Read Rebound (Curvy Seduction Saga Book 1) Page 10

  Ilario and Dominic continued to undress me and even though I’d told them or asked them or whatever, I felt out of control.

  I pulled against the restraint. Cade nuzzled my neck but held my arms firmly. I wasn’t going anywhere. Chingada Madre.

  Hold on a second. I wasn’t gagged. I had words. “Wait.”

  Each of them kept their hands on me but didn’t move. Yes. That’s right. I could handle them.

  “Let’s get more comfortable and move to the large ottoman. Then Dominic, take off my panties, taste me. Ilario take off my bra. I want you to suck on my nipples. Cade, please, I want that nice hard cock.”

  Mmm-hmm. The commands fell out of my mouth with ease. I could totally do this. It wasn’t that different than telling a masseuse what to do. Except for the sex part.

  Perfect. That’s the way I’d think about this whole situation. The harem was my own personal tug and rub.

  I sat on the ottoman and laid back. Ilario was a smart man and slid my bra up and over my breasts. His head went to my chest and I closed my eyes waiting for the luscious feeling of his mouth on me. He kissed his way up my breast bone but did not do as I’d instructed. Not even close.

  Big hands tugged at my panties. I lifted my ass so Dominic could slide them off. Finally, I was blissfully naked. Now the fun could really begin. I couldn’t wait to see just how talented these men were. I’d have each of them lick my pussy, while the other two sucked at my breasts or stroked themselves for me. Oh, but for Cade I would ask him what he wanted.

  My legs were spread open and my pussy was wet. Why wasn’t Dominic’s mouth on me yet?

  He blew soft warm breath over my skin, nothing but his breath touching me.

  They were all intent on pleasuring me, and I wanted that pleasure. But no matter how they fondled and caressed me, none came even close to my pussy, my breasts, or even my mouth.

  The whole experience felt more like a vaguely erotic massage than the foreplay it was meant to be. All three men were holding back.

  All while my sexual frustration skyrocketed.

  I turned my focus away from them and found Gray, standing in the same place, arms folded, watching, but the heat from the last time he’d watched me was absent. His face was marred by a frown and the erection I thought he’d be sporting wasn’t there.

  Whatever the fuck was wrong with him wasn’t my problem. I’d chosen to take charge of my life and my pleasure. I sure as hell wanted him to be a part of it. But, I didn’t want him thinking he could control me or that he needed to rescue me from my own ineptness. Damn right I was once again faking it until making it.

  I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sensations all over my body or the lack there of. “I’m ready. Let’s have some fun.”

  To my relief Dominic spread my legs wide and kissed his way up my thigh. Ilario continued to pepper me with his nips and nibbles.

  “Cade? Please?” The magic word worked before, I fully expected it to again. I was even ready to do as he asked if it would get him involved.

  I opened my eyes to see Cade a good foot away, his hand sliding back and forth over his cock. His shaft and balls were completely bare. I’d lick the hell out of that tasty treat. As soon as I got the same treatment.

  “Don’t tease me, Dominic. Lick my pussy.”

  He sighed. He fucking sighed. I popped my head up. “What is it, Dominic?”

  Dominic wasn’t focused on me or my pussy, he was looking at Grayson, as if waiting for his okay. Gray didn’t blink, he didn’t nod, he may not have even been breathing.


  His only movement was a flick of his gaze from the man between my legs up to my eyes. I did my best to glare at him, which was slightly awkward when I had other naked men surrounding me but glare I did.

  He stared right back and oh so slowly a grin spread from his lips to his eyes. He was leaving me to my own devices. Showing me that I didn’t know what the hell I was doing and needed his help to make this ménage-a-harem do anything I wanted them to do.

  Bastard. He left me with two choices. Admit failure and ask his help or admit failure and let the whole harem idea die.

  He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

  “Ask me, Angel.”

  I shook my head.

  He shrugged and made like he was going to leave.

  If I let him walk out, it would be the end. Pretty clear now, he’d taken control of my damn harem. I didn’t know how, but they weren’t mine. They were his. Just like I was.

