Read Revolutionary, Vitro’s Journal Page 2

  Part 2: Reprisal

  The kidnapping of my ex-boss has since been accomplished, going without a hitch.

  Freed from the wasteful routine of squandering my mental energy (in long hours of enslavement, working for someone else) I cherish the personal time for independent thinking.

  If someone lives only to better themself, they are a waste of matter. There are entertainers who perform, not for the fans, but for the glory to be bestowed upon them. Even with all their free thinking and opportunity for reflection, most celebrities miss their true calling. The responsibility falls on them to better this world for others, even at the expense of their comfort, happiness, wellbeing, and monetary resources.

  I aspire to target the members of a #1 charting pop-culture band, to plague each musician’s career with irreparable scandal. My choice narrowed down to one sensation.

  Since the dawn of the music era, boy bands have gained phenomenal success. Known as Teen Heartthrobs, these engineered performers grip their audience’s mind, controlling focus over millions of listeners. The band’s hot lyrics glorify lust, immorality, and selfishness. The messages they produce lack uplifting guidance. These young adults have an entire life ahead of them. It’s doubtful they’ll survive the controversy as a group. But those who remain determined will resurface, and hopefully become an inspirational role model. Their time in the limelight is squandered. Now they’ll experience what it’s like to lose that grand potential.

  Despite society’s accepting stance toward homosexuality, the fans won’t be so forgiving of the circulated rumors. They’ve dubbed Chance: The Asian Sensation. By accessing information contained in his cell phone, I discover his fetish for underage boys.

  In the entertainment industry it’s acceptable for a black man to use racial slurs. The Caucasian male is assumed responsible to be bigot free. My challenge is to present Chauncey, the African-American group member, as the extreme ethnic chauvinist he rightfully is.

  A food distributer is not responsible for its cruelty to livestock during preparation of the product. Yet laws mandate mindfulness to the wildlife occupying public property, such as invasive seals on city beaches. Dylan’s ill compassion for pets and animals will be known.

  The pharmaceutical industry produces powerful drugs, offering heavy contributions to the US government. That company is then given approval as the main drug supplier. Get caught independently circulating these medicines, and your freedom could be taken from you. Carlos has a twisted drug addiction, irresponsibly he distributes to first-time enthusiasts.

  Destruction and death are tools used by the US military to maintain supremacy over other nations. If you’re found using similar tactics against personal enemies, you will be tried for domestic violence and murder. Boopala’s strong temper will be pushed.

  These hypocrisies are the tools of warfare for my assault on the music industry.

  It takes me over a year to build a solid case against each of the five members. I can thank my ex-boss Jed for the personal funding. During his abduction he offers all he has on him, if we’ll spare his life. He must have been planning something big, with a money belt on, lined with over $210gs. Seems ironic how it’s tenfold what’s owed me. My abduction plan relied on successfully transporting him down to Mexico, where I had his reproductive organs snipped.

  Halfway through each day I have difficultly focusing on research. By investigating learning disorders, I find my problem is poor dieting, being concerned solely with satisfying cravings. Challenged by this fondness for junk food, I reshape my eating habits. I shop for foods based on nutrition, rather than flavorful appeal. Carbohydrates and starches counteract my daily progress, making my body sluggish and my mind lethargic. Yet when consumed at night there’s no noticeable implication on my focus. I cut these out of my meals entirely, after numerous times of work abandonment for daytime napping.

  One change, making a noticeable difference, is drinking spring water rather than tap.

  It takes six weeks of dedication to detoxify. I keep from using teas as part of the process, as they contain high levels of fluoride (averaging 400-550mgs per kg). The replacement foods taste bland, but provide a lasting effect…where my brain and body function more soundly. Along with exercise, my health feels great, supporting an energetic joy in self-improvement.

  At the end of investigations, the media, in all its forms, is my tool for spreading the smut on each boy artist. There’s no limit in the amount of money one can gain from celebrity gossip. I amass a small fortune from the incriminating evidence that’s released to the scandal publishers. The proceeds are handled by a third party, and set aside for future investing.

  I enjoy watching lectures given by radical professors, amped with unconventional knowledge, focused on inciting alternate outlooks in their audience.

  A passion develops for me to uncover the truth hidden in history’s cover-ups. So far I’ve discovered that scientists have been lying to us about how old dinosaurs are. While I’m preparing for the next plot, I locate information detailing the study of DNA. Found on an internet site addressed . I gather: “DNA is a biochemical that contains genetic information. And, like all other cellular ingredients, it decays if cellular systems don’t maintain it. Now, scientists are more confident about how fast it falls apart after a cell dies.”

  Did you know living DeoxyriboNucleic Acid can be found in dinosaur bones?

  I can relate to secular scientists wanting to discredit the facts, regarding the sample findings as “modern contaminants” rather than embracing the discovery. It’s a form of denial.

