Read Reflections of a Superfluous Mind Page 4

  The Real You

  Deep down in a place almost impossible to touch.

  Lies the real you, you choose to hide from the world.

  It is locked away under lock and key, hidden from prying eyes.

  Sometimes we are not even aware of its existence, but it is there, waiting.

  Real Beauty

  Real beauty glows from within, it can not be mistaken.

  It does not diminish over the years, it is timeless.

  It is the smile, the twinkle in the eyes, a laugh.

  A soul that radiates goodness is real beauty and pure love.

  A Good Scare

  It'll make your skin crawl, it's creepy and slimy.

  Your nerves all tingle, like when someone sneaks up behind you.

  The short hairs on the back of your neck stand up with excitement.

  A good scare is such a delight, let the ghoulish games begin.

  The Witching Hour

  Chase those shadow demons deep into the recesses of your mind.

  Run but you can't catch them, you are falling behind.

  They'll cause great damage if allowed to run a muck.

  They'll torture and destroy you before the witching hour is struck.

  Heaven or Hell

  A ray of hope shone through the clouds reaching out to take my hand.

  It led me to a fantasy world somewhere in another land.

  Time stood still, I felt the ticking of life's clock stop.

  Then it was all over in a instant and I began to drop.

  Free falling weightless in the atmosphere, tumbling out of control.

  That's when I realized my body was somehow separated from my soul.

  Surely this must be heaven I said as I continued to fall.

  But when I awoke from my dream I couldn't recall.

  Was it heaven or hell?

  Faded Into Blackness

  A hard rain fell down on my head like thousands of tiny spears.

  I turned my collar up against the cold wind, shivered in the black frigid night.

  A car passed by I tried to get a ride but alas, I could find no solace.

  So I slowly faded into the blackness, unnamed, cold and alone, never to be heard from again.

  Nothing But Heartache

  I loved her so much it was beyond reason or logic, it was monumental and epic, knowing no bounds, only greatness of depth.

  I wrote love songs and wonderful works of beautiful poetry proclaiming my undying love, for her I would conquer the world.

  But alas, an ill fated love affair is destined to go nowhere and lead to nothing but heartache and utter despair.

  Leaving one lost and alone, hurt and rejected, feeling low enough to crawl under a closed door and stupid as one as well.


  I was feeling pretty darn unappreciated and sorry for my self that my day had been so crappy.

  Tomorrow will be better I told myself and yet each passing day was as bad as the previous one.

  Seems my life and my happiness were slipping away right through my fingers and I was powerless to stop it.

  But I just kept telling my self over and over “It's gonna be a great day” and one day it was , perseverance pays.

  Free From the Burden

  I don't love her anymore, it's just as well she never loved my anyway.

  I don't see her face everywhere I turn, she no longer haunts my dreams.

  The obsession has lost it's power to control my every thought.

  And I live again, I'm whole again, happy to be free from the burden.

  Fear of Dying Alone

  I have no friends, at least none that would admit to being someone who would stand by me in times of hardship.

  Only those who hang around hoping to glean scraps of food from my table or the few coins that jingle in my pocket.

  I reach out with a hand of friendship but am shunned by even the most mediocre of individuals, who should be happy for my attention.

  They don't deserve even my most casual of glances or the slightest gesture I would make in their general direction.

  But still I have this sinking feeling, a fear of dying alone.

  Time To Meet the Maker

  I arose early in the morning feeling more energetic than normal, the sun was just peeking out from behind the clouds as I opened my shades.

  I realized with some great sense of revelation it was the dawning of a new day, as I took a sip of piping hot coffee, taking in the majesty of the moment.

  It was not just another morning that I watched awe fully breaking before my eyes, but this one was special, and before it was over I would know its full meaning.

  From nowhere a shot hit me like a bolt of lightning, I fell to the cold kitchen floor twitching, blood oozed from a gaping hole that opened up mysteriously in my chest.

  As my life faded, I hoped I was ready to meet my maker, because it was time.

  Heavy As A Bolder

  My heart was heavy as a bolder, it thumped and raced in my chest so fast I thought it would burst.

  Short breaths tried to escape from my lungs, but found no orifice from which to escape.

  The world spun around as I attempted to stand but my shaking legs would no longer support me.

  A cold darkness the likes of which I had never known overcame me, I gasped and tried to speak.

  So many things I wished I could have said, if only I could have said them, but alas I could not.

  Death comes to us all, we can not pick the time nor the place, it is no respecter of persons.

  The Music

  I heard a beautiful sound, its sweetness I cannot even begin to describe.

  It floated through the air effortlessly, I was mesmerized and stopped to listen.

  Never had I heard such bravado or crescendo that grew in radiance so dazzling, it took away my breath.

  The music swept me away in a swirling cloud and I was never heard from again.


  There once was time when I thought I could run away from myself, hide my head in the sand.

  But when I got to where I was going I found myself was right there as well.

  I cursed to myself and ran again, I tripped and fell looking behind me as if some evil nemesis was in pursuit.

  My shadow was the only thing I could see, its reflection on the wall that was dimly lit and flickering.