  I either gave into him or ended it now.

  “Please.” I let the word slide out, float to him and watched the magic.

  His gaze turned dark, he stared at me, asking with my eyes if I was really asking. I nodded and said what I knew he wanted to hear. “Please, Gray.”

  “Do it.” Two tiny words and he’d upended my world again.

  Dominic dove into my pussy like Michelangelo on a deadline. Ilario found one nipple with his mouth and the other with his fingers, working them both into hard peaks.

  Cade stood above me holding my hands just inches from his cock.

  My heart was beating out of my chest. This wasn’t what I’d signed up for. If it brought Gray closer to being with me, I’d take it as a win. That was my ultimate goal after all.

  He crossed the room and gently lifted my chin so I had to look at him. His gaze sent my body into overdrive. Every touch and taste from Dominic and Ilario were bliss.

  Gray rubbed his thumb over my mouth, dipping in and wetting his finger in my mouth. Then he withdrew his hand and licked his thumb where my tongue had been only a second before.

  “Cade,” he said, still looking at me. “You know what to do. Make sure she comes at least a dozen times.”

  Wait. What?

  Gray walked out of the room and Cade towered above the rest of us. “Ilario, suck those tits. Dominic, get her close, but don’t make her come yet. Angelina and I are going to come together the first time. Then I can concentrate on forcing those dozen orgasms out of her.”

  Cono. Gray had put Cade in charge, like a proxy.

  I pulled against the restraints, about to tell them all to stop the whole damn evening. I was so disappointed, angry, hurt, and a whole other host of emotions I wasn’t ready to name.

  My heart raced, I could feel it in my throat. I took a breath to calm myself. This wasn’t Ilario, Dominic or Cade’s fault. Why punish us all?

  What good would that do me?

  Gray wanted to control me? Let him hear what his absentee control did.

  The guys lavished me with affection and pleasure. Cade took it a notch higher with his demands on us all.

  I came, a half dozen times in the next hour and again the next. I made sure Grayson heard what a fan-fucking-tastic time I had too.

  Without him.


  Bored as a Housewife

  I had lots of sex, more sex, and then some more sex in the next few weeks. I got to know each of the guy’s turn-ons and few more of my own... like nipple clamps. I tried out more positions than a Gumby Doll at an acrobatics competition. If there was a training camp for the kinky sex Olympics, I was in it to win it.

  I got tons of practice being in charge of the encounters, thoroughly enjoyed learning to be submissive for Cade, occasionally for Dominic, and wore out at least three pairs of leather restraints on Ilario. I had a damn good time having three men fulfilling my every sexual whim.

  Well, a pretty good time.

  None of my orgasms were as good as the night Grayson watched me getting fucked by two men. The one-night stand that started this whole adventure.

  I’d done a lot to get that feeling back and it wasn’t working.

  Gray didn’t come back into the harem, but I saw and heard him talking to each of the men, conversations that always stopped or obviously changed when I came in the room.

  We, on the other hand, were not on speaking terms.

  He spent a hell of a lot of time in t
he garage with the cars.

  The guys treated him like the fucking Godfather.

  I missed him. Before any of this new seductive world of doing and having everything I wanted, sexual or otherwise, Gray and I had been friends.

  I thought for the blink of an eye we were going to become something more. Half of this whole harem idea was to make him jealous anyway.

  I’d honestly thought he would want to join in my fun. Maybe even send the men away so he could have me all to himself. The reality turned into Grayson ignoring me.

  Even Jim was back on security detail. Not at night of course. Poor guy had seen me naked once, and that was enough for both of us.

  I plopped down into my office chair and put my feet up on the desk, which made me smile knowing my father would have flipped out. I chewed on the end of a pencil staring out the window.

  The guys were all at school today and I had nothing to do but brood. This whole freedom and independence gig wasn’t all that and a bag of chips.

