Read Reconnected Page 22

  Chapter 21

  Late the next morning, we drive up to a small private airport.

  "I can't believe we're going on a private jet!” Krista bounces in her seat and I laugh. This is definitely much better than having to try and disguise the guys in an airport through security and screaming girls who are bound to realize who they are.

  "You better believe it, babe.” Scott smiles at her; "You only get the best from now on."

  We all climb out of the big hummer we were driving in and walk inside the small building. The guys go to speak with the pilot and get all the plans sorted out.

  "Are you excited?” I ask Krista as we go to sit on the very plush couches in the lounge area.

  "Yes! It's been ages since I've had a vacation. After everything that's happened...I just want to forget for a while."

  I nod and squeeze her hand, "You’re really doing alright, Kris?"

  "I am. Don't worry about me, sweetie. It's been a hell of a year and I'm ready for bigger brighter things."

  "Alright ladies, our jet awaits!” Scott announces with a sweep of his arm.

  Krista jumps up and into his arms and I walk over to Liam and thread my arm through his, "So, can we know where we're going yet?"

  "Hmm... think we should tell them Scott?"

  He shrugs, "Might as well, otherwise they'll nag us the entire flight."

  Liam laughs, "We're going to a tiny island off of Hawaii."

  Krista and I gasp and get wide eyed.

  “Really?!” I squeak out.

  "M-hm, hence the beach gear I told you to bring.” he steps in front of me to open the door for us to step out where the jet is now waiting for us, "Ladies first."

  Krista starts up the steps and I follow quickly on her heels, "Wow.” we say together when we see the interior of the jet.

  Huge top of the line white leather seats, a full bar, and a buffet of food at the back.

  "This is amazing.” I whisper making my way down the aisle to one of the seats in the middle.

  "It's more like a living room then an airplane!” Krista shakes her head taking everything in. "Do I want to know how much this thing cost?"

  "Probably not baby.” Scott smiles kissing her cheek, "But the price doesn't matter. The destination sure does though."

  "If you like this ladies, just wait till you see the resort” Liam smirks, "We have a house all to ourselves. Hot tubs, masseuse on call, and a chef too, we'll be set."

  My jaw drops, "Wow...that's just, wow.” I shake my head, “I could really go for a massage though."

  "Me too!” Krista chimes in and we all laugh.

  A few hours later, we're getting ready to land and Krista and I are practically bouncing in our seats.

  "All ready, girls?” Scott asks us.

  "Uh-huh....sinking into some sand sounds like a good plan right about now.” Krista smirks up at him and I notice a slight blush on his cheeks.

  I snicker softly as we all make our way off the plane and into another private airport, you can feel all the humidity even on the inside.

  "Thank God we wore shorts.” I mutter waving my hand at myself for a little breeze.

  “Adams and Warren party?” A tall muscular man asks.

  “Yes sir.” Liam replies and gathers up some of our luggage.

  “Right this way.” He motions for us to follow him and we walk outside to a stretch limo.

  Krista lets a whistle out, “Nice…very nice.”

  The guys shake their heads and climb in and we climb in after them.

  "Oh and before we forget, someone's going to be bringing you girls some formal dinner dresses in to pick from for a special dinner tonight.” Liam tells us leaning back to get comfortable.

  "What's the occasion?” I ask curiously.

  He sneaks a quick glance at Krista and Scott and shrugs, "New beginnings.” He grabs my hand and kisses my hand above my ring.

  I just smile at him and watch out the window as we pass many palm trees and really pretty beaches.

  Once we pull up to a gated in resort, my mouth drops open, "THAT's where we're staying?"

  Liam grins, "You like?"

  "Uh...Yeah, I definitely like.” I shake my head as we pull ahead and the driver walks around to open the door for us

  "Welcome,” he smiles and tips his hat.

  Scott walks over and shakes his hand and I see him hand off a real nice looking tip.

  We all walk inside and are instantly surrounded by people taking our luggage from us and ushering around to make sure there isn't anything we could possibly need before we're directed towards a walkway to the house that has been rented for us.

  When we walk in, I'm floored. This place is beautiful. There's even an amazing view from sliding glass door that leads directly to the beach.

  "I think I'm in love.” Krista giggles and runs down the hallway to claim a room with Scott right at her heels.

  "So, did we do ok?” Liam asks as he pulls me into his arms.

  "Way more than ok.” I smile and lean up to kiss him, "This place is beautiful."

  "It is. I've been here once before; don't worry, not with someone else.” He shrugs, "I came here alone to just get away from everything for a while. Sometimes it's nice to just be secluded away from the rest of the world."

  "Well, let’s go find us a room...whatever's left that Krista hasn't claimed already.” I pull him with me and look in each room that has the door open. "Which one do you want?"

