Read Reflections of a Superfluous Mind 2 Page 3

  Dead Man Walking

  Time is moving much too quickly as I wait for my final moments to come.

  Soon it will be midnight, when I will walk my last walk.

  The last meal has been served, the dishes cleared, the Padre prays.

  My soul is in jeopardy, but I repent for my terrible sins.

  The priest crosses himself and continues to pray, as I bow my head.

  Two guards rush in, snatch me up to my feet, I stand uneasy on wobbly legs.

  As I begin the sojourn to death, I hear the dreaded words, “Dead man walking.”

  “We've got a dead man walking here.”

  They strap me into the chair, hooking up the tubes, I can feel the needles. It is my time.

  It is one minute to midnight, thirty seconds, twenty seconds. I close my eyes waiting for the end.

  All of a sudden the warden rushes in yelling, “unstrap him. Unstrap him. His stay of execution from the Governor just came through.”

  I am back in my cell alive. Well for now.

  From the Bottom of the Hole

  I just can't seem to get away from the rain cloud hanging over my head.

  A sinking pain in the pit of my stomach, that overwhelming feeling of dread.

  I try to crawl out from under the rock that is pressing down on me but the weight is too heavy.

  I am unable to stand upright, I crawl on all fours, blinded by the reality I can not see.

  The precipitation falls in sheets, flooding over me, drowning me.

  Suffocating sickness attempts to kill me, now again back on my knees.

  Fortunately depression in itself can't kill, but it leaves scars on your soul.

  And it can take years to dig yourself out from the bottom of the hole.

  The Single Life

  Her heart was broken like a glass, shattered shards of her soul flowed down her face with burning tears.

  Loneliness swept over her like a dark gray cloud, she couldn't believe he'd left her, after all the good years.

  He wanted to be free after the kids were gone, they had grown apart, the love was no longer there.

  Now she was all alone in the big empty house, feeling sorry for herself and needing someone to care.

  Admiring herself in a full length mirror she proclaimed, “look how fine I am, how the hell could he, leave me?”

  Suddenly there was a ringing at the door, it was the postman, said he had a special delivery.

  “Wow, he 's handsome,” she thought, “I never noticed before,” as she asked him in, offering him a seat.

  “Hello, I'm Brittany,” she said somewhat timidly, “I never met you before, but I think it's time we meet.”

  They met and got acquainted, they got real acquainted, and he delivered his delivery very specially.

  Later came the pool man, she spotted him through the den window and joined him wearing her tiniest bikini.

  It came off and so did his trunks, as they decided to take a little frolic in the freshly cleaned pool.

  Then came the power man, the telephone man, the pizza delivery boy and a yard man or two.

  At the end of the day she came to the conclusion, the single life wasn't so bad at all.

  She decided to give her ex-husband a call

  But couldn't remember his name.

  Happy Mother's Day

  Mothers, you are the heart and soul of the earth.

  The moon and stars, the center, of our universe.

  You gave us nourishment, from your nourishment, breath from your breath.

  A heart beat that kept rhythm to the rhythm in your chest.

  Your angelic face was the first thing in this big ole world we saw.

  You became our everything, you were our all.

  No matter who is against us, you'll always be there.

  Even if everyone turns their back, you will still care.

  You are called mother, mom, ma, or momma, just to name a few.

  By whatever name you are called, we want you to know, we love you.

  So on this special day, in this little way.

  We wish you a happy Mother's Day.

  I Am Someone

  You're nothing, you're nobody, a voice kept saying in my head.

  But how can that be true, another voice simultaneously said

  I am a child of the Almighty God, so how can that be ?

  He is my protector and provider, he watches over me.

  Through Him I can achieve my own true greatness.

  Have good health, gain great wealth, success and happiness.

  So I can't be nothing, I am someone, I can do anything.

  I can have what I want, what I need, I can have everything.

  Because everything is possible for those who believe and trust in Him.

  Should Have Known Better

  Her hair in my face, skin touching mine.

  Her lips, her taste, our bodies entwined.

