Read Rejected By My Soulmate Page 13

  Chapter 10


  "Beverly, stop, please!” Austin shouted as he chased me up the stairs.

  I ignored him and continued running. Right at this moment, we were at my house, and we’ve just came back from a party and dinner. The whole entire time, I was ignoring Austin and well he’d let it slide, but I guess he couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Beverly, stop!”

  Once again, I just kept walking, ignoring him.

  “Ugh-Dammit. What Erik said wasn't true!" Austin yelled out, the sound of his footsteps stopping.

  I turned my head mid-way around. "Yeah, I figured it out like right after he said it."

  "Well—no, only half of it was a lie!"

  This time I stopped and turned my body one-eighty degrees around. "So you're saying it's not fully a lie?"

  He nodded to confirm my words.

  "Okay then…which part was the truth and which was the lie?" I asked, resting both of my hands on my hips.

  He thought for a sec, possibly debating his options in his mind. "Urrrm…never-mind, I change my mind, everything was a lie."

  I click-clacked down a few steps. "Now you’re lying. Spill it, asshole, I’m tired of being completely clueless ." I spat pointing a finger to his chest.

  Some sparks went through us, and I felt his wolf stir inside him as his eye colour seemed to change. I ignored it completely, continuing to stare into his eyes.

  "I-I can't tell you. I just can't."

  "And why the hell not?! I deserve to know! long as it involves me!" I shouted completely frustrated. As soon as those words left my mouth, I started shaking him, like crazy.

  "It was to protect you!"

  "I'm pretty much as strong as you! Why the heck would I need you to protect me!"

  "Because there's a fucking pack out there who's after us!" he roared. "Oh fuck," he mumbled lastly.

  "A p-pack? Why would there be a pack after us? Austin, you’re being ridiculous!" I shouted taking another step closer to him, while pulling him right up to me.

  "It's just this pack that’s after us has been after the past alpha's in our pack—including my dad; their alpha wants to take lead over this pack. And for the past years, through my family blood line, and our packs, never once were our pack strong enough to defeat them completely. Also since they’ve never officially succeeded at finding and killing our alphas, they mainly attempt to capture/kill the alphas loved ones! It’s just every time, each generation, we seem to get them before they get us, so all’s safe, but Beverly I know I’m not strong enough! I would hate it for them to know how important you are to me. I just can't risk losing you."

  With that, I felt my face soften; my wolf crying in happiness for the fact that our mate never meant to hurt us at all, immediately forgiving him. I placed my right hand on his cheeks, caressing his face. I hate how I'm possibly the last one (out of the small group of us) to know about this, but at least all his doing was for me.

  "Aust, I honestly didn't know...I’m sorry for…everything."

  "I wasn't going to tell you…at all, and I’m sorry too."

  "Why not? I deserve to know why the only person I could possibly love in the world would’ve broken my heart. You and I both know that if you had told me ahead of time, I wouldn't have hated you! I wouldn’t have left either!" I thought for a second. "No second thought, I hated you all my life, but that kind of hatred was different." I whispered, getting closer and closer to his face by second.

  It was just so tempting to kiss him…

  "The reason I didn't tell you was because I wanted you to hate me! Hatred kept you away from me! Away from those fucked up wolves, so they wouldn’t kill you!" he half shouted, half whispered.

  "No Aust, the ending would've been the same. No mate. The only difference would've been, for one I would be alive and for the second one, I would be dead." I spoke, still whispering.

  "The thing is, I'd rather have you alive than dead!"

  Deciding to end the conversation completely, I leaned my head forward, tippy-toeing and kissed him. His eyes shot wide but smiled slightly and kissed back, increasing the intensity of the kiss. I threw my arms around his neck, and jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist, completing our moment as he held onto me. Sparks went through us. It was like heaven as lots has described after kissing their mate. My mate is one hell-of-a kisser…

  "I heard you," he coughed out, chuckling as he pulled away. "I'm sorry about what I had put you through. I just wish I was strong enough to continue staying away."



  "Now what do we do?" I asked, confused by my thoughts. So does he want us to pretend to still hate each other or aren’t mates, so I’m not in danger? Or does he want us to tell the others to shove it, and be together?

