Read Reconnected Page 27


  1 Year Later

  "I still can't believe we have a baby.” I whisper looking down at our newborn son laying his crib.

  Liam laughs softly and wraps his arms around me from behind, "He's so tiny,” he whispers, "Come on, let’s let him sleep."

  I nod and kiss my fingers and place them softly on the baby’s cheek as I walk out.

  William Lucas Warren was born two weeks ago. He got a name that honors both his Daddy and a friend he'll never get the chance to meet. I didn't even have to fight Liam over the name either. Especially since my only other opinion on the name once we found out it was a boy was to name him Liam Jr., and he didn't like that one.

  "Are Krista and Scott still coming over later?” I ask as I settle onto the couch and pull him over with me.

  "M-Hm and Scott has a bone to pick with you."

  I raise an eyebrow, "And why is that?'

  "Because you have given Krista a bad case of baby fever."

  I giggle at that, "I can't help it that Will is so adorable and squishy and cuddly."

  He smiles, "I think she's very close to making him give in on that front. He's got another movie in about 6 months to film though."

  "Are you doing alright being home on Dad duty until your next project?"

  He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him, "If you think about it, the schedules not much different. Early mornings, late nights....just no make-up people or after parties.” he says with a smile and leans down to kiss me, "I love you Katy Warren."

  "I love you to....have you made a decision on what you want to take on next?"

  "No...I've received like 15 different scripts just since right before Will was born. There's a couple from directors I've worked with before that will take top priority...but right this second, I'm enjoying the time off.” He leans in to kiss me again just as my phone rings.

  "Oh, hold that thought.” I jump up and grab the phone from the coffee table, "Hi Krista."

  "Is my adorable nephew awake to play with?"

  "Hello to you too....he's really too young to do much playing yet, Kris."

  "Oh you know what I mean.” I can practically hear an eye roll, "I just want to come and get my baby snuggles in before I have to go to work."

  "How is the counseling job going?"

  "Really good, I feel like I get through to people. And better yet, since I still go by Quinn professionally, nobody has a clue who my husband is."

  "That is definitely a bonus."

  "You have no idea. I accidently let it slip to someone I'm married to "the" Scott Adams and then I was suddenly their best friend and I just HAD to come to their house for a pool party and oh of course spouses are invited."

  "Mmm, of course, well we'll see you guys tonight, right?"

  "Yep! We'll be there, be prepared to be baby snatched. He's just so cuddly; I want one of my own!"

  "That's what I hear.” I tell her in an amused voice.

  She lets out a dreamy sigh, "We need to make Scott hold Will awhile, that has to set off his biological clock, right?"

  I laugh, "He's a guy....I don't know if baby cuddles will turn him into a big teddy bear."

  "Maybe if I tell him he's extra sexy holding a baby,” she seems to be thinking out loud and I scrunch up my nose, "You do that. Now, if you don't mind, I have my own husband to get back to while your nephew is sleeping."

  "Oh, right! Sorry, sometimes it’s easy to get lost in girl talk after living with a guy."

  I laugh as I settle into Liam's arms, "I know…we'll see you tonight, have a good day!”

  "You too sweetie, give Will kisses and hugs from Aunty Krissy!"

  I giggle as I hang up the phone and look up at Liam, "I'm so glad we got reconnected when we did...I can't imagine what mine and Krista's lives would of been like now if you and Scott weren't in it."

  " you never have to know,” he leans down and kisses me and looks down at my wedding band, "You’re mine forever, Katy."

  "And you, Mr. Hollywood Golden Boy, are all mine," I inform him with a kiss and even as I hear the beginnings of William stirring around, I just feel happy. Despite the heartache when we were separated, the craziness of the last year and all, I wouldn't trade this life for anything, we're right where we're supposed to be now and I'm not going to let go again.