Read Rhymes With Orange Page 20

  “Love you, Sir.”

  He stroked Hunter’s head, holding on to him for a brief moment before releasing him. “Love you, boy.”

  “Love you, too, Master.”

  Todd leaned in to kiss him. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Then Todd squeezed her wrist, just above where Hunter was holding her hand.

  When they left, she looked up at him. “Where will you sleep?” she asked.

  “There’s a recliner in the corner. I’ll pull it over here next to the bed.”


  He stayed there, though, holding her hand. Even as she was about to drift off to sleep, she saw him staring at her, watching her.

  “Thank you, Dani,” he whispered.

  “For what?”

  He offered a smile. “For everything.”

  Chapter Twenty

  By the next afternoon, they knew what her heart was doing, but not why. They deemed it safe to discharge her, with a prescription to control her heart rate and a referral to see a cardiologist.

  As the three men drove her to Ned’s, Hunter sat in back with her and she stared out the window.

  Every time she’d awakened that night, he’d been there next to her, holding her hand. Every time the nightmares dragged her kicking and screaming out of sleep, he soothed her.

  He had to be exhausted, and he looked it.

  “We’ve already got you an appointment with a cardiologist tomorrow,” Todd said.

  “I don’t have insurance.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Ned told her. “We’re getting you in as an emergency and we’ll figure the money out later.”

  She finally nodded.

  * * * *

  By the next week, they were all still staying at Coop’s and frustration reigned. It was possible she’d need a procedure to take care of her arrhythmia, but until they isolated the source of her problem, the doctor couldn’t tell her anything else and didn’t want to just start trying things. She hadn’t had another episode like the night at Hunter’s parents’ house, and the medicine they now had her on seemed to be helping, but it was only a stop-gap measure.

  Coop didn’t know what the future would hold, but he knew they needed to handle something.

  Dani needed to be taken care of, and she needed to go on someone’s medical insurance. Her anxiety had ramped up because of all of this, and he didn’t want her to be alone.

  Yes, she could pay for insurance, but depending on what they found, he worried it might mean she’d end up blowing through her settlement.

  “I have the perfect solution,” Coop said as he stared at Dani and Hunter. “Hunter will marry Dani. That will shut Hunter’s family up once and for all and get them off his back, and it means Dani will have health insurance through Hunter’s company.”

  Hunter hadn’t told his dad yet that he was quitting.

  But what better excuse than having to take time off to take care of his new wife?

  The two looked at each other before looking back at Coop. “Sir?” they said in unison.

  Todd ran a hand through his hair. “It’s evil and diabolical, but I like it. It’s the ultimate fuck-you to Hunter’s dad, even if only we know about it.”

  “But what about you two?” Hunter asked.

  “What about us?” Coop asked.

  “That’s not very fair to you two, is it?” Dani asked.

  “Life’s not fair, pet. I’m more worried about your health and not putting you into bankruptcy because of it. My health insurance is okay, but Hunter’s is better. That, and with the inheritance, and all of us combining our earnings, we’ll be able to take care of you and still have a comfortable life. We’ve got more than enough room here at my house to live together.”

  “We…could always have a double wedding,” Todd slowly said.

  That earned him confused looks from the other three. “Huh?”

  His slow grin split his face. “Double wedding.” He looked at Coop. “Me and you, and Dani and Hunter. A fuck-you to the IRS, so we can file as a married couple instead of two singles and save on our taxes.”

  Coop stared at him for a long moment before he burst out laughing. “Dude, if you seriously want me to marry you, I expect you to at the very least drop to one knee.”

  Todd did just that, grabbing Coop’s left hand and staring up at him with puppy dog eyes. “Marry me, and let’s make Hunter’s dad’s head explode.”

  “Even though I’m not gay and you’re not my slave?”

  Todd sucked Coop’s index finger into his mouth and swirled his finger around it before letting it go with a soft, wet pop. “Keep telling yourself that. I can see what it does to you. Unless you want me to stop giving you blowjobs and letting you fuck my ass, you might not be gay or bi, but you’re definitely heteroflexible where me and Hunter are concerned.”

