Read Revolutionary, Vitro’s Journal Page 4

  Part 4: Ramification

  Those who appear to be your enemies may benefit you later on.

  Building a case against the boy band familiarizes me with the underground world.

  Shady affiliates offer superlative tactics for use against the enemies of our states.

  When injustices occur by our government, who is held accountable and punished?

  Once I’m baptized I put my old ways behind me. It’s identified as dying to self. The hope of a new life through Christ encourages physical rebirth. The first step: acquire a corpse. Once they are paid their fee, the mortuary handles the rest. You wonder if the shifty business party has ulterior intentions involving the procurement of my body on final arrangements. Amidst my revolutionary campaign I disguise myself in the mirror image of a captive I’ve taken named Diego (of dark silhouette). Later he’s found dead, and deemed responsible for my radical actions. The case on the matter is closed. The lessons involved are what matter most.

  There are clues that are left at each crime scene, involving detailed notes, which I’ve incorporated into each incident. The messages are publicized for the public to consider. Lastly, I have all digital records detailing my existence, linked through the World Wide Web, erased.

  I face the common fear most have of dying, by embracing death as a journey. Each has a personal perception of the afterlife. I long for my soul to be lifted from this world, returning to be with our Creator. I’m sure you’ve heard the lie told by someone, declaring they would readily believe in God if they ever witnessed a miracle. It’s undeniable that the gift of life is a miracle. The miracles Jesus performed infuriated Jewish leaders so much that they wanted to stone to death the Messiah and Lazarus, the man Jesus brought back to life.

  There’s a distinctive memory I live with, the event happening when I’m younger, of being near death. I’m twelve and my dad lets me go bike riding. To the hills, far from town, is a land project running huge road graders and earth movers. I head out on my own to investigate.

  At the end of a well-leveled, two-lane dirt road I walk my bike up a steep hillside. Two men in business suits come walking along a dirt path that continues on from where the wide dirt road ends. They approach an olive-green sedan that’s recently pulled up at the bottom of the hill. One of the men lifts open the back trunk as a separate group of men approach from behind.

  “They’re the ones that have it!” a well dressed gentleman in the mob accuses.

  Those guys are in big trouble, and if I don’t get out of here I will be too. Abandoning my bike I struggle hastily up the mountain. Nervously I make it to a trail with steel rails on either side, designed to assist with the arduous climb. Glancing back, the boss man notices me. He’s fat, older, wearing dress slacks, a long-sleeved white collared shirt, suspenders, and comments to the foreman, “That goes two miles out.” The men, unconcerned, focus on the smugglers.

  The higher I climb, the darker the sky becomes. A black fog clouds what’s beyond the mountain’s peak. The steel rungs transition to escalator lines. Advancing over the ridge I begin my descent into deeper darkness. The ends of the rubber guidelines transition into one single rubber line. I’m hesitant, unaware of the distance to the bottom. Grabbing hold, I face the challenge. Lowering myself a few feet, I find relief to have my feet grounded. Keeping hold on the limber anchor I walk out to a rustic mill. Realizing it’s silly to maintain my grip, I let go.

  It’s dark like nighttime, from the thick surrounding fog. The rustic, two-story wooden building has multiple doors, and a rusted metal marker above each frame. A screeching creature swoops from the rafters, similar to a manta ray, armored in steel scales. I hurry through the small complex in search of an unlocked door to advance past. Inside are staircases. I’ve no idea what to look for, other than the hiding, and possibly venomous, creatures. I retreat outside; fear overtakes the hunger for exploration. My stomach sinks when looking back at where I landed. The line’s disappeared. Hurrying to the mountainside, it’s suddenly sunny out. I’m standing behind the steel barricade of a salvage lot. Laboring amongst the cars, in the sun, are two migrant workers, dressed in flannel long-sleeves, jeans, and ivory-colored cowboy hats.

  Soon I’m sitting at the kitchen table, with dad, going over the total expense of my excursion, with an apple as a metaphor. “Two dollars is a steep price for an apple,” I ponder.

  Optimism hopes this instruction manual will lead you as its reader to a refined spiritual relationship. To ensure my time spent is worthwhile, I implement my dream of building a nationwide community. Imagine an outreach program operating around the clock. Its doors are never closed. Folks can worship 24 hours a day in the presence of God and other believers. More importantly, it’s a place for the unsaved to query when ready.

  The project forms rapidly. Inside each Believer is a longing and attraction to be a part of the Christian family. Into this community, anyone is received. A great amount of individuals seek acceptance, hoping to experience a setting where they feel they fit in. We offer usefulness and value to each person’s life, with a down-home, family-style environment.

  Businesses build within, providing positions for interns and apprenticeship. The cornerstone of our goal is to embody humanity with an ease on life, allowing those with greater ambition to do what they feel is their calling, free to perform without debilitating financial burdens. There is no limit to the potential this operation has. Recruited professors educate students. Graduates venture into the business world, replacing dispatched greed mongers. Named LRD: Leave Religious Deceit, its credibility builds. Polls taken on public opinion affirm the belief in my heart, and the progress I witness, that the program can and is making a beneficial impact. As news of the outreach ministry spreads, Jesus’ Word coincides. It’s not too late for the mentality of this nation to turn around. Pastors and Evangelists proclaim that this country needs revival. Working together, we comprise the outline for a worldwide ministry event. Like a tornado the massive movement tears through the land.

