Read Rebound (Curvy Seduction Saga Book 1) Page 9

  Ilario was outside before I said anything to Gray. The warning I couldn’t quite grasp onto before came out full force now. “First of all, what are you doing here? You said you were taking vacation. Second, are you really going to ruin this for me?”

  I almost wanted him to say yes.

  Gray stood from his nonchalant position against the counter and moved into my personal space so fast he could have been The Flash.

  He sucked all the air out of the room. I couldn’t breathe with him that close, but I couldn’t move away either.

  “I can’t stay away from you even if I wanted to, Angel. If you’re going through with this insane plan, there’s no way I’m letting any of these boys touch you without being here to control... the situation.”

  My brain simply did not process all the information and the responses my body insisted on. The implications of what he was saying were more than I wanted to think about.

  Maybe it would be a better idea to pursue Gray instead of my harem plan. A plan that might, maybe, hopefully, make him jealous with all the wanton hedonism.

  Then there was the thing about him being in control.

  My body sent smoke signals saying “Hurray!”

  But my head said, “Wait just a minute.”

  I’d had enough of other people taking charge of my life. It was my turn. “I’m going through with this. I didn’t spend a couple hundred thousand dollars to just up and change my mind. I don’t need you here to control anything.”

  Liar, liar, pants and shirt and hair on fire.

  “I’m going to have sex. In fact, I’m going to have orgies. If you don’t like it, you can leave. If you think you can handle it, feel free to stay and watch. I know you like that.”

  Ooh. There’s the inner bitch I’d been waiting twenty-some odd years for.

  Gray’s eyes were so dark I could sink into them and never find my way back out. They bounced down to my lips and back up.

  So many flutters, so little time. I waited for him to come that scant inch closer, that ten percent, to kiss me.

  His only movement was the fall and rise of his chest and the back and forth of his eyes, boring into mine. “You liked it as much as I did.”

  True that. But it wouldn’t do for him to know it, with his high and mighty attitude. “You wish.”

  “I know.”

  Here was my chance. I was cool as a cucumber growing in the North Pole. “Do you? Prove it.”

  Gray snagged me around the waist and pushed his other hand into my hair. I didn’t have time to protest before his mouth came down on mine. This was no school boy kiss. He wasn’t waiting for me to meet him part way. He mashed our mouths together and took what he wanted, took what was his.

  The world spun around us and made me dizzy. Gray’s hands gripped my waist and the back of my neck, holding me still, not letting me fall. He was my anchor in the tempest unleashed. I’d never need anything but his touch ever again.

  The sound of throats clearing came from behind us. “Looks like the fun has already started.”

  Gray broke the kiss and took a giant step away from me, set me aside like a hot and bothered Lolita. I swayed, regaining my balance. We were both breathing hard and I wanted to scream at whoever had interrupted the moment.

  Two men stood at the edge of the kitchen, one the epitome of tall dark and handsome, in a Greek god sort of way, the other taller, darker, and as handsome as an African Orisha god.

  This was no harem I had, it was a pantheon.

  Gray glared at them both and stomped out of the kitchen.

  I sighed and shook my head. Then I pasted on a smile and went to greet my guests. “You must be Dominic and Cade. Welcome to my harem.”


  The Benefits of Being a Sultanette

  Gray didn’t stay gone long, but he wasn’t back for me. He insisted on showing each of my new lovers to their rooms, despite my considerable eye rolls.

  “Come back down when you’re settled in. We can get to know each other and have some dinner.” Then hopefully something more.

  “Will do.” Cade smiled and looked me up and down. He didn’t have a trace of an accent, Polish or otherwise. Interesting.

  “I can hardly wait.” Dominic’s rich baritone and distinct pronunciation of each word had me imagining him as some sort of African prince. I didn’t think Nigeria had those, but I was going to pretend they did.

  They turned to go, Gray right behind them. He paused at the doorway, gripping the frame in one hand. I was sure he’d turn back, tell me once again I was crazy. Or even better, come back and kiss the wits out of me. Again.

