Read Reconnected Page 7

  Chapter 6

  Once we were back in the car and heading farther down the beach, Krista looked over at me and smirked. "You really know how to bait that boy, don't you?"

  I laughed and shrug. "It's going to take a lot for me to adjust to all this....madness. I mean, he can't even step outside of a building without being bombarded, how can we go on a date?"

  As she pulls into the parking lot she shrugs and looks over at me. "Order in, or make him have someone send in catering....he has four years of making up to do, sweetie." She smiles and we both get out and head towards the more secluded part of the beach where there isn't a million people running around at.

  "That he does..." I sigh and take off my tank top and lay back on my towel. "But I kind of do to, ya know? That point of our lives....our marriage, was craziness. We thought him having a career in Hollywood was going to be this big amazing step and obviously, it was, because look where he is now....but it blew us apart in the process." I frown and look over at her. "What if we can't make it work? What if this can't be fixed?"

  "What if, what if, what if," Krista says with a wave of her hand. "You never know until you try, right? Obviously, you can't be on the run from him forever, you had to of been meant to run into each other again here." she adjusts her sunglasses and lays back.

  I bite my lip and close my eyes soaking in the sun for what feels like hours lost in my own thoughts until I hear a group of people walking by and hear the distinct clicking of cameras that causes me to bolt up.

  "Oh, come on!" I mutter and nudge Krista. "We got to go, now!" I whisper and shove my shirt over my head in a hurry and start packing our towels into the tote bag we brought along.

  She leisurely sits up rubbing her eyes and frowns. "What? Why? We've only been here a little can't be getting burnt already, Kate."

  I roll my eyes and pull her up. "That is why!" I point over my shoulder where some photographers are trying to be inconspicuous blending in with some large groups snapping away at every angle as we move around.

  "Oh my gosh, do you think I'll end up in a magazine?!" Krista beams at me and I roll my eyes.

  "Really? Let’s go!" I grab her arm and we run towards her car and quickly shove our things inside and start the drive out of the thickly crowded parking lot.

  "Ok....I see your point about the craziness." Krista says and looks in the rearview mirror.

  "Yeah...." I sigh softly and look in the side mirror by my window. "I guess there's good reason celebrities have bodyguards and all that."

  "No kidding....and honey, I think you are officially in the "celebrity" category now." She looks quickly at me and back at the road.

  Shaking my head, I bite my lip and steal another quick glance out the window. "But I'm not a celebrity; I'm just married to one."

  "I don't think that matters to them, far as their concerned you and anyone in your life are fair game. I think you’re going to have to ask Liam about a bodyguard, or the very least, a security detail of some kind," she says as we pull back into our dorm parking lot.

  "Great." I mutter and rub my hands over my face as we run inside. "What have I gotten myself into?" I ask softly.

  "A big mess....but one that your husband will be the center of as long as he's Hollywood's hot meat.” Krista smirks as she plops down on her bed.

  "No getting out of this one, huh?” I ask as I lean on the door.

  She shakes her head and smiles softly at me. "Nope, not this time Mrs. Warren."

  Later, as I'm getting ready for bed, my phone starts ringing. No sooner have I picked it up that I hear Liam cursing in my ear and it takes me a second to process what he's saying.

  "Whoa...whoa, slow down. What?” I ask and lean back on my pillows.

  "What the hell happened today?” he asks angrily.

  I raise an eyebrow and glance at Krista. "What are you talking about?"

  "The beach!” He practically yells and I flinch.

  "How in the world do you know about that?” I ask confused.

  He laughs humorlessly. "Oh, I don't know. Just about all the gossip mags have pictures of you girls in your barely there bikinis on the beach."

  I feel my mouth drop open. "There was only like three guys there though..."

  "Doesn't matter, they must have shared them with their buddies."

  "Well, I can't very well control what those people do, Liam!"

  "No, but you can damn well control where you go, Katy."

  "Why are you getting mad at me?! I'm not going to hide for the rest of my life."

  I hear him take a deep breath and let it out. "I know, I know, ok? But you being out among all those vultures really put me in a bad place. I could tell in the pictures you were freaking out, Katy. And I hate that I wasn't there to at the very least shield you from them."

  I take a breath and smile softly. "I'm fine, ok? They surprised me, I figured they'd be camped out watching you guys film or whatever and we wouldn't be a blip on their radar....but I guess I'm a big blip now, huh?"

  "Yeah...and I want to have security with you 24-7."

  “Liam, really that's not necessary...."

  "Oh yes it is. Those people don't care about the person; they only care about the picture. And I'm not going to let my wife be injured, or worse, because they want to keep a camera your face and put you at risk."

  "This is one of those arguments that's just going to go round and round isn't it?” I ask dryly and pull my covers over my legs.

  "You bet, babe....expect for a security advisor to meet up with you, and if Scott has his way, one for Krista too tomorrow."

  Well that caught my attention. "Wait, back up a minute. Scott is hiring security for Krista?"

  He lets out a huff and continues, "He seems really taken with her, honestly. He usually avoids the girls that dote on him other than signing and autograph here and there, but Krista really talked to him. About normal things, not interview questions."

  "Hmm,” I hum softly and sneak a peek over at Krista's sleeping form. "I'm sure she'll be ecstatic to hear this turn of events in the morning. Except for the security detail being attached part anyway."

  "Yeah well, we want you girls protected and safe. That's all there is to it."

  I sigh and snuggle down into my blankets and yawn, "Yeah, ok....I'll learn to ignore them, I guess."

  I can almost hear him smile. "Good girl....goodnight baby."

  "Good night, Liam.