Read Rejected By My Soulmate Page 25


  Few Years Later...


  "Mommy, mommy! Jare and Bran won't gimme toy!" my 4 year old daughter, Hailey whined pointing at her brothers who were trying to act innocent.

  I glared at my two five year old boys playfully and put my hands on my hips, "What have I said about being nicer to Hailey?"

  Around quite a few months after I gave Birth to my twin boys, Hailey came along. She was completely unexpected but it was a great surprise, and to follow along with that the previous month before she was born, a baby boy was given birth by Madi.

  They both looked at me frightened then pointed at each other, "It was his idea!"

  When they realized they spoke at the same time, and were pointing at each other, Jared's baby blue eyes and Brandon's hazel brown eyes widened even further.

  "What?! Me! No! It was you!" they spat in each other’s faces.

  I started laughing at my two boys, they just don't get it. I'm their mother, I see through them like that. I can also see through Hailey and well she only came to me, ‘cause she knows I'm always on her side.

  "Honey, I'm home!" Austin shouted from the front door.

  "We're in the kitchen," I shouted out, not looking away from the boys.

  "I know," he chuckled, as he walked over to me and pecked my lips.

  "Eww! Daddy! Mommy has cooties! Don't kiss her!" Jared squealed, gagging, as Brandon followed along.

  I looked at the boys shocked, then turned to Austin. "Did you tell them girls had cooties?" I accused, raising an eyebrow at Austin.

  "What? No, why would you think that!" he said sarcastically.

  I was about to smack Austin at the back of his head, but he ducked just in time, while bringing Hailey up.

  "So how's daddy's little girl doing?" he asked nuzzling her neck.

  I stared at them in awe. I never thought Austin would've been such a great father to the kids.

  Hailey wrapped her tiny arms around my mate's neck, while trying to twirl his short hair with her fingers. Then she pouted.

  "Sweetie, what's wrong?" Austin asked, his voice a hundred percent soft.

  "Jared and Brandon was being meanies again! They wouldn't give my toy back, then then they stole the last cookie! Daddy, remember how I love cookies! They took every last bit of them! I only had one out of the dozen mommy made! It's not fair!" she complained crying.

  I scoffed at the sight in front of me. There's no denying that Hailey is my daughter with her attitude. I used to do the exact same thing, complain to daddy since I was the papa's girl. I would tattle tale on Erik and be a bitch. Yeah so on...yet I was lucky Erik was a forgiving brother, who still looked out for me after everything.

  "Sometimes I wish I never had a little sister. They're so annoying. All they ever do a whine, and whine, and whine!" Jared muttered under his breath.

  I'm guessing he thought I wouldn't have heard him, but who you kidding? Hello? My hearing's like a wolf's 24/7. At the corner of my eyes I saw Hailey’s eyes widen and her lips tremble. Even though she loves to tell on her brothers, inside she adores them. She looks up to her brothers and hides behind them for protection.

  "Jared...c'mon, I wanna talk to you. You also Brandon, go to the living room," I said taking our boy's little hands and leading them to the living room. "Sit."

  "Mom--" Brandon started to whine.

  "Bran, hush."

  Both boys sat on the couch, legs hanging off it, sitting criss crossed, their hands on their laps. What is this, school?

  "Boys, I'm not about to give you a lecture about treating your sister properly, ‘cause I know you love her deeply and would be the best big brother’s in the future, and well mommy was once just like Hailey. I know you guys love to hang out with Erik, so I’ll put this out right now. You guys take on after your father and my brother. They both did exactly what you two are doing, but they always protected me from others, and as much as I hate to say; I want you two to take them as a role model…sometimes. Don’t learn their bad habits though, but I think it’s a little late on that, ‘cause you two seem to catch onto a lot of bad stuff of you daddy’s. Anyways just remember to not push Hailey too far."

  Both just looked at me, then a smirk grew on Jared's face. "Does taking Uncle Erik as a role model mean being able to hang out with him more often?"

  I cracked a smile. These boys, they just love hanging out with Erik, Austin and little Jeremy. It's like every month where the boys all go out, then us girls go out too.

  "Well, that would depend if Uncle Erik would want to--"

  "Want to what?" a voice asked cutting my sentence.

  I turn around to face my brother. "Uncle Erik!" the two chirped jumping up and down.