  Her first night back, Dani hadn’t felt like participating, but had asked if the men would mind giving her a show.

  She hadn’t had to ask twice.

  Coop stared down at Todd, finally reaching out and raking his hand through the other man’s hair. “Yeah, I don’t know what the hell I am anymore, to be honest. Not that it matters, I guess. Fuck it, life’s short, and I have no desire to get rid of any of you.”

  He pulled Todd back to his feet. “I am insisting on being head of household, though.” Coop arched an eyebrow at him. “You might not want your ass beat, and that’s fine. But I’m in charge.”

  “Like I give a shit about that, buddy.” He grabbed Coop by the ass and ground his hips against him.

  Yeah, Coop wouldn’t deny he was hard, and the friction of the other man’s hard cock rubbing against him through their clothes wasn’t helping that situation any.

  Or, maybe it was.

  “You’re a brat.”

  “I’m your brat.” He kissed Coop.

  Coop finally fisted a hand in the man’s hair and pulled his head back. “I’m serious. The only way this confusion is going to work is if I’m in charge.”

  “Just don’t go thinking you’ll talk me into being a slave, or beating my ass. I’m not, and other than the occasional bare-handed swat, I don’t enjoy pain.”

  “I’m not asking you to be my slave. And I can beat their asses.” He smiled.

  “I have a condition of my own,” Todd said.

  “And that is?”

  He circled a finger, indicating the four of them. The two kneeling, and them. “Just us. This is it. You have Dani, you have Hunter, and you get me as a bonus toy. This has to be enough. Even for play.”

  Coop looked down to where Dani and Hunter were kneeling. “That a deal you two can live with?”

  “What about like with Nate for fire cupping?” Dani asked. “That really helps with my pain.”

  Coop looked at Todd. “It’s your condition. You decide.”

  “I’m not talking demo stuff, or Dani needing something like that to help her pain management. I’m talking full-on play partners, scenes, romance, that kind of thing. Like if Hunter wants to have Scrye or Kel fly him, I’m fine with that. But I mean no more regular play partners like what we do.”

  “I can live with that condition,” Coop said.

  Dani and Hunter nodded.

  Coop pulled Todd back in for another kiss. “Is this when the celebratory orgy is supposed to happen?” Coop asked.

  “Gawd, I hope so. I’m so fucking horny I can’t hardly stand it.”

  “I have a condition, too,” Dani said, her voice sounding so scared and tiny it pulled Coop up short and made all three of them look at her.

  Coop let go of Todd and turned to her. “What’s your condition, pet?”

  “The three of you kind of have a thing going now,” she said, speaking so softly he could barely hear her. “I mean, I get it. But sometimes I sort of feel left out. Not physically, because come on, the Hitachi. But…”

  He watched her throat work as she swallowed. “Emotionally I feel left out sometimes. At least
once, if Hunter and I are going to get married I…I mean, I want it to be more than just convenience. I want to feel connected to him. I don’t want his family to suspect anything. And Todd, if I’m sharing you with him, too.”

  The utter depths of his stupidity hit him squarely between the eyes. “You want Hunter and Todd to make love to you, too.”

  Her cheeks were an adorably deep shade of red. She nodded. “At least one time each.”

  Coop scrubbed his face with his hands. “Gawd, I’m a fucking moron.” He walked over to her and held his hands out to her to help her to her feet. He also waved Hunter to stand. Pulling her to him, Coop kissed her. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I never meant for you to feel left out. Does it bother you watching us together?”

  She shook her head. “No. That’s actually kind of hot. Which sort of made it harder for me because I didn’t think Hunter and Todd would want me.”

  Todd stepped in and took her from Ned, holding her tightly. “Sweetie,” he said, “I’m sorry. I never meant to make you feel like that.”

  “Me, either,” Hunter said.