  I’m faced with a trying challenge, reading from the article footnotes this statement: “set out to prove that evolution cannot work. Pretend…you have a bias against it instead of for it. make a study of the facts and look for the holes.”

  It’s a conflicting feeling, knowing that I’d be taking sides with creationists, and through my endeavors supporting their agenda. The profoundly unnerving aspect to this challenge is, if through the course of my studies I find Evolution is unsubstantiated, then what other choice do I have, but to accept the condemning reality? It’s scary to face the possibility that there is a Being greater than us, who is the sole Creator and the final say in life after death. I can try and ignore this concept, and continue to live life the way I see fit, in an ignorant bliss. Or--I can practice self-analysis (as with my poor eating habits) and resolve my un-addressed immortality. A truly daunting fact is: if there is a God, and there is an afterlife, and if what He says in the Bible is truth, then there are only two outcomes for me when I die. If I ignore the course of my fate, then hear this…There is nothing in this world, that will ever reflect what it’s like to be alone, in a dark and wicked dimension, that never ceases to end. How can the timeframe of eternity best be explained? Imagine a person’s entire lifetime is but a millisecond, within the extent of infinity. Evaluate forever asking, “Why?” in an endless realm surrounded by pure evil.

  I’m not foolish. This nightmarish realization awakens motivation for spiritual study.

  There are so many different teachings in this world, whose leaders believe their chosen path is the absolute way leading to the afterlife. Can they all be right in what they instruct as being the way? Or is there a certain key we must acquire to gain access into Heaven? If this is so, what must a person do to hold this unique, spiritual treasure?

  A widespread misconception is…the only way to Heaven is through religion. Catholicism endorses this notion. Its structure is designed so followers are dependent upon the church for salvation. The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is one prime example.

  I conclude there’s only one path to save you from Hell. The Son of God tells us through the words of His apostle John, chapter 14, vs. 6, of The Holy Bible. (Click Here for passage.)

  If Jesus is the only way to Salvation then what does Chris
tianity instruct? I find this:

  Apologize to God for each wrong thing you’ve done in your life.

  Believe Jesus died on the cross, and acquired the blame for our sin.

  The final step is one religious people won’t accept, separating them from a born-again Christian. Ask five Christian pastors what the three steps to gain spiritual salvation are.

  If you attended public school, you’ve been lied to, throughout your educational years, by that governmental institute. It’s perplexing why those placed in leadership (having sworn under oath to look out for our best interests) would purposely indoctrinate the youth of the nation with a false religion. If Evolution is truth, why can’t I find one fossil specimen depicting the in-between stage of two separate animals? It will always be known as the missing link. Evolution is a theory as to how the universe and life began. By putting faith in a theory, it becomes belief. Here’s the definition of religion: personal beliefs or values: a set of strongly-held beliefs, values, and attitudes that somebody lives by. Religion is also defined as an obsession. It is man’s version of Inspired Biblical Scripture. Saying you believe in nothing reveals ignorance. Man contrives his own beliefs, seeking a clear conscience for his misdoings, accountable only to one’s self. If one lie is found within a belief, how can you trust any other account told in that religion?

  It dawns on me the agenda behind the spread of this new-age idea, known as Darwinism. Sure the driving factor could derive from a dark powerful presence, bent on eradicating Biblical teachings. But really what this tall-tale does is it speaks to man’s heart. We contest when forced to decide. Given one choice, we argue that option. With two decisions, comfort sets in and pressure relents. Suppose this alternative science is promoted as a soothing device?

  The aspect I’ve come to heatedly disagree with, is the influence within the educational system. Here students should be given the choice on which subject to study. Or is that the key to life’s secret? Striving to better ones self spiritually must come from self-sacrifice and diligence. Like going to church, rather than spending that free-time on recreation; devoting one’s self to prayer and Biblical study by limiting worldly entertainment.

  Some readers surmise that my newfound ideology would prompt repentance, and fully shift my focus. Another fallacy postponing spiritual rebirth is the belief that by becoming a Christian you must maintain behavioral perfection. Abandon all guilty pleasures. Walk the straight and narrow. Otherwise eternal punishment awaits you, and all is for naught.

  No one’s ever been perfect. It states in the Bible that even murderers can be forgiven, and have a place in Heaven. The key is you must be repentant of your crimes. The hazard with confession, practiced as a ritual, is it can become routine, and its importance lost or never learned. Sin is doing something you know is wrong. Safeguards are programmed in our mind, alerting us to this. Jesus explains, “Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” There has only been one spiritual leader who claimed that He would return from death, and historically accomplished this miraculous feat.

  My heart’s true to the course I’ve set. If I am in the wrong, I will be rightfully judged by God. Otherwise rewards await me for my unconventional efforts. I’m assured in my dedication by an inspiring dream. In it I’m given a glimpse of the place I’ll inherit. He sees my motives, and because they are unselfish, my actions are just and divinely approved of.