Read Reflections of a Superfluous Mind Page 2

  The only dumb question, is the one not asked.


  Optimism is considering the glass is half full, instead of half empty.

  Looking at the world through those rose colored lenses.

  Realism is sometimes viewed as negativity.

  But most of the time what is going to happen, is going to happen anyway.

  My Dad

  Thinking about my Dad, I feel a sharp pain about his dying.

  It's been some years and I still can't say, his name without crying.

  My Dad still visits me, on nights when sleep just won't come.

  And I still need someone to blame, for the failure I've become.


  I'll tell you what madness is, thinking there will ever be peace on this earth of ours.

  The hate erupts all around us, and no amount of water will ever quench the fires.

  We kill each other for no good reason, the wars go on without end.

  The crazy part is our enemy today, tomorrow will be our friend.

  The Bubble

  The circus tent is erected, the animals' tricks all inspire.

  The lion tamer cracks his whip, we jump through rings of fire.

  We float in a bubble miles from the earth.

  Hoping to find the dream for which we search.

  But when that bubble pops how far will we go.

  Free falling to our death to the earth far below.

  Alas there is no net to stop our fall.

  And no one there to pay for it all.


  To grow old alone is a terrible thing.

  Waiting in isolation for the phone to ring.

  But it never does and you're left with your loneliness.

  Just waiting around to die with your nothingness.

  It is a sad thing indeed.

  My Father

  They say the older you get, the more you turn into your father.

  But I'm so unlike him, why even bother.

  To make that analogy is totally absurd.

  My dad left this life without saying a word.

  He slipped into darkness, gasped his last breath and was gone.

  Without ever admitting, he had ever did anything wrong.

  I know I have my faults and I admit them freely.

  Still searching all alone for my identity.


  Deceit is a masked disguise choosing to hide the truth.

  When a lie is told straight faced, without a shred of proof.

  Behind your back the eye winks, the fingers they are crossed.

  Beware those who play this game, irregardless of its cost.

  The Barn Door

  Ain't no use of shutting the barn door now, the chickens have all gotten out.

  You done gone and told your tale to everyone in town.

  You spilled the beans now they won't go back in the pot.

  I sure hope you're happy with yourself.


  She is withdrawn and fearful, her life is not her own.

  She toils long hours, her work hard and demeaning.

  Her humanity is stripped away piece by piece, until there is nothing left.

  When she looks in the mirror, a stranger looks back.

  She wants desperately for someone to save her, no one hears her cries.

  Everyday she paints on a happy face, while inside she wants to die.

  She is lost and forgotten in a world that doesn't care.

  But she's got to hope her savior, is out there somewhere.

  Will you help her?

  Multicolor Dreams

  The day is done and I lay my tired body down.

  The room whirls around, multicolor lights and sound.

  My bed disappears and I float effortlessly in mid-air.

  Then my wife wakes me and tells me to go upstairs.

  Your Beauty

  Your beauty takes my breath away, I'm left speechless.

  Transfixed motionless, frozen in awe of your loveliness.

  I try to speak but words can't begin to express.

  My undying love for you and my total happiness.

  And I thank you my love.

  My Wife

  You are my best friend and the love of my life.

  Your are my soul mate, my shining star, my wife.

  I am happy for our time together throughout all the years.

  We have had a blessed life full of joyful tears.

  And I thank you my dear.


  In the night shadows sneak stealthily, they move mysteriously.

  Co-dependent on their creator, unable to have a life independently.

  They follow closely reflecting illumination from a moonbeam.

  But when the morning comes they disappear, like a forgotten dream.

  Sun Beams

  The sun is high in the sky, I feel its warm rays caress my body.

  Beams of ultraviolet make love to my eager exposed skin.

  I am drawn into it's trance and fall fast asleep.

  When I wake up I have a hell of a sunburn. Damn! Ouch! Forgot the sunblock again.

  A Child

  A child is like a precious flower, he grows and blossoms.

  He is a thing of beauty thriving resplendent in the sun.

  Nourished by raindrops he grows stronger, in time growing old.

  Then like the flower his petals turn brown, he withers and dies.

  Such is the way of the world.

  Lost Puppy

  I found a puppy, a pooch on the loose, he followed me home.

  He wagged his tail and licked my face, as I bent to pat his head.

  He barked with delight, never thought he would bite, but I'm afraid he did.

  I said, “What the hell” and let out a yell, I smacked him on his snout.

  He yelped and scurried, down the street in a hurry, the ungrateful mutt.

  The Rainbow

  I followed my dream to the end of the rainbow, but I found no fortune there.

  No pot of gold or riches untold, it had vanished in thin air.

  Just my luck to find the end and discover no reward.

  So I turned around, head hanging down, and went home as poor as before.

  My Reflection

  While combing my hair one morning, I had an awful fright.

  Seems my face had grown old and wrinkled, sometime through the night.

  My God I thought, I can't be that old, staring at my reflection.

  Just last night I was young man with a smooth complexion.

  Guess I lost my mind.

  I had forgotten the time.

  Never mind.

  Happy Halloween

  A nightmarish grin appeared on his face, it was nothing but pure evil.

  He moved through the night like a black cat, green eyes shining.

  His victim in sight he lunged and ripped his neck wide open, blood ran red.