  "Well, I have pretty much just bursted out the entire truth to you, and I can't deny my love for really it's your choice. We can get together, or stay as before and ignore each other." As soon as the last option left his mouth, he scrunched up his face as of how he hated the option.

  I stared at him, emotionless. Being together...that thought. It just doesn't sound right, but yet at the same time, it does.

  "I-," I stopped. I what? It’s like he’s asking whether I love him or not. I don’t have an actual answer. Austin looked at me nervously. He wasn't used to this. It was always, girls banging on him instead of him liking a girl, asking her out.


  "I have to think about it," I muttered at last.

  His face torn, "B-but why?" he asked, voice breaking just like his facial expression.

  "Have you seen what you're best at doing?"

  "W-wha-what do you mean?" he once again spoke, stuttering with his broken voice.

  "How many girls have you gone through since the last 5 months?"

  He put his forehead against mine, "Bev, it was the only way to forget all about what I did, and what your face was like when I-...I-...I laughed at you."

  "Eyes only on me from now on, got it?"

  He nodded, "So do you still need time to think?"

  I shook my head, "Decided."

  He raised his eyebrow. Deciding not to talk, I just placed my lips back on his. He took a guess at the answer and smiled against my lips.

  I trailed one of my hands down his chest and hear him moan at the back of his throat.

  “I love you,” he whispered as he pulled back and carried me down the stairs and onto the couch.

  Sitting beside him, I rested my head on his lap, feeling a bump behind my head. Well someone’s awake. He stuck his tongue out at me, and I just rolled my eyes as I turned my body towards the tv, as he turned it on.

  Just as he turned on the tv, out of nowhere a squeal came into the room, "Holy. Crap. Erik, you gotta see this!"

  I automatically pushed myself up and off of Austin’s lap, but he just pulled me down and gave me a warm smile. Oh shit. I'll never get the end of this.




  "So you're not gonna say I told you so?" I asked, tilting my head to one side.

  The four of us has been sitting here for the last half an hour. Lara and Erik seemed to be having a private conversation through their minds, as I sat here feeling clueless. Austin was chuckling every few seconds beside me. I turned my body around to face him.

  "Don't tell me I'm the only one who has no idea what's going on in their heads," I pouted, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

  "Okay then, I’ll tell you. Bev you are the only-" I smacked a hand over his mouth as he muffled words into my palms.

  I glared at him, "What kind of boyf-"

  He picked my hand off his mouth and kissed it, "The perfect one for you," he whispered in my ear.

  I blushed, as my best friend blurted out "aww." Oh god. Wait. Did I just blush? Nooo...

  "And the miracle happened! I’ve made Denise Beverly Thomas blush!"

  "Kiss my ass," I mutter
ed, pushing away from him.

  "Nuh-uh-uh." he said, pulling me back for another kiss.

  Lara suddenly laughed, turning loco. "Bev, remember how I said to you yesterday about returning your words...?" she asked, giving me a chance to think. Oh shoot she's not about to...

  She coughed, "Quote, it's disgusting to see your best friend and your brother smooch."

  I snuggled closer to Austin's warm chest, "Sometimes I hate you."

  "Pssh whatever." she chirped waving her hand.

  "Dammit!" my mother cursed, walking through the living room with Jennifer.

  Jennifer suddenly started laughing while pointing at my mother, "Ha! Terrina, I told you so! I told you she'll forgive him after she learns the truth!"

  My mother tried glaring at us, while failing, but shoved a twenty dollar bill at Jennifer.

  "Mothers these days!" I yelled out, throwing up my hands in the air in disbelief and stalked away to my room.

  I heard Austin snort and follow me. I kept walking up the stairs, and almost tripped on the last step. I flung my arms out for balance.


  I turned around to smack him, "It's the stairs fault, and I was not tripping, I was about to attack the floor!"

  "Yeah, yeah, whatever floats your boat."

  Jerk. I grinned evilly, internally. "You know what, I take back what I said before, let's pretend we still hate each other! Or no, take out the pretend part!" I shouted pushing him away.

  Technically I was overreacting, in an acting way, but he doesn't need to know that. I kept a stern face on as I slammed my room door. I blocked my thoughts from being heard, and put my ear against the door.

  "Oh, my dear stupid son! Apologize to that future daughter of mine, before I murder you and lose my twenty bucks!"

