Read Rejected By My Soulmate Page 20

  Chapter 15


  I woke up snuggled up in Austin's arms with one of my arms across his chest. Under these sheets we in our birthday suits and well those abs...

  "I feel violated," he grumbled, flipping around to hug me closer to him, chest against chest.

  " like it," I replied tracing his lips with my fingertips.

  "True," he confirmed nodding.

  I twisted my fingers into his hair and pulled him in for a kiss. I felt his tongue poke at my lips for entrance, and I gladly opened my mouth. He half smiled and sat up, while never leaving my lips. I sat up along with him, but ended on his lap wrapping my legs around his waist.

  I felt his 'little friend' poking at me but I happily ignored it until he grinds against me. I moaned but slapped him at the back of his head.

  "What was that for?" he scowled.

  I pointed at the package of protection on the side.

  "You didn't use it on purpose!" I accused, getting off him while kicking him in the guts by accident.

  He groaned but pounced on me, "So what if I did?"

  "Did you honestly not listen to a single fucking word I said yesterday?" I shouted, pushing him away.

  "Did you listen to a word I said?"

  "That does not answer my question!"

  "Nor does yours!"

  I glared at him for a second, and got up.

  "I. Hate. You." I spat, pronouncing everything slowly, as I gathered some clothing to put on.

  He frowned but said nothing and watched me dress. I gave him one last glance and hobbled out of the room, grabbing my keys.

  "Where the hell do you think you're going?!" he screamed out, from the room.

  "Somewhere far away from you!" I shouted back, digging for my ballet flats.

  It was kind of late to leave already, I mean if he had really created a monster in me, it's not like I can just suddenly do magic and make it disappear. Not completely thinking, I rushed as I heard Austin storming over, when he suddenly forced me to look at him.

  "Bev, look at me and listen well alright?" he asked expression softening.

  I bit my lip and nodded.

  "I love you. I mean it. I love you, I loved you younger and now, and I can't bare to watch you walk away from me. I know it was selfish of me for my actions, but honestly I don't want to go buh bye as soon as our kids grow up. I'm sorry for not talking to you 'nicely' and well if you do happen to be carrying our child. I would let you have your choice of aborting or keeping," he said gritting his teeth at the last part.

  I sighed and clutched onto him breathing in his scent.

  "I'm sorry I overreacted. I guess I just didn't want to grow up yet and be an official have kids or create a family yet. Or well I guess I just don't believe in myself."

  "You're not gonna leave are you?" he asked, worried.

  I shook my head. "I can't leave you." I mumbled in his chest.

  I felt him smile then kissed the top of my head.

  "You hungry?" he asked, bringing me over to the kitchen and started digging into the fridge.


  "What'cha want?"


  "Toast?" he suggested. "Or do you wanna go out?"

  "Nah. I'm too lazy to go out. Just make me toast.

  He nodded and pointed me over to the tv.

  ---2 weeks later---


  "Austin...we've got some problems..."

  He looked at me alarmed and pulled me over to the sofa placing me on his lap. "What's wrong?"

  "I've been having a whole heckful of morning sickness...and the food I'm craving, is disgusting me..."

  "Where is this leading to?" he asked, gently pushing hair out of my face.

  "How would you feel about being a daddy?"

  His face lit up, "Wait. Whoa. Youre joking right?"

  I shook my head smiling in relief.

  "Holy shit. Really? Imma be a daddy!" he hollered, pumping his fist.

  I laughed at his reaction, and laid my head on his lap.

  "I'm taking as you like that idea."

  "Like? No. I love. Baby, you’re carrying our pups. I'm going to be a daddy! Wait. Oh shit. Your dad's going to kill me for-"

  "He wouldn't dare. Anyways your dad didn’t kill Erik so I suppose my dad would let it slide for you." I said, cutting him off.

  "Yeah, you're right he won't kill me. He'll just chop off my baby-maker," he muttered, running a hand through his hair while stroking my tummy with the other.

  I threw my head back laughing. "I doubt it; he's been wanting more grandkids ever since Jeremy and Harmony came out of your sister."

  "True, but they were married when they had the kids. Whereas us...we're not."

  "Well then Mr. Lane, you have exactly around five months for you to make your move, ‘cause I'm guessing for what we are, the kids are coming out of this earlier than you'd expect." I hinted cuddling closer to him.

  "Sorry to disappoint you Miss Thomas, but that ring I have handy will not be on this finger any sooner." he said, pointing at my finger amused.

  I scoffed and crossed my arms. "And why's that?"

  "Patience and you will be rewarded my love." he whispered, kissing my forehead.

  I scrunched up my face and got up.

  "I just hate you sometimes."

  "Yeah, but you love me more than hate."

  I gave him the stink eye and stalked off.

  I'm guessing the pregnancy hormones will kick in soon.


  -Austin's Pov-


  To know my own mate was pregnant with my child, was probably the best news that has been delivered to me, but the big problem was about how there's still a pack out there who wants to harm me and my own loved ones. Then to add to that, right now my group of loved ones are growing, and if I don't attack them first, my mate, heir, would be gone. That's something I can't have. But other than that, I do hope Bev is giving birth to a baby boy...then he would be able to take over for me and lead the pack for me, but then a baby girl would be nice too. I mean she could look just like her mother, beautiful.

  I shook my head, to shake myself out of my thoughts. Starting to think a little too ahead of myself here, I mean next thing you'd know I'd probably be thinking about names. Right now I should be thinking about how to deal with that enemy pack that has been heading for us for the last year. We have to fight them off. I can’t let them take one step closer to Bev, or our kid. Or kids. Or my family. Time to call Erik.




