Read Reflections of a Superfluous Mind Page 3

  I just hope I find myself before I lose the will to care.

  A Faulty Brain Function

  My memory failed me and I forgot to do.

  What I knew in my heart was the right thing to.

  A faulty brain function can put one in awful peril.

  But as they say, always keep your eye on the sparrow.

  Nature's Fury

  Inky black water tumbled overhead carrying us into oblivion.

  The earth opened up and swallowed us whole, spitting out pieces of metal carnage.

  It swept away all humanity in its path never to be heard from again, presumed dead.

  Nature's fury is not something to be ignored, sometimes man needs to be reminded.

  Three Words

  I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how much I love you.

  It is not a sentiment I use lightly or allow to flow from my lips without a thought.

  These three words say it all and I know I don't say them often enough.

  But on this day and this occasion I would like to express my undying love.

  And hope you feel in your heart the same love, I feel in mine for you.


  Our sanity is a fleeting thing, it can be whisked away in the whirlwind.

  We teeter on the edge daily in mortal danger of falling in the abyss.

  There's a thin line between reality and fantasy, oblivious to the darkness and blurring light.

  The multicolored kaleidoscope spins round and round and just won't let us off


  Being a loser is certainly not something to aspire to, but many among us just don't care.

  Winning is far too hard for these individuals who say they just don't have the time.

  They go through life in mediocrity, too lazy to reach for the stars.

  And when they die all that is written on their tombstone is”here lies a true nobody.”


  With a flick of a pen my fate was sealed.

  I couldn't believe what was transpiring was in anyway real.

  The line was signed, case closed, done deal.

  The rice was tossed, the ceremony said, it was all so surreal.

  I'm married? What the hell was I thinking?


  Ignorance is something that is excused only by being born simple.

  It should not be tolerated as a reason to be devoid of enlightenment.

  Stupidity can be learned by following the acts of the stupid.

  Monkey see, monkey do is a hell of a way to live one's life.

  Running Away

  Running away from one's self is unfortunately not in the realm of possibility.

  Your self follows you no matter where you go, good times or bad , you see.

  You can't hide from your self, like a shadow it is always there.

  So you need to add your self to the list of things about which you care.


  Laughter is the medicine that can cure all ills.

  It is by far a better remedy than a cabinet full of pills.

  So don't forget to be jovial, it will help you through your day.

  Laughter is better than a pocket full of money to chase those blues away.

  Winged Freedom

  The freedom of a bird is matched no where else in nature.

  Soaring high, wings flutter as they glide, what a beautiful creature.

  A marvelous sight, we are in awe as we watch them in flight.

  And we see them again, and wish we were them, in our dreams at night.

  A Single Note

  A beautiful song begins with a single note, a single sound that is built upon and expands in brilliance.

  Like a sunrise when the first rays and radiant beams, appear upon the horizon.

  From your soul the melody is sung and played by your heart strings, the sound resonates intensifying in bravado.

  And when it is complete it is like your child, to be nurtured and cared for, until the end of your time.

  The Blizzard

  My hot breath blew white in the icy air, the cold burned my lungs.

  My face red from the frigid wind, my heart raced and pounded in my chest.

  Each footstep in the blinding white snow left a trace, soon to be covered and forgotten.

  And in the ensuing blizzard I fear, I will never be seen again.

  Beautiful San Diego Day

  A school of dolphins frolic merrily, the blue ocean their dance floor, the bird's song their music.

  Whales jump and play, blowing water from their spouts, enjoying the same tunes, ever carefree.

  A dark thunder cloud, ominously threatens to rain on their parade, but passes without incident, revealing bright sunlight.

  I put on my shades and enjoy the rays, it's another beautiful San Diego day.

  The Pistol

  A pistol shiny and black glinted in the dimly lit, vacant room.

  The hand holding the weapon shook with fear and anticipation, unsteady but lethal.

  An accidental discharge could be as deadly as a purposeful one, sweat poured down my face.

  All I could think was to run, but I couldn't move, as my heart began to race.

  “Please don't kill me,” I thought so loud I was sure that he could hear.

  I just hoped he couldn't sense my panic, or didn't smell my fear.

  'Cause when a man loses his pride and self respect, he has nothing left.


  The pathway to one's destination is not always clear.

  It is littered with the carcasses of all those with good intentions,

  Who lost their way, finally ceasing to exist, dreams crushed.

  But those who persevere arrive victorious, wearing a crown of accomplishment on their brow, a sense of pride in their bosom.

  All hail the conquering heroes.

  The Tear

  A thin tear trickled towards her curled lip, just bypassing her turned up nose.

  Her eyes were reminiscent of a raccoon, running eye liner formed around her swollen eyes like a hold up man's mask.

  She knew in her heart, she shouldn't cry, he wasn't worth the tears, no way.

  “Who cares if he gone, Good riddance to bad rubbish,” was all she could say.

  But she knew she still loved him. Who the hell was she kidding?

  I Am No More

  I feel the darkness, I become the night.

  A thin stream of a moonbeam dances in the light.

  The blackness is dense, too thick for the sharpest knife.

  In horror I look upon the last remnants of my life.

  And as I slide into oblivion, sinking quickly into the abyss.

  My soul floating above me, I quietly take my last breath.

  The Best Me

  I resolve to be the best me I can be.

  After all doing one's utmost is all that should be expected of an individual.

  I don't have to be a superstar, everyone unfortunately can't reach that pinnacle.

