Read Rockstar Ghost PG-13 Version Page 10

  Chapter 7: Death or Glory

  While Ro was seated at the kitchen island Blake peered over her shoulder curiously to see what the gloomy girl was up to. He spotted a pad of paper in front of Ro that she had already jotted a few words and phrases down on: military zombies, war, ghosts, death, underworld.

  Ro knew she had to design the costumes for Erotic Corpses' next concert, but she didn't even know where to begin. Ro drew a stick figure and put a top hat on it to start.

  "Who the hell is that supposed to be?" Blake drawled before he burst out laughing. He gripped his sides as they began to ache and wiped the ectoplasm tears from his eyes. You learn something new everyday. "You suck at drawing, beggar girl."

  Ro blushed. "Well, excuse me, Mr. Rockstar Ghost, but I'm doing this for you. Who was it that wanted me to pretend to be a stylist? Gah!" Ro threw her hands up into the air out of frustration. "This sucks?"

  Blake tried to calm himself down and finally stopped laughing. "Just call the creepy witch to come and help you. She seems good at this sort of thing." Blake suggested.

  Ro frowned and stuck her tongue out at Blake. "Don't call Carrie creepy!" But Ro relented and pulled out her new Samsung Galaxy S4 smart phone and called Carrie. Ro quickly explained the situation to the witch, who said she'd be right over.

  Thirty minutes later, Carrie arrived with a canvas bag full of art supplies. "Hey, Ro. Hey jerk-face ghost, what's up?" She greeted casually as she glided into the house.

  "I really hate her?" Blake groused.

  "Hey Carrie." Ro greeted her with a smile.

  Carrie joined the medium and ghost at the kitchen island. The Goth took out several pads of paper, pencils and an array of colored pencils. "So, explain to me what the 'theme' of the concert is again?"

  Ro took a deep breath and tried to remember everything that Manager Brody had told her over the phone earlier that morning. "Well, Manager Brody told me that the new song that Devon is going to sing is an anti-war punk rock song. The choreography of the concert will start out with the band dancing up on stage while dressed in military uniforms. They will fight 'enemies' up on stage with fake AK-47s. Then the band will get shot, and dramatically fall to the stage. However, they will stand back up a few moments later, coming back to life to dance. Then Erotic Corpses will grab their instruments and start to perform. Devon will sing the new song while playing lead guitar, Joey will be on bass guitar, and Vincent will play the drums as usual. The band will be performing songs that they have originally performed with Blake. This concert is about Blake's legacy. The overall themes are: military zombies, war ghosts, death and the underworld." Ro explained to the best of her ability.

  "Military uniforms? No, hot military uniforms." Carrie began doing some rough sketches of military uniforms that the band could wear. "I'll make them more 'modern' and sexier?a little tighter?add more leather?add some metal spikes to their combat boots and belts. Each band member will have a different colored camo uniform. Devon will wear a dark blue, black and white camo. Joey will wear a tan, brown and white camo. And Vincent will wear a red, white and gray camo. The uniforms will need to be torn in places to give them a 'back from the grave' effect. The boys will also need to be wearing zombie makeup."

  "Zombie makeup?" Ro asked curiously.

  Carrie gave the girl a disbelieving look. "Haven't you watched Dawn of the Dead, Resident Evil or Zombieland?" Carrie asked expectantly. The witch was secretly a zombie fan. She loved books, movies and video games that featured zombies.

  Ro shook her head and looked embarrassed. She hadn't been able to afford cable and didn't really have enough money to go to the movies or even rent a video, so she was a little clueless when it came to pop culture.

  "You've been living under a rock, girl?" Carrie shook her head at the sheltered girl. "Zombie makeup makes you look 'dead' or I should say like the 'living dead'. Black painted eye sockets, or red painted eye sockets are a must. Black or blue painted lips is standard. You can also paint wide grins on the face to resemble a grinning mouth of jagged teeth and make it look like parts of your face have rotted away using makeup."

  "Ah," Ro said, shuddering at the visual image in her mind.

  "Our fans - fans of Erotic Corpses - call themselves 'zombies' and usually come to our - er, Erotic Corpses' concerts dressed like zombies. It's pretty wild." Blake informed Ro stumbling over his words.

  Ro noticed that Blake seemed to have having a hard time separating himself from the band mentally, but she wisely didn't say anything about it. The medium told Carrie what Blake had just said.

  Carrie nodded. "Lady Gaga has her 'monsters' and you guys have 'zombies'. You guys all have 'nicknames' that your fans have given you guys too, right?"

  "Yea?I was 'The White Ghost'. Ironic, I know. Devon Decayn's been dubbed 'The Angel of Death', Joey Bones has been nicknamed 'The Dancing Skeleton' and Vincent Sangre is 'The Vampire Prince'." Blake explained.

  Ro repeated Blake's words.

  Carrie tapped her chin in thought. "Military soldiers?resurrected as zombies. An anti-war theme. An Angel of Death. A Dancing Skeleton. A Vampire Prince. I think I've got it! After the guys come back to life and stand up on stage they can rip off their military uniforms to reveal their true costumes!" Carrie declared and began sketching the band's new costumes at a newly energized, rapid pace.

  Blake and Ro peered over Carrie's shoulder curiously and watched her work. The witch was an incredible artist and soon Devon, Joey and Vincent were coming to life upon the page dressed in some seriously awesome outfits. It took Carrie a few hours to complete the costume sketches before she held them up to Blake and Ro. "This is what Devon Decayn is going to wear." She flipped to the next page on her sketchpad. "This is what Joey Bones is going to wear." She flipped the page on the pad again. "And this is what Vincent Sangre is going to wear."

