Read Reconnected Page 26

  Chapter 25

  The next few days pass by in a blur of wedding planners, deliveries, fittings and madness. Before I even realize it, it's wedding day. And I'm nervous. I don't know why, I mean, we're technically already married. But this just feels so much more real. We're recommitting ourselves to each other and reconnecting our lives and while it's scary in a way, it's also really exciting.

  I sit in front of a vanity mirror and take a deep breath. As I blow it out, Krista comes up behind me and squeezes my shoulder, "You ready?"

  I smile up at her, "Getting"

  She bites her lip and sits beside me, "Honestly? I'm a nervous wreck, Kate! I can't stop shaking.” she holds her hands up to show me and I grab on to them.

  "Ok, take a big deep breath.” I tell her and she does, "Now, close your eyes and think about Scott,” I tell her squeezing her hands.


  "Think about his grin when he sees you in that dress and your princess accessories...and about how much that man loves you, Kris. Because he really really does."

  She smiles and takes another deep breath, "Thanks Kate. We better let the Mom's in before they get to crazy out there."

  I laugh and get up to peek into the hall way, "Mom, Fiona, and guys ready to come help us get dressed?"

  My mom shoos me back in as the scurry in and close and lock the door, "What do you think you’re doing? It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride on wedding day. Liam and Scott are just in the living room you know."

  I roll my eyes, "Whatever you say, Mom."

  "Ok, before any changing happens, we need to get Alicia and Billy in here to do hair and make-up. Are they here yet?” Krista asks.

  "Yes, they just got here a few minutes ago. Billy's getting your veils and some clips and things to do your hair up right,” Sarah tells Krista and pulls her into her arms, "I can't believe my baby girl is getting married!"

  Krista groans, "Mom...please don't turn into a big mush on me now."

  She sniffles and wipes her face quickly, "I'm not making any promises."

  There's a knock at the door and everyone stops what they're doing, "Who is it?” Liam's mom, Fiona, calls.

  "Alicia and Billy!” I hear Alicia yell back and smile.

  "Well let them in!” I tell Fiona and wave as they quickly step in.

  "Alright, who’s doing what first?” Billy asks carefully setting down our veils.

  "Just grab one of us and get to work,” I tell him with a laugh.

  He grabs me and puts me in a chair by a mirror and Alicia does the same to Krista.

  "Alright, I looked at the pictures you girls sent of your dresses, and I have some ideas that involve hair jewels and diamond crusted bobby pins.” His reflection smirks at me.

  I laugh throwing my hands in the air, "Have at it, Billy. I trust you."

  He grins, "Music to my ears!"

  I watch as he starts pulling out all kinds of devices from his bag. Scissors, curlers, bobby pins, hair spray, and a curling iron. And I don't even know what else.

  “Wow,” I mutter looking at it all, "That's all just for hair?"

  He just nods at me distractedly as he starts arranging everything to be at his disposal.

  I just close my eyes and let Billy work his magic. Every tug and curse he does makes me smile. This man works with movie stars for a living. I don't expect anything less than amazing from him no matter what he's doing to my hair.

  "Ok...what do you think?” He steps back and I open my eyes and gasp.

  "I love you Billy!” I stand up and step up to the mirror and turn my head side to side to look at the perfectly pinned, braided, and twisted up do he has done and scattered throughout is diamond crusted bobby pins. "I love it.” I walk over to hug him but he pulls me back at arm’s length.

  "We don't want to get any of those curls squished missy.” He winks, "You done over there Al?” He asks Alicia.

  "Yep, here she is!” She steps away from the front of Krista and I grin at her perfectly made up face.

  "You’re beautiful, Kris."

  "Oh please. Take a look at yourself, sweetie,” she giggles and squeezes my hand while she takes a deep breath, "We have like two hours until it's time."

  "I know...we better get all dolled up in a hurry then."

  "You heard them everyone, switch!” Alicia calls and we all laugh as Krista and I switch places and laugh a long to stories from Billy and Alicia about some Hollywood divas they've worked with and a few drunk leading men, including ones Alicia's had flings with too.

  "Ok girls, time to get you into those dresses, we only have another hour until we have to get you down to the beach for the ceremony!” Liam's mom tells us glancing down at her watch.

  We get up and stripped out of our lounging clothes and each of our Moms help us gingerly get into our dresses and wrap their arms around us one last time before we make our way down to the beach.

  My nerves build the closer we get. And I can tell Krista's are even worse. She keep clenching and unclenching her hand that's on top of her mother's hand. Then we see both our dad's proudly standing at the edge of where there's a carpet fit for a movie star, just not in red, leading the path to where our grooms are waiting.

