Read Religious Fangs Page 11

the oligarchs here to steal and abuse my people, they are evil you see.”

  “And do you have proof of what you say? I am not even sure I understand what you mean.”

  “There is proof you see, Cabrera said he has it, but that he is keeping it hidden from the empire.”

  “But even if he has it, it gives you no right no steal, there is a law that you must respect.”

  “Law enforced by the USA of America! For the oligarchs!” Said the guy visibly stressed. “My commandant said it and he is right! He said we could get back our stuff! Are you working for the USA of America? Are you an oligarch? Because you sure sound like one! Hey guys! Here we have an oligarch! She works for the USA of America!”

  And they saw how a crowd went running toward Helen and her camera crew, they were still filming as they started running away from the mob.

  “Well, there seems to be a slight problem with our crew, I am sure our reporter will be fine.” The news presenter said slightly sweaty and nervous. “Now in an exclusive with Cabrera we have Carolina.”

  “Good night Mr. Cabrera.” Said Carolina. “What are your thoughts about all the manifestations and crimes people is doing in your name.”

  “Crimes? There are no crimes anywhere! That is just a rumour created by the empire! People is just celebrating that now they are in power, they are just partying innocently. Please lady, stop talking like one of those oligarchs, I am sure you are not one of them? Are you?” He said in a very threatening way, but immediately smiled and said. “Just joking.”

  Ana turned off the television.

  “That guy is crazy, did you know he send his people here to recruit us for this craziness? Most of my neighbours went ahead to support him, I just do not believe him. He even bribed them with red shirts and some beer! I keep telling my kids they have to study and progress by themselves, instead of taking the easy way as most of our neighbours did.”

  “That is disgusting,” said Maria “talking about disgusting, is there a place were we could get cleaned up? Even if it is only our faces?”

  “Of course, Wilson will show you to the water tank on the outside of the house.”

  “First, congratulations for refusing to do something in which you do not believe, but we would better get going immediately, there is no time to clean up.” Guillem said. “Do you have any sort of transportation that you could lend us? Or at least indicate us which is the best way to go?”

  “Down in the river we have a small raft which could take you upstream. I guess it is more secure right now to go that way than by using the streets. Here, take this flashlight with you, it will be useful.”

  “Thank you.” Guillem said. Roberto started regaining consciousness and complaining so he went immediately to check him out. “Hey buddy. Can you hear me?”

  “Yes.” He whispered. “Everything hurts and smells like shit. Is that me? Or Cristobal?”

  “Yes brother, all of us are smelly. You are quite hurt as well.” He said laughing. “We still have not been able to take you to a hospital. Come on up, do you think you can walk?”

  “Do I have to get up?” He said as he started getting up with Guillem's help.

  “Let's get out of here.” Said Guillem. “We need to get you home before you get any worse.”

  “All of you look and stink horrible.”

  “Do not you think you look any better.” Guillem said laughing.

  Everyone said their good byes to Ana and her family and followed the directions she gave them as to how to find the raft. They had to descend by a very narrow path that took them to another very large tributary of the Guaire river and there they found it just next to the water. The raft was very deteriorated with a few broken sections which somebody had been trying to fix with average success, on the side were two poles of at least three meters long each.

  “I guess these are to push this thing upriver?” Cristobal asked as he picked up both poles and threw one to Tom.

  “Do you think you are up to this with all your wounds?” Tom asked Cristobal.

  “You will have to try to keep up with me!”

  Between all of them dragged the boat to the main river and placed the poles inside. Everyone went aboard the boat starting with Roberto and finishing with Cristobal, the boat was making some water, but stayed afloat. Tom and Cristobal placed themselves on each side of it and started pushing it upstream with the poles, it moved extremely slow despite their best efforts.

  They continued like it for about 30 minutes, it was already well into the morning and was quite clear. All of them were very sleepy so they leaned against the others in the centre of the raft leaving Tom and Cristobal the responsibility of getting them safely upstream.

