Read Rejected By My Soulmate Page 12

  Chapter 9

  Today was their graduation, and of course my mother being who she was, told me to dress nicely. I mean c'mon since when did I not choose my outfits carefully? Okay maybe when I'm being a lazyass, but you can't blame me for that!

  I was drawing on my eyeliner, when Lara suddenly screamed, making me draw a crooked line on my face. Dammit! It was perfect before! I sighed and quickly grabbed my make-up remover wipes and marched over to her/my brother’s room. Apparently since she was pregnant, she has to be under the supervision of Erik or as least someone he trusted, and right now, he should really reconsider about trusting me. Stalking into the room, there stood my best friend, standing in front of the mirror (that she forced Erik to buy her) staring at her reflection in horror.

  "What happened?!" I gasped in mock horror, as I raised my right hand that held the wipe, to rub off the mess that was around my eye.

  "My freaking baby bump is showing!" she shouted, pointing at her obvious bump.

  To tell you the truth, her belly was huge. Seriously how long were they planning on keeping the pregnancy away from the rest of us previously? I mean the baby bump is getting pretty big, and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t really been that long since she was pregnant. 2 months maybe?

  "No, really I look really fat in this!" she screamed out rubbing her belly.

  "It's not fat! It's a kid!"

  She scrunched up her face in response, "But now I look nasty in this dress!"

  "Yeah, but Erik will love you the same because you're carrying his child," I replied calmly.

  "But others will judge me! Like they'll think I'm a slut!"

  "No, they'll respect you, 'cause you’re the sister of their alpha, the mate of their beta and the best friend of their third in command, continuing with the fact most of this town is under our rules...also they may be wolves here our age that are mated too. They should understand how the mating process goes."

  "This still doesn't seem right. Being pregnant at 17-18. Especially since I’m going to be giving birth to two kids..."

  I stared at her; shocked. “I knew it! I knew it! I just knew it!”

  She slammed her hand to her mouth. "We didn't tell you guys that part yet, did we?"

  I shook my head, "Sista, you gotta stop keeping secrets from me."

  At the moment, Erik suddenly walked into the room, tying a purple tie around his neck. Just to match Lara's dress. She didn't want to tell him, but I guess he might’ve actually looked through her closet. That idiot of a girl, I told her to just keep it in my room.

  I watched my brother, wrap an arm around her waist and kiss her cheek.

  "You'll look beautiful to me no matter what." he whispered to her, making her squirm in his arms. Mates. That's what they do.

  My best friend blushed and pushed him away, "Stop distracting me, and let me be pretty!"

  “You look beautiful already, so why try hard and make everyone else look like dog poo?” he chuckled, as he walked up to her. Okaaay. I really don't need to see them kiss, or whatever was coming up next. I dove out of room. Don't want my eyes scarred now, do I?

  "Scared they'd burn your eyes out?" the familiar husky voice said, making me shiver. I glared at Austin who was currently giving a terrible attempt at tying his red tie. (Ironically his tie colour matched my dress perfectly. I swear someone was behind that.) I hated the fact that just his presence could get my wolf stirring. I hated how shivers would be sent down my spine…no. I just hate him. I mean who knows what he could make me do...I mean if my wolf suddenly takes over, as his, then—no. I shook my head. Not happening.

  "Fantasies, huh?"

  Once again I glared at him. "In your dreams." I replied walking away back to my room.

  “You are, all right,” he said as he followed me; inviting himself in. Then he plopped on my bed watching me apply my eyeliner.

  "You know, you don't need make-up, you look just fine without it."

  I raised an eyebrow at him, what happened to that cocky player, huh? Or was that just one of his lines?

  He threw his arms up in defense as if he knew what I was thinking, "Hey. I can be nice at times too, you know."

  I shook my head, "No. I don't know."

  He was about to throw a retort, but my mom interrupted him.

  "Okay guys and gals! Time to go!"

  I grabbed my red Louis Vuitton wallet that matched my strapless dress, and headed out, dragging Austin with me. No way in hell would I leave him alone in my room.