  “Run but you can't hide,” I could hear it saying, as it began to follow me as once again I ran.

  It followed me home and became my closest friend and confident, no longer did I feel the need to run away.

  And from that day forward I knew the truth and in it I found great comfort.

  Something Caught My Eye

  Something caught my eye, it was bright and twirling like a top or perhaps a gold coin.

  I was so mesmerized by the object, I tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and almost broke my arm.

  Getting up, dusting myself off, I looked around hoping no one saw me, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

  I turned back around

  Looked down on the ground

  But the item of such interest

  Was no longer to be found.

  Must have been a dream

  Or so it seemed

  I went on my merry way, not giving it another thought.


  I wish I could live in dreamland with my best friend the sandman.

  Floating on a cloud, I'll be so proud, I'd never come down again.

  Being what I want to be, lost in a fantasy, oh wouldn't it be grand.

  But alas there's reality, and there's no such place you see, as dreamland.


  The blood ran red in the streets of dead, the air was putrid, full of dread.

  The waters rose and swallowed us whole, fire burned deep into our mortal souls.

  A unseen hand ripped us apart , blood pumped pulsing from our dying hearts.

  Darkness covered the ear
th and man was no more, mother nature had long last settled the score.

  The end.


  I aspire to inspire and because it is my desire, let me give you this little piece of advice.

  If you aspire, you must perspire, hard work is first and foremost required.

  The idle malingerer will never attain any goal just by wishing it were so.

  Hard labor is the key to success my friend, without it you are just pissing in the wind.

  My Constant Companion

  His furry little face makes me smile at the end of a long hard day.

  I pet his head, reward him with a snack, he rolls over on his back,and I rub his tummy.

  Without him I would be lost and alone, he brings purpose to my otherwise meaningless life.

  He is the friend who will never let me down, my constant companion.

  The Beach

  The sand squished between our toes, hot from the noon day sun, burning our feet as we walked.

  I squinted as I looked up at the clear blue sky, hanging on her every word as we talked.

  Her brown skin tan and lovely glistened sensually from droplets of sweat like dew.

  She smiled sweetly, teeth sparkling pearly white, lips red with a luscious hue.

  If I could spend my life on this beach, by this ocean so blue, I would indeed be a happy man.

  Forever with my true love, walking hand and hand, our feet leaving footprints in the sand.

  I Came Upon A Child

  I came upon a child in my travels, she was wretched and dressed rather shabbily.

  She held out an unwashed hand in an attempt to illicit my sympathy.

  “I've lost my way, could you please help me?” She said tearfully.

  “I can't help you, run along now and play,” I said rather cruelly.

  But when I returned to my travels I seemed to be lost in a fog of doubt.

  I looked around in vain hoping to find someone who could possibly help me out.

  But there was no one and and as my own words came back to haunt me that day.

  Someone called from a distance, “I can't help you, run along now and play.”

  My Shortcomings

  In the matter of my shortcomings versus my attributes I think I am successfully winning.

  Although woefully inadequate in some areas, I am a far cry from where I was in the beginning.

  Striving each day to make my self a better me, I find is the key to the whole situation.

  Taking my shortcomings and turning them into victories is cause for much celebration.

  I Miss the Freedom

  The freedom I once felt, I no longer feel, a thousand eyes seem to watch my every move.

  Paranoia strikes fear and dread to the core of my very soul, keeping me locked apprehensively behind closed doors.

  I dare not step outside, agoraphobia overwhelms me, it keeps me prisoner against my own will, I am helpless.

  I miss the life I once knew before it was taken away on that infamous day, but most of all I miss the freedom.

  Don't Burn the Bridges

  Don't burn the bridges that you cross for you never know when you may have to come that way again.

  Never turn your back on anyone you ever in life considered to be a friend.

  Life is much too short to live alone regretting the things that could have been.

  Don't burn the bridges, cause one way or another, you will pass that way again.

  The Morning Sunlight

  The morning sunlight played joyfully with the blue morning sky.

  It gently kissed a wistful cloud that lingered in the air nearby.

  A single raindrop fell streaming sadly down a mountainside.

  Bathing the ground below like a teardrop that time had long since cried.

  When I Die

  When I die bury me in a simple wooden box, or scatter my ashes in the sea.

  My fragile human body is of no consequence, after my soul is set free.

  Our fates lie in the hands of God, there is no more to be said or done.

  For a life is such a fleeting thing, too soon lost and forgotten.

  Sly Smiles

  Once upon a time the world made sense, deals were sealed with a simple handshake.

  Trust was a word that was much revered, a binding bond we would in good faith make.

  But now things are not always what they appear to be so don't be fooled by the lies.

  Told by crooked people with sly smiles and eyes that hypnotize.

  Man Won't Be Satisfied

  Man won't be satisfied until he ceases no more to exist.

  And his world lies in bloody pieces smoldering and burnt.

  The broken bodies piled in a heap reaching to the moon

  And darkness covers all the lands and silence is all there is.

  Thirty Year Ago Today

  This book is dedicated to my wife Monica, always my muse.

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