  He feasted on the flesh until he was satisfied, on this night of the living dead.

  Happy Halloween.

  Merry Christmas

  The smile on my children's face is present enough for me.

  Their joy and laughter as they play beneath the tree.

  My wife and I warm by the fire, she kisses me tenderly.

  We toast another year together, the wine is as sweet as she.

  Outside snow falls gently, on this Christmas eve.

  Santa will come tonight, to see those who truly believe.

  Merry Christmas.


  Jealousy is a green eyed monster breathing fire and wreaking havoc.

  Ripping the flesh from the bones exposing a naked soul.

  It will eat you whole and devour all that is good in you.

  Leaving only an empty shell where a man used to be.

  My Writing

  I take solace in my writing it is a source of great comfort to me.

  It lifts me up wh
en I am down and lost.

  It defines who I am, like an artist's brush stroke depiction of reality.

  My works are my children, I care for them each and every one.

  And put them gently to bed when my work day is done.

  A Million Stars

  A million stars in the sky look down on us and smile.

  They watch over us in the night through the miles.

  When the sun rises in the morning and shows its shining face.

  They disappear miraculously somewhere into space.


  Suicide is final, whatever you were going to be, you will never be.

  Whatever you ever wanted to say, will be left unsaid.

  Dreams you had, you'll never have ever again.

  And with your dying breath you will cease to exist, forever.

  Suicide is final.

  It's Your Life

  Flush your life down the toilet if that's what you want.

  Watch it swirl around and before you know it's gone.

  This world can take a big ole dump on you, it's true.

  Watch where you're walking cause you might step right in it.


  Deceit is the devil, he is cunning as a fox.

  He will fool you into thinking he is something he is not.

  In a moment of inattention he will steal your soul away.

  And hold you accountable for your sins on your judgment day.

  I Am Nothing

  A stranger passed, nodded hello.

  I did not acknowledge his presence only stared ahead.

  My eyes vacant and blue, absent of all life.

  Inside I am empty, I am nothing.

  Your Love Blows Me Away

  Your love blows me away.

  A whisper of dust on a cloudless day.

  Your kiss as sweet as candy.

  Your voice flows over me.

  We love in the noonday sun.

  Our bodies entwined, we are one.

  Your love blows me away.

  Buy A Sense Of Humor

  I laughed, somehow finding the situation funny.

  No one else shared my sentiment and stared at me harshly.

  I flashed them the bird, and tossed a quarter on the floor.

  I said take that and go buy yourself a sense of humor.

  Drowning Man

  Sleep overcame me and I soon was deep in a dream.

  About a desperate man drowning in a stream.

  He gasped for air and was coming up a third time.

  When I realized the face on that drowning man was mine.


  I don't care if the sun don't shine.

  I was once heard to opine.

  I know I was looking at the world in a somewhat negative connotation.

  A dim view indeed of my precarious situation.

  But I lost my rose colored glasses.

  So you can all kiss my ass.

  Happy Birthday

  Another year has gone and you are one more older.

  On this happy day we'll light the candles and cut the cake.

  Unwrap the presents and we'll sing the song.

  Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.

  A Solitary Man

  A storm blew in from nowhere, the rain fell hard.

  It beat against my window, the drops rolled down the glass.

  The thunder roared and the lightning flashed as I looked out into the inky blackness.

  In the distance I saw a solitary man, soaking wet and cold.

  He turned his collar up against the rain and walked into the night.

  I often wonder who that man was, but I guess I'll never know.


  I left early in the morning, walked out my door into the cold gray.

  Angry clouds welcomed me to yet another crappy day.

  It was winter in Seattle so what did I expect.

  But the air was clean and the people were good, so I decided I'd stay, what the heck.

  Oh To Be A Child Again

  I struggled to keep up, a big hand tugged at my little one.

  My feet ran twice as fast as the pair walking next to me.

  In a dream I walked proudly next to my father and the sun was shining brightly.

  And he was my whole world, and we were together, oh to be a child again.

  A Natural Beauty

  Her golden hair shone bright like a sunny morning.

  Her blue eyes matched the blue in the skies.

  She was a natural beauty with a white pearly tooth smile.

  And a heart as big as all outdoors.

  And I loved her, more than my own life.


  A depression strong and deep gripped me tight and wouldn't let go.

  A big gray cloud rained heavy raindrops on my soul.

  A black hole opened up and I fell in.

  And I don't think I'll be coming back again.

  Her Words

  Her words cut deep as the truth often does.

  I just soon she told a lie, it wouldn't hurt as much.

  Love had me confused, I thought and felt with my heart.

  I should have known I'd get hurt, right from the start.


  Troubles always seem to find you no matter where you hide.

  You can't run away from yourself so don't even try.

  Stand up and be strong and don't let them get you down.

  Because in that strength, real courage can be found.

  The Inner Child

  Growing old doesn't have to mean growing up.

  Nourish the inner child so he will not die.

  Don't forget how to have fun, it is the key to long life.

  Cherish the good times and the smiles, for they may never come again.

  Being Lost

  I found myself adrift in the sea of no where I'd ever been.

  The sun shone on my face, it burned my naked skin.

  The emptiness of being lost is almost more than I can bear.