  "Hello girls.” Krista's dad's eyes look teary as he looks her over, "You look beautiful princess.” He opens his arms to her and she immediately goes into them and I hear her sniffle, "I love you so much, Daddy.” She says muffled against him.

  "I love you too, princess. But no tears ok?” He smiles and wipes a tear away as he chides her, "You've got your prince charming down there now baby girl."

  She nods and places her arm in his and leans her head on his shoulder as she calms herself down.

  "All ready for this, Kate?” My dad asks as I put my arm in the crook of his.

  "As I'll ever be,” I smile at him, "Nervous though."

  "That's normal...even though your situation is well, different. Wedding jitters are all part of the package."

  I hug him silently as we hear the preacher tell everyone to get settled in just as the music begins and Liam and Scott take their places in front him.

  I catch my breath when I see Liam standing down there in his tux with his hair perfectly styled and I feel butterflies in my stomach at watching him shift around nervously. He's just as nervous as I am.

  Soon the music begins from a speaker placed near the guys and everyone stands next to their folding chair as we start making our way down the aisle. It's this moment that I'm very thankful we're in the middle of nowhere and that there's not any paparazzi people to stand around snapping a million pictures. The tent we have protects us from any airplane or helicopter riding photographers too. This moment is just about us, and the love I see in the eyes of the man I've loved for as long as I can remember.

  Once we reach the front and all our family and friends sit down the preacher nods at our dad's, "Do you men, give these women to be united in holy matrimony?"

  "We do.” They both respond and kiss our cheeks before they step back to join our mother's in the front row.

  The preacher motions for us to face the boys and joins our hands.

  "We are gathered here together today to join these lovely couples in holy matrimony.” He steps towards Krista and Scott.

  "Do you, Scott Richard Adams, take Krista Alayne Quinn to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

  "I do” He answers with a giant grin.

  "Do you, Krista Alayne Quinn take Scott Richard Adams to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

  "I do!” She jumps on her toes and giggles.

  I laugh along with her and squeeze Liam's hands as the preacher walks over to us and nods his head slightly.

  "Do you, Liam Elliott Warren, take Katelyn Marie Warren to be your lawfully wedded wife...again?"

  He smirks softly and nods, "I do."

  "Do you, Katelyn Marie Warren, take Liam Elliott Warren to be your lawfully wedded husband all over again?"

  "I do.” I
reply with a smile and bite my lip.

  "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce the lot of you husband and wife!"

  As we all kiss, there are flower petals showered on us from our guests and I laugh grabbing Liam's hand and running down the aisle as much as I can in heels.

  "I love you.” Liam tells me as he scoops me up and twirls me around, "I love you so so much and I swear I will not screw this up this time.” he looks so serious that I put my hands on his cheeks and kiss him quickly.

  "I know, because I won't let you."

  He smiles and then Krista and Scott are coming towards us and we end up in a large group hug.

  "Ok! Sweeties, you’re going to kill this dress and my hair!” Krista squirms out and starts smoothing her dress down. "Ahhh...we're married!” She kicks her heels off and spins in a quick circle laughing, "I am now officially Mrs. Krista Adams."

  "Don't you dare forget it either,” Scott pulls her up against him and starts kissing her.

  "Uh-hem Mr. and Mrs. Adams, you do have a reception to attend before you get to the honeymoon.” Billy comes up to tease them, "I think Alicia needs to touch up your make-up a bit there Krista."

  She sticks her tongue out at him which just causes him to laugh more.

  "Well little sister, you look good.” Derek walks up and hugs me, "I'm glad you’re happy again."

  I look up at him and smile, "Thanks, me too."

  He nods and his eyes follow Aria Watson as she walks across the way to Scott and Krista.

  "Don't get any ideas, big brother.” I put my hands on my hips.

  He puts his hands up in surrender. “I'm a big boy sis.” He smiles before walking away trailing behind Aria.

  “Derek’s already getting into trouble?” Liam walks up behind me and pulls me into his arms.

  I nod, “He thinks he can get Aria.”

  “Well, good luck to him on that one....but right now, I don't care.” He scoops me up causing me to squeal and runs towards the ocean in front of us.

  “Oh my God, don't you dare!” I yell gripping onto him.

  He laughs and drops me just outside of the water and some of the water washes up onto our feet.

