Read Reconnected Page 6

Chapter 5

  By the time I get back to my dorm room, I’m just plain mad. I just want to start throwing everything around. How can I let Liam back into my world so easily? Who am I kidding? He's had who knows how many beautiful, perfect Hollywood women at his beck and call. And UGH...Alexia Dalton is just perfect. Perfectly blond styled hair and make-up, compared to my plain brown hair that flops just past my shoulders and plain Jane face, why does Liam want back with me when he can have someone like her? She's probably better for his career.

  "Ugggh," I groan as I plop down on my bed and start punching my pillow over and over again.

  "What's your problem?" Krista asks me with an eyebrow raised.

  "Liam...and his Hollywood women, Hollywood drama and all that comes with it!"

  "Ok...what happened between here, and Luke's place that changed your lovey dovey thoughts?”

  I force myself to calm down a notch and turn over on my side to look at her. "Alexia Dalton happened." I grumble and cover my face.

  "Alexia Dalton? Like, THE Alexia Dalton who played Melissa on The Windsor House with Liam?" She had that star struck glitter in her eyes again.

  Narrowing my eyes at her I nod. "Yeah, I'm guessing so. She's also apparently his former flame, and she hasn't forgotten about it. She came to tell me that Liam and his buddies are having some big get together with barely clothed women tonight, and he’s been known to thoroughly enjoy himself. She acts like I’m some huge threat to her!”

  "Oh honey, I'm sorry. But maybe you should wait and talk to him? She kind of sounds like a jealous biotch." she smirked over at me.

  "I don't know, why should I trust him anymore? We haven't been together in four years; he could be a totally different guy that could care less what I think about where he's off at night." I frown and glance at the envelope that holds our picture in it from the night we got married. "We were really young when we got married and...."

  "Stop right there, Katelyn Parker-Warren." Krista says sternly and I sit up to look at her. "Don't let some skank ruin your marriage, or what's left of it ok?" She demands and comes to sit next to me. "You deserve to be happy, Kate. I saw how comfortable you looked with Liam and I think there's still a tiny spark at the very least left there. Don't pour water on it until you talk with him."

  I frown again and hug her tight. "When did you get so good at relationship advice?"

  She laughs and shrugs. "I've just seen my fair share of crash and burn relationships and I don't want my best friend to go through that." she smiles softly and pats my leg. "Now tomorrow, Mrs. Warren, we are going to that movie set, Alexia Dalton or not, and you are going to have a good chat with that husband of yours....and I'm going to meet Scott Adams." she tells me with a triumphant smile and I find myself laughing.

  "Whatever you say, Krista, if they let us in in the first place." I say with a shrug.

  "Of course they will, you’re the star's wife. He can fire them for looking at you wrong." she shrugs and goes back to her bed and climbs under her covers.

  I laugh again and change quickly and climb under my covers. "We'll see....maybe you can get a little more than friendly with Scott." I smile at her giant grin.

  "Oooh, now you’re talking!" She giggles and I pull the covers tighter around me.

  "Goodnight, Kris," I whisper and flick the lamp switch off.

  “Night sweetie,” she calls back and we both drift off to dreams of Hollywood celebrities.

  The next day is the start of the weekend so we don't have to worry about class and Krista informs me that we need to get ourselves all primped and "looking good" before we drive to the movie set.

  "I really don't think this is necessary, Krista." I grumble as he throws yet another outfit at me to try on. "This skirt is way too short!”

  "Um, that's kind of the point, hun." She smirks and comes out of the bathroom in her own barely there skirt and tight halter top.

  "See, you have the body for all that." I point out and grab a pair of jean shorts and a cute t-shirt from the pile on the floor. "I have the body for these." I hold them out to show her before stepping over to put them on.

  She grumbles a bit but rolls her eyes and gives a nod of approval. "Fine...but I get to do something to your hair and makeup, and no griping about it."

  "Fine, whatever," I sigh and sit down letting her do her magic to me.

  "There." she says about 20 minutes later with a satisfied smirk. " let's go!" she jumps up grabbing her car keys and practically drags me out the door.

  Driving towards the beaches, I anxiously tap my fingers on the side of the door while I look out the window.

  "I don't get why you’re so nervous, Kate. This is going to be fun! Visit with some hotties, and then wherever they don't have it barricaded in, we can lie out for a while." Krista said with a smile.

  ", with my estranged husband, and his possible mistress...or whatever she is to him." I shook my head as we pulled up to a very packed parking area.

  "Whoa..." Krista muttered and shook her head. "I didn't think there would this this many people here."

  "Look, this was a bad idea...let’s just find a different part of the beach to hang out or something." I suggested but Krista gave me a quick glare in answer.

  "Oh, no ma'am....we're getting in there, and we're using yours and your husband’s name to do it!" she got out of the car in a hurry and slammed the door and I slowly got out of my side and am quickly dragged through the crowd by my best friend.

  "So sorry, excuse us!" I yell out quickly as we get some very dirty looks and gestures.

  "Oh, hello," I hear Krista use her extra sweet southern voice and see a big bodyguard looking guy. "My name is Krista Quinn, and this is Kate...err Katy Warren” she informs him and pulls me in front of her and settles her hands on my shoulders. "I'm sure you’re aware that Katy here is Mr. Liam Warren's wife?" she asks with a raised eyebrow.

  The bodyguard gets a smug smile and looks down at us. "Uh-huh...along with about 20,000 other girls hanging out in the parking lot sweets."

