Read Rebound (Curvy Seduction Saga Book 1) Page 8

  Esta jodido. Gray told me to go after what I wanted and needed. Now that I was, he didn’t like it. Typical guy bullshit.

  I got out of the car, didn’t bother to shut the door and used that same sex goddess who owns the universe sashay to walk away.

  I was a woman with a plan and the initiative to get it done. I would have my harem. It didn’t take much.

  Money and resources to recruit men, check.

  Contacts at an Ivy League university, check. Thanks to the generous donations from my family over the past three generations.

  A place to play with my harem. Check. My brownstone was perfect for room and board and all the fun times I intended on getting up to.

  The heat of my anger turned to a churn in my stomach. I’d never been impulsive like this in my life. I’d never been allowed to or thought that I could. So what if I wanted to hire a whole stable of men to service me?

  They’d be a perfectly fine substitution for what I really wanted and couldn’t have. They were a means to an end.

  Why did I feel like I’d made a mistake?


  Meet and Greet

  Hay, Dios Mio. I’d been running around like a chicken with its head cut off all day. Why did Gray have to take a vacation the week the harem boys were all scheduled to show up?

  How I loved to say harem boys.

  I knew the answer to my own question, but didn’t want to deal with it. I was doing this whether Grayson wanted me to or not. Whether he had his temper tantrum and left me without his services or not.

  Oh, he hadn’t left me without a replacement bodyguard, but the security service sent stony-faced men that stood around doing nothing all day.

  So I cancelled them. Having those guys watch me, through their stupid mirrored sunglasses, while nothing more serious than needing to pick my panties out of my butt proved to me that I didn’t need security. Much less my own personal bodyguard.

  I never wanted one in the first place. Now that I’d finally thrown off the yoke of my father I didn’t have to be tied to having a bodyguard.

  I did want to be tied to Gray, though. Or tied up by him. Both worked.

  Of course, another bodyguard who was definitely not from the lame-o security service showed up within an hour.

  He was tall and built like Gray, with a clean shaven head and a no-nonsense attitude. That I was currently experiencing as I tried to dismiss him too.

  “I said I don’t need you and you can go.”

  “Nope.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, not a care in the world except for getting up in my business.

  What kind of answer was that? I didn’t know where Gray found this guy, but it wasn’t some rent-a-cop place. He was completely unprofessional wearing low-slung jeans, a tight t-shirt that showed off all of his muscles, and a shit-eating grin. If he hadn’t told me Grayson Baker had sent him I wouldn’t have even believed he was more than a bouncer.

  “I’m not paying you, so you might as well leave.” I had lots to do to get ready for tonight and still had to get from the mansion to the Brownstone. He was simply going to be in my way, not to mention my business.

  Nope. Not gonna have it.

  “Nobody’s paying me. I’m watching your pretty little ass as a favor.”

  I was about to be offended about the little ass comment when it struck me. Ah, great. “You’re friends with Gray?”

  “Something like that.”

  If they were brothers in arms that was a bond I didn’t think I could break. Gray didn’t talk about his military career and I’d always assumed bad memories of the worst parts of war were better left unsaid. But this guy knew Gray, probably better than I did if he was willing to do a last-minute favor and keep watch over me. Like I was a bratty little kid.

  It wasn’t very nice of me, but I could use that against him. Play nice and then later - sneak attack.

  “Oh. Okay, well then nice to meet you. I’m Angelina.” I held out my hand which he stared at.

  “I know.”

  Jack-ass. “And you are?”

  “James, but you can call me Jim.”

  I offered Jim a drink from the kitchen and plotted my escape. Poor guy. Gray would probably kill him.

  Not really. But, he’d be pissed at us both when I got away.

  I’d had a selection of clothes, cosmetics, and other personal items already moved to the Brownstone, so I could spend as much time there as I wanted. I hadn’t been able to get to town even once to finalize my preparations. No way did I want some stranger privy to my new kinky lifestyle, even if he was a friend of Gray’s.