  "Perfect timing. I picked up both boys and shoved them to my brother. "Take them. All yours for today. They're monsters, just creating more trouble for me to deal with."

  Erik grinned at the boys, "Guess you two are taking it just like me and your daddy...we weren't the best brothers when we were your age."

  "That part you got right," Austin said joining us in the room with Hailey giggling in his arms. She was now munching on a chocolate bar, some smudged in her hair.

  "Awh baby, you're not the cleanest eater in the world, are you?" I cooed at Hailey taking her in my arms, searching for a tissue to wipe off the chocolate splat that was on her white t-shirt. It won't scrub off. Damn. There goes the sesame street was cute!

  Hailey didn't reply and just gave her chocolate bar another, bite then offered it to me. After the parts that have melted, the chocolate just didn't seem to be appetizing. "No thanks sweetheart. Keep it to yourself." She shrugged as if it was my loss and munched on it again.

  I looked back and forth between the boys in my brother's arms and Hailey who was in mine. "Second thought bro, you take Hailey to yours to play with Harmony, and I keep the boys."

  "Moooom," the boys whined. Dammit.

  I bit my lips, looking at Hailey. Fine then. I shoved her back to Austin. "Here you take care of her, I would rather not deal with these 3 monsters for the next hour. Tata! Love you!" I chirped, picking up my handbag, keys and shoes.

  I heard my brother and Austin groan and complain as I slipped my feet into my flats then walked out the door. This is what I do every second day. Leave the kids to Austin and walk out for some girls’ time....except for the part where Erik wasn't supposed to suddenly walk in; now he just has to deal with the kids with Austin, while I go hang out with his wife. No...second thought... I stepped into my car, then dug into my bag for my phone. Aha.

  Beep. Beep.

  "Hello," my sister-in-law greeted.

  "Lara, come over to my house right now, and bring the kids. We're going out, and the kids will be under the watchful eyes of our husbands tonight."

  "You're trusting them to take care of five kids under your roof? Women, you're brave. Just watch it. Your house is gonna buuurn down."

  "I highly doubt it. Now c'mon! Time's ticking! Oh and call Madi on the way and make sure she brings Blake and Aid with her! Which will make three pairs of watchful eyes, and six kids!" I once again chirped.

  "Kay, kay," she replied, then hung up.

  Just a few minutes after the phone call ended, I heard a car screeching by. I looked up to find that it was Lara driving completely insane with her two kids in the back. As they came to a stop right behind my car

  “Auntie Beverly! Auntie Bev!”

  I smiled and walked towards Jeremy’s side of the door and flung it open, “Hey there Jer. Hey Harmony. Come on out and let’s get you guys inside. Your father’s already in there. Now go go go.”

  Grinning, Jeremy unbuckled his seatbelt, struggling with it a bit when it caught in his car seat, but got out. Same with Harmony. Hurriedly, Lara went to the trunk of her car and brought out some bags, then nudged her kids towards the front of my house. It’s better for us to not have to explain to Austin and Erik ourselves, why they’ve suddenly just gotten more kids to look after.




  Half an hour later, all three of us were at the mall, sipping on our smoothies.

  "Few years ago, I wouldn't have imagined myself ever finding my mate, getting married, and well having a four year old son," Madi muttered staring at no one or nowhere in particular.

  Yeah. Madi's a mother of a three year old boy who currently I suspect likes Hailey, but I’ve got no problems with that and I don’t think Austin does either. I mean if they grow up as mates we’d be more than happy too. I mean we’ve watched little Blake grow up, so we would be able to know very well what kind of boy he is and whether he is good for Hailey or not.

  "Well few years ago, I wouldn't have even given a second thought to having a kid at all. I always thought me and Erik could just live a long life, you know no kids bothering us, but now that I have Harmony and Jeremy, I can't say I regret having them."

  I sighed and took another sip of my strawberry-banana milkshake. "Few years ago...I thought I was to never forgive Austin, but look where I'm at right now..."

  We all took another sip of my smoothies and sighed.

  "Lots have changed during the past years...wonder what'll happen in the next though," Madi said rubbing her chin.

  "Don't even bother trying to think, life goes on unexpected."


  About the Author

  Justine is a young teen with a dream of developing better writing in her future. Right now she sits in high school, writing for her hobby and maintaining an A average in her courses. She lives in the lower mainland of British Columbia, Canada.

  If you wish to contact her please, go to Twitter:

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