Read Reflections of a Superfluous Mind 2 Page 2

  Being alone is not always a sad time, it is a perfect opportunity for self- reflection.

  Sometimes you might not like what you see, but there is no such thing as perfection.

  Your mind can be a dark place, filled with much trouble and confusion.

  But you must realize the subconscious is a place full of tricks and illusions.

  You need to get to know yourself, simply walk up and say hello.

  And most of the time, you will find yourself is not such a bad fellow.

  A Pretty Little Thing

  She stole my heart and possessed my soul, I could think of nothing but her.

  A young country girl from the south of Tennessee, had me wrapped around her little finger.

  Her name was like a song, but for the life of me I can't seem to remember.

  Maybe she wasn't real, maybe she was a dancer, maybe she was a singer.

  She could have been an urban girl, from New York or Kansas City.

  An exotic buxom beauty from Brazil, all fine and brown in a bikini.

  A Swedish bombshell, with big blue eyes, a China doll from Beijing.

  But wherever that lady came from, she sure was a pretty little thing.

  Don't Let Me Go Out Like This

  Rescue me, I'm falling in a deep hole, black and empty.

  I'm wrung out like a sponge, I'm poured out, every drop of me.

  There's no escape as I plunge, further falling, into the abyss.

  God I beg you please, don't let me go out like this.

  A Guy Like Me

  As I saunter along a silent street, shuffling my feet, to the beat.

  The sun is warm and sublime, keeping the rhythm right on time, in the noon day heat.

  I'm digging on some groovy tunes, it's a beautiful day in June, and I'm chilling.

  Just loving the life I'm living, it's a gift that keeps on giving, man what a feeling.

  All the girls walk by, I give them the eye, but they don't even look my way.

  They don't know what they're missing, 'cause they could be somewhere kissing, a guy like me today.

  He Will Vanquish All Our Fears

  The winds of discontent will blow, the tears will flow like a raging river.

  A shroud of hatred covers us like a cloak, in the cold we shiver.

  It is the calm before the storm, the rains are coming, better take to higher ground.

  The end is coming soon, nothing but deathly silence, in the air not a sound.

  The day is coming when we will be swept up to spend with God all our forever years.

  And he will give us joy and peace, and vanquish all our fears.

  The Black Hole

  As a thin shred of morning light trickled through my bedroom window

  I held my hand over my blood shot eyes to shield me from the world below.

  My body froze, unable to move from a fear that clutched my very soul.

  Try as I may, I couldn't break free from the chains that held me so.

  A tear stained my face, I felt a sadness I had never known.

  A black hole appeared out of nowhere and attempted to swallow me whole.

  I held on for dear life as the room began to spin.

  Knowing that if I let it take me, I'd never be back again.

  My Daily Pledge For A Better Self

  I am ready, willing and able, to start my brand new day.

  I will do my best to be my best, in each and every way.

  I will first be kind to others and treat them as I myself would want to be treated.

  I will try my best to love my fellow man, and help him whenever I am needed.

  And foremost I will trust in our Lord Jesus Christ, because through Him all things are possible.

  Our Love

  We are one mind, entwined together, in a special way.

  We are one body and one soul, together, forever, always.

  Our love will weather time, it is strong, it endures.

  It burns like fire, knows no limits, it is pure.

  No person, or thing, woman or man, can ever tear us apart.

  Because you are the one true love, engraved forever in my heart.

  Soft As Mush

  I searched in my heart for forgiveness, just one soft spot, but it was nowhere to be found.

  Ice cold blood surged through my veins, I was frigid and frozen like a winter's day.

  When did I become so rigid and unfeeling, uncaring, devoid of any emotion?

  But then she came into my life, she softened my heart, she melted the ice.

  Barely two hours old when I first saw her wrinkled little face and heard her cry.

  I held my grand daughter in my arms, all warm and cuddly like a teddy bear.

  And since that day, I have a new purpose for living and my heart is as soft as mush.

