Read Revolutionary, Vitro’s Journal Page 3

  Part 3: Retribution

  My focus turns toward greed and corruption in the upper echelon of leadership.

  Our tools for protection they threaten to confiscate and illegalize.

  Gasoline shall be my weapon in this warfare; the resource that funds world power.

  Irregular techniques are my adopted instruments, to rid the states of our enemies.

  My convictions build. My objective is to be an example to the scrutinized men, women, and children in the USA. Their days made miserable by unjust laws and frivolous mandates.

  I stand for those fearful to step out from their familiar confines. I feel for the sufferings of each citizen. My mission is to improve American living by freeing society of crooked lawmakers. To cast concern into the hearts of the power-hungry, greed-centered, lust-mongers, before they approve another self-righteous decree. Seeing themselves as the right hand of their idolized government, they profess civil servanthood, yet expunge king-sized wages. Never-ending taxes are regularly increased to supplement their gluttonous lust for frivolous spending.

  I see hard-working Americans struggling, as they toil for corporate business; the fat-cats pampering their egotistical appetite at the expense of the company and its employees. For the working class to prosper, cancerous executives must be treated into remission or by removal.

  We strive to meet living expenses, as the fruit of our labor is siphoned into an all- consuming, self destructive machine, mantled from little government, funneling our wealth into anti-American countries, funding hate--instilled into our enemy’s rising army.

  Day by day our common freedoms dissipate, those which our country’s founders outlined, fought over, and died for. America’s forefathers endeavored through horrendous struggles, making costly sacrifices, to establish a land free of government tyranny. Here a clear picture paints as to what’s really threatening the safety of our homeland: When in our schools the most important book of learning is outlawed. In our public places personal defense is forbidden to bear, illegal to privately own. While our social media intentionally bypasses reports on the daily persecution and injustices Christians suffer worldwide.

  Jesus was the center of hate, before that evil shifted focus toward Christians. This inner fixation twists the ungodly, directing their bitterness on His followers.

  Mental corruption aims to infect American youth through schooling.

  The controlled media persuades that our officials keep us safe and well. Hiding news of court judges throwing out propositions publicly passed. Failing to point out bills congress adopts, without the people’s consent. Concealed from us is the forming reliance our citizens have on government aid, which those peoples are forced to accept. While advocates of immorality seek to dismantle the family bond, aware that if the family unity crumbles society will fall apart. Then an individual’s allegiance can be harnessed by the fostering government.

  My goal is not to start up a rebellious movement. I write this journal to explain the reasons behind my efforts. Knowledge will be harbored within survivors of my actions, so they may offer full reports to investigators, providing background notes for broader event details.

  It’s widely known in the U.S.A. that this nation was founded under God. It’s what makes America a successful super power and the world’s leading ruler. It is why our government strives for us to be a great example to other nations. What’s not so popularly publicized is the existence of His Son, because the lifestyle Jesus led clashes with the scheme of mainstream materialism. The sad part is a majority of Americans will openly admit they believe God is the Creator, but cannot or will not come to accept His Son.

  God sent Jesus to plant The Word and provide us Salvation. Could that be the purpose for us to procreate? We produce offspring to develop new Christian examples? Sons and daughters taught in the gospel, so that they too can spread The Word to the ignorant bystanders?

  Sin causes genetic alteration. Cancer is one example. Imagine the controversy, when told that common food products, health supplies, and household cleaners (containing poisons) are leading factors in the development of cancer. Fathom the medical collapse if the truth were known, that sound-waves can purge a patient of terminal cancer. But how can I better the world?

  My priority now, is to design a housing structure utilizing the finances gathered from the boy-band scandal. If the funds were to be donated, there’s no assurance where the money will end up. I feel in my heart I need to aid as many persons as possible in this world.

  I come up with a fantastic idea. Imagine a café style restaurant chain, serving home-cooked meals, popular enough to financially supplement its running costs, and that would churn enough profit to facilitate separate locations with grand charitable potential. My mind wanders for a name with a down-home comfort appeal, like Home Kitchen. Doing a search there’s a restaurant in Rockland ME that has the name Home Kitchen Café, so that won’t work.