  Ro 'Ooed' and 'Ahhed' while Blake tried not to look impressed even if Carrie couldn't see his expression...

  "And last but not least is what you will be wearing to the concert, Ro." Carrie revealed her final drawing and showed Ro a zombie inspired dress.

  Ro blinked and pointed at herself. "Me? But I'm not a part of the band?"

  "You are the band's stylist so you need to look as good as they do. Your appearance reflects upon them." Carrie argued with a gleam in her eye.

  Ro looked at the outfit skeptically. She was going to look ridiculous in that!

  Ro's curious black cats were playing around with Carrie's art supplies and Blake cringed as he watched Lucky knock off a container of colored ink which opened up on the carpet and spilled all over the place. Spottie had managed to get a paint palate open and the cats had accidentally stepped all over it painting the pads of their paws with different colored paint. When Ro shooed them off the kitchen island the cats ran off leaving a series of multi-colored paw prints in their wake!

  "I hate cats." Blake groused.

  Now that the costumes had been successfully designed all Carrie needed was the right materials and she could begin sewing them. Well, as soon as she got her hands on a sewing machine and the band's measurements, she mused. "I need the boys' measurements. We should invite them here so I can take them." The Goth said a little too enthusiastically.

  Ro looked nervous. "But I don't know how to take someone's measurements?"

  "You won't need to. I know the measurements of my band mates, er, former band mates by heart." Blake informed Ro blandly.

  Ro told Carrie this and the Goth nodded though she looked a little put out. "That makes this pretty easy then. Ro and I will go to the material store and get the materials I need. I also need a sewing machine though?"

  Blake snorted. "Tell Carrie she can buy whatever she wants with my emergency cash. I don't think my credit cards will work anymore since I'm dead." Blake shrugged. "They've probably been canceled?" Blake wondered aloud.

  Ro quickly repeated Blake's words.

  "Emergency money?" Carrie repeated. "Credit car
ds? Hey Blake?who did you leave everything to? Your band mates?"

  Blake shook his head. "I left everything to the owner of Wraythe Records - Mr. William Wraythe. He was my father's best friend and after my parents were killed Mr. Wraythe took care of me. He was like a father to me. Mr. Wraythe is a great man. He was helping me to investigate my parents' murder. He even paid for my martial arts classes with Yoshida-sensei so I could get strong enough to fight my parents' murderer once I found him or her."

  Ro repeated Blake's words.

  "Ah, Mr. Wraythe. He's on our list." Carrie reminded the ghost and the medium.

  "He's not on my list, creepy witch." Blake scowled.

  Ro looked back and forth between Blake and Carrie nervously. Even though Carrie couldn't see Blake she somehow managed to send a lot of negative energy his way with a glare. The ghost followed suit and was glaring back at the witch heatedly.

  "I say we try out your credit cards online. It's worth a shot anyway." Carrie suggested suddenly defusing the negative energies in the room.

  Blake shrugged noncommittally. "Whatever floats your boat. The credit cards are in my desk drawer."

  Ro told Carrie where Blake's credit cards were.

  "Thank you." Carrie said in a singsong voice as she fetched Blake's several credit cards. He had a Kiss Platinum VISA and even one of the new VISA Black Cards. Carrie opened her laptop and connected to the hotel's WiFi. She went to an online material store, added a few things to her cart and proceeded to checkout. She typed in Blake's credit card number and processed it. And it went through! "Blake's credit cards have not been canceled." Carrie happily informed the gloomy girl and rockstar ghost.

  "Um, is that really wise?to use Blake's credit card like that?what if Blake's murderer tracks it to us." Ro said as she chewed on her lower lip.

  "That's the idea." Both Carrie and Blake said at the same time.

  Ro's jaw dropped. "Eh? You guys?are using me as bait?!"

  "Shut it, beggar girl. That's all you're good for. Besides, once my murderer shows up I'll possess your body and kick his butt!" Blake said as he punched his left palm with his right fist.

  Ro felt faint. She really didn't like the idea of Blake using her body for his revenge!

  During the next twenty minutes, Carrie went on an online shopping spree. Afterwards, she had Ro drive her to a material store in Blake's Maserati to get some things that she couldn't find online. The Goth purchased the extra materials and accessories she needed to complete the band's special costumes with great enthusiasm. Ro gave Carrie a curious look since the Goth really seemed to be enjoying this job even though she'd been forced into it.

  When Carrie and Ro arrived back at Blake's penthouse, the witch used Blake's credit card to order some Chinese food. Ro had never had Chinese food before or 'fast food' for that matter, and enjoyed it immensely. (So did Ro's cats that kept on stealing food periodically throughout the meal). "Chinese food?so this is what fast food taste like." Ro said to herself with a tiny smile.

  "You're so lame." Blake shook his head at the gloomy girl.

  As the trio waited for the sewing machine and materials to arrive, Carrie decided to use Pay-Per-View to buy some movies that she could watch with Rosalie. A mischievous look came to her eyes. "I just realized that we're in a hotel. Which means?there's room service!" Carrie picked up the phone and began to dial the front desk.

  Ro suddenly latched herself onto Carrie's arm, panicked and afraid. "Ah, Carrie, you can't order room service! I'm not even supposed to be staying here! Blake is dead!"

  Carrie put the phone back down and frowned. "Even though I can't see him?I keep forgetting that he's?dead. Sorry. Who's paying for this penthouse suite then, by the way?"

  Ro shrugged. "I am? Though I haven't received the rent bill yet?"

  "Strange?and suspicious. This place should have been rented out to someone else by now, or turned back into a normal hotel suite. And Blake's belongings haven't been touched. Do you think his murderer decided to keep this place as a memento?" Carrie suggested morbidly.

