Read Rejected By My Soulmate Page 24

  Chapter 19

  7 Months Later...

  "Oh no, Beverly. Stay out of that room." My mother warned me; just like what everyone else had been doing today.

  "Why?!" I screamed. I mean, really, can't a girl just go to her room and relax or sleep. I mean first, I have no idea why Austin ditched me today... all he said was 'pack business', but oh c'mon; I'm the goddamn Luna, don't I get to know stuff too?

  "Sweetie, Austin ordered us specifically to do not let you in." She replied, face emotionless.

  "That fucktard is gonna get a piece of me later." I muttered under my breath, as I headed for the kitchen.

  Screw sleeping. I need food. Perhaps some ketchup chips, pickles dipped in peanut butter... a nice big deluxe pizza…ew but kind of sounds nice right now. Usually I hate those food products though. Groaning, I heaved myself up and sat on the island that was in the middle of the kitchen. Sure it wasn’t really safe but who the hell’s gonna stop me.

  Rubbing my eyes, I heard a glass cup clink. I opened one eyelid to see Lara pouring her glass of apple juice, as she prepared some milk to reheat for the twins.

  "Is the cravings taking over again?" she asked as she swirled the milk that was in Harmony's baby bottle.

  I nodded sighing. Sometimes I wish our wolves wouldn't try to take over all the time, and make everything a bit more difficult.

  "Just eat what you crave, it's not like it'll last any longer... I mean the babies are gonna come out soon anyways." She said, handing me a bag of chips from the cupboard.

  Babies…twins. I’m currently pregnant with twins! In the beginning, I always thought I was only pregnant with one child, but when I went for a checkup a little while after the ‘fight’, the doctor had informed me and Austin bout my stage of pregnancy, and what would be coming up. I can’t even imagine the pain I would have to go through. I had a little talk with Jez after her baby and she was about cussing about even thinking about the pain of giving birth to her Anthony. Since she only had one child, I’m assuming I would go through probably double the amount of pain. Remind me to always get in bed, fully dressed... then Austin won't think of anything again, then there'll be a smaller chance I'd ever get pregnant again. I mean really, I don't want to handle any more than two kids.

  "Sometimes I wish life could go back a few years, and everything could just restart and become a happy ending," I huffed, as I ripped the top of the chip bag open. "Want one?" I offered, sticking out the bag to Lara.

  She shook her head and smiled, "Keep it to yourself."

  "Your loss." I chirped digging in. Man these taste terrible, yet good.

  "Yeah... I've said the same to you when I was carrying the twins." She stated grinning.

  "I know... Oh do you have any idea what Austin's been doing today?" I asked, swallowing the chip.

  She smiled lightly, "I do but I can't tell you his... orders."

  "And I order you to tell me!" I screamed. Crap. "No. I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

  "It's alright," she assured me, placing the bottles down to hug me. "I get that you hate not knowing things, but I promise this is something worth waiting for."

  "What could possibly-" I was about to continue talking, but then Austin suddenly showed up at the door of the kitchen. "Austin! You ass! What were you doing and what secret are you keeping from me!?"

  He smirked at me running his thumb over my lips. "Not telling."

  "Why?" I asked pouting.

  After totally forgetting that Lara was still in the kitchen, I heard her giggle and walk out with the baby bottles to feed the twins.

  Austin frowned for a second and then relaxed. "You hungry? Let's get lunch."

  I shook my head, "Tell me what you were doing, then we'll eat."

  He chuckled, shaking his head. "Fat chance. Love, you're not gonna get anything out of me."

  My heart fluttered at his words. "Fine then. I won't eat."

  "Are we really playing this game?" he asked, smirking as he started shaking his head in disbelief.

  I snapped my head at another direction stubbornly.

  "Fine then. Don't eat, I'll just go prepare some chicken alfredo pasta and enjoy it all by myself." He said, pretending to sniff the air.

  At the sound of chicken alfredo, I wanted to drool. Those are one of my favourites. Dang.

  "Well you know... I am kinda hungry... I guess I could eat..."

  "You, eat? Nah. I'll just keep it all for myself," he said waving his hand, while he walked over to the fridge to take out some leftover chicken breasts.

  I jumped on his back, clutching onto his shirt. "You're making me some!"

  "And if I say no?"

  "I'll hate you forever."

  "I highly doubt it," He muttered while filling a pot with water. "You love me too much."