  Gray probably knew that when he called in this favor. If he couldn’t be here in person, he was here in spirit, trying to control my world.

  I’d let him control my pleasure, but not anything else. Dickhead.

  Enough was enough. The guys were all arriving today and unless this bodyguard wanted to be the Kevin Costner to my Whitney, he had to go.

  Thus, I pretended I had to go. That is, to the bathroom. It was pretty much the only place I’d learned that bodyguards didn’t follow me. Escaping out the window worked in the movies.

  I walked toward the bathroom with Jim right on my heels but turned and stopped when I got to the door. “Umm. I appreciate how serious you’re taking your job there, Jim. But, I’ve got some lady business to attend to. Okay?”

  He stepped back. “I’m not going to stop you.”

  I was counting on that.

  I popped in and shut and locked the door behind me. Step one on Operation Sorry Jim achieved. I climbed up on the toilet, and opened the small window.

  I looked at the window, looked at my butt, and shut the window. Okay, not a good plan. No way I was going to fit through there, not to mention I didn’t know how I’d get down and not break my face landing in the rose bushes.

  Hmm. Plan B. What could I do to distract him long enough to get away? The guy hadn’t left my side in four hours. Not even to pee. Maybe I could punch him in the bladder.

  No. Even if he didn’t block my attempt, I didn’t want to hurt him. I could never ever punch anyone, bladder or not.

  Tickle him?

  That would too weird.

  Aha. I had it.

  Operation Freak Jim Out was a go.

  Off went my wrap shirt and bra, followed by my shoes, jeans and panties. I folded them into a neat little pile by the door. I took a deep breath, told myself it was no big deal to show my ta-tas to a random friend of Gray’s and opened the bathroom door.

  Jim stood with his arms crossed, at attention just outside. I cleared my throat and put my hands on my hips. If I was giving him the Full Monty, I might as well strike a pose.

  “Whoa, hey.” He glanced over at me, raised an appreciative eyebrow and then dutifully put one hand over his eyes and the other pointed towards my nakedness. “What are you doing?”

  So far so good. I took a step closer. “I thought since we had to share such close quarters, maybe we could, you know.”

  He jumped back a good foot and kept his eyes covered. “God, you rich people are weird. Sorry, ma’am. I didn’t mean to say that...out loud. Could you please put your clothes back on now?”

  I dropped my voice, making it as husky and as sultry as I could. “I can’t. They’re all wet.”

  He jumped another foot. “Shit, uh. Look, as hot and curvy as you are, Gray is going to seriously fuck with my shit if he even thinks I laid a hand on your glorious rack.”

  I was hot, huh? That felt good. I’d take it and give the poor guy a break. “Fine, I’ll go upstairs and change. But you turn around, so I know you’re not staring at my naked bits.”

  He pivoted and stood ramrod straight like a good little soldier. “I’ll meet you up there in five minutes.”

  “Oh, but that’s not near enough time for me to masturbate. Better make it at least twenty.”

  I’m pretty sure Jim’s mind exploded because he tilted about twenty degrees to the left and didn’t
reply. I snagged my clothes and padded down the hall as fast as I could, as quietly as I could.

  Luckily, I knew the mansion and its shortcuts better than he did. Even if Gray had briefed him. I cut through the library, put on my pants and shoved my panties in my pocket. Down the back hall that led out to the garden, I struggled with my bra and got my shirt on. I hopped across the grass, putting on my shoes and slipped into the garage.

  A car service was scheduled to pick up Cade and Dominic, but Ilario was scheduled to arrive and hour before them. I cancelled that car. It would be fun to pick up one of the guys from the airport myself.

  See, I didn’t need Grayson or any other dumb bodyguard. I knew how to take care of myself. I knew how to do a lot of things. Like drive a car. In fact, I was a very good driver. Very good.

  A whole garage full of horsepower waited for me. The Testarossa seemed appropriate to pick up my testosterone-filled Italian. I grabbed the keys, started the car, and peeled out, spitting gravel with my speed. I went all the way around the big circular drive of the estate once, just for fun and to say adios.

