Read Religious Fangs Page 12

single bed with a metal frame and an old mattress. Someone had washed him completely and put some rustic, but clean clothes on him.

  “Hello? Is somebody here?” He said as he got up, his body still feeling too rigid. His skin was all wrinkled which he thought was normal after drowning in the Guaire river. He yelled as he walked to the door. “HELLO! I AM AWAKE! WHERE AM I!” And he started hitting the door with all his strength.

  It finally opened and a young woman came in. She was about 16 years old with long blonde hair and skin as white as milk, she was only dressed with sexy underwear. Guillem immediately thought about her blood and that a girl so beautiful must be so sweet and tasty. He tried calming himself down, decided to close his eyes and think about something other than his hunger, but as soon as he opened his eyes one more time and saw her standing with all her innocence in front of him and blushing, all those thoughts came back to his mind and finally unable to control himself he gave in and leaped at her making her fall to the floor with him above.

  First he bit at her neck with all his strength feeling as he tore open the flesh, but as soon as he felt the sweet nectar that was her blood he could not think about anything else other than drinking it. It was so delightful that he could not remember ever tasting anything more spectacular, the pleasure was as he had always imagined having sex, just better. A lot of blood flooded out of the wound in her neck which he drank happily and in his desperation to get more he kept biting and tearing the flesh of her neck, he could still feel her breathing, but she was not moving at all, she just kept sighing and somehow he knew she was enjoying the experience to the point he was sure he felt her having an orgasm.

  After a few moments enjoying her taste Guillem felt the presence of someone else next to him, he stopped feeding to see who was interrupting his meal and saw the most threatening guy he had ever seen before, he just felt an uncontrollable need to run away from him as far and as quickly as possible, but he was blocking the only exit from the room. He stood up and ran to the farther corner of the room where the mattress was located, he jumping on top of it and stayed quiet staring at the intruder.

  “Continue, kill her. Be the predator you can be.” The intruder said, but Guillem did not move at all. He just kept staring at the new comer, trying to intimidate him with its grin.

  “Afraid? It was to be expected. Here I will stay until you snap out of it.” Guillem saw as the girl, smaller and more appetising than ever got up and left the room.

  An eternity passed for him, but slowly he felt as he regained his self control. As he did so he could better see the intruder, it was a tiny guy completely covered with a hooded overcoat, his looks were not threatening at all, but still he felt the small guy was somehow dangerous.

  As soon as he was able completely calm himself down, he dropped to the floor and started praying. The tiny guy knelt next to him and prayed as well. It was a very short guy of about 160 centimetres, the overcoat seemed as if it was taken from a bad movie of monks, the hood was covering his head almost completely.

  “What did you do to me? What am I?” Asked Guillem as he stopped praying and was looking at the blood marks all over his clothes, he noticed as well that his skin was not wrinkly any more and even though it still looked pale it seemed to be a lot healthier. “How is the girl? Who are you?”

  “She? She is happy! Her reason to exist is to serve us in everything we need. Food, sex, work, anything. Do you want to ask her how she feel? You do not have to believe me.”

  “NO! Leave her alone. What do you want from me? What did you do to me? What am I? Some sort of vampire? Who are you?”

  “You are right on that. A vampire is what you are. An immortal. A predator of men. Created by God to be a wolf among his sheep. What did I do? Give you the opportunity to exist forever, why? You were going to die in that little disgusting river anyway and I needed you. My servants were looking over you and rescued you as soon as there were no witnesses. My name is Sebastian Valdez.”

  “My friends? Are they all right? Roberto was badly hurt and I do not know how were the others.”

  “My people has already taken care of them. All of them are in their houses and Roberto is in the East Hospital, all of them safe and sound. Before you ask, they are crying a lot because of your loss, but that is the way of the sheep, they are emotional all the time. And finally your family is fine as well, crying obviously.”

  “I need to see them. Am I your prisoner?”