  Passionate, pulsating, hot, glowing

  Throbbing, erotic, hungry, love making.

  Sweating, wet, sheets on the floor, tangled, tumbled.

  Key in the front door, knob turning, clothes in a jumble.

  Man shouting, woman running, me, ducking, hiding.

  Cold blue steel, forty five caliber, hear the breach sliding.

  Shots fired, blood red, my lover dead, on the floor.

  I lie very quiet, hear heavy footfalls, 'til they are no more.

  Learn my lesson, narrowly escaping, with my worthless life.

  Bad idea, should have known better, than to fool with another man's wife.

  The Reaper is Waiting

  Crash, rumpled, tumbled, blood flows in the streets.

  Red fire ball blazes

  Feel the heat.

  Sirens blaring, people screaming,


  Twisted wreckage, jaws of life

  Bodies broken.

  Death, everywhere, carnage, in the air.


  Black is the night.

  The reaper is waiting

  To take them home...

  The World


  The whole world is in turmoil, consumed by war and hatred.


  The ground is soaked red from thousands who have bled.


  The bombs and the guns, where is the love?


  Souls in need of spiritual guidance from above.


  Armageddon is coming, we must prepare for the day.


  The Lord Jesus Christ shall come and show us the way.

  Mama Ain't Never Coming Back

  A whirlwind romance, a walk down the aisle fast

  Two kids later she wonders how she'd gotten where she was at.

  She's drinking too much, popping some pills

  The doctor prescribed them, so it's no big deal.

  Her husband's into the run around

  Seen with other women all over town.

  Nothing another drink won't cure

  Just a few more won't hurt, that's for sure.

  Kids running wild, daddy's gone, mama's tanked

  No groceries in the cupboard, no funds in the bank.

  Daddy's gone for good says he's had enough

  Just can't deal with all the messed up stuff.

  Child Protective Services come and take the children away

  She doesn't say a word for the rest of the day.

  Swallows a bottle of pills, washes them down with some Jack

  I'm afraid mama ain't never coming back.

  An Old Fashioned Goodbye Poem

  It's so hard to say goodbye, so I'll just say so long for now.

  I'll try my best to keep your memory in my heart somehow.

  Though there's a chance I may never see you again

  I hope there's a way we can still remain as friends.

  So if you think of me, from time to time

  Remember I
regret that you could never really be mine.

  And as I bid you a fond, tearful adieu

  I will always think of the good times I shared with you.

  The Cat and the Rat

  A slimy rat named Ralph chewed on a piece of cheese.

  Wiped his mouth when he finished, as pretty as you please.

  Let out a burp that smelled foul as you might guess.

  Cheese crumbs on the floor, the place a total mess.

  His friend Felix stopped by for a casual chat.

  He was thin and hairless, quite unusual for cat.

  Felix said, “you know Ralph, I haven't eaten in damn near a week.”

  Ralph answered, “come over to the window, I want you to take a peek.”

  “Look at ll those birds out there, they'd make a fine meal.”

  Felix spied out the glass and agreed they did have a certain appeal.

  “But I think I'd rather have a nice fat rat,” he said, as he sank his sharp incisors into the rodent's neck.

  “That would be just fine with me, of course that is, if you don't object.”

  Boys Will Be Boys

  Men who love their toys, refuse to be a man, but want to remain a boy.

  They want their wives to be their mommies, breast feed them and dress them like dollies.

  For them life is nothing but fun and games, never taking responsibility.

  And they are bigger kids than their own children could ever be.

  Kids need a father, not a friend, a buddy or a pal.

  Boys in particular need their dad to teach them and to show them how

  To be a good husband and father themselves when their time comes.

  It is the way it is supposed to be and as a general rule of thumb.

  Boys will be boys, but men need to be men.

  Love a Woman

  The ticking of the clock, tick tock, it grows louder, louder.

  The light piercing, burning, brighter, to the point of blinding.

  A face melts like a figure from a wax museum.

