Read Reconnected Page 21

  Chapter 20

  By the time we return home, Krista and Scott are in the kitchen helping my parents make dinner.

  " did things go?” I ask Krista as I cross the room to hug her.

  "Good. They made me go over every single detail...again. And took notes on every little thing. I've pretty much been cleared of anything wrong. And! We have permission to leave the city as long as they have our contact info."

  "Oh that's great!” I smile and squeeze her hand, and it's then that she notices the new ring on my hand.

  "Oh my God, what is that?!” Her eyes widen as she looks between me and Liam.

  "He re-proposed.” I grin as Liam walks over and wraps his arm around my waist, "So of course I said yes!"

  She squeals and hugs me tight and pulls my hand up to admire the ring, "Nice job Warren."

  He laughs shaking his head, "Thanks."

  “Oh Katelyn, I’m so happy for you two. I always knew that somehow you would work it all out” my mom walks over and hugs me then leans over to pull Liam into hug to, “Liam Warren, if you hurt her again, I can’t promise that Phil or Derek won’t hurt you,” She gives him a stern look.

  “Yes ma’am. I don’t plan on ever being that stupid again.”

  “That’s real good to hear son,” My dad tells him slapping him hard on the back with an amused smile and then hugs me.

  “Congrats man.” Scott gives Liam a high five, “Sounds like we’ve got some celebrating to do!”

  "That we do man.” Liam smiles, “But I think the celebrating can wait till we make it to that get away. I want to be as far from prying eyes and cameras as possible."

  "I'm on it.” Scott tells him and pats his shoulder as he pulls his phone out and walks into the other room.

  "Ok Kate, you have to tell me all about the proposal!” Krista grins and pulls me over to the table making me laugh.

  "It was all so sweet and romantic.” I sigh thinking about it. "After my doctor's appointment he took me to the theater that he used to perform in. He had the stage all decked out in different color roses and silk drapery stuff, and a little table with a single red rose in the center. He went around every bouquet there was on stage and pulled a rose from it and made me a new bouquet. He got down on one knee,” I hold my left hand up, “And I said yes!”

  Krista reaches over and hugs me tight and as she pulls back I notice tears in her eyes, "I'm so happy for you, Kate. Over the last couple years that I've known you, you've always been reserved and kept a wall up, even with me and Luke. But I can see Liam's knocking that wall down and I'm happy for it, you’re a totally different person, and I like this Kate, or Katy, Katelyn, whatever you want to be called anymore! I love you Kate, and I'm just a teensy bit jealous.” she says with a teasing smile and I lean over to hug her again.

  "I love you too, Kris. And for what it’s worth...I really don't think you’re going to have to feel jealous of this for too long.” I grin mischievously at her.

  She raises an eyebrow and looks towards where Scott walked out, "You really think so?"

  I nod, "I do. He loves you a lot Krista. I don't think there's any chance of him letting you go."

  She gets a big grin on her face and squeezes my hand as Liam comes to sit next to me.

  "What are you two whispering about?"

  "Nothing, just girly chat,” Krista smiles, "So, did Scott find any good deals?"

  Liam nods, "He did, and we’re going to leave out first thing in the morning."

  "Where are we going?” I ask curiously.

  "That will be a surprise.” he winks at us and laughs at our frowning faces.

  "Another surprise?” I ask.

  He nods, "M-hmm...remember I said to not expect jewelry with every surprise though."

  I laugh, "I believe this is plenty jewelry for me for a long time."

  He kisses my forehead and walks in to chat with Scott.

  "But maybe I'll get jewelry with this surprise.” Krista smiles, "We need to find out if we need bikinis for this trip or to bundle up though.” she says with a frown.

  "Yeah, like the guys are going to let us walk around in bikinis anymore."

  “Good point, to many sleazy people with cameras."

  "Exactly, sleazy money hungry people that want the perfect picture of us looking bad in a swimsuit or even kissing.” I sigh, "Guess we better get used to it though."

  "Mmm, let me go bug Scott to see if we need to make a shopping trip for different clothes before we go.” she pats my leg and gets up and I decide to get up and follow her to find Liam.

  As I walk up to him, I slip my hand into his, "Krista's going to ask Scott, but I thought I'd ask you too...can I get at least a tiny hint of where we're going?” I mock pout at him.

  "No...And put that lip back up.” He leans down and kisses me, "Let us surprise you girls."

  "But we need to know what to pack. Do we need swimsuits?"

  He narrows his eyes, "No bikinis in public...ever again. I don't want anyone else to see what's supposed to be for my eyes only, Katy."

  I roll my eyes, "Yeah. I kind of figured that.” I sigh, "So, what would be appropriate for wherever we're going then?"

  "Hmmm, t-shirts, tank tops, shorts, flip flops. Ok, and swimsuits, but they are to be worn under a tank top and swim shorts,” he points a finger at me, "The last thing I want to imagine is having some blown up pic for perverted teenage boys to hang on their walls being in a magazine somewhere."

  "Yes sir.” I laugh and give him a slow kiss, "Guess I better get packing then. Should I put your bag together too?”

  "Nah, I'll get my stuff thrown together. Love you.”

  "Love you too.” I give him another lingering kiss then look over at Krista and Scott who are being just as lovey dovey.

  "Want to come help pack up with me, Kris?” I interrupt with my hands on my hips.

  " you Scotty.” she stands on her tip toes and to give him another kiss and a smoldering look before linking her arm with mine.

  "Scotty?” I giggle.

  "What? It's a pet name...and he likes it,” she shrugs with a smile, "He has one for me too, ya know."

  "And that is?"

  "Krissy.” She whispers.

  I stop her and raise an eyebrow, "What was that?"

