for advertising the shop on the Net, by the way. Business is booming. " Lucky grabbed his arm and jerked him toward the door. "Is that why you used my computer? To help her?"

  "She saved your life, Lucky. I thought-" Etienne winced when Lucky tugged on him.

  "I don't pay you to think. Let's get the hell out of here. "

  I watched them leave, then breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Steve has really changed. He used to be a stand-up guy. " Valdez sat, staring at the door.

  "I guess he thought he had to do those things to survive. We've probably all done things we're not proud of when our backs were against the wall. " Don't ask. My life in Austin is positively cushy compared to some of my earlier days. "Not that I'm condoning anything Etienne did. He's getting off way too easy. "

  "He's stuck with Lucky. That won't be easy. I sent Steve a mental message that if he tries to quit her, I'll let Mr. C. know he's the one who blew the hit. " Valdez gave a doggy chuckle. "Ah, revenge is sweet. "

  "I can't believe my darling dog has such a dark side. " I rubbed the top of his head. "I like it. Now I think it's party time. " Since most of us can't drink alcohol, the wild aspects came from purely high spirits, but there were plenty of those to go around. I dropped my cloak on a chair, grabbed Jerry from Mag's side and spun him onto the dance floor. He could always handle a rock song, and we ended up laughing and having a good time. At one point I saw Mara dancing with a real stud muffin dressed like Johnny Depp in a Pirates movie. When I saw the bracelet on his wrist, I almost swallowed my tongue. "Save the kittens" in diamonds and rubies. Randy? I didn't dare point him out to Jerry.

  The music slowed and Jerry held me close.

  "Your mother's about to stroke out about something, Blade. " Ray appeared at Jerry's elbow. "I just met the lady, but I'd say you'd do us all a favor if you'd handle the situation. "

  "The hell you say. " Jerry eyed Ray suspiciously but he couldn't ignore Mag's frantic wave from near the band.

  "You'd better go, Jerry. " I slipped out of his arms. "Maybe Randy's made a bolt for freedom. " Or a shift for something else. Jerry plucked my cloak from a nearby chair and wrapped it around me. "Hopefully this won't take long. " He gave me a proprietary kiss on the lips before he strode toward his mother.

  Ray put his hand on my elbow and steered me farther off the dance floor. "I'm not sure about the song I wrote for you. Some of the words don't seem quite right. " He hummed a few bars. "I think the chorus needs work. "

  "Oh, no. I thought it was perfect. " Hmm. Now we were so far from the terrace we were near the fence line. "Ray? Where are we going?"

  "Here. " He stopped at a small white gazebo. A heater had been set up on one side with at least a dozen candles in sconces hung on lattice supports. Thick rugs covered the floor and the benches that lined the octagonal building.

  "Are you kidding me? How did you manage this?"

  "Casanova did it. But when his date fell through, he said I could take advantage. " Ray pulled me up the steps.

  "With me?" This was so not happening. It was like a fantasy come true, except . . . Fantasies shouldn't. I love Jerry. Not Ray. Sure, he's hot and when he sings something inside me goes all gooey, but . . .

  "Just relax, Glory. Sit. " Ray managed to get us both on the same bench. "Man, I'll never get used to this not eating or drinking thing. This is where I'd be pouring the champagne, pulling out the chocolate truffles or the caviar. " He laughed. "You want to bite me?"

  "Now who needs to relax?" I sighed and kicked off my gold sandals. "This is nice, Ray. But I hope you don't think-"

  "Look at me, Glory. Then you'll know exactly what I'm thinking. " Ray put his fingers on my chin. I wasn't going to do it. This was probably all about gratitude. The song. Now the fake romantic moves.

  "Stop, Ray. I've got a guy. Jeremy Blade. He'd tear your head off if he thought you were trying to move in on his woman. " I finally looked at Ray.

  "I don't believe for one minute that you 'belong' to any man, Gloriana St. Clair. " Ray grinned, his teeth white, his eyes brilliant in the candlelight. "Are you afraid of me?"

  "Excuse me?" I knew he was trying to manipulate me. Knew it. But . . .

  "If I kiss you, are you afraid you'll want more? Afraid you'll forget Blade and want to crawl into my bed? Vampire sex, Glory. I haven't had it yet. " He leaned closer and touched the vein throbbing in my neck. "I've been waiting for you. "

  "Don't. " I sighed the word as his lips replaced his fingertip. Oh, but I could smell him, his rich blood, what I'd always considered ordinary, O positive, but somehow it called to me like the most exotic of brews. "You kissed me once, then scrubbed your mouth because . . . " I couldn't remember what the hell I was trying to say because Ray's mouth moved up to the corner of mine.

  "I was an ass. In shock about the vampire thing. Let me try again. Please.
" He covered my lips with his, tasting me, offering me a chance to taste him. He pulled me against him until we were breathing together, one hand in my hair, the other suddenly busy with my bra strap.

  Sanity whispered that this had gone far enough. I actually listened and gently pushed Ray away.

  "I've got to get back. To Jerry. " I slipped on my sandals, then stood and wrapped my cloak around me.

  "I'm not giving up, Glory. " Ray blew out the candles, one by one, until we were in total darkness except for the glow of the small heater.

  I put my hand on his arm as he helped me down the steps and onto the brick path that led back to the terrace. "Jerry and I are pretty solid, Ray. Don't save your vampire virginity for me. "

  He slid his arms around me and held me for a minute, his chin on my hair. He hummed my song, like he thought his music might work on me when his words hadn't. I felt him pressing against me and knew he wasn't going to wait long before he took care of the whole virginity issue. I was flattered, flustered and more tempted than I wanted to be. And I was not turning around.

  "Good night, Ray. " I slipped out of his arms and hurried back to the party.


  Valdez joined me at the edge of the dance floor.

  "I was about to form a search party. " He sniffed. "You been up to something with Caine?"

  "Don't start. He made a move, and I told him no. You happy?" I looked around and spotted human Randy stuffing a hundred-dollar bill into a silver donation bowl. "Oh, this is choice. Follow me. You're going to love this. " I strolled over to Randy.

  "Have a good time upstairs?"

  Randolph froze, then turned around and smiled. "A gentleman never tells. "