Read Rhymes With Orange Page 19

  “Fuck, yeah.” Ned groaned. “Oh, holy hell, yeah, that’s good,” he moaned before the vibrator disappeared and shut off.

  The bed started shaking again and she managed to open her eyes in time to witness Ned’s orgasm with his cock buried in a guy’s ass.

  As silence descended, she realized she still had hold of Hunter’s hand and started giggling.

  The men waited her out.

  “I’m glad you didn’t do that during sex, pet,” Ned said. “What’s so funny?”

  “Technically, I guess if the question ever gets asked if me and Hunter have slept together, the truthful answer is yes.”

  He started laughing, too, and lifted his head, letting Todd’s spent cock fall from his mouth. “I didn’t think about it like that.”

  Ned nodded at her hands, and Todd reached up and freed her. Not letting go of Hunter’s hand, she reached over with her other one and stroked his head. “Thank you.”

  He gently squeezed her hand. “Thank you.”

  The men untangled themselves and went to clean up. Before he stepped into the bathroom, Ned unclipped the spreader bar and leaned in to kiss her.

  “Are we okay?”

  She smiled. “We’re fantastic, Sir.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  From Sunday morning until Wednesday, a kind of boot camp happened at Ned’s every spare moment they could get together. They all spent every night at Ned’s, Dani working with Hunter and trying to get him comfortable with her and working on trying to make him seem like he’d been dating Dani for a while.

  By Wednesday night, with a combo of frequent cuddling, and even having them sleep in the same bed, Dani had Hunter convinced he could pull this off.

  She hoped.

  She wasn’t sure if his confidence came from within, or was born from their stated confidence in him.

  She was convinced he was convinced he could do it, and she’d be damned if she’d admit otherwise to anyone, not even Ned. Not with her fear of him or Todd inadvertently telegraphing something to Hunter and accidentally blowing him out of the water.

  Before climbing into Ned’s SUV on Wednesday night, Dani spoke with Hunter, alone, in Ned’s guest bedroom.

  “You’ve got this,” she said, holding his hands.

  “I’ve got this.”

  “We’ve got this,” she said.

  “We’ve got this.”

  “Follow my lead, and trust me, all right?”

  He nodded.

  “Let me be your strength tonight. I’ll be there for you, I promise. I’ll get you through this. You follow my cues, and if you have any feeling like you might be about to panic, you look to me and me alone. Got it?”

  “Got it.”

  Her own heart was racing, fluttering. Had been more frequently than usual for the past few days, but she attributed that to the stress they were all under trying to get Hunter ready for tonight. She’d had these episodes on occasion for a couple of years now. One doctor had attributed it to stress and her anxiety, since she didn’t have anything really show up on her exams.

  Dani had dressed up and worn makeup, making sure Hunter was dressed spiffy, too. They even held hands on the way over.

  And she wore the vanilla oil. Ned and Todd had added a little bit of operant conditioning to the mix over the past couple of days, having Dani hold the bottle of oil near Hunter’s nose, stroking his hair with her hand, while they edged him and kept him begging for release.

  Even after just a couple of days, if he smelled vanilla it practically made him horny. But it did the trick, making him associate the scent with sex, with Dani.

  She hoped it was enough.

  His parents lived in a nice house, but not a mansion by any standards. There were already three cars parked in the driveway, with room for one more, so Ned parked there.

  “Did you grow up here?” Dani asked Hunter.

  “Sort of. I was twelve when they moved here.”

  “Ready?” she asked.

  He finally reached for the door handle and got out, walking around to help Dani out.

  She cupped his face in her hands. “You’ve got this.”

  He nodded, but she could sense the tension building in him already.

  Ned and Todd walked ahead of them, holding hands in case anyone was watching from the house or pulled in after they did. But when they reached the front door, they stepped aside for Dani and Hunter, who reached out and rang the bell.

