Read Rejected By My Soulmate Page 22

Chapter 17


  I stared at the door in shock, and cuddled myself to my mother who just sat down beside me.

  "It's okay sweetheart. Austin and the rest of the pack will come back home safely." she assured me, pulling me closer to her.

  "I hope so," I mumbled as I hugged her legs. Suddenly the doorbell rang indicating there was a visitor.

  "I'll get it," I whispered, pushing myself up to the door.

  "Hey, I'm Jezebel, but call me Jez, I’m currently the Luna of the moonstone pack. I was told by my husband we were to stay here. Is that correct?" a girl my age asked, standing in front of me, holding her hand out.

  I stared at her shocked. There on her hand, on her ring finger was a beautiful shining ring. She was married? And wait, is that a huge baby bump? Whoa. "Yeah, come in. I'm so sorry we had to bother your pack."

  "All's fine. We like to help others," she spoke as she entered the house, with a few others trailing behind her.


  ---A Few Hours Later---


  "I hate waiting for them. I mean what if they're hurt? What if..." I shrieked, worried.

  "I'm sure they're fine," Jez said, joining me in the kitchen.

  "But just what if-"

  "Beverly! Always think positive!" she scolded, while looking through the fridge for something to prepare for dinner.

  "If only I could help them..." I sighed, looking out the window.

  From what I know of, the guards aren't completely near the house. If I block them out, I bet they won't even notice I escaped since I'm sneakier than them...

  "Beverly...what are you thinking off?" she asked, taking out a cutting board.

  "N-nothing," I lied, busying myself with a carrot in my hand.

  "I may barely know you...but I can see right through you."

  "I swear I wasn’t thinking of anything but what to make for dinner."

  "Right..." she said, unconvinced.

  "Less talking, more food making. I'm guessing everyone's hungry even though they're worried sick."

  She did not reply and just started to cut up the tomatoes on the board. As soon as I finish eating, I will sneak out geared. There's no way they could leave me out of something this big.




  I looked around cautiously. Where the heck are those stupid guards? It makes me more nervous when I can't see them. What if they out of nowhere pop out and catch me? They'll report to Austin immediately and he'd rage out on me later. Oh shit. What kind of stupid plan was I thinking! Now I'm too far from the house, to make it back unnoticed... but if I go further, someone would catch me like 'wahla.' Hesitating, I took a few steps forward.

  "Where do you think you're going?" a voice growled behind me.

  I turned around to face a guy not much older than me... yet he seemed to be a heckful stronger than me, especially since now that I'm pregnant, but along with that, he looked like enemy. Which means I'm in deep shit right now.

  "N-nowhere," I stuttered.

  The guy grinned at me, eyes burning a hole through me. He had heard the sign of weakness in my voice.

  Taking a few steps back slowly I was ready to run. I just may have a chance if I run...I mean what was I thinking! I'm risking the baby's life and mine right now! Dammit! Possibly Austin's too! Ready to turn and run I smacked right into someone else. Biting my lips I looked up in horror. There stood Adrian glaring down at me. I flinched. He used to be my friend, but then he is the one who has been helping us/warning us...yet right now he has no choice but to do as his alpha says, which in this case is to kill me, or kidnap me. Behind those muddy brown eyes, I could tell he was sorry. We grew up together; me, Erik, Lara, Austin and him...that was until his world came crashing down on him when his mother passed away. To add along with that, his dad was druggie and also passed away. Most of us suspect that maybe it’s due to the inhalation of all the products he used that may have taken the life of Mrs. Dawson. No one in our town understood the reason of why Mr. Dawson would’ve started the process of taking drugs, but we weren’t to question. Then due to all the burned history in this town, Adrian decided to leave, and perhaps find a better life, where his past wasn’t. When he finally found land on another’s property, the others gladly accepted him, and well that was that.

  "Ad-" I started to say, but he hushed me.

  "Don't speak. Or else I won’t hesitate to kill you, and then there won’t be anything to lure your mate over here, then there’d be no reason for him to come help; but we need him here." He whispered into my ear, emphasizing the words 'don’t, I, help.'

  So this is an act and he's gonna help? Okay...

  I pretended to be scared and started shaking, while with the corner of my eyes I saw the other man smirk in satisfaction.

  "Whatever you do, just don't kill me!" I shrieked, crouching down.

  I buried my head in between my knees fake sobbing. Thank you Mrs. Mo for the great acting skills that you've provided for me to learn!

  "Oh sweet babycakes, what would I do with you if I don't kill you?" the guy asked, his tone sickening.