  I almost burst to laughter but held it, must not be caught and must love Jennifer.

  "Okay, okay! Fine!" he grumbled.

  Oh shoot. Turning around I dived for my bed, and under the blankets. Unfortunately the blanket so happened to wrap around my neck, so I started choking. Aw shit, plan about to back-fire.

  "Bev, I promise you, I won't be a jerk to you again. Just please-.” He stopped talking. Click. “Wait is this door unlocked?"

  Oh shoot. I didn't lock it? Wait. Yeah, I did.

  Click. Well now it isn’t.

  Austin burst into the room, hair sticking up in every direction on his head.

  I couldn't help but laugh, "What did you do to your hair?"

  "Uhh, mom attack?"

  I shook my head at him, "Did you mean what you said outside the door?"

  He nodded, "Definitely."

  I tapped my finger on my chin.

  "C'mere." I said, shifting over to one side on my bed. He walked over smirking, and plopped on the bed.


  "Maybe...?" I said the corner of my mouth tempting to pop up and smile.

  "You accept that apology, Beverly! I want grandbabies!" Jennifer’s voice echoed through the room.

  "Mothers and eavesdropping these days! Also, don’t rush me!" I shouted out loud, probably enough for my own mother to hear from the kitchen.

  "Hey! I bet you eavesdrop quite often too!"

  "Do not!" I huffed sinking into my bed.

  "Whoa there, wait eavesdropping? Did you eavesdrop on what my mother and I were saying outside your door?!" Austin accused me taking one glance at the door.

  "What? No! Never! I didn't even know you guys were outside talking about me!" I said waving my hand dismissively at him.

  "Oh really?"

  I nodded, "Yeup."

  "So, how did you know we were talking about you and not my sister, huh?"

  Oh shoot. Busted. "Uh, wild guess?" I squeaked, ready to charge out of my room.

  As if he knew what I was thinking, he used his toned arms and held me down.

  "Sweetheart, you suck at lying." he whispered in my ears, causing me to shiver.

  "I do not suck at lying!" I protested, pouting.

  He bent down and pecked my lips, "So you admit you were lying?"

  "What?! No!! Fine. You win!"

  He grinned and released my arms, "Next time, I just have to make you admit that you love me."

  "Pssh, good luck with that," I muttered, getting up.

  "Thanks,” he replied, winking.

  I crooked an eyebrow at him, "What makes you think you could get the words out of me?"

  "We'll see, Love, we’ll see."




  "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I ranted as I punched Austin repeatedly.

  He picked this movie out on purpose. To creep me out! Gah!

  "You hate me?" he squeaked out, face looking crumpled.

  When did this guy get this emotional? Where's that cocky, jerk of a player I had to face for most of my life!

  "No. I don't hate you, just why this movie! You know I hate horror films! Especially this one! God! I've been hiding behind this pillow the entire time!" I shouted, pointing at the bright yellow pillow that was on my lap.

  “So you don't hate me?" he asked, eyes shining.

  I groaned and nodded.

  "So you don't hate me."

  I crossed my arms over my chest, becoming impatient.

  "Yes, I don't hate you. Your point?"

  "So you don't hate me, and you love me instead. Or maybe you hate me…”

  I looked at him as if he was crazy and blurted out that I didn’t hate him and indeed loved him.

  "Aha! You love me!" he yelled out hugging me. "You admit it!"


  "First I got you to forgive me, second I got you to be my girlfriend, then third I got you to admit you love me! Ahh. If it wasn't a weird thing to do, I would say 'you did well, grasshopper' to myself." Austin shouted out showering kisses all over my face.

  Oh shit. He was right. Oh god. I'm so stupid sometimes. Damn bond. I shoved him, as a blush started rising to my cheeks.

  "I'm going to sleep, oh and yeah, it would be weird if you called yourself 'sensei'."

  He stuck his tongue out at me. I waved a hand at him and walked right into the kitchen.

  "Oh and I love you too!" he screamed out, from the sofa.

  Love? I don’t know. Do I really love him yet? Have I loved him all along? Oh god. What have I gotten into, and how the hell am I going to survive the entire summer with him and then have college without him. One day. One day was all it took for him to make me fall putty in his hands.