  His mom answered, broadly beaming. “There’s the birthday boy!” She hugged him, then stopped herself before she hugged Dani. “I’m so glad you could make it, honey. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m in pain. I’m sorry, Saturday night took a lot out of me.” She looked up at Hunter while clinging to his left arm. “But I didn’t want to miss his birthday party tonight.”

  “That’s so sweet.” She held her hand out to Dani, who reached out with her free hand and quickly squeezed once before letting go. “Well, come on in. You’re a little early, but Hunter you always were. Such a good boy like that. We’ll do your presents after dinner,” she added, pointing to a sideboard in the living room where there was already a gift bag.

  “Oh, thanks, Mom.”

  Dani squeezed his arm again as they followed her inside. Terry and Margie must have owned the other car, because they were in the living room, their three kids excitedly discussing something in an adjacent room. It sounded like a video game was in progress.

  His mom, Delores, had reserved the couch for Dani and Hunter and basically shepherded them there.

  “Can I get you anything to drink, sweetie?” Hunter asked Dani.

  “No, I’m good, thank you.”

  She didn’t want to let go of Hunter. Even better that they thought it was because of her, and not because of Hunter. His stress had ratcheted up and tensed his entire body. She didn’t blame him, because her own pulse was racing, fluttering.

  Todd and Ned were talking to Terry and Margie, keeping the focus off of Hunter, when more people started arriving. Hunter had to actually get up and shake hands, hug people, for fear of looking rude, but he always returned immediately to Dani’s side.

  Then his mom called everyone in for dinner, to the dining room. Hunter helped Dani with her chair, and then sat next to her. Throughout dinner, she kept her foot hooked around his, while Todd and Ned had been seated down on the other end of the table, which had actually had another folding table stuck on one end to make more seating.

  Better that way, because no risk of accidentally catching Ned’s or Todd’s gazes. The kids had all been seated in another room together, leaving the adults free to talk.

  His dad stood to get their attention. “Thank you, everyone, for coming tonight. We had to make changes because of Kent’s work schedule, and he didn’t want to miss helping Hunter celebrate his thirty-fifth birthday.”

  He pointed to Dani. “And even better, Hunter’s brought his girlfriend tonight. We were so happy to meet you, my dear. May you have many more family dinners with us for years to come.”

  “Thank you,” she said, hoping her voice sounded terrified enough.

  Hunter completed the act by reaching over to pat her on the arm.

  “Up until a couple of weeks ago, to be honest, I wasn’t going to give Hunter his inheritance. I wasn’t sure that it was the right time yet. Then we met Dani. She seems to have brought about changes in him that we didn’t even know about.”

  When Hunter tensed even more next to her, she reached over, her hand on his thigh, and dug her fingers in as hard as she could through his slacks. Her own pulse throbbed, harder than she’d ever felt before.

  I really need to cut down on the coffee and iced tea.

  But Hunter didn’t speak, didn’t move. He stared at his plate and she worried for a moment that he might explode, but he didn’t.

  “I’m going to have the trust issue Hunter his inheritance,” his father finally continued.

  Hunter laid his hand over hers and gently squeezed.

  “Hunter has made many valuable contributions to the business over the years, and perhaps I haven’t always thanked him for that or recognized him the way I should.” He held his wine glass up and toasted Hunter. “Thank you, son.”

  Everyone, including Dani and Hunter, picked up their glasses. Because of the way she felt, Dani had opted for water with her dinner, while Hunter had iced tea, although many people had wine.

  “Thanks, Dad,” Hunter said.

  “We’ll be going through this over the next week,” he told Hunter. Then he smiled. “And if there’s a wedding to be had, don’t worry. Your mother and I will be paying for that.”

  Dani did her best to look slightly embarrassed, but then one of Hunter’s dingbat brothers started slapping the table. “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” and the rest of the family chimed in.

  Dani looked at Hunter. She winked at him and leaned in, kissing him, pleased when he responded. She laid a hand on his cheek, caressing him. Before they both sat back, she whispered in his ear, “Good boy.”