  "That sicko?" Blake growled.

  Ro paled. "His murderer?! Then?he or she could show up here at any time?"

  "That's perfect. I'll kick his butt!" Blake declared cracking his knuckles, his lavender eyes flashing. "And Ro I really doubt a girl could have killed the almighty me."

  Ro stumbled backwards in a near swoon at the idea of the murderer just popping up at the penthouse. But then, Ro's cell phone rang playing her current ring tone: Gangnam Style. Ro picked up her cell and saw that the incoming call was from Joey. "Quiet everyone, it's Joey." Ro said before swiping the green phone out of the circle and answering the call. "Hello?"

  "Hey, Ro, what's up? How are you?" Came Joey's upbeat voice over the phone.

  "Hi Joey, I'm good. Thank you." A soft smile formed on Ro's face as she talked to the vibrant and kind young man. Joey always seemed to be able to brighten her day.

  "How is the costume designing coming along?"

  "The costumes have been designed. I just need to sew them."

  "Huh? That fast! Don't you need to take our measurements first?"

  "I already have your measurements?" Ro said absentmindedly.

  "Idiot!" Blake shouted at her.

  "Huh? How?" Joey asked sounding confused.

  Oh crap! Ro thought.

  "Tell him that the band's Internet fans have posted the band's measurements online?and that you're a fan too and so you knew because of that." Blake suggested on the fly.

  "Your fans have posted your measurements up on the net. I'm Erotic Corpses' fan and so I knew about the fan site." Ro said to Joey.

  "Oh, that makes sense. So you're already sewing the costumes?"

  "Not yet?I'm waiting for a sewing machine and some other materials to arrive FedEx." The medium explained.

  "Oh, in that case. Why don't you come down to Wraythe Records and to our practice studio so you can hear us rehearse the new song? I'd really like you to hear it and get your opinion, Ro."

  "I, er, sure?give me the address." Ro choked up, not knowing what she should say. Ro grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote down the location of Wraythe Records. "I'll be there soon?yea, okay. See you. Bye." Ro ended the call with a tap of her finger.

  Both Carrie and Blake were giving Ro expectant looks.

  The medium looked at them nervously. "Um?Joey invited me to go to Wraythe Records so I could listen to them practice the new song and I said 'yes'."

  Blake nodded, kind of impressed by Ro's quick thinking. "Perfect?you need to get close to the band in order to investigate them?let's go!" Blake began to float towards the door.

  "Hey?can I go?" Carrie suddenly asked. She was also a fan of Erotic Corpses?and secretly a huge fan of Vincent Sangre. He was totally her type. Even though she knew he was a total playboy.

  "Sure," Ro said instantly.

  "No way," Blake said at the same time.

  Ro turned to Blake with a questioning look on her face. "Why not? It's just practice?and having a second set of eyes could be useful. We are on a spy mission after all."

  Blake frowned at the Wicca witch. "I don't trust her?tell her she can go as long as she doesn't throw herself at the band." Blake crossed his arms over his marble-white chest and gave Carrie a skeptical look.

  "Er, you can go, but?" Ro bit her lip and mumbled the rest in a small voice. "But you can't throw yourself at the band members."

  "Huh? That jerk! Just what kind of a girl does he think I am? I'm going to send his spirit straight to hell!" Carrie exclaimed and pulled her silver pentagram necklace out from her ample cleavage and began to utter a spell.

  "The same as any other girl - a slut." Blake declared with a smug look on his face.

  Ro wisely didn't tell Carrie what Blake had just said and gabbed the witch's arm while trying to stop her from cursing Blake to hell! "Carrie! Stop! Just ignore him?come on, let's go to Wraythe Records." Ro pleaded, making her i
ce-blue eyes look large and puppy-dog like.

  Carrie let out a defeated sigh and tucked her pentagram back into her cleavage. "You're right?I won't let the arrogant ghost rain on my parade. I'm going to get to meet Erotic Corpses - in person!" Teehee. Carrie inwardly giggled to herself as she thought about getting to meet Vincent Sangre in person.

  "Did you just go 'teehee'?" Ro asked raising her eyebrow at her Goth friend.

  "Yes. What? No." Carrie quickly amended giving Ro a strange look. Had the girl just read her mind?

  In Blake's shining, silver Maserati, Ro drove Carrie and Blake to Wraythe Records. Ro tried hard not to laugh the entire time since the stubborn Blake would not sit in the back and so the ghost was sitting on Carrie's lap without her knowing about it. As Ro snorted and her face turned red from trying so hard not to laugh Carrie kept shooting the strange girl questioning looks.

  As soon as Blake caught sight of Wraythe Records he pointed the building out to the girls. The building was cylindrical, tower-shaped, very modern, and several stories tall. It had blue-tinged glass windows and steel accents. At the very top of the tower the name of the record company sat proudly in huge metal letters: 'WRAYTHE RECORDS'. Ro drove into the building's underground parking lot and parked Blake's Maserati in a free spot. The group then exited the garage and made their way back to the front of the tower.

  As Ro and Carrie approached the front entrance a security guard stepped in their path. "Identification?"

  "Uh, um," Ro fished out her new fake driver's license and handed it to the security guard. "I'm Ro Ripper - Erotic Corpses' new stylist. And this is my?um?"

  "Say Carrie is your assistant. His job is to keep crazy fan girls out of the building and that means you, creepy witch." Blake sneered at the Goth girl.

  "My assistant Miss Carrie Ashmore."

  "Ah, Miss Ripper, I've been expecting you," the security guard handed Ro back her ID. "Here is your company employee ID badge?that way you won't be stopped again. Have a nice day, Miss Ripper."