  "Please..." I begged grabbing onto his arm carefully not to reveal any of my gears that was hidden and wrapped around my body.

  He flinched and shook my arm off. "Get your filthy hands off me. I don't even know why the hell Hemsley would want you. Adrian, tie her up. We're going to have to let him deal with her," the guy commanded. What did he mean he didn’t know? Out of nowhere Adrian pulled out some ropes and started tying me, while the other guy shifted and ran away. I turned my head midway around to look at Adrian.


  He cut me off again, "Shush you bitch. I have to tie you up tightly, and when I mean tight. I mean tight. Not loose. Then I have to turn you into Hemsley before...who was it? Your alpha. Austin was it...and his stupid pack gets here...unless they're dead..." This time he emphasized the words 'tie, loose, turn, into, your, pack.'

  I stared at him in shock. Thank god I've known him for a decent amount of time and I'm not as stupid as I was just a while ago... or else I'll never get what he was trying to tell me.

  Opening my mouth to speak, Adrian suddenly stuffed something in my mouth. I tried to spit it out so I could start screaming at him, but his eyes flickered to the side silently telling me the other guy may still be watching. He kept tying the ropes, making a few loose knots that were easy to untangle and then he fixed it all with a big fat knot. Which were one of his stupid knots that you 'pull once and the whole thing opens up' one. Is the other team really that stupid to not notice anything? At least I think they are. Thank you lord, for the millionth time! I quickly tried to squeeze out a tear to make it like the ropes were killing me and then I screamed inside my throat.

  "Okay off you go!" Adrian said throwing a paper bag over my head with three holes in it. Two to see, and one really small one to breath. Not that I'd be doing much breathing...well not with this white thing in my mouth. Wait. What is it? I noticed I might be able to spit out the object.

  Adrian nudged me into a car and pushed me into the back seat, then slammed the door shut just before he entered the driver's seat. Waiting for a few seconds, expecting the other guy to come into the car with us, he never did. I heard the radio turn on, and the engine roaring to life. I waited for a few more seconds then spat out the object that was in my mouth and starting coughing.

  "Adrian, how the hell are you gonna do this?" I whispered making sure not to speak too loud in-case the other guy had really-really good hearing..

  "I'm going to take an easy route pretending to go to the area where Hemsley should be trying to attack Austin and the other guy...Cam was it? Then I'll quickly lose Brandon, switch cars and drive to your territory.

  "I thought you're not allowed on our land though," I stated clearing my throat, since there was something stuck in there.

  "I got permission from Austin."


  "Yeah. Anyways you’re the Luna, , I’m pr
etty sure I could’ve asked you, plus not to be rude but I need you to shut up and pretend to be in trouble. I don't know. Squirm? Just act Bev. That'll probably save you and the kid. Also I think I need to have a few words with you after all this crap...if I'm still alive. I mean what the hell were you thinking, putting both you and the kid in danger!" he scolded.

  I bowed my head down in silence and did not speak. Waiting for Adrian to keep driving.

  -Austin’s Pov-


  Alpha, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but our Luna has been out of our sight. One of our guards sent to me as I circled around Hemsley.

  My wolf started to feel panicky towards the thought of losing our mate. Fucktards. Dammit.

  Well, find her you idiots! If anything happens to her! You're dead.

  Hemsley gave a wolfy grin as he kept circling. Both of us made no move as we were both in our wolf forms. Something tells me her disappearing, has something to do with him. Goddammit. Why her!? If he's taking my mate, I'm taking his life. Hemsley finally giving in, lunged forward aiming for my throat. I quickly ducked and bit his neck, making him howl in pain. Aha. I bit down harder hoping I could take him down easy, but sadly it doesn't work that way. As soon as I went off guard, he flung me off, pawing at me while trying to bite me. Expecting his moves, I turned right at the right time, and turned left at the correct time too. Flipping around I saw Hemsley's jaw stuck to the ground. Who the hell makes that mistake anyways?! Apparently he does. Smirking inside my head. I quickly bit down on him and practically tore him apart. One down, lots more to go. Hope the rest is doing better cause, well if their Alpha was this stupid, how would the others be? I've been expecting too much from them...

  Alpha! Austin! Alpha! We found her! Adrian's got her! I think he's heading back to our pack house though... The guards sent to me.

  I felt myself let go of a breath that I just might've been holding as I fought before. Good. Adrian's on our side, but be careful though there may be another wolf trailing behind them, knock that one off and finish him. Leave Adrian for me to deal with. He's a friend.

  Thank god she's safe. What was she thinking!