  I got bubkes instead. Not nearly as fun.

  Voices sounded from upstairs, short conversations. I couldn’t hear their words, but I recognized Gray being in each one. What was he saying to them?

  It took considerable effort to remain in the kitchen. Having him here surprised me and added a whole new dynamic to what I’d thought we were going to do.

  I could work with this. Just as soon as I wrapped my head around it. Gray was begrudgingly in, then he was out, then he was back in.

  He wasn’t here this time to help me. Not in the way I wanted him to. This time he wouldn’t stand idly by. He wanted to be in control.

  At my core I wanted him to be too.

  But not yet.

  If we had any shot of a real relationship he had to see me as an independent, in control woman myself. Until I was, and he realized I wasn’t a fairy tale damsel in distress, we wouldn’t work. I’d simply be another submissive for him and he’d be another man to fill up that empty place I had inside.

  No man could do that. My father hadn’t, Marc hadn’t. Ian and Hawk had gotten close. Gray had gotten closer.

  I wasn’t sure I could do it myself, but I had to try.

  I arranged the Arabic and Persian finger foods I had catered for the occasion on trays to busy myself until the main attraction started.

  None of the men emerged again until dinner time, preceded by Gray. Like a hot guy parade.

  I sent them all into the sitting room I’d prepared specifically for spending time together. Gray stayed.

  He insisted on being about twelve inches from my side no matter where I went, irritating me.

  “Get out from under my feet—” I almost continued – or help me finish up the food. But I wasn’t asking for his help anymore. I was doing this myself.

  He didn’t back off one bit, but he did stare at all the food I laid across the countertop. “You’re playing up the whole harem thing a bit, aren’t you?”

  “What? I like Persian food.” The three whole bites I’d tried so far were tasty.

  “Really? Then what do you call this?” Gray held up a cigar looking thing that could have been made out of a bird’s nest.

  Smart ass.

  “I call it delicious.” Probably.

  “I see. And this?” He held up a stick with meat on it.

  Smug bastard. I’d kick him out if I didn’t get all smushy inside just looking at him. I had to remind myself with a good bit of chastisement that I didn’t want to be weak around him.

  As casual as could be, I said, “You’re supposed to be on vacation. What are you still doing here?”

  He snagged my arm midway to the tray with some gooey baklava and pulled it toward his mouth. “I took my vacation days, but I didn’t say I was going anywhere.”

  He could have eaten the small treat in one bite, instead he nibbled at it, skimming his lips along my fingers.

  Damn the man was trying to throw me off balance. He’d almost done it too. “Why would you stay here? Take the boat, take the plane, go somewhere.” Anywhere.

  My newly resolved resolve was already slipping.

  “I’m right where I want to be, Angel.”

  He winked at me and picked up one of the trays, waiting for me to do the same. I would have slapped him, but a simple touch was dangerous. Instead I glared at him, grabbed another tray and headed toward my
new harem room, beating Gray by only a few steps.

  The sitting room transformed into something out of a movie set. Instead of the couch and club chairs, the room had several chaise lounges, large padded ottomans and pillows galore. I’d had it done in deep browns and blues because it was a male harem after all. The best part of all were the three gorgeous men lounging around, waiting for me.

  I lifted my tray to showcase the food and my invitation. “Dinner, guys.”

  Ilario jumped up and grabbed the tray from me. “Mistress, you must allow me to serve you, not the other way around.”

  I set the food on an ottoman. “You’re sweet, Ilario, but this is my way of welcoming you to my home.”

  “I agree,” Dominic’s deep voice boomed. “You have done more than enough for us already. You have provided us with an amazing place to live, an opportunity at a real education, and the chance to touch and pleasure such a beautiful woman.”

  I almost blushed. These guys were really too good to be true. Gloria had done her job well. Whether they were sincere or not, it felt like they were.

  Cade only nodded, remaining quiet. Maybe he saw me and this arrangement for something different. Where Dominic and Ilario were warm and tried to be helpful, Cade had a hardness to him that reminded me a bit of Gray.