  “What is going through that pretty mind of yours, Mistress Angelina?” Ilario came in and settled on the couch across from me. The concern in his voice sounded like the Gray of old. A friend, not the bastard he’d become as of late.

  A twinge, like heartburn, but sadder, hit me.

  Ilario wasn’t Gray. I liked Ilario. I had fun with Ilario, I had orgasms with Ilario. But he wasn’t Gray.

  “Not a god-damned thing.” I sighed and dropped my feet to the floor. “I’m bored out of my skull.”

  This was the first I’d seen of any of the guys all day. It was their first full week at the university and they had other things to worry about besides me. I guess I was feeling a little abandoned too. Which made me feel guilty.

  It was cute to see Ilario with all his textbooks spread out across the floor of his room. Cade was very serious about completing the rest of his architectural degree in the year he had here, and Dominic couldn’t believe how big the university’s classes were. They were all so damn grateful not to worry about how to pay for their education, room, and board. At least I had that.

  “This is the first time in as long as I can remember that I don’t have some committee to be on, or a charity to throw a fundraiser for, or some cocktail party to plan. I didn’t realize how much time being the social good girl took up.” I very neatly avoided talking about how lonely I felt.

  “Would you like me to pleasure you, mistress?” Ilario crossed the room and sat on the edge of the desk.

  “You’re sweet, but maybe later.” To be honest, I was a little orgasmed out. A tragedy in itself.

  Ilario’s eyes traveled up my legs, stopped and paid special attention to my boobs and had genuine interest in them by the time he made it to my face. The guy did wonders for my ego.

  “Would you like me to help you find a new project?” he offered.

  It was so important to Ilario to feel needed. I was sure that was at the core of his submission and I completely understood. I’d committed to these men as much as they had to me and that meant relationships outside of the bedroom too. “I love that you’re offering to help. What do you mean?”

  He relaxed, leaning his arms back on the desk and looked thoughtful. “If you are used to doing many things with your time, of course you are bored now. Dominic, Cade, and I can do your bidding, we can challenge your body, but we are not here to challenge your mind.”

  I sat up and dropped my feet to the floor. A huevo, he was right. I’d expected the harem to be my everything. It had been tons of fun setting it up, and Lord knew it had been fun to play with the guys. My original plan was to be their Domme.

  It hadn’t exactly turned out that way. Partly because Gray had taken charge where I couldn’t.

  Of course he had.

  I didn’t know squat about being a Dominatrix. Porn videos aside. If I wanted to become one, I needed to do more than fool around with one and a half submissive men.

  I needed to learn what make guys tick. What turned them on. Why were some submissive and others so alpha-liscious.

  Maybe in the process, I’d learn what made Gray tick too.

  The need inside me to prove that I was more than the simpering chubby girl who needed a full-time bodyguard was still there. A ménage one-night-stand hadn’t fulfilled it. A whole harem of men hadn’t either. I needed to think bigger. Much, much bigger.

  I stood up and hugged him. “When did you get so wise?”

  He hugged me back and gave a lingering nibble to my earlobe. “I am, how do you say, a smarty smart-pants.”

  I laughed, something I hadn’t done enough of lately. “Yes, you are.”

  His hug moved from my back and down to my ass. “So, what will be your project?”

  I let his hands wander and considered how much having this group of people around who supported me, believed in me, had changed my life. I was a stronger, happier person in just a few weeks.

  On the other hand, everything I’d done on my own had gone to hell in a handbasket. I had thought being the bad girl would mean no friends, and I had definitely cut ties with all my former girlfriends. I also thought it would mean dirty, but mostly meaningless, sex. Not real relationships.

  But what I had with Ilario wasn’t meaningless, and I could say the same of Dominic. Cade still hadn’t shown us his inner ooey-gooeyness, but I wasn’t sure he showed that to anyone.

  Then there was Gray. Our relationship was...weird at the moment, but I had no doubt he was there for me when I needed him.

  I was far from being the fat, simpering ingénue of a few months ago. I had resources and I knew how to use them to get what I wanted.