  Blown Away

  Hurt and pain, suffering the games, win, lose, it's all the same.

  Up, down, sideways, around, through his life he plunged hell bound.

  Never satisfied, 'til he tried, to make her cry, with his lies.

  An evil man, doesn't understand, that he can bring heartache on demand.

  Until one day, she has to say, she has had enough, and blows him away.

  A Complex Situation

  Remarkably enough I've found a simple solution to a complex situation.

  That being our love affair being complicated by friends and family who should simply butt out.

  Their absence would make our love and life easier and cause for great celebration.

  And we should learn not to take advice from people who don't know what the hell they're talking about.

  Love Is A Hurting Thing

  Hammer another nail into my coffin, close the lid down tight.

  Slice and dice me with a razor blade and blow my ass up with a stick of dynamite.

  Cut my heart out with a rusty butter knife, and throw it away.

  Feast on my entrails, and save my blood for yet another day.

  Love is a hurting thing, no truer words have ever been said.

  And it's hell being in love with someone who had just as soon see you dead.

  Blame it on the Alcohol

  On those rare occasions when I find myself in pensive thought.

  Thinking about the bad things I've done and all the hell I've wrought.

  Back in the days when I used to drink a little too much and alcohol possessed me, body and soul.

  I'd drink and drive, wreck my car.

  Get hell bent and tear up a bar.

  Lose my mind and hit my wife.

  Alcohol controlled my very life.

  And then one day in a drunken haze, I ran over a little girl as she crossed the street.

  A part of me on that day died.

  But no matter how many tears I cried.

  A child was dead and forever lost.

  Now only I am left to pay the cost.

  And I pray every day for God to forgive me.

  I only hope that He hears me.

  My Temptress and Me

  Her blue eyes twinkled, her pearly whites sparkled as she smiled.

  A voice like an angel, she invited me to come and stay for a while.

  She was a temptress, and her temptation I was powerless to resist.

  Her lips as red as cherry wine were just begging to be kissed.

  One taste and I was hooked on the overwhelming intoxication.

  Lost in her beauty, hopelessly entrapped in her love celebration.

  I had disappeared, the me I was, never to be seen again.

  And I'm afraid there is only one way this story can end.

  We got married and forever we shall live happily.

  Every day is amazing, my temptress and me.

  It's Time To Go

  The reason and rhyme, the rhythm, the time, the ebb and the flow.

  The essence of the presence, the absence by chance, of knowing what's to know.

  Film at eleven, the murder at seven, th
e guilt and the shame.

  All the key players, all the nay-sayers, were caught up in the game.

  The thrill of the chase, lovers embrace, a chance for romance.

  A penny arcade, it was all a charade, now it's time for the dance.

  A carnival bear, named Fred Astaire, put on one hell of a show.

  I could go on forever, but I'm afraid it's time to go.

  The Person in the Mirror

  Anger is ugly, it festers inside you like a sore.

  Ready to burst and spread like a cancer.

  Hatred will eat you up and spit you out like rancid meat.

  Rotting away at your soul, it is an enemy you can't defeat.

  In time your you will blow away and all but disappear.

  And you no longer recognize the person in the mirror.

  All Hail the King

  The land was fertile and green, giving up a child that was nature itself.

  Gold laden, trimmed in silver, he was the epitome of vast wealth.

  Men will bow down before him and sing his praises, beat the drum.

  And pray to God's Holy name that at long last their kingdom come.

  But who or what is the Savior born of earth, rock and skies?

  Adorned with precious metals, diamonds, with magic in the eyes.

  He is imagination, creativity, a universe all wrapped up in a cloak of secrecy.

  Beware, he is waiting to sneak in like a thief in the night and claim his dynasty.

  His armies are vast, such are their numbers that they cannot be conquered.

  And in the end, they will over run the world leaving it barren and wasted.

  I Need to Write Some Poems

  The creative juices failed to flow as I sat staring at a blank computer screen.

  I had racked my depleted brain for days but I had drawn a blank, lost in space.