  But I will live everyday like it was my last, because I never know, it just might be.

  Great Judgment Day

  Burn a hole in my soul, heat so hot, scorch your brand.

  Heal me from my wicked sickness, with the power of your hand.

  Raise the dead, they rise eager for that great judgment day.

  When your healing, cleansing waters wash all our sins away.



  Time that is wasted is time that we will never regain.

  All those days spent aimlessly existing, will never be seen again.

  Time passes quickly and too soon all time is gone.

  And it's too late to miss it, when we leave this world alone.


  I'm amazed by the thoughts that out of my mind seem to flow.

  Pearls of wisdom and riveting stories appear as by magic.

  I guess I could say they come from God, due t
o lack of any other explanation.

  I am thankful for them, so I share them with anyone who will listen.


  I search through the rubble looking for pieces of my broken life.

  Any fragment of my displaced existence that once was mine.

  A feeling of utter hopelessness overwhelms me and I feel I can no longer go on.

  But when I think of those who are no longer with us, I'm happy just to be alive.

  I Am Nothing Without You

  Follow me deep into my inner being, bury yourself in my soul.

  Surge like blood through my veins, only you have control.

  You are the food when I am hungry, you fill my belly full.

  I am nothing, when I'm without you, but with you I am whole.

  Thank you, Jesus.

  Where Have You Been?

  Where have you been Osama Bin, for almost ten years we have searched.

  Under every rock in Afghanistan, Pakistan and back again.

  I hope Allah has pity, because God won't have mercy on your wicked soul.

  Say hello to the devil for me, when you check in down below.

  Recycled Exuberance

  Recycled exuberance can never be misconstrued as genuine.

  No matter how cleverly masked, it will show through in time.

  A fake smile may show pearly teeth that sparkle and glow.

  But that smile can never hide, what is really in your soul.

  A Dark Beauty

  The night fell, darkness covered the city in inky black.

  A slinky red ribbon of light slivered through the key hole of my favorite night spot.

  The cool sounds of jazz permeated the atmosphere with delightful melodic tunes.

  That's when I first saw her, a dark beauty with eyes that shone like stars.

  Her hair flowed, the color of gold, she smiled and she was gone.

  I see her again on the lonely streets of my mind, but alas she lives only in my dreams.

  Long Live Rock and Roll

  Cheers came up from the crowd, the smoke was thick and stifling.

  The lights flashed, blinding, pulsating, the vibrating rhythmic sounds.

  Guitars screamed, like they were alive and in pain.

  A legend was born that night, long live rock and roll.

  A Brand New Day

  The wind blew lightly across the blue ocean white with peaks.

  A humpback playfully enjoyed the beautiful color drenched skies.

  It was early morning, the sun peeked ever so slightly over the horizon.

  Nature at its best had arisen once again to greet a brand new day.

  Save My Soul

  Save my soul with some good ole rock and roll.

  Dance all night, feel the fever start to grow.

  Sweat pours down, our bodies pulsating wild.

  Ain't gonna stop til the sun comes up.

  Eager To Do It Again

  Another day ends, I feel good, I've done my best.

  The sun retreats behind the horizon, for some much needed rest.

  The moon is full, shining brightly, it seems to smile.

  The stars twinkle in the heavens, they say sleep for a while.

  My eyelids heavy, I fight the sandman, but alas he wins.

  And I wake up in the morning, ready and eager, to do it all again.

  Happy Anniversary

  Twenty nine years ago you and I were wed.

  An unlikely couple, of us it was said.

  The naysayers on both sides scoffed and proclaimed, “It will never last.”

  But we're still together, after all these years have past.

  We beat the odds, we proved it to the world, my dear.

  And I will proclaim my undying love for you, to anyone who wishes to hear.

  Happy Anniversary.

  The Gathering

  A gathering of the world's greatest minds was convened.

  From near and far they came to add their expertise.

  Each one a genius in his own way expounding extraordinary truths.

  But when it was all said and done, it turns out, they didn't really know a damn thing.

  The Worm

  A worm crawled along, inching his way to his destination.

  A bird spied the worm in his travels and upon further investigation.

  Decided to eat the worm having not had a meal all day.

  The worm didn't notice the bird as he made his final approach.

  But luckily for the little worm the bird's attention had been diverted by a big juicy roach.


  My mind is befuddled by a cobweb of confusion.

  Every clear thought I ever had is riddled with delusion.

  A journey through my brain is like a tangled maze.

  It's hard to navigate through the smoky haze.

  But ahead is a clearing, I think I see the light.

  If hindsight is twenty twenty then how come I can't get it right.

  My Precious Flower

  Good morning to you my precious flower.

  You grow more beautiful with each passing hour.

  Have a great and wonderful day today.

  And I hope you find joy and happiness along your way.


  Although you may sometimes feel like a crust of bread thrown out to dogs, that they don't even want.

  You are a special creation made by God in his image, don't ever forget and you must persevere.

  Though the nights are cold and lonely and you sometimes feel you just can't go on.

  Step into His Light, let It bathe you in its almighty Goodness, and you will know how special you really are.

  A Dream

  Everybody's got to have a dream.

  Big, small or in between.

  If you don't have a dream, get one.

  Work on it often before the day is done.

  Pieces on the Floor

  Shattered dreams lie in a million pieces on the floor.

  They blow away like leaves in the wind, won't come back no more.

  Gonna build me some new dreams, dust myself off, get up again.

  Stand up like a man and be strong, with the help of family and friends.