Read Rejected By My Soulmate Page 21

Chapter 16


  Do you even have a plan in your head?" I asked Austin, as I glanced out the window. It was kind of dark out here. It's around four in the morning now and we were almost back home.

  "Train. Fight. You ladies stay at home with guards around," he said, turning at our street.

  "But I want to fig-"

  "Fight? Ahahahaha. No. Hell no. That's putting you in danger. Along with the baby! I will not let that happen!" he shouted, pulling up at the house.

  "But Austin!" I whined, unbuckling my seat belt.

  He sighed and cupped my face in his palms. "Bev, I'm not going to put you in danger. Now c'mon let's get inside. I bet everyone misses you."

  "This is not over," I growled, pointing at him with one finger, as I kicked the passenger door open.

  I threw a leg out and fixed my boot, and done the same with the other. Then I hopped out completely and stretched. God. It's been so long since I stood. Okay it's only been 3 hours, but hey I get to complain.

  "Oh my god! Beverly, sweetheart, you're home! Safely! How are you!" my mother squealed, charging to us, while embracing me. "Oh lord. I missed you so much. What happened during the past few months? Are you keeping my grandchi-" she started to say, but covered her mouth. "Shoot."

  Erik froze at the words that escaped mom's mouth. "Mom! What'd you do that for! I'm a dead man! I'm a dead man! I'm a dead man!" he screamed, as ran back into the house.

  I started giggling to myself and unwrapped myself from my mom. "He learns!" I gasped in fake horror.

  Austin chuckled, shaking his head, while Lara walked towards us holding 2 babies in her arms.

  "There's Aunt Bev's little peanuts!" I squealed, waddling towards her and taking one in my arms.

  "Peanuts? Did you just call these monsters peanuts? I wish they were peanuts!"

  "They’re not monsters," I replied, cooing at Harmony. "Right Harm?"

  I nuzzled my face into her neck, while making her giggle. Next thing I knew, she blew raspberries at me. Before I could react, Erik took Harmony away from me, just in case I hurt her.

  "Bro. I know you don't trust me with kids, since I used to hate them...but think about it, if I could put myself to give birth to one sooner or later. Then no I don't hate them...and hell no way would I harm a blood related one."

  He looked at me funny and snapped his head in his best friend's direction. "What the hell have you done to my sister? And why the hell does she seem nicer?"

  "What could I possibly do?" Austin asked, lifting me into his arms.

  "How should I know! I asked you for a reason!"

  Austin opened his mouth to retort, but held back. "Enough of this talk, there's some business to talk and well it's getting cold out here."

  Just as he said that, I shivered, goosebumps rising on my arms and legs. I smiled and pecked his lips, but I guess that wasn't enough for him, ‘cause next thing I know, he wrapped my legs around him and pulled me into a more passionate kiss.

  "Akhem," a throat cleared behind us. "You two coming in? Or are you just going to end up in a full on make-out session out there?" Madi asked, crossing her arms, while leaning on the door. Clearly she was smiling.

  "Madi!" I chirped, pushing away from Austin and running to hug her.

  "Now you remember I exist huh?"

  "I've always remembered you."

  "Not when you're with Austin."

  I smacked her at the back of her head, "That's a different story!"

  I heard Austin mumbled 'women these days' while walking around us to enter the house, bringing in our bags.

  "What was that supposed to mean!" Madi screamed, stomping her way into the house on the search for Austin. Right...I slammed the door shut behind me, and strolled to the living room. Ah. Home sweet home. It's been awhile since I was last here. I was about to plop down on the couch, but I found my dad there reading his newspaper. Grinning from ear to ear, in one swift motion, I pulled his newspaper away and caught him in surprise… "Daddy!" I squealed, acting like I was 5 again.

  "Hey sweetie. How are you? Hungry? I could get your mom to cook you breakfast," he said, kissing the top of my head.

  "Nawh. Austin and I ate before we got here," I mumbled, into his chest.

  "Okay then...well if you need anything, make sure to tell me, got it?" he started getting up to walk upstairs, but stopped. "Tell me Bev, do I need to chop off Austin's babymaker for making you a pregnant 17 year old?"

  I shook my head a no. "Nawh. It's fine. For now..."

  "For now?! What do you mean for now!" Austin shouted from the kitchen, while probably munching on an apple.

  I ignored him, and picked up the tv remote control and flicked through the channels. Just gotta relax and forget about the troubles heading for us. For me. For everyone...for now.