  I skimmed down the stairs, him almost tripping from the speed I was going at.

  "Bev, slow down! We won't die for being a tad bit late, and how the hell do you run so fast with those pumps?!"

  I ignored his last question. "Aren't you excited to get out of that hellhole?!" I squeaked out pulling him towards the car that my mother was running.

  "High school wasn't that bad..."

  "What you'll miss your crowd?"

  He scowled at me. Ha, I guessed right.

  "No, why would you think that?" he questioned, lying.

  "Whatever," I mumbled entering the car.

  Everyone was already in the car, waiting patiently for us. Whoops. They all grinned at us.

  "You know Erik, if it wasn't for the fact mom or Lara will murder me for destroying your perfect face, I would smack that smirk off your face right now right?"

  "Yeup, and that is the main reason why I dare to grin right now."

  "Asshole," I muttered under my breath.

  "Say something?"

  I scowled at him and ignored Erik for the rest of the car ride.



  During the entire car ride to school, both Austin and I were arguing, about different topics, but yet we still argued.

  "Okay guys, what kind of car ride was that? We could barely hear ourselves talk, all we could hear was you two bicker at each other. Are you sure you guys are just mates who hate each other and not a married couple?" Clarence asked, rubbing his eyes from his short nap.

  "That would be too over the top. Sorry but I doubt I’ll ever marry your son," I mumbled, glaring at Austin.

  Neither me nor him blinked, we dare not, until, he suddenly turned away to get out of the car. I just trailed behind slowly, not even close to being right behind their feet. I was thirsty, from all the talking. I walked to the nearest vending machine, that I remembered of and punch A7 for a bottle of coke, inserting three dollars and fifty cents worth of coins.

  Out of nowhere I felt the presence of my mate behind me.

  “Wanted something?" I asked, taking a sip of my soda, not bothering to turn around.

  Instead of replying he just grabbed for my bottle of coke and took a long drink.

  "My poor coke," I choked out, as I stared at my now half empty bottle.

  He dramatically wiped his spit off the top and handed the bottle back to me.

  I shook my head and motioned him to keep it. I did not want to drink from the same bottle as him, it's technically like exchanging saliva. Almost like kissing, but indirectly.

  "We are pleased to invite all our seniors to the back field," the principle spoke through the PA.

  Ah. I haven't heard a single word from those PAs since 5 months ago. Nope. I didn't miss it. Definitely prefer college. Students moved aside letting us make way to the back, but I just once again, slowly trailed behind. Also yes, our school is that cheap. Poor budget, not much fundraising equals no convention center for grad. There out in the back, the field was packed with seniors, those who I was friends with, and those who I barely knew.

  "Beverly, you're back!" some senior called out.

  Who the heck...

  "You don't remember, do you?" she mumbled, disappointed.

  I shook my head lightly, smiling politely.

  "That burns," one of my previous TA's, Peter said.

  I rolled my eyes at him, as he opened up his arms asking for a hug.

  "Bro, you know it's only been 5 mo
nths," I choked out.

  "Yeah, but class was different without all your sarcastic remarks," he joked, chuckling.

  I pushed his head to a side, as someone walked up to us.

  "Keep your filthy hands off her," I heard my destined other half, say behind me.

  I turned my head flipping my hair over my shoulders, "What's your problem?" Peter released me, but stayed at my side. He had no idea Austin was my mate, so he actually didn't see the reason for his attitude. "And why should I?"

  He by now was shaking. "Cause I'm her-...oh shit." he muttered, realizing the lie he told the entire school months ago.

  "Uhh...what shit?" Pete asked, completely confused.

  "Nothing!" Austin yelled out, quickly scurrying away.

  I just started laughing and waved bye to Pete.

  Just as I turned around, I smashed right into someone else that smells awkwardly familiar. Looking up, I found myself facing another close friend. “Brian!” I chirped throwing my arms around him.

  “Hey B, nice to have you back.”

  I opened my mouth, wanting to start a conversation, well that was until this loud ear piercing sound came on and the principle started talking.