  I sat on a large leather ottoman that was low to the ground and patted the cushion beside me. “Cade, won’t you join us?”

  If I hadn’t been watching him so intently, I would have missed the exchanged look between him and Gray. He didn’t move until Gray gave the tiniest of nods. His head didn’t even move, it was more like he nodded with the set of his chin and the blink of his eyes.

  Damn. Gray had said more than I expected when he went upstairs with the guys. Instructions? Warnings?

  I’d have to take it up with him later. Right now was for relaxing, getting to know each other, and if I was lucky, a little getting lucky.

  We ate, we laughed, and we drank. Everyone except Gray. He ate, but his demeanor was the stony set of a secret service guard.

  I wouldn’t have my party pooped upon and he wasn’t on duty.

  “Let’s play a game, boys.”

  With that simple sentence the feeling in the room went from party time to electrical. All eyes were on me. But not only their eyes, their whole beings were focused on me, with a few words.

  It was slightly embarrassing to admit how woefully ignorant me and my body were when it came to good sex. Tab A into slot B was about as far as I’d gotten with Marc. That was unsatisfying. The sex and Marc.

  With Hawk and Ian, I’d had a taste of something darker and more gratifying. The evidence of that had played over and over at my country club.

  Now I had the unique chance to start from scratch, learn what I liked. I knew the idea of giving up power to a strong alpha-male type turned me on, but my small interaction with Ilario promised a new and interesting idea. That of Dominatrix.

  The pure feeling of adrenaline mixed with endorphins mixed with lust rushed into my veins like a drug. Even the thought was heady. Knowing these men were prepared, no... wanted to do everything I asked of them, was an entirely new feeling. I’d been the one doing all the submitting my whole life. It was way past time to be in charge.

  Grayson moved first, but instead of to me, as I wished, he stood and walked to the doorway. I held my breath for the count of three, waiting to see if he would leave. I let out a slow soft hiss, when he found a spot next to the door.

  My mind flashed to the last time he’d stood by and watched. Then done a whole lot more than watch.

  So he wouldn’t be partaking in the night’s festivities, but he would be on the periphery. Torturing and teasing us both. Again.

  I was alright with that. For now.

  It gave me some room to work, to explore.

  “What sort of game?” Dominic asked.

  Oh, yes. The game. Which did not involve Gray. “It’s simple enough. You say something you’ve never done, and if any of us have done it, we take off one piece of clothing. We’ll take turns until no one has any clothing left.”

  Dominic lifted his shirt over his head. “I don’t need a game to get naked for you.”

  Ilario followed suit. I stared at two sculpted perfect chests. How had these men not yet been discovered by Hollywood?

  They didn’t move, and I realized the two were waiting for me to command them. Cade was waiting for something else.

  “Now gentlemen, I’m sure you’d like to get right to the main event, but I’d like to get to know each of you, especially your kinks.” Yeah. Like a boss lady.

  “I’d rather show you,” Dominic said. Ilario nodded. Cade sat, stoic.

  Weren’t these guys supposed to be submissive? Wasn’t I supposed to be in charge? If I was, then I needed to lead by example. Not let their sexy abs and enthusiasm ruffle me. “Never have I ever... been in more than a threesome.”

  Ilario tipped his head to the side and then took of one shoe. “I have, mistress. I hope that doesn’t disappoint you.”

  Sweet Ilario. I smiled at him. “Not even a little.”

  I turned to look at Dominic and he shrugged. “I have not either, but I will take off the rest of my clothing if you wish.”

  “Nope. We’re playing a game.”

  I glanced at Cade and while he didn’t say anything, he also took off a shoe. I wondered if he was the most experienced of the three.

  “Okay, your turn Ilario.”

  He grinned and boy, was that smile panty-melting. This was going to be a fun night whether Gray wanted it to be or not.

  I still wasn’t sure what he wanted.