  I strive to give this life project of mine my all, expecting to be a martyr for the Lord when the time comes. This country’s Spiritual decline will be its destructive downfall, and I don’t wish for that to happen in my lifetime, nor during the life of any of the children I help raise.

  Many who call themselves Americans are secret cells for Satan, yearning for the collapse of this great nation. Without the light of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, they hold contempt for this country’s rooted fundamentals. God’s hand shall intervene once all Americans are dark silhouettes; this land becoming a Sodom & Gomorra. Coinciding with the rule of a dictator so terrible, he’ll implement the eradication of all Christians, a demon bent on erasing any physical proof of the Word. With my given means, I seek white silhouettes to instruct them on the way to salvation, warning of this inevitable threat going on right now…in communist-run territories.

  Rules are soundly set in place for LRD. The first form of structure is law. Punishment is dealt swiftly when an individual is found guilty, after fair trial. To prevent takeover by corrupt leadership, key fundamentals are taught as rudimentary principles. Above all, we must not forget the significance of the Cross. It is set high and in place on each LRD building…not just to remind of Christ’s sacrifice for our atonement…but to reinforce the daily struggle of dying to self by leaving sinful ways behind us. Christians are feared because of the driving passion they have, which they’re willing to die for. Unrevealed to even the top leaders in our organization is that each person involved will receive $500,000, after 3.5 years of loyal servitude.

  Here are the key points which we stress for individuals to meditate on, in their daily walk.

  The Lord’s Word supersedes man’s instruction.

  Challenge Fundamentalism. Disavow mentors who deny Jesus.

  The Almighty blesses those who are a blessing, and curses those who are wicked.

ve for Christ, as though today were your last.

  Embrace the Holy Spirit in all just acts. This will show you are a true witness.

  My heart connects closest with the Lord when I spend time in His house. There I gain the greatest inspirational ideas. The suggestions He shares help to benefit the community. It’s amazing how you can cultivate the most economical of resources, and procure a fortune. A burlap sack’s generally viewed as peasant’s attire. First impressions suggest it’s unfit as fashionable wear, and socially unacceptable for casual clothing. Divine Inspiration urges this will be an opportunity for Christians to take a stand and exhibit their faith. The support comes from this passage: “And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days clothed in sackcloth” (Revelation 11:3). Sackcloth oftentimes is worn by mourners, prophets, and the lower class. As a sign of humility, we in the LRD community wear and display this material. The cloth symbolizes our belief that someday this world will be directly ruled by Satan for a length of seven years. This is when extreme persecution will be inflicted upon all Christians. Then Jesus will return to end the suffering. Till then we must utilize every opportunity to be an influential witness and a shining example for Him.

  Remember when I shared with you my insight into seeing Church goers mislead the congregation by standing as a testimony? There will also be unbelievers who join the burlap-fashion-craze, desiring to associate with any group of popular attention. That deceit is between them and God. Those wearing this garb should be attired as a dedicated example that they are prepared to die for Christ.

  Handmaidens labor tirelessly to keep up with the driving demand. As uncomfortable as the raw material is, it’s heartening to see supporters endure it. Additional steps are added for comfort, expanding design products by stitching sheer materials along the inside of the meshing. Our seamstresses handcraft hats, scarves, t-shirts, jackets, underwear, pants, socks, gloves, shoes, sandals, dresses, and more.

  Another product we develop is geared for bike enthusiasts. It’s a braking system, free of cables. Using wireless remote-control switches, the levers operate on watch batteries.

  We also deploy construction crews to perform renovation needs in society.

  The profits aid development of supplemental housing for prolific volunteers.

  Seeing this community’s growth, I marvel at its good works, and take pride in my involvement with this great mission program, all thanks to the Lord’s inspiration and support.

  Each day I lead six instructional groups. In the morning, afternoon, and evening there’s a daily outline I follow, going over Bible passages and Christian testimonies which are held before an audience, and broadcast via the Internet. We have a wide selection of educational classes offered through our established universities.

  There are programs for a select few, set as instruction for judges chosen to carry out the penalty for guilty verdicts. Disciplinary action is handled internally. As the experience of those enforcers surmounts, their efforts extend to public violators.

  I teach a class in the art of plotting, and tactics to avoid entrapment during LRD missions.

  Professionally learned mercenaries volunteer to better our organization, by dedicating their time to drill comprehensive physical and mental courses. Training sites are developed, as volunteers seeking strategic involvement amass. Enforcers gear up in tactical suits. On each uniform’s back are the sewn initials LRD. A patch of the USA flag, stitched in burlap, is on each sleeve along with Romans 6:14. The Christian flag is placed at the location of each man’s heart. Embroidered above it: To God Be Given Glory. Below it: Forever, and Ever, Amen.