  "Just kidding,” he grins pulling me to him and kissing me before everyone starts yelling for us to go to the other tent for dancing, drinks, and cake. He looks over my head at them before kissing me again. “I love you Katy Warren. Now let's go entertain our guests.”

  For the next several hours we dance a ton and have our share of wine and just catching up with everyone.

  "So...was it everything you pictured your wedding day to be?” Liam asks me as we finally get back into our room.

  "It was more than I could have imagined."

  "Good...that's what I was aiming for."

  "Oh I bet it was.” I walk over and kiss him and start removing pins from my hair and gradually all the curls hang loose over my shoulders.

  "You’re beautiful.” Liam whispers as he runs his hands through the curls, "I don't know what I ever did to deserve you, Katy, but I'm not going to question it."

  I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight, "Good...because I feel like the lucky one. I mean, millions and millions of women would tear me apart to be standing right here, right now."

  Shaking his head he tightens his arms around me, "They can hope and dream all they want.” He pulls my left hand up and looks down at my ring, "I'm locked in for eternity now, baby."

  I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down for a slow kiss, “Ditto.” I whisper and turn out the light.

  A couple days later, we land in L.A. The guys have a house they shared for times they needed to be here, and it made it easier on them as bachelors to just share a place. They talked about us all sharing the place, and while Krista and I are used to being roommates, we think as newlyweds, we need our own space.

  "Alright ladies, ready?"

  "Yep,” We both answer as they open the door and we step inside.

  "Wow it's...big.” I step in and start looking around.

  "How many rooms does this thing have?” Krista asks.

  "10...and 4 bathrooms, a game room, a pool and a Jacuzzi to,” Scott answers with a smile.

  Krista and I share a look and shake our heads.

  "Listen guys.” I start and bite my lip, "Krista and I talked about this. And we think this.” I motion my arms around, "Is just too much."

  "And besides, we're newlyweds Scotty.” Krista steps up next to me. "Don't you want a little...privacy?"

  Scott and Liam look at each other and just start laughing and Krista and I wear the same confused look on our face.

  "Umm, what's so funny?” I ask quirking my eyebrow.

  "We've actually already come to the same solution,” Liam smiles, "And that brings us to another surprise for the both of you."

  "Oh, I love surprises!” Krista beams.

  Scott laughs and pulls her to him, "This house is now on the market. We're selling it, splitting profits and all that. AND...We both already have new houses."

  My eyes widen, "We do?"

  "M-hmm...and that is our next stop."

  I rush over and hug Liam, "I can't wait to see it!"

  "Well then, let's go.” He ushers us out the door and locks up behind us.

  "Alright, we split here.” Scott says taking Krista's hand, "Sorry, you don't get to be neighbors."

  I laugh at that, "That's ok, text me pics, Kris!"

  "You too!” She giggles and runs over to their car.

  After Liam and I get into our car I turn to him with a raised an eyebrow, "So, when did you buy a house?"

  He runs his hand through his hair nervously, "Just before we went to Hawaii, I finalized some stuff. I had my assistant do a house visit and had someone come in and do a check over everything. And before you even ask, I'm not going to tell you how much it cost.” He puts the car in drive and starts the drive towards our new home.

  I sigh, "Fine...but can I get a hint of what it looks like?"

  "Hmm, I don't want to ruin the surprise. But I will tell you that it's nothing like the place we just left. It's much homier...better for a family.” He reaches over and grabs my hand and we continue the drive in silence.

  I stare out the window lost in my thoughts until we start going through a more suburban neighborhood and I smile at kids playing out in front and riding bikes around, definitely a much more family friendly area.

  Liam pulls down the road and around the back of a two story brick house with pillars on the porch and under a carport.

  "Very nice,” I step out and look at the backyard. It's a picture in itself. Perfectly green grass rose bushes full of red roses with a pathway of painted stones and even a little fountain. "Wow...” I whisper taking it all in.

  Liam walks up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist, "Is that a good wow or a bad wow?"

  I turn towards him and kiss him and squeeze him tight, "A good wow, definitely a good wow! This is amazing Liam!"

  He grins at that, "Just wait.” He pulls me to the front of the house and without another word scoops me up in his arms. "Now, it's tradition for the man to carry his new wife over the threshold of their home."

  A laugh bubbles up out of me, "Heaven forbid I mess up tradition."

  ", it's time to start working on our future, Mrs. Warren,” he swiftly carries me into the house and kicks the door closed to the sound of me laughing.

  I know it's totally cliché, but you know what, I'm in Los Angeles and I'm married to an actor! They say Happily Ever After's don't really exist...but now, I have mine.