  I wouldn’t be back for a while. Too many memories, too many restrictions. This was the new, free me.

  High end sports cars are fun to drive until you hit traffic. But I made it to the airport in one piece. Mostly because I completely ignored my cell phone. Poor Jim. Hope he didn’t get into too much trouble with Gray for losing me.

  I tipped the valet to park across two spots. Gray would have a conniption if I scratched the pretty blue sports car. The airport was an insane asylum, but I recognized Ilario the Lothario, as I’d dubbed him in my mind, from his pictures. He was just as lickable in person.

  If you put Rico Suave in leather pants, mixed him with Fabio, made him twenty-two years old and sexy as hell, you’d get Ilario. He came highly recommended by Gloria, who personally assured me he was good in bed.

  I waved to him outside baggage claim and suddenly felt ridiculously nervous. Italian men were into full-figured, curvy women, right? While I was no Sophia Loren, I more than had her booty and her boobs. But there was also a belly and some arm jiggle.

  “Welcome to America, Ilario.” I stuck out my hand to greet him. The permanent smolder on his face turned into sunshine, light and pure little-kid-with-a-new-toy delight.

  “Ciao, bella.” He grabbed me, kissed me on the cheeks, European style and lingered a little too long with his hand on my ass. “You are even much more beautiful than the pictures. You must allow me to service you in the car on the way to your residence.”

  Okay, that answered that question.

  One down, two more to seduce.

  I specifically asked Gloria to search in countries that were known to have a fondness for bigger women. Africa, Russia and Eastern Europe, stay far away from Asia. I could squish one of their women between my boobs. Probably the men too. Tiny people made me uncomfortable.

  Except maybe oompa loompas. Those guys had a river of chocolate and never-ending gobstoppers.

  “Maybe not while I’m driving, but we’ll have plenty of fun tonight when we all get to know each other.” In the biblical sense.

  Ilario looked me up and down, lust in his eyes. “As you wish, bella.”

  He spent the drive switching between touching me and gawking out the windows. A hand on my thigh when we crossed the bridge, a caress of my arm when he leaned over me to see if the buildings on my side reached the sky too. “I think I will have a lot of fun here. Will we be going into this city at all?”

  Five minutes with Ilario and I knew this was no Jersey Shore Italian Stallion. He was going to be exactly the diversion I’d been looking for.

  My body reacted with warmth at each of his touches. I was half turned on by his enthusiasm alone. “Of course, Ilario. You’re here to study and learn.”

  “And to make love with you. I will study and learn your body as well as the hospitality industry.” It should sound corny, but the heat and sincerity in his voice were both so real.

  “Well, yes, but it’s not like you’re my sex slave. I expect you to have a life too.” It was almost embarrassing how into me he acted. Although I somehow knew it wasn’t an act. I signed up for this, paid a lot of money for it, but the first reality check was weird.

  “Ah, but what if I want to be your sex slave?” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

  Geez. Gloria said Ilario was into the sexual submission thing. I would have to learn how to put on a dominatrix persona for him. Gray’s dominance turned me right the fuck on. If that was Ilario’s kink too, I wouldn’t deny him that.

  I was more than ready to explore that duality I’d experienced with Hawk and Ian. Top and bottom, in control and out of it. All sounded fun to me.

  Imagining Ilario on his knees in front of me created a feeling like a caffeine rush, but between my legs. There was definite appeal there. It could be addictive.

  I parked the car next to a very familiar motorcycle. It wasn’t supposed to be here. I gripped the steering wheel until the leather felt slimy under my hands.

  “Angelina, you are nervous?” Ilario asked. “Don’t be. We are here to have a good time.”

  “No, no. I’m fine. Let’s go in and get you settled.” I moved to get out of the car.

  Ilario’s hand on my arm stopped me. “I think maybe you are feeling awkward. I can fix that for you.”

  Ever since Gray went on vacation, everything in my life had been slightly off kilter. Only a few days and I was a mess. It wasn’t that I relied on him for way more than I was willing to admit. I’d already proven that I could do and get whatever I wanted. Case in point, Ilario.