  “Well, I gotta go, but we’ll talk later, all right?” With that he left after pecking my cheeks.

  Sighing, I blew my bangs out of my face and started to head to the seats my parents and Austin’s parents were at. Sitting back I hugged onto my mother’s arms, "Someone get this graduation crap over with already!"

  "Denise, respect," my mother scolded at me, pushing me off her arm. "Now pay attention."

  I grumbled and tucked my chin in, let screw that, I’m going take a nap.


  20 minutes later...


  “Beverly, wake up! It’s almost Austin’s turn.” my mother said, shaking my shoulders.

  "Austin Lane." the principal said, as the crowd broke to applause. Pathetic. I just clapped for few seconds and waited for Lara's name to be called.

  As soon as her name was called, she waved to a few people, and almost tripped over her two left feet, on the way up those steps of the 'stage'; her actions almost gave Erik a heart attack, so he was now standing up when I turned to look at him, looks like my brother was going to run to her and save her.


  Probably Half An Hour Later…


  "Erik Thomas."

  Parts of the crowd also cheered for him, clapping and screaming. Seriously people, what the heck do you see in those assholes!

  I heard that!Both Austin and Erik both sent to me.

  Was meant to! I sent back.

  With my wolf eyesight, I saw Erik huff and Austin chuckle. Once again I yawned and craved for more rest. I stretched my arms and then ran one hand through my hair.

  "Sweetie it's almost over, we'll go out for lunch after and you guys will be free to go wherever you want later."

  I squeezed my eyes and nodded, okay almost done... Not really. I mean dang it we're still on the T's! Good thing I don't have to go through this myself.

  I sighed deeply, and stared at the front, focusing on one spot, I zoned out...




  "I'm free!" Lara yelled out, arms open wide breathing in the fresh air.

  "No, you'd be staying home being extra careful for the next 6 months." Erik walked up to her and pulled her into a kiss.

  "Guys, honestly I would say get a room, cause it's disgusting to see your best friend and your brother smooch, but there doesn't seem to be a room nearby so please, keep your hands to yourself...or at least for now?" I pleaded feeling disgusted.

  "I would use your words against you if you returned the feelings Austin has back towards him," Lara muttered under her breath.

  "Him? Feelings for me? Other than hatred? Harharhar. You almost got me there!" I laughed humorlessly.

  "Bev, look at me. He doesn't hate you. He's doing all this for specific reasons. To protect you."

  I shook my head, not letting her convince me.

  "No. No. Heck no! It's like impossible! If he wanted to protect me, there would’ve been another way. Embarrassing me in front of most of the school wouldn’t have been the solution. He just hates me!"

  "'s true. You’re just in denial. I know Austin. Anyways it's just you being blind from the feelings towards each other. He clearly lov-" my brother said, before getting cut off by Austin.

  "Erik, that's enough," he said, voice warning.

  "No it's not. She deserves to know. Do you know how retarded it is to watch you two act like you guys hate each other though it's the total opposi-"

  This time instead of warning him, Austin swung a punch at my brother.

  Lara screamed and caressed Erik's jaw, and glared at her brother. I stalked up to him to punch him back, but he caught my wrist sending those sparks through me.

  "Do. Not. Even. Try. To. Punch. Me. There will be consequences for you," he warned using that alpha tone I’ve never heard.

  "Go fucking screw yourself!” I shouted as I tried to rip my wrist away from his grip.

  He held on, probably going to leave a bruise on my wrist. He took a step closer to me, "Really think you could tell me what to do?" he asked brushing his lips over mine.

  I shivered, but quickly snapped out of it, this time punching him square on the jaw, catching him in surprise.

  "Learn to not threaten me. You fucktard.” I spat. With that I turned around and walked away, not knowing where to go. Anywhere but where he is. I mean just the brush of his lips got me to almost lose my mind. So think about if he actually really kissed me. What would happen…? No. I hate him. Those thoughts cannot come to my mind...fuck…Erik was right. Everyone else was right. So maybe I might be in denial…so maybe I just might love him…even if he is a jerk.