  "Don't flatter yourself." I muttered, letting go of him.

  "Oh c'mon, you know it's true." He whispered into my ears, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  "Pssh." I whacked his head and started walking to the living room. "Just make the food."

  "Yes, your majesty."

  I glared at him, "Just go."

  I waddled over to the couch, reaching for the remote that was on the table. I failed to do so. I swear this belly of mine is making it impossible for me to do anything. I reached out my arm again, stretching my fingers. Nope. No luck.

  "Arg," I huffed frustrated. I give up. I mean really, who knew having three kids in you would make life so much harder.

  I closed my eyes and lay back on the couch. I guess I'll just sit here, do nothing, and wait for someone to notice me.

  "Can't get the remote?" I peeked open an eye to find Austin smirking.

  "Go away." I groaned, pulling a cushion from behind my back to throw at him.

  Before I could even wing it across the room, he was beside the TV clicking the 'On' button.

  "And Backstrom scores! What a goal by Nicklas Backstrom!" the TV roared.

  "Dammit!" I spat covering my ears with the cushions. "Turn it down!"

  Austin grinned as he turned the TV volume higher.

  "Are you deaf? What part of turn it down do you not get!" I screamed flinching. My poor wolf hearing eardrums are exploding.

  "Oh sweetheart. I thought you said turn it up."

  I glared at him as he finally turned the volume of the TV down. "You're a jerk."

  "But I love you!" he sighed dramatically.

  "I wish I could say the same," I joked.

  He narrowed his eyes at me, then turned off the TV, leaving me with nothing all over again. A few minutes later he came back out with two plates. "Okay picky picky, get over here and eat your dinner. Then we're going out."

  I picked at my nails, scratching off the remaining nail polish that I had on it. "To where?"


  "Tell me!" I chirped rushing over to the table.

  "No. Now eat," he ordered, pushing my plate over to me.

  I placed my nose in the air just above the plate and took a sniff. Mmmm. Smells delicious. The advantage of having a mate that can cook. When you're too lazy to make food, they can make it for you.

  Ouch. Are you using me?

  "Love you." I chirped, stabbing my fork into the pasta.

  "I wish I could say the same..."

  "That's my line!" I roared scrunching my nose up.

  "Yeah, well now it's mine."

  "Screw you." I muttered, putting the pasta in my mouth to munch on.

  "You really wanna?" he asked, challenging me.

  I scowled at him. "Eat."


  ---Half an Hour Later---


  "Just let me go change!"

  "No, you're fine just the way you are."

  "No. Wait. Where are we going? I mean don't I look a little 'fat' to go out. I mean really..."

  Austin gave a stern look. "Quit mumbling and let's go... anyways where we're going... it's just gonna be me and you."

  Me and him?

in, c’mon, please tell me where we're going." I pleaded wrapping my arms around him, giving him the best puppy dog eyes I could come up with.

  "No. Now c'mon to the car, and oh here..." he said as he suddenly blindfolded me.


  "B, give me some trust. We'll be there soon anyways," he said as I heard the car engine roar to life.

  ... we sped off.

  After around maybe 15 minutes of driving, I heard the car slowly stop.

  “Babe, we’re here. Just sit still and I will help you out.”

  “Bu—” Before I could even protest I heard Austin slam his side of the car door shut and my passenger side door, open.

  I felt his arm reach over to undo my seatbelt and then carried me out of the car, causing me to giggle continuously.

  “Austin, do you have any idea how heavy I am?” I whispered.

  “Ssh,” he whispered, putting me down and kissing my cheek as he undid the blindfold.

  I blinked a few times. "Austin, it's beautiful." I whispered as I looked around.

  We were near the forest, through the trees, just at the perfect spot to see the city view.

  “I know you are.”

  I gave him a stern look, “That’s plain cliché and cheesy.”

  “But Babe, it’s all true.”

  I hugged him, wrapping my arms around him, burying my face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent like it’s normal air and I depend on it to live.

  "Baby girl, you know I love you, right?" he asked, sitting on the hood of his car.

  "Yeah, why?" I asked as I sat on the hood of the car too. I hope this thing could hold all this weight, ‘cause, well I have to admit, right now, I'm not the lightest person in the world.


  I raised an eyebrow at him, while smiling. It's been awhile since we were able to go out without people harassing us about stuff.

  "It's not that I don't like this...but why'd you bring me out here?"

  He pulled me close to him stroking my cheek, "I just wanted to come out here with you."