  She sighs dramatically and rolls her eyes, "Krissy, Ok? He calls me Krissy.” a blush starts on her cheeks and I can't help but start giggling as she shoves me as we get into my bedroom.

  "So...Liam calls you Katy. And your real name is Katelyn. Maybe I should start calling you that, Katelyn.” She says in a sing-song voice and I throw a pillow at her.

  "Only my mom calls me Katelyn.” I roll my eyes, "Even my dad calls me Kate," I stop to think for a minute, "I don't know where Liam got Katy from, but he's always called me that.” I shrug grabbing my suitcase.

  "Because he's always been in love with you, Kate, that's kind of obvious."

  "But it wasn't always obvious, at least not to me. There was a time that we hated each other's guts. But we obviously grew out of that.” I say with a secret smile.

  "Oh man, I can just imagine the stories your mothers have to tell.” she giggles. "So what are we packing?"

  "Liam says swimsuits, but they can't be visible outside of tank tops and shorts.” I roll my eyes, "Tanks, shorts, flip flops etc. Beach gear, hopefully where we're going is far enough away from the paparazzi."

  "No kidding, I'd rather be able to keep Scott relaxed and happy then on edge the whole time. Every time we've left the house, he's been so jumpy. I hate it. I think we're all in desperate need of this vacation."

  "I agree completely! Hand me that stack of clothes over there will you?"

  She nods and places them by the suitcase, "I'll help you if you help me,” she says sweetly.

  "Of course, what are best friends for?” I smile at her and start folding and putting things away.

  Around twenty minutes later, I've got all my things packed away and head down to the ro
om Krista and Scott share.

  "Ok, what all do you need, Kris?” I ask surveying the room.

  "Um...grab those bags over there.” she points to the corner and when I pick them up I'm surprised by how heavy they feel, "What the heck is in these?"

  "Make-up.” she shrugs and rummages through her clothes for something.

  I give her incredulous look, "You can NOT take this much make up with you."

  "Why not?” She puts her hands on her hips, "It's not like it’s going to hurt anybody. I need all that stuff."

  "No...We’re going somewhere it's obviously very hot and probably going to be around plenty of places to swim in. You don't need much make-up, Kris."

  She huffs thinking about it and motions for me to hand one of the bags over, "Fine, I'll just bring water-proof stuff, happy?"

  I laugh shaking my head, "Very. How the heck does Scott keep up with all your personality and luggage?"

  She gets a smitten grin on her face, "Because he loves me, and he likes to look like a big tough guy."

  I smile and watch my beaming best friend. I can hardly believe where we are today. A year ago, we were stuck to our books and worrying about what the future might hold. Yet here we are with two amazing guys and all kinds of possibilities for the future.

  "So, how are you doing with the online classes?” I ask as I help to fold up one of her outfits.

  "Good actually, it's kind of nice to be able to do all the work in private and just watch videos of the lectures. It's hard to believe we'll be getting our degrees soon and we won't even be able to attend graduation."

  I frown, "Maybe by then this whole case will be closed and we can. Just to show everyone that we did it,” I shrug, "Have you put any thought into jobs once you have your degree in hand?"

  "I have...I want to be a counselor, maybe in a junior high or high school. I really connect with kids that age and I want to be able to make a difference somehow. I'm waiting to put any feelers out though until I know what's going to be our future. If...things go in a certain direction, I want to work close by wherever he has a place at, you know? What about you?"

  "I want to see about being a Therapist or something along those lines. If we end up in L.A, I have a feeling our degrees will get put to good use with all the celebrities and their train wrecks."

  "Hey! I resent that.” Scott walks in and acts hurt. "I am not a train wreck, and I'm a celebrity."

  Krista smiles up at him and kisses his cheek, "Yes sweetheart, but have you looked around at your fellow Hollywood hotties? Most of them are in and out of rehab."

  "Point taken,” he shrugs, "Just remember, Liam and I are the "Golden Boys” we have a reputation to uphold.” He slings his arm around Krista's shoulder.

  Liam walks in and looks around, "What did I miss?"

  "Just talking about how our degrees in Psychology will probably go far if we were to work in L.A, with all the celebrity crazy.” I tell him and grab his hand.

  "You know babe, you won't have to work at all. I make plenty."

  I roll my eyes at that, "Yes, so you've told me. But I didn't work my butt off the last 3 years to throw it away and sit at home while you jet around for movie after movie. I need a purpose to."

  He sets his mouth in a tight line and gives a look to Scott.

  "Hey baby, how about we go see what DVD stash Kate's mom has?” Scott says pulling her out of the room and closing it behind him.

  "What?” I ask crossing my arms.

  "I know we haven't had a chance to really discuss it yet...but I was thinking maybe after we get out the honeymoon phase again, we could...start a family."

  I look up at him, "You want a baby?"

  He walks forward and grabs my hand looking at my new ring, "Yes. That's why I don't want you to go and work right away, Katy. I've wanted to have a family with you as long as I can remember, even before we ever got married.” he pulls me closer to him and wraps his arms around my waist, "And it's not to save our marriage or anything either, because we did that on our own."

  I bite my lip and take a deep breath, “Ok”

  “Ok?” he pulls my chin up to look in his eyes, “You want a baby?” he smiles a large grin.

  I laugh and get on my tiptoes to kiss him, “I do.”

  “I’m suddenly very anxious to get to a honeymoon.” he smirks.

  I shove his shoulder, “You’re just going to have to behave until then.”

  “We’ll see,” he wraps his arms around me and kisses me deeply. “God, I love you so much Katy.”

  “I love you too…now we better get out of here so Krista and Scott can have their room back.” I grab his hand and pull him out of the room.

  Once we’re back in the living room, Krista raises her eye brow in question and I just nod my head to let her know that everything is ok.

  “Let’s get ready for that vacation!”