  Coop tipped his head to Hunter, indicating he was free to step in and hug her from behind. He did, his arms encircling her waist as he laid his head against the back of her shoulder.

  Coop draped his arms around them. “So why don’t we make tonight’s celebratory orgy about loving our girl?” he suggested.

  Hunter spoke up. “May I ask for something, Master? As Hunter, not as your boy.”

  “Sure,” Coop said.

  “Can Dani and I have some alone time now? Free alone time? To…do whatever we want together?”

  “Uh, okay,” Coop said. “Sure. As long as it’s okay with her.” She nodded. “How long?” Coop asked.

  “Probably no more than an hour,” Hunter said. “Right now.”

  Coop exchanged a puzzled glance with Todd. “Is it okay with you?”

  Todd shrugged. “As long as somebody sucks my cock tonight, or lets me fuck them, I don’t care how or when it happens. In fact, maybe I want my alone time with her now, too, when he’s done.”

  Dani’s cheeks grew even more pink, the flush all the way down her neck and into her chest, but she nodded.

  “Do you feel up to it?” Coop asked her.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said. “I do.”

  “Well, that’s settled, then,” Coop said. He pulled Hunter, then Dani in for kisses before sending them down the hall with playful swats to their asses. “Have fun. Love you, both.”

  “Love you,” they said in unison.

  He smiled. “Yeah, stereo. Love that.”

  Todd stood next to him as the bedroom door closed. With his voice low, he said, “I’ll bet you a blowjob he can’t finish inside her.”


  “I know my guy. He’s nervous, worried, and the three times he’s tried to be with women in the past, he couldn’t keep it up fucking them and ended up with either a handjob or a blowjob.” He shrugged. “Just sayin’. I know that’s why he asked for alone time with her, because he’s nervous and doesn’t want to feel embarrassed in front of us. I hope it doesn’t disappoint Dani, or that she takes it personally.”

  Coop turned to him. “I’m not saying Hunter’s not gay, but I know male anatomy, since I happen to possess some. Stimulation is key. Considering I was persuaded to visit the heteroflexible side of the scale and enjoyed my time there so much I decided to hang around and set up camp there, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility to believe Dani can’t coax at least one out of him via her vagina.”

  Todd smirked. “You saying she’s got a magic pussy?”

  “I’m saying that I know my girl’s skills, and my boy’s willingness to please. If you’re really serious about betting me something, let’s make it interesting. I’m willing to put my ass where my mouth is and bet ten hard fucking swats from the nasty paddle that he’ll successfully fuck and finish inside her.”

  “That’s nothing,” Todd said. “When I win, you’ll just grin and bear it. If we’re going to put up a serious wager, then I want something more than that.”


  Todd leaned in. “If you’re right, and you win—which I know won’t happen—you can smack my ass thirty times with that goddamned thing, as hard as you want, with no safeword. However. When I win, I get to ride your ass bareback, with your ankles around my ears so I can watch the look on your face when I come and put a load of my own in you.”

  Todd held out his hand, meeting Coop’s gaze with his. “Fair’s fair, right? Isn’t that one of your mottos, that you’re not willing to ask of a submissive what you wouldn’t be willing to do yourself under other circumstances? I let you fuck Hunter, and I let you fuck me. Now I want to fuck you.”

  Coop shook with him. “Deal. Just fair warning, you won’t be sitting comfortably tomorrow after I tear your ass up.”

  Todd’s smirk widened. “Neither will you.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Maybe I should have thought this out better.

  Dani hadn’t really thought before speaking. But Ned’s declaration that she and Hunter would get married had kind of caught her by surprise. Not that she had a problem with it, because she didn’t. In the past few months she’d seen the depths of dedication Ned had for Hunter and Todd, and herself.

  She didn’t need to know more about him than that. She trusted him, Todd and Hunter trusted him, and if he thought this was the best solution to a sticky problem, she’d agree and go along with it.

  With Todd and Hunter both being gay, it wasn’t that she resented Ned’s time or play with them. But she didn’t want to get lost in the shuffle, either.