  It was…an amazing transformation. His whole body relaxed, which was more than she could say for herself.

  “Thank you,” he whispered back.

  She took a sip of her water as she started feeling a little lightheaded.

  “When is the wedding, kiddo?” Terry chimed in from across the table.

  “We’re not there yet,” Hunter said. “Give us some time.”

  “Hey, she looks crazy about you. Not like some of those others. Put a ring on her while you’ve got her.”

  “We’ll figure that out as we go,” Dani said to spare Hunter having to answer.

  “Who wants cake?” his mom asked.

  * * * *

  Fortunately for Dani, Hunter appeared much more relaxed, because as the evening progressed, she felt like shit. The lightheadedness kept returning, even as she drank more water.

  Hunter started opening presents. His brothers Kent and Dell, despite their wives trying to get them to shut up, gave him “friendly” ribbings from time to time about when he would marry Dani and start popping out kids. Margie kept giving Terry a warning stink-eye look, apparently to keep his mouth shut.

  Fortunately, the kids had been given cake and left to run wild in the family room.

  Finally, after about the twentieth stupid line from Kent and Dell, Dani had enough. She didn’t know if it was because she now really felt like shit and maybe she was—

  Oh, fuck.

  Maybe this was a panic attack, new symptoms.

  She found herself rising and turning to face the two dick brothers. With her hand on Hunter’s shoulder, she glared at them.

  “Do you have any idea how hard your brother works?” she softly asked.

  The room went quiet.

  “Do you have any idea how much of his heart and soul he puts into that business? No, he’s not a jeweler, but he’s been doing his best. He stresses so much to make sure everything’s right in the books. You have no idea. I’ve heard him talk about it. Have you even talked to him about it? Or do you think because he’s ‘just’ an accountant and runs the office that he’s worth less than you are? Well, do you?”

  She realized how loud she’d gotten only after everyone had started staring at her.

  “He might be your little brother, but he works his ass off. I don’t appreciate you talking to him like that.”

  Hunter reached up and cupped his hand over hers, but she was on a roll, pissed off on his account and ready to smack the two jerks.

  “We weren’t going to say anything about this yet,” she said, “because we’d just started talking about it. I begged him not to say anything, because I didn’t know if I could handle meeting all of you. He told me what a loving family you were, and I wanted to meet you, but you two have done nothing but pick on him all night.”

  The two men exchanged guilty looks.

  “I love him, but frankly, if this is how you treat him, I can’t deal with that. I won’t ever separate him from his family, but he deserves better from you.”

  A collective gasp broke the silence.

  Hunter stood and gently pulled her into his arms, protectively.


  She gasped for breath and wished her heart would stop racing, pounding, fluttering. She didn’t dare look toward Ned and Todd, sure that both men were probably ready to spring into action.

  “I’m sorry,” she gasped, hopefully loudly enough that the others could hear her. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”

  “Shh, it’s okay, baby,” he said, holding her a little more tightly.

  She clung to him. “No, it’s not. I’m not okay,” she whispered, feeling the world pulling into a tight, black pinprick of light that went dark.

  * * * *

  When she opened her eyes, she was lying down, Hunter hovering over her with her hand clutched in his. “Dani?”

  “What…what happened?”

  “You passed out, baby. It’s okay.”

  “I’m sorry.” She tried to sit up, but she felt woozy, her heart still fluttering, racing.

  “Don’t sit up,” he said. “Do you need your meds?”

  “I…I don’t know. Maybe.”

  Delores walked into her field of vision. “I called 911.”

  “Mom!” Hunter said. “I told you not to do that!”

  “Then let them check her out and see if she’s okay!”

  Dani started to panic when she heard the siren outside, flashbacks hitting her, and she realized she was clutching Hunter’s hand with a death grip.

  “I’ve got you,” he said, staring into her eyes. “I won’t leave you.”