  -Bev’s Pov-


  I almost fell asleep until Adrian suddenly made the car come to an hault.

  "Okay B, cost is clear. We gotta switch and move fast before Brandon catches us," Adrian's voice trailed, carrying me out of the car into another. This time he quickly snapped my ropes knot open so I can untie myself during the ride. I didn't speak and just started getting my wrists out of the ropes. There were a few burns on my wrist, but nothing major that wouldn't heal within hours.

  Time flew by pretty quickly before we were fast approaching the pack house. There stood a few guards in defensive stand. I ripped off the paper bag and greeted them with a warm smile. Their expressions softened to see it was just me, but hardened when they saw Adrian. They snarled about to run to us, wanting to pull me away from Adrian.

  You two! Quit it. I'm sure Austin's told you...he's a friend. Just let him in…but the one who's probably hunting us down right now...he's no friend. I sent to them shaking my head disapprovingly.

  They both bowed down their heads as me and Adrian quickly entered the house.

  Suddenly my mother came out to greet me. "Denise Beverly Thomas! What kind of stupid idiot are you? Sneaking out? Thank god Adrian was there to save you...which reminds me..." she screamed at me hugging me as tears spilled down her face. Then she turned to Adrian. "Adrian! I haven't seen you since forever! Momma Rina missed you!" she squealed hugging him too.

  Adrian looked at me alarmed, but hugged my mom, burying his head in the crook of her neck. "I've missed you too, Momma Rina." he whispered, voice soft and just like years ago.

  "Oh baby, are you coming back to our pack? I mean I'm sure Austin will let you back in, and and..."

  "Mom!" I cut her off. "Calm down. I think we'll all have to discuss this later...but first I need to see what's happening out there," I stated as I started making way to a window.

  As my cue, a howl busted through the air and I froze. Who was that?

  The enemies have been defeated. Wolves from our pack all over the land sent to each other.

  I sighed in relief and plopped down on the seat closest to me. "We won. The other pack has been completely defeated. All dead. Well except for you, Adrian, but you don't count."

  "And every pack member joined the fight today," Adrian added.

  Then the thought hit me. I still haven't thanked Adrian for everything!

  "Adrian!" I squealed throwing my arms around him. He stumbled back a few steps and raised his eyebrow at me.


  "Thank you so much for everything! If it wasn't for you, I may be laying out there lifeless right now!"

  Adrian let out a gush of air, and kissed the top of my head. "Welcome."

  No sooner than a few seconds later, the door busted open. Everyone's face going alarmed.

  "Denise Beverly Thomas! What the hell were you thinking!" Erik and Austin both yelled at the same time, starting to rage.

  Uh oh. I slipped out of Adrian's hug and jumped on Austin and showered him with kisses.

  "I'm so sorry," I kept repeating while sobbing.

  Austin cupped my face, "Never do that again, got it? I can't believe you. How could you even-" Before he could say another word, he flinched and howled in pain.

  I jumped off him and stared at him, not knowing what happened. Did I hurt him? Then I saw the blood that was coming out of his shoulder/neck area.

  What. The. Fuck?

  "Someone call the pack doctor right now! Dammit! Austin! Look at me!" I shouted shaking.

  I can't lose him. Dammit. I started crying but told others to pass me things, trying to stop the blood.

  "Erik! Please! Get over here!" I screamed tears now dripping down my face.

  He was by my side at once, then helped Austin up with Adrian on the other side. Both of them quickly moved Austin upstairs, as I sat hopelessly on the ground.

  A minute later the pack doctor came in. "Don't let him die!" I shouted my face crumbling.

  "Sweetheart, he'll be fine. This shouldn't be anything he can't heal soon, some painkillers should be enough," the doctor assured me.

  Ignoring his reassurance, I continued to sob, "Please--"

  Both my wolf and I were crying. Not wanting to practically be widowed. I wasn't exactly thinking straight. All I had in mind was how no matter what, I needed him to live. Screw what he has put me through. Or what I might've put him through. I can't lose him. I love him. We went through loads together. We grew up together. Fucking Hemsley. If I could kill him again...I would. I felt Lara come to my side and try to haul me up.

  "Bev, I know you love my brother and worry about him, just like me but get up. Sitting here will be no use."

  She was right. I slowly got up, using her arm as support, but then I heard another scream. I think it came from Jez who was in the living room. Quickly, I dashed into the living room, needing to find out what was happening. Just as I walked into the room, Cam came into my sight and he sure was frozen. Along with that, Jez was in front of him breathing really hard, clutching her belly with a pile of water beneath her. Oh shit.