  "If it wasn't for the fact you are the alpha of this goddamn pack, I would've never picked up. Now speak up, because you've just interrupted something," Erik growled into the phone, as I hear my sister giggle in the background.

  I don't even want to know what they were doing, but I guess it's too late. My brain has been officially scarred. I would normally say I'd contact him another time, but what has to be said can not wait. It is important.

  "Dude, leave my sister for a sec and focus, there's some issues..." I trailed off. How do I say this?

  As if he heard the ‘seriousness's’ in my voice, I heard Lara whimpered and walk off.

  "Okay what?"

  "Remember how I've mentioned a few months ago that there was this pack after us? Or me...and our previous alphas?" I brought up. "Well they're back...or so that's what I was told. Their beta has contacted me. We used to be friends, remember Adrian from back in elementary school? Yeah that's him, anyways I guess no one really remembers that we know him, which is a good thing ‘cause he's on our side, anyways they're back and well it's kill me. Challenge me. Or take my mate."

  "You're not serious are you? I thought they backed away! Oh crap. My baby sister...oh shit. Oh shit," he yelled but ended up mumbling.

  "I know but there's some other news I'd rather have both of us tell you all at the same time...but I think it's best if I tell you a bit earlier." I started to say. Yet if I t
ell him, he'd probably take Mr. Thomas's place and chop my balls off for him...would I take this risk? Yes I would. For Bev.

  "Oh crap. What is it? Did she die? Did you hurt her? Wait...if she has to tell us...she's not dead. Dammit, I hate how I'm always like this when I'm panicking," he muttered.

  I chuckled into the phone, "Promise not to chop my balls off, after I tell you?"

  "I can't promise for something, if I don't know what I'm promising for."

  "Just trust me and promise," I demanded, snapping my fingers.


  "Bev is preg-"

  "Austin, what the hell are you doing?" Bev yelled, bursting into the room door.

  I quickly threw my phone away from her as a reflection and slowly walked up to her, "W-when did you come home?"

  She ignored my question and stalked over to where my phone landed.

  "Erik? You called my brother? What were you going to tell him? That I'm carrying your kids? I thought we agreed to tell them together!" she screamed, tears streaming down her face.

  Oh shit. Pregnancy hormones alert.

  I heard that! she thought to me through our link.

  I quickly blocked her. "Bev, I have to..."

  "No you don't!" she screamed out, wiping her tears with the back of her hands.

  "Sweetie, quit're making your eyes red and puffy! Also you'll accidentally infect them!" I scolded, ripping her arms away from her face.

  Gently I raised my hands to push her hair aside.

  "B, look at me. There's something I wasn't planning on telling you...but I suppose you have the rights to know." I whispered, playing with the piece of paper in the front pockets of my jeans.

  "Austin, what's happening?" she asked, voice cracking.

  "They're...back," I managed to squeeze out.

  "The other pack?" she asked, trying hard to find the right words.

  I nodded and rubbed my temples. How to deal with this.

  "I'm sure you'll do the right thing when time comes," she assured me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  I frowned at the thought of how she may end up in disappointment.

  "You don't think you can do it, do you?" she questioned, now frowning.

  I shook my head a no.

  "I believe in you. I'm sure baby pea down here, believes in daddy too." she chirped, smiling.

  A smile crept to my face at just the mention of our child and I wrapped her into a hug, breathing in her scent. I brought my hand up to her cheeks stroking it. I love her. I would sacrifice anything for her and the baby. Or babies...? Suddenly Bev pushed me away.

  "Call my brother. He's probably being a major screw up, waiting in suspense, needing to know what happened or what's about to happen."

  I stared at my girlfriend, wondering why she was so logical.

  She rolled her eyes at me and shoved my cellphone to me, "Call, before he really cuts your baby-maker!"

  As I was about to type in his number, the phone rang, vibrating making me drop it.

  "Shit," I cussed, as I bent down to pick it up.

  I clicked accept call.

  "Yo dude! Tell me what the fuck is happening and what Bev was saying!" he demanded. Clearly he wasn't the most patient person in the world. I stared dumbly at Bev for a sec then shoved the phone over to her. Figures it'd be better for the words to come out of her mouth, then mine.


  ---Bev's Pov---


  "Hey Er!" I chirped into the phone, as I rubbed my belly.

  Though baby pea hasn't been in me for a long period of time, boy was he growing fast.

  "Bev? That pussy--cat! Why'd he pass the phone to you! Know what, never mind! Just tell me what's happening, and if I need to kill Austin."

  "Well, first of all, those enemies are planning to attack sometime...and second...I'm pregnant." I mumbled. "And before you try and kill him! Learn that I'm fine with it...and well I suppose it's better to have a kid early then late."

  I heard him release a gush of air, as I sighed in relief.

  "Let me get this you don't want me to kill my best friend even though he technically knocked you up?"

  "Well he didn’t kill you for knocking up his sister before, so yeah." I confirmed.

  "Fine. Fine. I won't say anything! But, you guys are gonna have to deal with the 'rents and pack yourself!" he shouted, laughing.

  A very mature brother I've got.

  "2 words for you. You. Suck."

  He stopped laughing immediately.

  "I suck what?"

  I thought for a second. "Since you're a guy. You can't suck bawlls. So va-jay-j's?"

  Austin's head snapped to me when the words left my mouth.

  "What the heck are you two talking about?" he asked, concerned.

  "Nothing you need to know about."

  "Right," he said, unconvinced.


  "Give me the phone. We should make plans to go home early. We can't really deal with school when pretty much all of our lives are in danger. Then I'll deal with you and baby pea later," he said, smirking.

  "You're impossible," I spat, pushing the phone back to him.