  Ro took her new clip-on ID badge. "Thank you?" And looked down at it. It read:




  Ro had mixed feelings about her new ID badge. She had a job now?she wasn't an unemployed loser/homeless beggar girl anymore, but?a stylist? She was no stylist. She didn't know what the hell she was doing. Stylist?that was a lie. Carrie was the real stylist. Ro was a fake! The medium felt like gripping the sides of her face with her hands in despair - she impressively resisted this urge since several people were watching her curiously.

  Ro clipped the ID badge to her shirt and entered further into the building with Carrie at her side, and Blake floating behind. She easily got past the other security guards using her new ID and made her way to the front desk where a punky female receptionist was seated. She had black and orange highlighted hair and braids on either side of her face. The braids had been artfully done with alternating orange and black chunks of hair. She was wearing a low-cut, black shirt with a black spiked choker, and a pair of tight pants and boots. Her lips had been painted in a bright orange color.

  "Um, hello, I'm Ro Ripper, Erotic Corpses' new stylist. I'm supposed to meet up with them at their studio?" Ro explained.

  The girl looked up from painting her nails black with orange stripes. "Ah, yes, Miss Ripper, we've been expecting you. Go to the 10th floor. Their studio is in room 1001. Good luck, gal." The receptionist said with a quirky smile.

  Ro smiled back at the girl. "Thanks."

  "You're going to need it," the receptionist muttered darkly to herself.

  Ro and Carrie made their way over to the elevator with Blake following behind them. Carrie pressed the button to summon the elevator and the elevator arrived a few seconds later. The trio entered the elevator and Carrie pressed the button for the 10th floor. A song from the heavy metal band The Necromancers was playing as elevator music bringing a scowl to Blake's handsome face.

  "Ah, this is from The Necromancers," Carrie noted.

  "Those freakin posers?they don't know what real rock music is about?" Blake grit his teeth.

  Ro repeated Blake's complaints to Carrie.

  "Hmmm someone sounds jealous." Carrie teased the ghost. "The Necromancers are also murder suspects. Your rivals may have killed you off. They have gotten more popular lately. Everyone's been worried Erotic Corpses' is going to break up since your death."

  "Jerks?taking advantage of my absence. Erotic Corpses will never die! Those guys will continue on?" Blake found himself saying absentmindedly.

  Ro told Carrie what the ghost had just said.

  Carrie's expression shifted to surprise. "It sounds like you hold great respect for your former band mates. But aren't they the prime murder suspects though?" Carrie asked pointedly.

  Blake let out an irritated snort.

  "Whether or not they have talent is not in question. Those guys are true rockstars?but as for them being the jerks who killed me?that I don't know." Blake shook his head in a helpless manner.

  Ro bit her lower lip. She couldn't get the image of Blake punching and kicking his former band mates, and then sinking to his knees and crying on stage, out of her mind. As much as Blake liked to try and hide it - he cared about his band mates. She really hoped that they didn't turn out being Blake's murderers. For Blake's sake?

  The elevator door opened and the trio stepped out into a long, brightly lit hallway. The group made their way down the hall and to room 1001. Ro knocked upon the door.

  "Come on in," Came Manager Brody's easygoing voice.

  Ro opened the door and stepped inside of the practice room. Carrie followed and Blake floated in behind the two girls.

  There in front of them was - Erotic Corpses. Vincent Sangre was seated behind a set of drums going wild, head banging, hands moving like lightning as he attacked the drums and cymbals at top speed, his long, red hair swishing back and forth.

  Devon Decayn was jamming on his electric guitar passionately. His fingers were moving up and down the fret board in a skillful manner unaffected by the complicated riffs.

  Joey Bones was strumming wildly at his bass guitar as they went through the opening instrumental of the new song. He made his guitar sing in such a manner that his playing reflected his outgoing personality.

  A microphone had been set up, but no one was standing near it - yet.

  The practice room was spacious, stylishly decorated with rock-themed posters on the walls, and an expensive espresso machine could be seen sitting on a nearby table off to the right hand side. Black beanbag chairs were strewn here and there in the room. Extra instruments sat on racks and hung on the walls. Sadie Skellington was seated on a comfy blue sofa off to the right side with her chin in hand, and a lustful expression on her face as she watched Devon perform. A smoking cigarette dangled between Sadie's lips.

  Manager Brody put a finger to his lips and smiled at Ro in a friendly manner. Manager Brody was dressed in his usual Hawaiian shirt (an orange and red one this time), board shorts and flip-flops. Ro nodded and silently made her way over to the sofa. Sadie spotted Ro, grinned, and waved her over. The medium smiled back and took a seat next to Sadie while Carrie took a seat next to Ro.

  Sadie looked past Ro at Carrie curiously. "I don't believe you've introduced me to your friend, Ro."

  "Ah, I'm sorry, this is my friend Carrie Ashmore. She's my assistant." Ro quickly explained.

  "Is that so?" Sadie said absentmindedly as she leaned over Ro to get a better look at the Goth witch. Carrie's face was painted white, her eyes lined in black and her lips had also been painted in black for a traditional Goth makeup look. Carrie was wearing a medieval black and purple velvet gown that had the pattern of thorns and roses on it. The witch's violet colored hair was hanging loose around her shoulders in waves and Carrie's pentagram necklace gleamed right at her ample cleavage. Sadie stared at Carrie's large breasts enviously for a moment bef
ore she turned her head away with a 'hmph!'. The female rockstar chewed on her cigarette angrily.

  Joey noticed Ro's presence and a grin broke out across his face. He waved enthusiastically at her as he checked out what she was wearing. Ro was wearing a dark blue, lace-up corset, tight black leather pants, and a pair of lace-up knee boots. She had a black choker around her neck that a tiny silver charm was dangling from. The charm was a skull with wings on it.