  Writing was my passion, but the heat of my usual fire had turned icy cold and desolate.

  “I need to write some poems for my second book of reflections,” the thought consumed me.

  Not being able to create almost at will, polished pieces of art, really had me down.

  But writing this little ditty seems to have brought me back around.

  For I Am, Who I Am

  I've thought a hundred times about my bouts with sadness and melancholy.

  A fog that lasts for days, dark and ominous, thick and foreboding.

  A lesser man would have thought to end it all, not able to deal with the mind-numbing pain.

  But I know there is sunshine behind all the dark clouds, that will chase away the rain.

  My future is bright, my past is something I can't change, from which I can only learn.

  Success may not come immediately, but if I am patient, sooner or later it will be my turn.

  So I smile when I want to cry.

  I live life when I want to die.

  For I am, who I am, and that's all I can be.

  I Just Let It Flow

  A clear head is always good, as opposed to one cluttered with unnecessary nonsense.

  I try to sweep my brain of all nonessential information to make room for a poem or story.

  Then I start with the rhymes.

  Forget about the time.

  Concentrate on the characters.

  The story and the structure.

  I forget about my obligations.

  And troublesome life situations.

  I just let it flow.

  There is never a lack of inspiration.

  When you put in the perspiration.

  Hard work is always the key.

  To get where you want to be.

  I just let it flow.

  And when my day is done.

  I think about the fun.

  The poems that I've rhymed.

  The great story lines.

  When I just let it flow.

  For My Wife Monica

  You and I we've been through a lot.

  Many days of haves and few have-nots.

  Seen many decades come and go together.

  Sunny skies, clouds and rain, all kinds of weather.

  And through the years it’s been you and I.

  You've always been a friend on whom I could rely.

  My loving wife you'll always be,

  Since the day you said you'd marry me.

  His Work Was Finished

  The day the earth stood still, the oceans rolled away, leaving barren desert.

  Life on the planet ceased to exist, it went dark.

  The moon burst into flames, hurdling to earth striking it like a fiery projectile.

  Blizzards came, covering the world with a blanket of snow and ice.

  And God saw that it was good.

  His work was finished.

  God Watches

  A huge mountain rises to the sky so tall one can barely see the peak in the gathering rain clouds.

  The snow clings to the apex like a thick white blanket covering it like a shroud.

  A single eagle takes to flight, soaring above the majestic summit surveying the beauty below.

  A ray of sunshine trickles through the clouds prompting Mother Nature to start her show.

  In cities and towns all over the world the scene plays out in different ways, but all the same.

  The sun rises, the sun sets, children are born, people die, it's all a part of life's game.

  Men wage war, they keep the peace, there is good and evil, love and hate, the world spins around.

  And God watches from on high, ever silent, ever vigilant, without a sound.

  Your Own Personal Jeb Smith

  An agile mountain cat sat poised and ready watching a nest of birds, eying it hungrily.

  In a tree a possum hung by his tail, watching the show, waiting to see what there was to see.

  The big cat crept stealthily, hoping to catch the birds unaware, his breath white hot in the cold mountain air.

  But ole Jeb Smith had different plans as he watched the scene from afar with the big cat in his cross hairs.

  Just as he struck, Jeb fired, killing him dead, he fell leaving a pool of red in the snow.

  The birds flew away unaware of the fate they had narrowly escaped because of the actions of the hunter below.

  A lesson of nature was learned that day by the big cat, life has no guarantee, it's a blessing.

  And all of us, man and beast, have a Jeb Smith out there waiting to change the course of our destiny.

  God Given

  I've often wondered why I can't break free of the restraints of mediocrity.

  Why can't I achieve greatness and excel at the highest level of superiority.

  I work harder than some, at least as hard as most, but still I can't succeed.

  It is said that good things come to those who wait, but when will my turn be.

  Given a level playing field and in a perfect world, that would be true.

  But in my opinion, it all depends on the talent the good Lord has given to you.