Read Reconnected Page 8

  Chapter 7

  The following morning before the alarm even went off for class; Krista and I were rudely awoken by a pounding on our door.

  I hear Krista grumble and I try throwing a pillow over my head to block out the noise.

  "Mrs. Warren, Ms. Quinn...we're with Raden Security on behalf of Mr. Warren and Mr. Adams.” a deep voice says through the door and I frown.

  "Oh, right, the security thing. Umm, just one minute, please!” I pop up and nudge Krista awake. "Ok so long story short, Liam hired security for me, and Scott has hired security for you because apparently he really liked you after your little chat, so we have about five minutes to get up and dressed and let those guys in before they call and tell the guys we're being uncooperative,” I smile softly at her confused expression and start grabbing for my jeans and t-shirt and see Krista slowly do to the same.

  "Ok, I'm kind of lost, but I'm just gonna play along for now, k?" Krista says tiredly as she goes over and opens the door.

  Two heavily muscled men walk in and nod politely at the both of and start scouting around the room.

  Krista steps closer to me and whispers, "What exactly are they doing?"

  "Umm, I think making sure it's "safe" in here.” I whisper back as they come back to stand beside us.

  "Mrs. Warren, Ms. Quinn, my name is Eric Ronan and this will be my partner, Nate Wyatt.” He reaches his hand out and we each take turns shaking it and then Nate's.

  "As you know ma’am’s, Mr. Warren and Mr. Scott have hired us to be your protection.” Nate states and motioned for us to sit so we did. "We will be around you 24-7, you just might not always see us. Don't panic if we aren't in sight, if anything were to happen we will stabilize the situation and get you to safety immediately."

  "Ok...what about times when Krista and I aren't together?” I ask and look between them. "Like, when we have class and stuff like that?"

  "I will be going into class with you, Mrs. Warren. And Nate will be with you, Ms. Quinn. It's likely we will pose as a new student added into your class so the teachers won't be aware of anything different going on.” Eric tells us and I notice Krista try to stifle a laugh.

  "Really? You guys are like’re going to have all the girls wanting to hang all over you!” Krista blurts out and I have to put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing along with her.

  I notice Nate smirk for a second before his face goes back to being completely serious. "We will have no interest in persons other than you while we are on campus. You can be assured of that Ms. Quinn."

  She smiles softly and looks over at me. "We seriously have bodyguards. How freaking cool is that?"

  I scrunch up my nose and shrug. "I don't know if "Cool" is the word I would pick for offense to you guys...anyway, what's going to happen? I mean, do we just go about our usual business?"

  "Yes ma'am.” Eric pipes in. "If for some reason we are separated, and you feel in danger, we will give you our cell phone numbers and we will have a phrase to say to know that you are in trouble. Something like "I had to stop at the grocery store; I'm near-fill in the blank- right now” something that doesn't scream out what's going on."

  Krista frowns and scoots closer to me. "This is all really serious, isn't it? Are we really in that much danger? I mean a couple guys with cameras and love struck fans can't be that crazy, right?"

  Nate leans his elbows on his knees and nods. "Yes, Ms. Quinn, they can, especially those few women who truly believe that they have a shot at the celebrity and will find a way to track down the person who is in the way namely, the two of you."

  I frown slightly and look down at the floor. So much can change in such a short amount of time. Can this really be my life?

  "Ok.” I take a deep breath and glance over at Krista. "Thank you for coming to talk to us. Now, if you don't mind, we have to get ready for class now.” I give a small smile to them and stand up.

  "We will step out in the hall and be ready to follow you.” Nate tells us as they both take another look around the room and step out into the hallway.

  "Wow....just, wow.” Krista says shaking her head. "We're like, very important people now, huh?"

  Laughing as I shove my books into my bag, I shrug. "Sure looks like it, doesn't it?"

  "You can say that again.” She mutters as she grabs her bag. "Did I really make that much of an impression on Scott?” She looks over at me thoughtfully.

  I smile and loop my arm through hers. "I really think so, what did you talk to him about anyways?"

  She shrugs as we step out. Eric and Nate have already done the disappearing act apparently. Probably better that way.

  "Normal stuff, what’s his favorite food, what's his favorite place to just zone out, what's his idea of a romantic date.” She smiles softly at that and I see more than just the star struck girl that I thought she was before.

  "You really like him as more than just an actor, don't you?” I ask tilting my head to the side as we near the building both of our classes are in.

  With a thoughtful look on her face we step into the building. "I think I do, Kate. I really do. We got to talk for a while when you and Liam were off having your...discussion.” she raises an eyebrow at me and I feel myself blush. "He asked me about me too, like he was really interested and not just trying to be polite,” she shrugs and bites her lip. "Time will tell, I guess."

  "That it will...he'll be lucky to have you if he so chooses. And I'll kick his butt if he ends up hurting you too!"

  We both laugh at that and Krista puts her hand on my arm. "I'll do the same to Liam if he ends up breaking your heart again Kate. He may be a nice piece of man candy to stare at on the big screen, but if it comes down to it, I'll kick that boys’ butt for hurting my best friend."

  I smile and hug her. "I love you, Kris. You’re the best, best friend ever"

  "I know, and I love you too.” She smiles as she pulls back and darts her eyes around. "Do you think their around somewhere?"

  "Eric and Nate? It's likely"

  She nods and takes a breath. "Well, I'm going to be late, see you later!"

  "Ok, see you later.” I wave and walk down the hall to my class and stop inside the doorway when I see Eric sitting in a desk in the back corner.

  Shaking my head, I nod slightly at him and go to my desk in the front. I guess this really is the start of a new life.