  Ro blushed. Joey played his guitar skillfully while keeping Ro's eye contact as if he were playing just for her. Ro's blush deepened. Just what was Joey doing?

  Vincent noticed Ro too and then noticed the medium's friend. He lowered his round yellow sunglasses to get a better look at the mysterious, alluring young woman with a curvaceous figure dressed in a medieval gown. Yowzers.

  Devon was the only one who seemed to continue to be in his own world as he played his guitar. Blake respected that. Music was number one and women were number two. Devon approached the microphone, opened his mouth, and began to sing. Blake watched and listened intently to Devon's performance. Blake's eyes widened since it turned out that Devon was actually really good. His voice had a good range and he kept in key. Pfft. Not that Blake was really surprised. Devon seemed to be good at whatever he set his mind to. He was a prodigy - sports, music, art - he'd be the best at whatever he decided to do. He was Devon Decayn.

  Blake's best friend?ex-best friend?the ghost smiled sadly.

  This anti-war song was something that they had actually worked on together. Blake had actually written a few of the lines that Devon was now singing, and the ghost had given Devon a few concepts to work with as well. They had planned for Blake to sing this song because Blake felt strongly about the themes in the song.

  War?it's just a bunch of old men sending young boys to go and blow each other up. Life is so short?I've learned that the hard way. To go and kill people you don't even know and who have never done anything to you personally, I think that's pretty messed up. Now, people that hurt my friends or family are another story. Those jerks deserve to die.

  Under different circumstances, I'm sure those people who are fighting each other could have been friends. The people soldiers are forced to kill have friends, families and lovers of their own. Some consider this to be a non-patriotic view but?screw that. I love America and my country but?what are those soldiers really fighting for? To save the face of those in power who don't want to admit to their mistakes.

  The song really spoke out for his soul.

  And now Devon was singing it?his soul song?

  Blake didn't know what to think or feel about this.

  He was hurt but?Devon was doing a really good job with the song. After a few more minutes of listening, Blake finally nodded.

  This was?okay. He preferred Devon to sing their song than some stranger. It was his song, but he was dead.

  "You jerk?you have a lot of nerve singing my song." Blake grumbled as he floated right up to Devon and glared at him right in the eyes. "You better not screw it up. I'm expecting you to do a phenomenal job at the concert, you jerk!"

  Ro was also watching Devon sing Blake's song closely. Was it her imagination or did Devon look like he was in pain?that he was suffering? No one else seemed to notice though, and the themes in the song were very strong and emotional.

  To Ro's keen ears it sounded like Devon was crying. Crying on the inside. Ro was sure of it. Devon was in pain. Poor Devon. Ro's eyes began to tear up in sympathy.

  As the song came to a close and the final note left Devon's mouth, he looked up and met Ro's sad gaze. Their eyes locked and it was intense.

  Sadie noticed this moment that Ro and Devon were suddenly sharing and frowned. She nearly bit her cigarette in half. Joey also noticed that Ro and Devon seemed to be staring at each other longer than was appropriate or normal, and his expression fell.

  Carrie sensed the dark mood in the room and decided to change it. "Whee! Yea!" Carrie clapped and cheered loudly. She put her fingers in her mouth and whistled. "That was great!"

  This seemed to break the spell and Devon looked away from Ro, breaking their connection.

  Ro was feeling in her heart that it must have been hard for Devon to sing about killing and Death when both were so close to the band.

  Sadie immediately got up, went over to Devon to grab his arm, and gushed about what a good singer he was. "Devon you sexy beast, you were so awesome. You're such a good singer. Your voice is so deep and sexy. It totally made me wet."

  "Is that so?" Devon drawled not really paying attention to Sadie and seeming to be a bit distracted by his own thoughts.

  Sadie reached up and used her hand to turn Devon's face to look at her face. "Yes?it made me very wet." She purred in a husky voice as she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Devon hungrily.

  Devon leaned into the kiss and soon the rockstar couple was fervidly making out and groping each other's bodies.

  Ro and Carrie stood up and the girls began to head over to Joey who was beckoning for them to come closer. "Hey Ro - how'd I do?" Joey asked sheepishly.

  Ro smiled and nodded. "Very good. I liked it."

  Joey looked at Carrie curiously. "So, aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?"

  "Ah, um, this is Carrie," Ro fumbled with the introduction. "She's my assistant."

  Carrie stepped forward and offered Joey her hand. "It's a real pleasure to meet all of you?I'm a huge fan." The Goth girl admitted with a grin.

  Joey took Carrie's hand and shook it. As soon as he let go, however, Vincent had swooped in and had taken Carrie's hand. "The pleasure is all mine, my lady." Vincent leaned over and placed a kiss on the top of Carrie's hand.

  Carrie instantly snatched her hand back and gave Vincent a guarded look. "Well, if it isn't Vincent Sangre. The playboy drummer of Erotic Corpses. You're even more handsome in person?I can see where the rumors of you being a vampire come from." The witch's voice was strangely harsh.

  Vincent raised an eyebrow at the fiery young woman. "I'll take that as a compliment?I think."

  "Idiot." Carrie smiled at Vincent viciously then.

  Vincent blinked back at Carrie in surprise, but was soon smirking in amusement. Fiesty, I like that.

  With Sadie still clinging to his arm, Devon addressed Ro. "Ro, how are our costumes coming along? Don't you need to take our measurements?"

  "Ah, we're-" Carrie began and then bit her bottom lip to silence herself.

  "Good?" Ro quickly interrupted her friend. "I'm just waiting for the sewing machine I ordered to arrive and then I can begin sewing the costumes." The medium explained while trying not to look at Sadie who was placing kisses all up and down Devon's neck.