  “No, you are not. Do whatever you have to do and I will not interfere. But remember what you are, your family and friends will not accept you at the moment. My people can take you anywhere you want. Now I am your only family.”

  “I do not want your people going with me anywhere and you are not my family. How do I exit this place?”

  “Follow me.”

  Sebastian exited the room and Guillem followed him very closely, they walked through a long corridor built using the same grey blocks as his room. There were doors on each side, all of them closed and there were many catholic crosses everywhere as well. Finally they arrived to a stair which they followed upwards to what seemed like the ground level of a very large house. The stair took them straight into the house's kitchen which was fairly large, but better described as antiquated, there was another young lady there cooking in her underwear. They kept walking, exiting the kitchen and then into a great saloon with timber floors and antique furniture including an old grand piano in the middle of the place, in the way he noticed that there were a lot of video cameras, they were the only thing that could be qualified as modern technology and finally they arrived to a huge wooden door.

  “Here is the door, leave if that is what you must do. But remember what you are, I would advise you to come back here before 4am so you do not have any sun related risk.”

  “Come back? Here? You transform me in some sort of hellish creature against my will and you pretend me to come back here? You must be crazy. What day is this? How long have I been unconscious.”

  “Ha! Do whatever you want, go die into the sun for all I care, but let me ask. Where are you going to sleep during the day? With your family? Do you want them to see their son's corpse during the day? You will not look very pretty while sleeping. Do they have a place where no sun will come in? Maybe in the house of one of your friends? We are in Los Samanes, remember the way back here. Put this overcoat and use the hood as you see fit,” he said as he took an overcoat from a coat hanger located next to the door “I do not think you want anyone to recognise you, remember, you are dead and will be declared so very soon. Here take this money and this watch as well.” He said as he give him an overcoat with a hood, an envelope with money and an old pocket watch. “Only one day has passed. By the way, things are still very dangerous everywhere and you do not yet know your full capabilities, so do not endanger us, if you do something stupid like making yourself public I will have to destroy you straight away and clean up any mess you create.”

  “I do not care for your security or my life, whatever you want to call it. I will do whatever I need to do even if you do not like it. We will see if I come back here ever again.” Guillem said as he went out of the house and ran away.

  Guillem ran all he could, he wanted to cry, but there were no tears in his dead eyes, they felt so dry, but it did not hinder him at all. The minutes went by, but he could not feel tired in any way, he tried to force his body to feel something so he ran as fast as he could, but instead of getting tired he just kept accelerating all the way to something like 60 km/h, despite the speed he kept complete control over himself. He knew he should feel fear about the speed at which he was running, but instead he felt nothing. At his maximum speed it took him no more than 2 minutes to get to his house in Santa Ines. The streets were completely solitary, in the way he saw many piles of burned tires and destroyed cars which had been pushed to the sides to give way to traffic, some of them were police cars. In Santa Ines there were many houses with their gates, doors and windows destroyed, graffiti an
d the ever present destroyed cars still parked within their garages.

  He stopped in front of the house of a close neighbour, hiding in the shadows and approached his old house carefully.

  He saw people in a close park so he decided to first see who they were. They were in a section of the park covered by a metal laminates roof supported in four concrete columns. There were some deteriorated exercising equipment that was freely available for everybody to use. As he approached he saw four people there, they were Cristobal, Tom, Edward and Lucio. Cristobal was hitting a punching bag frantically while the others were just sitting on a rusty bench staring at him. All of them had a few bandages and seemed to be in pain except Cristobal who although was bandaged kept exercising harder that he had ever seen him do it.

  “Come on Cristobal, let's go see Guillem's family. They are expecting all of us.” Said Tom, but Cristobal kept exercising at the same rhythm.

  “Yes big buddy, come on.” Said Edward. “You have been there since we lost him. Even your family is worried. You are going to reopen you wounds again, remember what the doctor told you. It does not matter how fast you have recovered, you should not be exercising this much, your body might still not be at its