  "Hmm...I think this one down here has the best view of the ocean out the window.” he tugs me into a room at the end of the hall. Once I set my luggage down I walk in and gape at the large king size bed with a huge down comforter.

  "That looks extremely comfortable.” I smirk and take a running leap onto the bed and giggle when Liam does the same and rolls me under him.

  "Very comfortable,” he smiles and leans down to kiss me with little restraint. Before I can do much in response, Krista and Scott come waltzing in and Liam jerks away.

  I cover my face and try to keep from laughing.

  "Hey now, no hanky panky with the door open you two.” Krista teases and walks over to the bed to yank me up, "The dress lady is here! I saw some of the collection she has; they’re to die for, Kate!” She beams and uses all her might to pull me off the bed.

  I only have a moment to give Liam a sheepish look and mouth "Sorry,” before I'm being dragged in a hurry towards the living area.

  "Ok..OK, Kris slow down!” I pull my arm out of her grasp, "You’re going to yank my arm out of socket!"

  "I'm sorry...just these dresses are like Versace, Kate! Things I never thought I'd get to ever touch in person much less get to wear! This is like, my heaven!"

  I laugh and pat her arm, "Alright, just try to breath, ok?"

  She nods and takes a deep breath and we make our way over towards the racks of gorgeous gowns.

  "Hello ladies.” a beautiful red headed woman steps out from one of the racks. "My name is Elize Walters and I'm your personal stylist for your stay her per Mr. Adams and Mr. Warrens request.” she smiles looking the both of over, "What color dress would you each like?"

  "Umm, black?” I answer

  "Red for me, definitely red, Scott loves it.” She gets a flirty smile on as her eyes take in all the dresses.

  "Oh, I'm sure I have something amazing in those colors.” She motions us to walk behind her and starts pulling dresses she seems to think suit us as she goes down each rack.

  "Ms. Quinn, you come this way to try your selections on. Mrs. Warren, you go that way with my assistant, Becca."

  I nod and walk towards Becca. "Hi, I'm Kate.” I tell her putting my hand out.

  She takes it and smiles a friendly smile, "I'm Becca. Follow me to the room down here and I'll help you into your gown."

  We go into a large room with big mirrors hanging on the wall and I look at the assortment of dresses that Elize sent back with us.

  "Ok, I can tell you right now...the leather and feathery t
hings are out."

  She smiles and nods politely pulling those dresses out of the way. "Alright...what would you like to try on, Mrs. Warren?"

  "Kate, please.” I tell her, "Mrs. Warren makes me feel old.” I laugh and she joins me.

  "Kate then...what catches your eye the most?"

  I frown slightly and walk over to examine the dresses more closely. I pick up a strapless flowy black dress that has some beading on it and show it to her.

  "Do you think this would look ok?"

  "I think you'll look amazing in it. Do you need any help?"

  I shake my head, "No, it's not heavy or anything. I swear I won't rip it or anything."

  She just laughs as she walks back out of the room and I quickly slip my clothes off and carefully step into the dress.

  I admit, it looks every ounce the expensive material it is, but it really does look good on me. I pull my hair up to get the zipper on the back and turn around in a circle to see how it looks and get a giddy grin. I really like this. Now I just have to pray I don't, God Forbid, spill anything on it during dinner.

  I step out of the room to where Becca is waiting and take a quick spin, "What do you think?"

  "You look great!” she beams and brings over a pair of strappy heels, "And I think these will go perfectly."

  I sit down and slip them on and only stumble a little bit before finding the right balance. "I think you're right."

  She sweeps her arm to tell me to go ahead and I walk down the hall and see Krista all wide eyed and grinning as she flaunts around in her shin length spaghetti strap red dress that fits her perfectly.

  "Wow, Kris!” I walk over and twirl my finger to make her spin around and she laughs as she does, "You look're going to give Scott a heart attack!"

  "Me? Honey, look at yourself.” she pulls me around to face a mirror and stands over my shoulder, "I think the boys are going to be very happy.” she smirks.

  "Let's hope so...these dresses are a pretty penny,” I look down at my dress and sigh, "But I do really love this dress."

  "Top of the line is always that much more amazing.” Krista tells me and looks over at Elize and Becca; "We'll take these!"

  Elize nods her head, "We will come back around 5 with hair and make-up people to get you girls all dolled up before dinner."

  Krista's eyed widen, "Real Hollywood hair and make-up people? Like professionals?"

  Becca giggles, "Yes Ms.-...Krista. Mr. Warren and Mr. Adams have arranged everything.”

  Krista looks over at me with a raised eyebrow. "Those boys are up to something."

  "Yes they are.” I hook my arm with hers, "Time to go see if we can find out what!”