  Devon gave Ro a piercing look. "Don't you need our measurements?"

  "Ah-" Ro started.

  "She got them off the net! Our hardcore fans are scary!" Joey joked. "We don't call them zombies for nothing, I guess."

  Sadie rolled her eyes at Joey. "Lame." She said in a singsong voice in reference to Joey's pathetic attempt to make a joke.

  The bass guitarist pouted.

  "The net?I see?" Devon said stroking his chin. At this point Sadie had begun to nibble at Devon's neck while trying to leave a hickey. Devon let out a groan subconsciously.

  "So, Ro, how did you like our new song?" Joey asked while trying hard not to stare at Devon and Sadie's PDA.

  "I?it was very?sad." Ro managed to get out and looked over at Devon.

  Devon gave Ro a surprised look before he turned his head away. He couldn't meet Ro Ripper's eyes - they seemed to be able to see right through him. He shuddered when Sadie drew blood and then licked his bruised skin as if to soothe it.

  "That's only to be expected since the song is about war?which only brings death. And death is not a happy thing." Vincent said in his silky voice.

  "Yea?" Ro agreed softly.

  "But through his songs Blake White has found immortality. He will always live on in s
pirit with his songs. It is the footprint he has left behind on this Earth." Carrie blurted out, strategically. "Don't you think so?"

  Devon cringed and unhooked himself from Sadie. "I need to go take a piss." Was all he said as he stomped out of the room.

  Vincent and Joey both exchanged worried looks and remained silent.

  Sadie was pouting as she made her way back over to the couch. She plopped herself down on top of it, lit herself another cigarette, took a drag, and put her feet up, stretching out like a cat and taking up the entire sofa in a sexy pose - everyone could see her black lacy underwear as her short skirt rode up her thighs.

  The atmosphere was suddenly tense. As if Carrie had just dropped a bomb.

  Ro hated to admit it but the band was acting?strange. Guilty, perhaps? Could they have really killed Blake? Ro felt the blood draining from her face at the thought. These people in front of her were so beautiful - dressed in expensive, designer clothes, with stylish, edgy haircuts, wearing brand name makeup, but their insides?what were these people truly like? Behind their glamorous celebrity masks? Were they all cold-blooded murderers?

  Ro found herself unconsciously taking a step back from the people in the room and heading for the door. "Well, I really should be going?I need to get started on those costumes. I guess, I'll see you boys on the day of the concert, on Saturday. I'll probably go to the concert venue a few hours early just to make sure the costumes fit you all perfectly in case I need to make any last minute adjustments."

  "Yea, that sounds good, Ro. We still have a lot of practicing to do. Thanks for stopping by?it was nice meeting you, Carrie. Don't be a stranger, Ro." Joey said absentmindedly.

  Vincent approached Carrie and handed her a backstage pass. "I'll expect to see you at the concert, my lady."

  "Pfft." Carrie looked down at the backstage pass and snorted. "I'll have to check my busy schedule and see if I can make it."

  "I see, well, I do hope you can attend." Vincent said in that low, smooth, black velvet voice of his.

  Carrie blushed, huffed, and grabbed Ro's arm and began to drag her out of the practice room. "Let's go Ro, before we get bitten or something!"

  Vincent's amused, throaty chuckle followed them out of the practice room.

  As Ro, Carrie, and Blake made their way down the hall and towards the elevators, they passed by the bathrooms. The girls could hear someone throwing up inside of the men's bathroom and they cringed, feeling sorry for whoever it was.

  "That's why you shouldn't drink until you pass out," Blake snorted, having no mercy for whatever idiot was throwing up in the bathroom in the middle of the afternoon.

  Ro couldn't help but feel that wasn't the case with whoever was in the bathroom. But she didn't dare refute what Blake had said.

  Ro drove Carrie and Blake back to Chateau Marmont Hotel. Carrie retrieved her bike from the garage and headed home while Ro and Blake turned in for the night. The next day, the sewing machine and other materials arrived via FedEx. Ro gave Carrie a call as soon as she received everything and the Goth was there in less than half an hour to begin sewing the costumes. The medium offered to help and Carrie agreed. She gave Ro very strict instructions to complete certain tasks like sewing on buttons.

  Blake felt the need to supervise what was going on and did what he did best: boss people around.

  Ro translated only about half of the smart-alecky orders Blake was giving to Carrie. After all she wanted to stay alive and the Goth witch was on edge enough already with trying to finish the costumes on time.

  The doorbell rang and Ro headed over to answer the door, figuring it was more material or accessories for the band being delivered. The medium opened the door without even checking to see who it was in the tiny monitor next to the door, and there was a FedEx guy standing next to a gigantic box.

  He handed Ro the clipboard. "Sign here, please." He grunted, in a bored tone.

  Ro quickly faked Blake's signature and dragged the box inside. "Hey, Carrie, what else did you order?"

  "Oh, it arrived." Carrie rubbed her hands together excitedly and a cat's paw smile formed on her face. "Open it and find out."

  Ro fetched a box cutter from the kitchen and opened the box to reveal a cat tower and scratching post. Ro gasped and Blake looked over her shoulder curiously. "Hey, what is that?" Blake looked at the cat tower and his eye twitched. "Oi?would you ladies mind explaining what the hell that is? Where is that supposed to go exactly? You can't actually be planning to have that tacky eyesore in my penthouse, can you?"

  "Um?" Ro gave Carrie a questioning and nervous look.