  As Hunter closed the bedroom door behind them, a bashfulness she wasn’t used to feeling overcame her. Here they both were, naked, and wearing collars and cuffs, and suddenly she felt like crawling under the bed instead of on top of it.

  “We can just…talk…if you want to,” she offered up, now wishing she’d never opened her mouth and hoping she hadn’t triggered Hunter into being on his way toward a panic attack.

  He held his hand out to her, staring at her with those sweet brown eyes of his.

  Had she ever felt this nervous in her entire life?

  She reached out and took his hand.

  His cock wasn’t exactly shriveled up, but he wasn’t an eager little beaver, either. Having seen his cock flaccid to full-on ready to explode, she knew he wasn’t anywhere close to being completely into this.

  He pulled her into his arms and looked down into her eyes. “Just you and me,” he said.

  She nodded.

  “Any hard limits?”

  “I think we’re beyond that, Hunter.” His body felt warm against hers, and she let her arms encircle him, holding him, skin to skin in a way they’d never embraced before.

  “You know what I mean. I’m serious. Nothing else happens until we talk.”

  “Same hard limits I have with Sir.”

  “This is Hunter and Dani, not pet and boy,” he said.

  “Then why are you asking me for hard limits?”

  “Because I love you and the last thing I want to do is fuck things up between us.”

  It took her a moment to process what he’d said. “You love me?”

  “Yeah. Just like I love Todd and like I love Coop. Well, I mean, not just like I love them. I love all three of you, but in different ways and for different reasons.”

  “I love you, too.” And she did. As soon as she said it, she knew it was true. Todd, too. Like he said, in different ways than she loved Ned, but she loved them all.

  “So what don’t you want me to do to you?”

  “Please don’t break my heart,” she whispered.

  He gently cupped her face in his hands and leaned in, slanting his lips over hers and kissing her. “I’d put a serious hurtin’ on anyone who ever tried to hurt you. Even Ned. Well, harm. Not hurt.” His lips quirked in that adorable little smile he had.

  “We’ve never reall
y talked like this before,” she said.

  “Well, when we’re together in a setting like this, one or both of us usually has either a ball gag or a cock in our mouths.” His smile widened, making her smile.

  “True.” He held her again, standing there, her cheek pressed against his bare chest. “Can you teach me that thing you do to deep-throat them? I wish I could do that.”

  “Right now?”

  “No, but sometime.”

  “Sure.” His fingertips slowly stroked up her spine, making her shiver in the good way and press herself against him.

  They were both stalling, and she knew it.

  She took a page from Todd’s playbook and started teasing his left nipple with her tongue, flicking it and enjoying his sharp intake of breath. He rewarded her by sliding one hand up into her hair, cupping the back of her head, and firmly holding her there.

  “If you’re going to tease me, baby, do it right,” he whispered.

  She wrapped her lips around his nipple and sucked, nipped, her hands dropping down to his ass and digging her nails in.

  “Mmm. Yeah.” His voice sounded hoarse, almost needy. “Like that, baby.”

  Hell, she’d seen the men together how many times? She should be able to do this without any trouble. She knew what he liked and needed. If she could give him enough of it, maybe she could get him to overlook the fact that she had an innie instead of an outie between her legs long enough to get him over.

  After a few minutes, using the hand on her head he made her switch sides, and she started tormenting him there.

  If she wasn’t mistaken, what she was doing upstairs was waking up the downstairs shift, too. When he nudged her feet a little wider apart with his and then dipped his hips, she realized how much effect she’d had on him as his semi-stiff cock slipped between her legs and started rubbing against her clit.

  That made her whimper against his flesh, earning her a tighter grip on her head as he slowly rubbed his cock back and forth against her clit.

  “There you go, baby.” His breath felt warm against the top of her head. She used the grip she had on his ass to grind herself back and forth until she was the one doing all the work and his hard cock was easily sliding against her clit from her juices.