  I turn to more serious matters. To launch nationwide I seek cost effectiveness.

  I’ll target closed down churches with built-in kitchens and large acreage. The charitable plots should be in rural locations, with hourly shuttles provided for convenience. When food is handed out, folks take the surplus for granted. Within the city several cafés are opened, where citizens can pay to sit down and eat well prepared meal. This helps facilitate both operations.

  There’s an organization named Robin Hood, which provides similar works of charity. I model their tedious outlines for our business structure. To protect Churches Kitchen from greedy takeover, it’s established as a nonprofit organization. The hiring process begins.

  Sunny days no longer have a joyous shine. Songs from the birds are unnoticed. Life was good when it was simple. There were few enjoyments, but during those times I could afford to experience the fondness of life at any time. Now perception is clouded over by heavy responsibility. I hope for this bleak outlook to drift away, so those cheerful days return, and I can put this behind me. Looking to the future, my funeral arrangements are made.

  I commend those of you who sought the third step in becoming a Christian. The answer is: Commit your life to Jesus Christ. He’s not going to force you to do things you don’t want to do. I learn this in my own guided walk. Your life will change when you recognize His grace through personal experiences. I never really understood what grace meant until I fully committed, trusting He will fulfill and better my life. Here’s how the relationship began:

  I’m in search of a pastor to help run one of the charitable properties. There’s a church in the local community which is held in high regard, offering two morning worship services. Attending the first hour, the message is riveting. The topic addresses how sin affects our lives. It instills shaking conviction. Had I walked in already a dedicated servant, I believe I still would have repeated along with the pastor, at sermon’s end, the saving invitation.

  I notice something unusual going on. At first I assume my vision’s become distorted from tightly closed eyes in prayer. After which Pastor Chase asks:

  “Please, Brothers and Sisters. Those of you who accepted Christ just now, would you please stand as an open demonstration of your new birth into our blessed family?”

  I stand and people within the congregation clap in celebration, encouraging other new believers to join me. The ones not applauding appear as dark silhouettes. Those standing have a white glow about them. The rest of the audience is without distinctive differences.

  A different message is preached for the second service. It’s passive and codling. Guess which of the two services has the higher attendance numbers. The overflow sanctuary for the later service fills also. There are different attendees, with the same dark or light shades and those non-distinguishable. The sermon ends with an opportunity for unbelievers to come to Christ. The audience members light in color stand. Most of the ones with a black silhouette remain seated and refrain from applause. Several, ho
wever, misleadingly rise, their shade turning grey.

  I understand what this sight represents. Those with a white glow have the potential to change their hearts, and there’s dark hearts so hardened they’ll never seek full forgiveness.

  Prior behavior, when acting out selfish desires, caused feelings of greater emptiness inside me. The more I did what I wanted, the greater the gap grew between me and humanity.

  It’s selfish for someone to blame God for taking a loved one from them. Our Heavenly Father deserves all our praise. Think of the glory the Lord gains, when a child of His returns. We don’t know how life would have been for the person who died. It could be His mercy, showing He brought them home to Heaven, before things in their life became worse.

  Things with Churches Kitchen are settled. I focus on the blights in our upper echelon.

  The miscreants I remove from this world will not be going home to be with Jesus. I know this by the dark silhouette they have about them, as I research their life. The following paragraph shows their degenerate doings, and the resolve used to end their wayward career.

  The anti-weapons activist: poisoned by excessive alcohol consumption. The protestor of greenhouse emissions: victim to a bus accident. The rallier for dietary control: given a fatal dose of household products. The advocate of tax increases: subjected to food poisoning. The promoter of obscure vehicular laws: bludgeoned by a rusted tablespoon. Public school science facilities: the center for a big bang. Bibles inventoried into many public libraries.

  Finally a convention is held for elite tycoons and extreme political supporters.

  Scanning the attendees, only a handful will ever change their hearts. They are the ones selected to survive. With the others, their focus is on ulterior motives, unconcerned with public needs. A vaporous gas fills the gathering hall. The faster each elitist’s heart races, the sooner their body spontaneously combusts…aired live on national television.