  If Gray was here now, I didn’t know what to do with myself.

  I wanted him, I needed him, I didn’t want him, I didn’t need him. Gah. I was a mess. Not the impression I wanted to make on Ilario or the other two guys.

  Pull it together. Stick with the plan.

  I released my death grip on the steering wheel and wiggled my fingers counting backward from ten. My heart still felt trapped in my chest, but it wasn’t beating as fast.

  “You’re sweet to be concerned.” I patted Ilario’s leg. Ooh. Muscles. “I know exactly what track your mind is on, and I like it. But you must be tired from the flight and the time change.”

  “I’m never too tired for this.” He leaned across the seat and slid a hand into my hair. His pupils dilated until the black faded into the dark brown, his gaze flicking from my eyes to my lips and back. He hovered so close I could taste the spice of cinnamon in his breath. “Please, bella.”

  He waited for me to come the last ten percent and kiss him. His chest rose and fell in the rapid way a man with a lot of sexual need did. But he didn’t move closer.

  “Please, mistress.”

  Was that what I was now? A mistress?


  That tickled places inside that both felt good and too much. I knew squat about being a mistress.

  I liked the power exchange play I’d had with Hawk and Ian. I’d been more than turned on by the way Ian had submitted to the will of Gray.

  I wasn’t sure it would be the same if I was giving the commands.

  Guess I was about to find out. Because I wasn’t allowed to lie to myself anymore, I had to admit letting him pleasure me would relieve all kinds of stress.

  “Make me feel good, Ilario.” Not bad for my first command.

  “Yes, mistress.” He smiled and kissed me, gently swiping his tongue across my lips, asking for entrance. Instead, I pushed into his mouth. I took over the kiss, took control, unlike ever before, gripping his hair, holding it tight. He moaned so deep and low it sent goose bumps across my skin.

  This wasn’t me and it had never been my role. I was the one who took what was given. So why did this feel so damn good?

  “Mistress, can I please touch your naked skin? I’ve been dying to see your beautiful breasts for a month.”

  Mmm. I could make him lick and tease me with his tongue. I loved having my breasts play
ed with, my nipples suckled. I could ask him to do whatever I wanted. “Yes, I want you to taste me.”

  Even as I pulled open the V-neck of my wrap shirt to expose the lacy bit of material masquerading as a bra, I wondered if Gray was somewhere watching.

  Ilario bent his head and pressed light kisses down from my neck to between my breasts. The pressure was too light. I wanted more, so I grabbed the back of his head and found we were stuck inches from each other. Chingada. The front seat of the Testarossa was not made for sex.

  “Let’s move this inside,” I whispered.

  I’d never seen anyone unbuckle a seat belt and get out of car so fast. It made me giggle. I followed Ilario into the house and directed him toward the living room.

  We didn’t get that far. Gray leaned against the kitchen island, arms crossed, looking broody in a low-slung pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

  Ilario had made me forget for a second—the span of a kiss—about Gray and his disapproval.

  “Hello, I’m Ilario.” He offered his hand to Grayson. They shook, but I saw how Ilario wiggled his fingers to restore blood flow afterward. “Are you one of her lovers also?”

  Hay, Dios Mio. I couldn’t wait to hear the answer to this.

  Gray spoke to Ilario, but looked at me. “Her pleasure is all mine.”

  What the fuck did that mean?

  Ilario ignored Gray’s surliness and smiled. “Excellent. We were about to engage in some love making. Maybe you can join us.”

  Gray didn’t move, except for that damn muscle in his jaw. “Angel’s worked harder today than usual and she looks pretty tired. Why don’t I show you to your room and we’ll let her freshen up?”

  “Grayson.” I meant it as a warning, but my voice was a bit too breathy to pull that off.

  “No bella, he is right. I don’t want to tire you, I am here to serve.” Ilario kissed my hand. “I will get my bag and unpack. I can relax too. Then I will be refreshed for the evening with you.”

  He trotted off like a cute little puppy. I adored him already.