  “What is that?” Xavier asked sitting back up and pointing to an object floating a few meters away.

  “Hehe, a ball of shit? I have counted a few dozens already.” Cristobal answered.

  “You are disgusting, but no it is not that, wait.” Said Xavier focusing his eyes on the object he saw. “That is... a body! And there is another one! And another!” He said pointing to multiple objects coming down stream. “The river is full of corpses!”

  “Fucking animals! Is any of them still moving?”

  “I do not thing so, I will keep an eye out to see if we see anyone still alive.”

  The group had to make an effort to keep looking at the corpses despite how tired all of them were, trying to find any sign of movement in any of them, it was an insufferable spectacle. Guillem could see how Tom and Cristobal kept staring at the bodies silently, their hands trembling in rage, for a moment he was worried Cristobal was going to break the pole in half with his huge hands.

  “Come on Cristobal! Stronger. There is too much daylight already and we do not want to be seen.” Said Tom

  “Yes.” Cristobal mumbled.

  Guillem kept looking at the bodies, there were young and old people in equal proportions with even a few children. Most of them looked lower class, so much for the president of the people. These most probably were the ones that refused to bow before him. It was already 7am when they arrived just under the Veracruz avenue which should take them easily to the city east so they decided to get off the boat there and keep going on foot. Guillem was the first to get down and help the others do so.

  “And now what?” Edward asked very tired.

  “We need to climb up to the Veracruz avenue and follow it to the Talmac hotel and from there to Santa Ines. Let's go!” Said Guillem trying to show himself as full of energy even though all of them new it was a lie.

  Cristobal, Xavier, Maria and Tom managed to climb up to the Veracruz avenue quite easily, but Guillem and the others were having a lot of difficulty doing it, in particular with Roberto who was still was quite weak and kept dragging them down. Guillem thought the guys would help them from above the slope, but instead he heard someone saying “We have some Cabristas here, we are under attack!”, followed by a few screams and gun shots.

  Roberto managed to hide under the bridge while Guillem helped Edward and Lucio climb up to help the others. After they were up, Guillem tried to do it himself, but the side of the river was quite wet and he kept sliding down every time, his heart shrinking with every gun shot as he kept expecting to maybe find one of his friends shot dead without him having been able to help them.

  Already desperate he got as far away as he could and ran toward the slope trying to use the impulse to help him climb it, this time he managed to climb a couple meters, but the land gave away under him and made him fall one more time, the stone and dirt that came down with him destroyed the narrow ledge he was going to fall into which made him fall even further, all the way down into the river hitting his head in the process with a few trash cans stuck in the edge of the river.

  The strength of the water current dragged him down river, he tried swimming to safety, but the continuous hits he kept receiving from the rubbish floating in the river plus the strength of the water current kept dragging him despite his best
efforts. After his many tries he finally managed to hold onto something and felt how it began pulling him toward the side of the river, when he was finally able to open his eyes he saw how Roberto was holding the other side of the pole he was holding onto and was spending every bit of strength he had left in his body to save him, but the river was too strong and Roberto was visibly weak, he almost fell into the river a few times, but managed to recover his equilibrium again every time. Guillem gave him and his friends his silent blessing and let go of the pole.

  He was still conscious for what seemed like and eternity, being hit once and again by rubbish and swallowing the stinking water until finally everything was dark and he lost consciousness.

  A different darkness

  Guillem regained consciousness. He was still being dragged by the river and feeling as he drowned once again, the water and rubbish invading his body, but when it was finally over and he lost consciousness it just started once again, and again many times more until finally something different happened. He felt hunger, so much hunger.

  Guillem slowly opened his eyes, he was hungry. His body felt different, as if it was numb and rigid. He was in a tiny room illuminated by a small lamp next to him, the walls were made of grey stone blocks and there were no windows anywhere, only one door made of iron which seemed as if it could only be opened from the outside since it lacked a knob. He slowly got up, he was leaning down in a