Read Reflections of a Superfluous Mind Page 1


  Short Poems and Rhythmic Prose from the Mind


  Marvin K. Perkins

  Copyright 2012 by Marvin K. Perkins

  The Song

  If I wrote a song for you, the sweet sound would linger in the air, long after the words had past.

  Filling the atmosphere with beautiful thoughts and dreams I wish would forever last.

  If I wrote a song for you it would be a reflection of our love, a longing thirst and hunger that cannot be quenched easily.

  Only passion played through a montage of rhythmic ecstasy, could come close to expressing you and me.

  You Walk In Beauty

  You walk in beauty, your footsteps tread softly through the clouds, like raindrops or a dewy mist, a gentle shower just begun.

  You whisper my name softly and I am aware of your angelic being all around, entwined in the essence of my soul and we are forever one.

  The End Was Near Enough To Touch

  The dense dark jungle dripped a bright red hue, it swallowed me up whole.

  Regurgitated and spit my remnants on a beach, white like bleached bones.

  Blue pools of water like eyes the color of the skies sat stagnant and still.

  The silence was deafening like an eerie quiet windless day, in the air a chill.

  It turned suddenly black the skies foreboding, the sea swept me away.

  I felt the end was near enough to touch, it was the darkest of my days.

  But as fate would have it I didn't perish but fought the devil who wished me harm.

  We dueled for months, sometimes he would win, sometimes I.

  Fueled by hot pure passion, I yelled my warriors cry.

  I ripped out his entrails, bright red blood squirted from the gaping hole.

  He knew his days on earth were numbered, from him I reclaimed my soul.

  Defeated he ran away like a dog, between his legs he tucked his tail.

  If I'm lucky he'll live the rest of his days, burning in the depths of hell.


  I fly above the clouds on wings of dreams I have imagined had come true.

  The skies are not cloudy, but instead, lost delusions masked in blue.

  I revel in my own self importance not knowing how really small I am.

  But when I come face to face with the divine, I realize I'm just a man.


  A boy grew into a man, he reached old age and died.

  Such is the way of the world.

  His life had no meaning, no one cared that he existed.

  What a tragedy, to live a whole life and leave no legacy.

  That really sucks.


  A teardrop slowly trickled down my face leaving a trail of my sorrow.

  I wiped it away, blew my nose and hoped for a better tomorrow.

  Life just busted me in the mouth, but I won't let it get me down.

  I won't let a bunch of fools treat me like a clown.

  I got knocked down so what, they ain't heard the last of me.

  Cause this man is a winner and sooner or later the whole world's gonna see.

  The Thought

  A thought tried to escape me, I reached out to grab it before It fled.

  It eluded my mind leaving only cobwebs, and dust in its place instead.

  I yelled for it to return, but it went the way of many lost through the years.

  Sometimes I miss them late at night, when my pillow's soaked with bitter tears.

  The Bird

  I opened my bedroom window and in flew a bird.

  He fluttered about and looked at me wistfully.

  I attempted to shew him away but he stood fast,

  Laughing at me mirthfully.

  If you can imagine a bird laughing, you have a better one than me.

  So let's go ahead and crown him, the winged king of comedy.


  I stood at he crossroads of my life staring aimlessly into space.

  Not knowing what direction or road that I should take.

  Decisions, decisions, oh dear what shall I do?

  My mind is befuddled and I am afraid of fear itself.

  But then I stop and remind myself, after all I'm just a man.

  The Unknown

  Not knowing is the worst part, the unknown is scary as hell.

  A tiny thin beam of light pierces the darkness and it glimmers.

  It is hope and I nurture it like a budding flower.

  Gracefully it grows into fields of moonbeams.

  And I am no longer afraid.


  Last night I dreamed I was dreaming I was awake but then I woke.

  Thinking as I awakened sweating this was not a joke.

  I thought I had lost my mind, what little mind I had.

  But I guess being a little bit crazy, isn't all that bad.

  The Military Way

  Standing at attention is the correct military way, or so I am told.

  All the little soldiers dressed uniformly all in a row.

  Take your gun, bang, bang, shoot someone.

  Today he is your enemy but tomorrow he just might be your friend.


  I love being in love, it's a feeling I just love.

  But when it is unrequited it can tear the heart, right out of your chest.

  It can leave a gaping hole, where once was your soul.

  But other than that, ain't love just the best?


  Laughing is good therapy, the further extension of a smile taken one step progressively.

  But laughing and smiling all the time succeeds in only proving one's insanity.

  The Tragedy

  It's a tragedy not to know one's self, having a stranger inhabit your own body.

  Living a lie unaware of the truth that is buried beneath the rubble of your psyche.

  Too long have you toiled needlessly hoping to be free from the burden.

  Seek a closer relationship with your inner being, only then can you really be free.


  Suspicion can be a cunning enemy, hiding behind a mask of perceived imagination.

  Deep down it bares the scars of private conversations.

  Shady men in pinstriped suits, make their backroom deals.

  They laugh and smack each other on the back and stick the knife in deeper.

  They deceive each other with their lies, all in the name of country.

  What fools they make of all us who put our trust in those

  Contemptuous individuals we laughingly call politicians.

  Clandestine Relations

  Clandestine relations can't come to any good, they will always find the light.