  For my new idea, I would rely on those resources. I was going to get help.

  “Inviting you guys was step one. I just now realized there’s a step two, and three, and twenty-three. I think you and the other guys are going to enjoy it as much as I am.” Oh, yes. It would be fun all right, and if I approached it right, Gray would have to help me.

  I left Ilario and went in search of the key to my plan. I found him in the garage. Of course.

  Now to make the key fit in my lock. That sounded dirtier in my mind.

  I pulled down my shirt to reveal a bit more cleavage and smoothed my hands down my jeans. Not that he noticed. “Grayson. I need your help.”

  His head was buried under the hood of a car and he didn’t bother to come out. “Don’t you have a whole harem for that?”

  The sound of his voice, sardonic though it was, went straight down my spine and circled around to create a warm feeling in my stomach. I wanted to reach out and touch him, take some comfort there. Our encounters had been brief and stilted since the first night he’d left me alone with the harem.

  I’d decided to change our dynamic. Now I was reaping the consequences. I couldn’t allow myself to believe we would ever go back to the way they were before.

  Nothing would change between us if I didn’t even try to get what I wanted for myself or from him.

  “I’m ready for phase two of my plan.”

  Tools clinked and clanged. He could have fixed the Hubble telescope by the time he responded. “Huh. I’m almost afraid to ask. But what’s phase two?”

  I knew he was trying to act like he didn’t care, but, I was excited anyway. This would draw him back into my web. “A big project.”

  More clanging and banging, but his head finally made an appearance. He wiped his hands on a rag and leaned back against the car. “Forming a harem isn’t big enough?”

  It should have been. It took days of planning, weeks of research, and a month to execute. I needed way, way bigger. Something tough, that didn’t happen overnight because I had the money to make it so.

  Here it came, the big reveal. “Tell me about your sex club.”

  Gray’s eyes narrowed and bordered on a glare. “Are you talking about a distraction or a project, naughty Angel?”

  Was that interest in his voice? I’d forgotten what that sounded like coming from him. I waved off his conce
rn. I didn’t need him guessing at my ulterior motives. “I don’t want to go. Well I do, but for research.”

  He folded his arms and crossed one leg over the other. “For what, more sexcapades with the puppies?”

  I almost snorted at Gray’s nickname for the guys. Didn’t do any good to inflate his ego by playing to it. “No, I’d like to get some training. In real BDSM. Learn to be a Dominatrix.”

  “It’s not that kind of place.” Gray’s tone turned gruff. “Foster Bennett doesn’t train anyone unless they are on their knees in front of him.”

  Gulp. I couldn’t help but imagine myself on my knees, the mysterious Foster Bennett wasn’t who I envisioned kneeling for.

  “As fun as that sounds, I’d still like to talk to him. I don’t want to deal with any of the elite madams or escort service providers. They work with people from the world my father lives in but pretends isn’t there. There have to be people with money who aren’t so uppity.”

  “You mean people who’ve worked for it instead of inheriting. New money has its own society too, babe. I’m not sure you’d be welcome.”

  This was the old Gray I knew. He never used to pull punches with me and I trusted him because of it. We’d lost that somewhere in the last few weeks.

  He was right, I needed to have something to offer that would be valuable to the nouveau riche, if I was going to be accepted by them. “The disgraced daughter of the ivory towers can dish out all the gossip about the dirty laundry of Fifth Avenue’s kings and queens. That must be worth something.”

  “You’re still thinking about the world you came from. The people you want me to introduce you to don’t respect gossip and backstabbing. They aren’t into the politics. They work hard and play harder. Which is why the Asylum exists. They pull themselves up by their bootstraps, not Prada sandal straps.”

  That stung. Even more so because he was right. I didn’t have a clue what life was like without money. I didn’t have anything to offer Foster in exchange for training me to be a Dominatrix.

  Maybe I could suck his dick, without Gray watching.

  I’d hoped by bringing the subject up he’d tell me no one else would be allowed to train me in BDSM except for him.