  I fold my arms and glare at the guy. "Right....but I bet none of them can tell you the day we got married, where we got married, and the date that I left him in his L.A mansion."

  With that he starts speaking into his microphone and a few minutes later, I see a somewhat unwelcome familiar face.

  "Oh...Seth, she is the real Mrs. Warren," Mitchell Fallon says with a sneer.

  “So nice to see you again, Mr. Fallon," I tell him with a tight smile.

  "Yes, very nice indeed" he nods and motions for us to follow him.

  Krista squeezes my arm with excitement and I smile softly. At the very least, I'm doing this for her. She's obsessed with this imaginary life; a few signatures will make her day, if not her whole year.

  "Mr. Warren." Mitchell clears his throat. "You might want to add them to your approved visitors list before they just show up unannounced next time."

  Liam looks over confused and then gets a big grin on his face. "Katy! I can't believe you came." He runs over and hugs me tight and looks over at Krista. "Nice to see you again, Ms. Quinn."

  Krista just beams and nods, “Please, just Krista."

  He laughs and squeezes me again. "Right. What are you girls doing here?" He asks and leans down to whisper in my ear, "And why the hell are your shorts so short?"

  I shiver slightly and smile. "That's Krista's doing." I smirk, “You don’t like them?” I tease but pull back as I notice Alexia practically skipping over and pushing me aside to wrap her arms around Liam’s middle.

  "Oh Liam, honey....I couldn't wait to come see you." she purrs and rubs against him.

  Liam's jaw clenches and he pushes her back, "Alexia, we've been over this." He growls at her.

  She puts on a seductive smile and looks me up and down. "Oh I know honey, and I even went to all the trouble to go tell your wife here all about the company you kept last night, and your favorite form of entertainment with them. Isn't that just so sweet of me? Wome
n scorned sticking together and all that?" She gives him a hard stare and smiles wickedly at me. "Right, Katy?"

  I take a deep breath and glance between the two of them. "You know what? You want him so bad, you can have him." I quickly turn, pushing through the crowd and break into a run until I feel an iron grip on my arm and am quickly shoved up against the closest wall and stare up into Liam’s very angry face.

  "You are NOT leaving me again. I don't care if you’re pissed, or if some lying evil bitch of a woman is trying to plant lies in your head, I will do everything in my power to prove to you that I’m not the Hollywood playboy that everyone thinks I am. I don’t want Alexia, Katy. I only want you!”

  Closing my eyes, I take a deep calming breath and run my hands through his hair. "She came to me last night....told me about the women, and alcohol and waiting hotel rooms the studio was providing for you....then seeing her all over you like that, I brought up bad memories." I whisper and lean my head against his.

  He lets out a breath and kisses me softly and holds me tight. "You have to trust me baby. This is my crazy, out of control world, but your part of it, and you are going to be for the rest of my life and I promise you, I'm going to do all I can to show my love and earn your trust again, ok?" He asks me and looks down into my eyes and I nod.


  When we walk back over to where everyone else seems to be congregating, Krista is shamelessly flirting with Scott Adams and I roll my eyes as I grab Liam's hand.

  "Ugh...sorry about that, she thinks he's reeaally cute, and those are her exact words." I said with a smile and squeezed his hand.

  He laughs and shrugs pulling me closer to him, "Doesn't look like he's minding too much, babe. He's eating right out of her hand."

  I laugh and look over at my best friend. She is most definitely star struck. But she's happy and Scott seems like a nice enough guy.

  "I'm going to go rescue him so that you can get to work." I smile softly and pull back.

  "Do you have to?" Liam pouts and tries to sneak a kiss but I step back giggling.

  "Uh-huh...none of that Mister," I stick my tongue out and walk over and tap Krista on the shoulder. "You know, they kind of have a job to do, Kris." I whisper by her ear.

  She sighs and nods. "It was...totally awesome to get to talk with you Scott." She puts on her biggest flirty smile that he returns and runs a hand through his dark wavy hair.

  "Yes, it was, Krista....please, come back with her more often. Having someone I'm actually attracted to as pretty as you to see during my scenes will make my day so much better." He winks and kisses her cheek before walking away and I think Krista is pretty much a puddle.

  "Oh my gosh," she says softly and puts her hand over the spot on her cheek and turns wide eyed to me. "He kissed my cheek! Scott Adams, really just kissed my cheek!"

  I giggle at her and start tugging her away, "Yes, he did....and now we can go find a free spot of beach to go lay out on."

  She lets out a dreamy sigh with one last glance where the crew is setting up a scene and nods. "Ok....if we must."

  "We must." I pull her over to Liam and lean up to kiss him. "Have a good day, try to not incite the wrath of Ms. Dalton, hm?"

  He snarls and shakes his head. "I try, believe me, I try." he sneaks one last quick kiss and looks between Krista and I. "So, what are you two up to today?"

  "We are going to try and find a spot that you guys haven't taken over on the beach and sunbathe." Krista smiles and links her arm with mine.

  I notice Liam's eyebrows dart up and he crosses his arms. "Oh really? I’m guessing you have swimsuits on under those barely there outfits?"

  We both grin and I wink at him. "Of course, bikinis....what else?"

  He narrows his eyes and steps closer. "I don't want a bunch of college frat guys leering at you."

  "Yeah well, I don't want millions of women all over the world ogling at you, but I don't get a say in that." I give him one last defiant look and turn to leave towing Krista behind me.