  Ilario rubbed his hands together and glanced at Dominic and Cade. “Never have I made love in America.”

  I laughed. “That’s not fair. Of course I have.”

  Right. I slipped off my heels, leaned back to rest on my elbows against the pillows. Cade also took off his other shoe.

  I didn’t know any of them had been to the States before.

  “Dominic, it’s your turn, and no cheating this time. I want you to say something you’ve never done, but that you want to. The point is to learn each other’s kinks.”

  “As you wish. Never have I ever wanted to fuck and pleasure a woman as much as I want you right now.”

  Dominic shucked his pants to the floor and we all learned he preferred to go commando. Whoa. Hollywood would have to battle it out with the San Fernando Valley for this hot bod. Bow chicka bow wow.

  Ilario’s leather pants dropped to the floor too. “Yes. This is also something I wish.”

  Cade stood and took his time, unbuckling his belt which he set aside. His hands never went farther than toying with his zipper. “We all do.”

  Wait. Did I see Gray remove his belt out of the corner of my eye? I didn’t have time to check because the guys were advancing on me.

  I probably imagined Gray playing the game. Wishful thinking.

  “You’re all cheaters. It’s your turn Cade. What are you waiting for?” I said it sweetly, but with a hint in my voice that said I wasn’t asking. Finding that tone was easier than I thought it would be.

  I sensed I needed to take control now or not at all with Cade.

  “For you to ask instead of tell. Never have I ever taken orders.”


  I glanced at Gray. Only because I’d known him well did I recognize the signs of his command. The hint of a raised eyebrow, that tic in his jaw, the way his eyes watched me, but he was so totally aware of every single person in the room.

  He knew Cade was a Dom like he was. What the fuck was I supposed to do with that?

  “Okay. That’s interesting.” I looked at Dominic. “And you? How do you feel about serving me?”

  “Angelina, I will do what you ask, happily, but I am also aroused by another’s submission. Your submission.”

  Hijo de perra. So out of a room of five, two were confirmed Doms, one could go either way but leaned toward the dominant, and Ilari
o was the only who truly wanted to do what I asked.

  “Don’t misunderstand. I enjoy a woman who will take charge and demand things of me. To have a woman come because of my service or my demands, both are great pleasures to me.”

  “He’s a switch,” Cade interjected.

  I really needed to study up on my kink terminology. This was either a disaster or the beginning of a bad joke. A Dom, a switch, and a sub walk into a bar...

  Then there was me, who didn’t know what the hell I was. But I sure had been ready to try on the Dominatrix hat, and gloves, and boots, and whip.

  “Mistress, I live to serve you.” Ilario knew all the right things to say.

  “I appreciate your willingness and generosity, Ilario.”

  By the way his shoulders relaxed, and his smile quirked at the edges of his mouth, the words pleased him.

  At least I could do one thing right.

  “Now you, Mistress? Please do not deny us the look and feel of your lovely skin.”

  “I think maybe our game is over. Why don’t you undress me?” I addressed my request to Ilario and Dominic, then turned to Cade. “Please?”

  That one word was like magic. The man who’d been cagey and stand-offish came to life. He even smiled.

  It was a way to be in charge, but not in control. The way to ease into our first real encounter.

  The men surrounded me and one by one put their hands on my leg, my shoulder, my waist. Dominic squatted in front of me and pushed the waistband of my pants down as Ilario unbuttoned and unzipped me. But they were taking their damn sweet time getting my clothes off.

  Cade stood behind me. “Lift your arms.”

  I did as he asked, and he lifted my shirt over my head. The shirt landed on the floor, but he clasped my wrists, keeping my arms in the air.

  “Hold this,” he said and slipped cold metal into my hand. His belt buckle. The leather circled my wrists twice before he slipped it up through my fingers, back around and through the buckle.

  The same arousal from when Hawk had bound me flooded back. I loved it and hated it.

  I already knew this was a turn on, and I wanted to be in charge this time. How was I going to explore my own kinks if I didn’t take this first chance?