  Raging inferno, hell's fire has no fury like the rage

  A woman's anger, no place on earth to hide, no forgiveness.

  Scorned, rejected, harmed, hurt and neglected

  Beauty is the beast, she'll rip your heart out.

  If a man dare to cross that line, he'll regret

  The day he was born, the day he was doomed.

  She'll say she will, but she'll never forget.

  Love a woman and stay in her good graces

  She has no sense of humor in affairs of the heart.

  Treat her with the respect that she deserves

  And you can sleep safe and sound every night.

  The Golden Years

  How will you spend your twilight years, will they be golden or dark and foreboding?

  Scared to face each brand new day with bare cupboards and an empty bank account.

  Making the daily choice of whether to buy your medication or spend your money on your next meal.

  Your family has forsaken you and dumped you in an old folk's home with careless caregivers to die.

  Zombie-like, you plod along thorough your day waiting for the Reaper to take you away to welcome relief.

  And when you leave this earth you remind yourself, it was your own lack of planning that caused your final years not to be golden.

  America, America

  If you are not proud to be an American, kindly pack your bags and get the hell out of my country.

  Your sentiments are disrespectful of the thousands of men and women who have died to keep her free.

  You have a right to your opinion, and I have a right to mine, but let me say as nicely as possible, we don't need your kind.

  You were born with everything in the greatest country on earth.

  And yet you have the audacity to criticize the land of your birth.

  It is not a perfect world but we need your love to keep her strong.

  And remember the immortal words that were written in the song.

  America, America, God shed His grace on thee.

  Join in to keep our land, the land of the brave and free.

  The Ghoul and the Girl

  A nightmarish ghoul emerged from a dark foreboding grave hidden in the corner of a spooky cemetery lot.

  Grabbed up the first girl he could find, on a street corner dressed like Cat Woman, looking all kinds of hot.

  The girl thought the ghoul was her date for a swinging Halloween party happening just down the street.

  They had decided that this particular corner was where they were gonna meet.

  She said, “it's about time you got here, we're late for the party, where the hell have you been?”

  The ghoul just shook his head, looked down, and looked back up again.

  By the time they got to the house the party had just begun.

  It was a happening scene, with music, dancing and lots of fun.

  The ghoul had never been to a party, but since it was a Halloween party he fit right in with the party-goers.

  The girl asked the ghoul to dance, he shook his head, and they headed out to the floor.

  They were getting into the groove when the girl's cell phone chirped, she picked it up and said, “hello.”

  It was her real date for the evening saying, “where the hell did you go?”

  She looked at her dance partner, he cracked an evil smile straight from the living dead.

  He pulled out a sickle from underneath his coat and effortlessly lopped off her head.

  The ghoul amidst screams and blood silently walked out the door and down the street.

  Showing the girl's bloody head to everyone he'd meet.

  My Stupid Pride

  I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce the real me.

  He's the one deep inside that no one else can see.

  He doesn't like to come out for he is kind of shy.

  I'm afraid me and him don't always see eye to eye.

  We argue over simple things such as right and wrong.

  He'll take me places I shouldn't go because I am not strong.

  And when he takes my soul to hell I guess I'll just go along for the ride.

  I will burn in torment all because of my stupid pride.

  The Way of the World

  The clock stops for no one, it keeps ticking, driving one day into the next, one week into weeks, then months and years.

  Before we know it the reflection we stare at in the mirror every day is old and gray, and we ask where did the time go?

  It seems to have vanished into thin air.

  But no one can tell us just where.

  Old age is a cruel taskmaster who takes no prisoners in the war of ticking time, he is relentless.

  He will not stop until every breath is gone from your body and you are the dust from where you came.

  And you will blow away and be scattered to the winds as if you never existed.

  Such is the way of the world.


  Clarence the cross eyed lion sat cross legged in the corner of his tiny cage somewhere in the San Diego Zoo.

  He was a befuddled beast, lost and lonely, wondering wistfully what the heck he should do.

  A single tear traced the outline of his lamenting lion's face and dropped to the cage floor.