  “I’m sorry,” she tearfully whispered. “I’m so sorry.”

  He stroked her hair, palming her cheek. “Shh.” He leaned in and kissed her as someone opened the front door, and ushered the paramedics in.

  Well, shit.

  Now she felt damned stupid. A panic attack, and here she’d promised Hunter she’d take care of him.

  As the EMTs checked her out, one of them taking her pulse and listening to her heart with a stethoscope, she saw him frown. In a moment, they had her hooked up to a monitor and then all three men on the crew were frowning and talking into their radios.

  “She really should go to the hospital,” one told Hunter. “Her pulse is extremely elevated, and there’s an unusual rhythm…”

  She tried to focus on Hunter, her grip on his hand tight and unbreakable. “Please don’t leave me.”

  “I won’t, baby. I’m riding with you.”

  “We’ll follow you,” Todd said from somewhere behind them.

  And then there was a blur as she was transported to the hospital, shuffled through intake, and more doctors agreed no, this wasn’t just a panic attack, and yes, she needed to be admitted until they figured out what was going on.

  They gave her medicine to slow her pulse and put her in a room, and Hunter never left her side. The meds also left her woozy and confused, fuzzy.

  His mom and dad had come to the hospital, following along behind Todd and Ned.

  Finally, his mom and dad wanted to come in and see her, and Hunter let them.

  “I’m so sorry, dear,” Delores said. “They didn’t mean to upset you. They’re really sorry. They just don’t understand their brother the way you do.”

  “I’m sorry I got so upset. I shouldn’t have.”

  Hunter had settled on Dani’s right side and took her hand again. Now she had an IV in her left, and she struggled not to have another panic attack over memories about her previous hospital stay.

  “Baby, it wasn’t you,” Hunter assured her. “How long have you been having problems with your heart?”

  “I…I don’t know. I mean, it races sometimes. But that’s just anxiety.”

  “No, it’s not. They’re going to do tests, an echocardiogram, ultrasound, some other stuff. Did any of your doctors ever mention a heart issue?”

  Fear started to settle in. “No.”

  His father laid a hand on Hunter’s shoulder. “We can discuss the trust stuff this week. I’ll get the paperwork started tomorrow, and we’ll arrange everything by next week.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Finally, they left.

  “Where’s Ned and Todd?” she whispered.

  “In the waiting room. Mom sort of ordered them to stay there. She wanted to come in first with Dad. They’ll be up in a couple of minutes. I’ve texted them.”

  He sat next to her, still holding her hand.

  “Thank you for staying with me.”

  He cupped his hands around hers and brought it to his lips. “I’m here for you. I’m not leaving.”

  “What do they think is wrong with me?” she asked.

  “They don’t know yet.”

  The thought of a night alone in the hospital terrified her, but she wouldn’t make him stress himself out.

  Although, maybe this was the drugs working on her, but he certainly seemed calm.

  Todd and Ned came in, and she started crying again when Ned leaned in and kissed her. “Are you all right, pet?”

  “I’m scared, Sir.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  Todd stood at the foot of the bed, his hands on her feet.

  And Hunter still held her hand, not moving, not even for Ned.

  “I’ll stay with her tonight,” Hunter said.

  Ned turned to him. “It’s okay. I’ll stay with her.”

  “No, it’s not okay,” Hunter said. “She was doing this for me. I want to stay with her. I’ll be okay.”

  Ned and Todd exchanged a glance.

  “Please,” Hunter said.

  “Are you sure?” Todd asked.


  Ned leaned in again and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Are you okay with him staying tonight?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He turned and cupped Hunter’s face in his hands. “Take good care of her,” he said before kissing him.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Still, Hunter held her hand.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “Nearly midnight.”

  The two men briefly conversed in the corner before returning. “We’ll be back in the morning,” Ned said. He leaned in and kissed her one more time, on the lips. “Love you, pet.”