  I didn't question on, instead I just laid there in his arms. Both of us just staring up to the sky.




  Beep. Beep.

  "What was that?" I asked Austin as I stretched.

  "My phone telling me it's time to bring you home, so you can get some sleep," he replied helping me up.

  Awww. He could be so sweet sometimes.

  Rolling his eyes at me as if he heard what I was thinking, he opened the passenger door for me. Smiling, I stepped in; with a boost from him.

  By the time we got home, it was around 9. I slowly moved my legs, trying to get up the stairs. Instead of helping me like he usually does, Austin dove for the room, zooming past me. Groaning, I held tightly to the railings. Finally when I reached the door, Austin told me to do not go in, right before he went in. He should know by now, I'm not a patient person and I happen to disobey him a lot. So instead of listening I busted the door open. There in the room where it’s usually really dark, candles brightened it up. I looked around for Austin, where’d he go?

  “Boo!” he whispered out of nowhere causing me to almost have a heart attack.

  “What was that!” I hollered, rubbing my hand over the area where my heart lays beneath; soothing myself.

  Suddenly he smiled and bent down, making my heart race again. Was he finally going to propose to me? To answer my question, he brought out a decent sized jewellery box out, much to my disappointment.


  “Shhh.” He hushed as he opened the box. Inside was an elegant looking necklace that seemed to be covered in diamonds. That must’ve cost a fortune! I blinked at him, not knowing what reaction to give him.

  “Baby girl, I wanted to give this to you before you a year ago, but I guess I kind of chickened out and decided to let you have your own time for a while.”

  I blinked a few more times at him. “It’s past the time of the returning period, isn’t it?”

  He bit his lips, “Do you not like it?”

  I gasped. “Nonono, nothing like that. It’s just it must’ve cost you so much for that, I can’t accept that!”

  He got up and pulled me towards him. “Sweetheart, of course you can accept it. You’re my mate, you’re supposed to be presented with lots and lots of gifts from me.”


  He silenced me, by pressing his lips to mine. Then reluctantly he pulled away. “Now sweetheart, do you want me to put this on you right now, or do you want later?

  As if to answer him, I lifted my hair up. Gently I watch him pick up the necklace and place it around my neck, fidgeting with the clasp to secure it. Afterwards he removed my hands from my hair to release it. Then in a blur I heard him flick a switch on as he turned me around and disappeared again. I became blinded but the lights. On the wall was lights swirled in a way to spell the words:

  Marry me. - A

  My eyes widened. Speechless once again. So this is what he's been up to all day. Setting up candles, taping stuff to the walls…Austin sure isn't one of those typical guys, who just bends down on his knees and proposes. As if he was expecting my answer, Austin looked nervous. He started pacing around, nibbling on his lips.

  "Bev, Marry me. I'll love you and our coming triplets forever. I'll be sure to take care of you. I know I've put you through a lot during the past, but I know my heart desires for you. Denise Beverly Thomas. Be my wife," he whispered into my ears, taking my hands in his. I shivered at his words.

  If I asked myself back when I was 15, I would not have come to the conclusion of might becoming married at just the age of 18, but what the hell. I didn't plan on getting pregnant at 17 either, nor did I plan on being mates with an alpha, or ending up falling in love with my best friend's brother. Tears were forming in my eyes, but my voice wouldn't work, so instead of saying yes I nodded. He sighed in relief, and his lips curled into a smile. He pulled a ring out of his pockets and pushed it on my finger.

  "I love you," he growled.

  "As I love you."

  Suddenly a shot of pain hit me.

  "Baby, what's wrong?" Austin asked concerned.

  I looked down, it was like I'm peeing myself...but I knew what was happening. My water broke.

  "Austin, you're gonna be a daddy really really soon, and when I mean soon, I mean--" I stopped, and shifted a little. Not a comfortable position. “—probably within the next hours, depending!" I continued.

  He stared at me in shock for a second, then the sound of it finally processed through his brain. "Hoooly shit!"

  After those words left his mouth, everything became a blur 'cause he was moving so quickly, calling our family, and getting the car ready...then carrying me to the car. I can already imagine the pain of giving birth to the twins. When they come out, and grow up. I'll be sure to tell Jared, and Brandon about their mommy and daddy's story.

  Believe it or not, all this really started with my own soulmate rejecting protect me…Just ‘cause I was Rejected By My Soulmate.