  No matter how deep we bury them in the darkest night.

  We drink with the devil and call him friend, but don't be fooled by his charms.

  He'll take you back to hell with him, a chunk of your soul in his arms.


  You say I am disingenuous, what does that mean exactly?

  It means to me you don't have the courage to simply call me a liar.


  Resolutions are something we make for the new year.

  We proudly proclaim our resolve to live up to our commitment.

  But how many times do we fall short, because our expectations are too ambitious.

  And we simply just give up and quit.

  The Lost

  If a man loses everything, he has nothing left, such men are dangerous.

  A man who has nothing to lose and didn't have anything to begin w
ith is just as dangerous.

  The danger lies in the fact of the nothingness, the lost is felt deep in troubled souls.

  It manifests itself in an evilness, whose ugly face is greed.

  The Obstacle

  I came upon a river in my travels, it was an obstacle that needed to be crossed.

  But what is the best way to span a river, a bridge, or a boat I thought.

  I pondered this decision for a long while and finally came to a conclusion.

  If a boat or bridge are not available, you can always fly.

  The Predicament

  There's a thin line between insanity and genius.

  However I prefer the later to the former, I must admit.

  Some days I feel my genius is insanity, a curse to be endured.

  But it's certainly a nice predicament to be in, that's for sure.

  The Gunman

  Bang, bang, the shots rang out a congresswoman fell.

  A crazed gunman tried his best to blast her straight to hell.

  Bang, bang, more shots rang out, the gunman himself now down.

  Lying in a bloody pool, dead there on the ground.

  A crowd gathered round and all craned their necks to see.

  The best show in this ole town for free.

  The Boys of Summer

  When I was a young boy, I wanted to be a big league pitcher.

  Stand on the mound and strike those batters out.

  Throw that curve ball and the fast one, man I loved that heater.

  Those days are long since gone, but I still can remember.

  Those glorious boys of summer.

  Superfluous Mind

  Here's a toast to a superfluous mind.

  Lost, wasted, worthless and blind.

  But let us raise a glass, and be of good cheer.

  And pop the top on yet another beer.


  If the earth stood still we'd all fall off, you would think the opposite would be true.

  Rotation and the spin should send us flying, way into the deep dark blue.

  Gravity sure works in a mysterious way, it has to make you wonder.

  Was this the way it was supposed to be, or did God make a blunder.

  The Lie

  Sometimes a lie will work as good as the truth, but honesty is the best policy it is said.

  Lies come back to haunt you late at night amidst the fears and dread.

  They sneak into your subconscious and steal your soul bit by bit.

  Until you tell the truth, the gnawing just won't quit.


  Hatred is a terrible monster that eats up your soul.

  It's head is hideous, with red eyes that glow.

  He'll take you to hell if you let him have his way.

  So don't ever let this demon, come out to play.

  The Future

  Our founding fathers knew what they were doing when they drafted the Constitution.

  They knew that the new American government should be a sacred institution.

  But the generations that followed managed to screw the whole thing up.

  And leave our future in the hands of blind freaking luck.

  The Race

  A tortoise and a hare decided to have a race, or so goes the tale.

  The hare darted around and wasted his time, while the tortoise remained steadfast.

  He crossed the finish line in front of the hare and thus got all the glory.

  That's all there is, you can decide, if there is a point to this story.

  The Sea

  All around was blue and red, the waves covered me.

  Burning crimson like a demon, the sun high above the sea.

  I remember thinking of peaceful death, it wasn't meant to be.

  The sea didn't take me that day, back in 1943.

  A Big Woman

  I took one last long look in my rear view mirror.

  The decision I had made to leave, could not have been clearer.

  She stood in the road, and waved goodbye.

  Then went back in the house, to finish her pie.

  She was a big ole woman, but her loving couldn't be beat.

  I guess she never really loved me, but she sure loved to eat.


  Betrayal is a double edged knife, thrust into the back.

  It cuts deep and its wounds are almost impossible to heal.

  A thief in the night, it steals the very core of your soul.

  Your self respect laid in a shallow grave, rest in peace.


  An ego can fracture like an egg and just as quick.

  A fragile entity that can explode, with the slightest prick.

  Leaving an empty shell cowering alone in time and space.

  Your self respect gone, left without a trace.

  The Dream

  Once I dreamed I was a man, dreaming I had a dream.

  Or was I a dream, dreaming I was a man, neither one it seemed.

  I was a great spirit floating high, oh so high.

  Using sunbeams to shower me, and clouds to wipe my eyes.

  The Story

  Once upon a time is the perfect way to begin any story.

  The heroes, the villains, the fight for love and glory.

  But I'm afraid life is not a story, taken from a book.

  And most of our lives are not even worth, giving a second look.


  Confusion is a natural state of mind.

  A befuddled condition that has one lost most of the time.

  Add dazed to confused and you've got a Zeppelin song.

  Inviting everyone to come and sing along.

  The Darkness

  I'm in a dark place, but up ahead I can see a thin light.

  Hope is the one thing you can cling to, in the middle of the night.

  Out of the darkness will come brightness.

  Out of despair a new and better day will arise.

  It can happen, if you believe.


  Consequences are what is faced after a decision.

  Whether the decision is right or wrong, makes no difference.

  Indecision is the worst, meaning no choice is made.