  "Austin, why can't I fight with you guys?" I asked, pouting as I rested my head on his chest.

  We have been laying here in bed for the last hour, just talking. I just can't get over not fighting. It's like my life. I was one of the best in the pack. Which was pretty much the reason why I was the third in command, before I mated with him and became the Luna.

  "B. I've told you a lot of times already! I can't put you in danger! I can't lose you!"

  "I'm practically the strongest fighter in this pack! I train the wolves! I fight. It's my life! Well other than you..."

  "No." he said, sternly. Then he gave me a pleading look, hoping I would let this go.

  "Please," I begged, giving him the puppy dog eyes. Which in a way it fits; I mean wolves are like dogs...kinda.

  He sighed. "Not happening. Now get to sleep."

  "Well at least let me train them for the battle."

  "That might-"

  I hushed him, placing a finger to his lips. "If you don't let me do anything, I might as well just die ‘cause I'll feel pretty much useless when you guys are out."

  He hesitated but nodded. I'm not sure if he's actually agreeing but I guess it'll work...for now.


  "C'mon boys! Do something unexpected! None of those go right, go left thing! Fight! I mean for peeps sake. Are you being scared to hurt each other? I told you what's happening right now, is that you guys are mirroring each other's moves! Not cool. How the hell are you gonna save your life or something/someone with that!" I shouted at the pair of wolves in front of me.

  Both of them whined, backed up and bowed down.

  I groaned in frustration for my attitude. "I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to speak to you two like that. Must be the pregnancy hormones stuff."

  They just whined again. I gave them a worried look, but they shook off. I took a glance at the entire pack who was training. There were a few outstanding ones... Suddenly my stomach growled stating it was hungry.

  "Is anyone else hungry? Cause I know I am!"

  All heads snapped to me, and nodded. I motioned them over to the house. Grinning, the wolves proceeded and shifted back into their human form. I turned around smiling and sniffing the air. I smell... lunch. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me, as I turned around revealing Austin in just shorts. He grinned and kissed me, not letting me pull back when my stomach growled again. Suddenly a guy caught my attention when he had no clothes on.

  I pushed Austin away, "Yo dude! Get some clothes on! Everyone's gonna lose their appetite before they even eat if you walk around like that!"

  Austin's head snapped over at his direction and pointed him to a tree.

  I shook my head at them and started heading for the house, but stopped when Austin's phone rang. He picked up the phone and talked into it as we walked into the house.

  " Bro! There's a prob. Hemsley is planning to attack soon! I can't talk much, but it's something like not letting you guys train and stuff! Try to prepare quick cause I'm thinking he plans on attacking in like 2 days!" I eavesdropped.

  "Fuck," Austin cursed under his breath. "Anyways thanks for warning us." Then he ended the call.

"Okay guys let's get in the house, eat and we're back to train! We're losing time!" I yelled out as I jogged into the house.

  How could I help? Just how? I mean the other pack is huge, and the fact we are barely done training...this isn't good. Biting my bottom lip, wondering about how we are going to get through this, Austin kissed my cheek.

  "Don't you dare bite those lips. Only I get to do that," he growled into my ears, while making me giggle.

  "What'd you do, get that line out of a book?" I asked as we reached the couch.


  "You two. Food's ready! Get over here before we run out!" Erik yelled out from the kitchen, probably about to dig in and not save any for me.

  "Just save some for us!" Austin yelled out, not wanting to move from the couch.

  "Lazyass," I mumbled, pushing him so I could get up.

  "No. You're staying here with me," he growled, pulling me back to his chest.

  "C'mon. I'm hungry," I whined, trying to shrug away from him.

  Beep. Beep.

  There's an unknown on land. We're guessing a were. Alpha we need you! A few of our regular guards sent to everyone.

  So then chaos bursted and everyone started rushing around, just being a blur in front of my eyes, while they all munched down their food and ran out of the house.

  Austin was running to the other side of the house, while wolfing down some food.

  "Okay. Bev. Listen alright? We're gonna stick to the plan. You and the other girls will stay here while we go out alright? I've also contacted the other pack nearby which we met last time, and they will be joining us. Together our two packs will work as one. Their members that are not participating will arrive in a few it?" Austin said calmly as he swallowed his food, jogging towards me.

  He kissed my forehead and whispered 'I love you' to me. Before I could even say it back, he was gone.