  Carrie was looking quite pleased with herself. "That is Count Catula's Grand Castle Giant Cat Scratching Post!" Carrie waved her hand at the item dramatically. The cat tower had a little fuzzy ladder and poles that that cats could climb to the next level where there was a castle tower with circular holes in it that the cats could go inside. The cats could also climb up the fuzzy turrets. "Isn't it totally awesome?"

  "Who said you girls could waste my hard-earned money on crap like that?! I hate cats!" Blake complained.

  "I'm sorry?" Ro murmured.

  Ro repeated Blake's harsh words with her head hanging down dejectedly. "Don't be sorry, Rosalie. You're helping that arrogant ghost out a lot. The least he can do is buy you a little something for your cats since you don't seem to buy yourself anything." Carrie insisted.

  Ro looked embarrassed. "I don't need anything?"

  Carrie gave Ro a skeptical look. "We girls always need something in order to look our best. New makeup, new clothes, a trip to the salon?"

  "Girls are a whole lot of trouble. More trouble than they're worth. Very high maintenance." Blake was nodding to himself. Blake White only cared about Blake White. That's how it had always been, and that's how it would always be.

  Ro and Carrie both heaved the cat tower out of the box and began to set it up. Lucky, Spottie, Dulce, Luna and Percy - being the curious creatures that they were instantly went over to inspect it and in minutes the black cats were climbing all over the tower and putting the scratching posts to good use.

  Blake frowned at those cats - his new worst enemies. They had been using his expensive Fritz Hansen sofa as a scratching post, not to mention his Persian carpets as their litter boxes!

  But the grumpy ghost couldn't complain because he needed Ro's help. She was vital to his revenge. And Blake's revenge was all that mattered to him.

  Blake scowled as he watched the cats play on the scratching post that was shaped like a castle. Those cats seem to love that stupid thing?maybe we should build them one of those cat runs? I did not just think that! I did not just think that! Blake gripped his head with his two hands in horror.

  After setting aside the distraction of the new cat tower, the girls finally set to work on the costumes again. Ro helped to cut the material using patterns Carrie had drawn and the witch began to sew the military uniforms together with the new sewing machine. Several hours and a lot of hard work later the girls were done and packed up the costumes into a large suitcase.

  Carrie wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand. "Well, there you go, Miss Stylist. Your costumes have been completed. I'm sure the boys will be impressed by your mad skills." The Goth pouted to herself. She was happy to help Ro but couldn't help but feel a tad disappointed that all the credit for her hard work would be going to someone else.

  "Yea?" Ro agreed, feeling guilty. Carrie had worked so hard on the costumes and Ro was the one who would be getting all of the credit. It wasn't fair. "Blake?I need to speak with you. Alone." Ro said to Blake and motioned for him to follow her to his bedroom.

  Blake shrugged and floated after Ro, irked. "What's up, beggar girl?" He asked as soon as he entered his bedroom.

  Ro took a deep breath. "It's about Carrie?I just don't feel right about all this. She's the one who made those beautiful costumes - not me. And I'm going to take credit for it. It's a lie?I think Carrie should be Eroti
c Corpses' stylist. Not me."

  "I agree. But?this isn't about that. This is about who is better suited to help me with my revenge and that's you, Ro." Blake gave Ro an intense look. "I don't trust Carrie for that, but?you're right. She really did outdo herself with those costumes." Blake stroked his chin for a moment. "Tell Carrie that she can go to the concert too as your assistant. That way she can participate in dressing the band and get to see the concert. But tell her not to get in the way of any instructions I give you. Don't forget, we're supposed to be investigating my ex-band mates. You need to get close to them in order to do that, got it?" Blake said sternly.

  Ro gave the ghost a surprised and grateful look. "Ah, thank you!" The medium reached out to hug Blake and passed right through him and fell face first to the floor.

  BAM. Blake laughed at her. "Idiot!"

  "What was that?" Carrie walked over through the bedroom door to see Ro on the floor - face first. Carrie shook her head at the strange girl. "I don't want to know?so?I guess I'll be going since you guys don't need me anymore." The witch said in a dejected tone as she turned around to leave.

  "Ah, Carrie, wait!" Ro quickly got to her feet and told Carrie what the ghost had said.

  Carrie looked about as surprised as Ro had. "He said that?" She smirked. "Well, at least it seems he can recognize talent. I guess, I'll be coming with you guys then to Erotic Corpses' concert!"

  "Yea!" Ro agreed happily.

  Blake glared at the two excitable girls. "This isn't for fun, girls. This is for revenge. Please keep that in mind. Those jerks?might be the ones who killed me." Blake reminded them harshly with a snarl.

  Ro pouted.

  "Killjoy?" Carrie said.

  Saturday November 15 - the day of Erotic Corpses' concert had arrived. The band was scheduled to perform at the Great American Music Hall at 9:00 PM that night. As soon as Ro was ready she called Carrie so that she could come over to the penthouse and bum a ride with her to the concert hall. Ro ended up driving Carrie, Blake and the costumes to the Great American Music Hall in Blake's fancy Maserati. Ro pulled right in front of the building, got out of the car, and tossed the keys to a waiting valet.

  Carrie let out a whistle as she looked at the two-story, red and black brick building. It had an old-fashioned red and white sign that reminded Carrie of those signs at old movie theaters. The sign read:

  The Great American Music Hall

  Erotic Corpses

  9:00 PM

  "If you scratch my car, you're dead, buddy." Blake warned the valet - a young teenaged boy with red hair, freckles, and zits all over his face.

  The teen valet shuddered as if a chill had just gone down his back.

  Ro smiled. The medium had her ID badge clipped to the front of the stylish outfit that Carrie had forced her into - literally. Ro felt utterly ridiculous and was sure she looked it too! I probably look like a clown. The gloomy girl bemoaned.

  The trio entered the music hall unhindered and were immediately greeted by Manager Brody, who was puffing contentedly on a Cuban cigar. "Ah, Ro, there you are. We've been waiting for you, sweetie." He grinned easily at her, to put her more at ease. The girl always seemed so nervous.

  "Hello Manager Brody," Ro greeted with a tremulous smile.

  Manager Brody looked at Carrie and immediately frowned as he stroked the stubble on his chin. "Ah, I hate to be a killjoy but your friend is going to have to stay here. I'm under specific instructions not to let any other girls backstage?Vincent's fans have been?violent lately. She can watch the concert like everyone else from the concert hall."

  "But Manager Brody, Carrie is my assistant." Ro started.

  "I also have this." Carrie took out the backstage pass that Vincent had given her and clipped it on the front of her gothic gown. "Vincent gave it to me personally too. If that helps."

  Manager Brody looked at the pass and raised an eyebrow at it, looking amused. "Well, I'll be. Looks like everything's in order then. Follow me girls. The band needs to get into costume as soon as possible. I still can't believe you didn't want to schedule a fitting - if there's a problem with the costumes' sizes now?we're screwed."

  "Tell him there will be no problems with your costumes." Blake directed.

  "There will be no problems with my costumes, Manager Brody, of that I can assure you." Ro said confidently. She believed in Carrie and Blake.

  Manager Brody gave Ro a skeptical look but nodded in agreement sensing the confidence in her demeanor. "Let's hope not. Mr. Wraythe might kill me otherwise." Manager Brody chuckled as he led the trio backstage and to the VIP dressing room for the band. There was a yellow star on the door that read: Erotic Corpses.

  Manager Brody waved security aside and escorted the girls inside. Ro was not surprised to see Sadie Skellington cozying up to Devon Decayn on the only couch in the room. He looked up and spotted her and their eyes met.

  However, Joey spotted Ro as soon as she arrived and immediately bounded over to her like a lost puppy. "Hi Ro! Hey, you brought Carrie too. Sweet." He nodded in a hyper manner. "You have our costumes?"

  "Of course she does! You guys are going to look great! Ro is a fashion genius - if I don't say so myself." Carrie was bubbling with enthusiasm.

  Vincent swaggered up to Carrie and smirked at her. "I'm glad you were able to fit us into your busy schedule, my lady." He teased before leaning in and whispering in her ear. "I knew you would come."

  Carrie quickly stepped backwards a couple of steps to give herself some distance between herself and Vincent. "Yea, well, I wanted to help Ro assist you guys to look freakin awesome for tonight's concert! In a way this concert is in honor of Blake! Don't you think?" Carrie asked slyly.

  Vincent grimaced and tucked a stray strand of his long, silky hair behind his ear in a nervous gesture. "I guess you could say that."

  "I can't wait to see what kind of costume you came up with for me, Ro," Joey was saying.

  Ro smiled shyly at Joey. "I hope you like it."

  Carrie clapped her hands. "Alright, chop chop. I know Ro already explained our idea over the phone, but I'll explain it all to you guys one more time. Your main costumes are to be worn underneath the military uniforms. After you guys are shot down and then come back to life, you guys will rip off the military uniforms (that are held together by Velcro) and reveal your true costumes. Got it?"

  The rockstars nodded. "Let's get you boys changed then, shall we?" Carrie started and gave Ro an apologetic look. She was really getting into this!

  Carrie and Ro began to unpack the suitcase and handed the young rockstars their costumes. The medium and the Wicca witch helped Devon, Joey, and Vincent to dress into their main costumes first and then assisted them with their military uniforms that went over top.

  Ro was blushing the entire time as she helped the boys dress while they were in nothing but their boxers. Vincent laughed at Ro's flushed face while Joey was feeling shy and embarrassed because of Ro's innocent reactions.

  Vincent decided to tease Carrie as she helped him into a extravagant, red velvet suit. "Aren't you going to blush like a maiden too?"

  "Pfft." Carrie scoffed. "I'm no 'innocent maiden' like Ro?besides, you're just not hot enough to make me nervous."

  "Is that so? My six pack abs do absolutely nothing for you?" Vincent teased as he raised his shirt and ran his hand over his pale, muscular abs.

  Carrie gulped. Was it just her or was it getting a bit hot in there? "In your dreams, Vincent Sangre. I'm not going to be just another notch on your belt. I'm way out of your league."

  Vincent suddenly frowned. "You think I'm only playing with you?"

  "No kidding." Carrie crossed her arms over her ample bosom.

  "What if I told you I wasn't playing with you but was seriously interested in you?in going out with you?" Vincent said in a low voice.

  Carrie's eyes widened in surprise but then she narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the drummer. "Oh please, you'd expect me to believe that! I'm n
ot that na?ve." Carrie spun around, prepared to stomp off but-

  Vincent grabbed her arm and spun her back around to face him. Vincent lowered his sunglasses and stared into Carrie's eyes intently. "I like you, Carrie. A lot." Vincent leaned forward as if he'd kiss Carrie but at the last moment he placed a kiss tenderly on Carrie's forehead instead.

  Carrie froze in place. Vincent smirked knowingly, let go of her arm, and sauntered off with a bounce to his step.

  "Oh crap?" Carrie swore to herself as she felt her face heat up and her heart hammer in her chest a mile a minute. I can't let myself fall for that playboy?I just can't?


  Meanwhile, Ro was buttoning Joey's jacket and blushing fiercely. The bass guitarist was turning equally red, affected by Ro's closeness.

  Devon stood next to Joey and rolled his eyes at the two lovebirds. "What are you guys like fifth graders? I have to say, Ro, you are the most unprofessional stylist I have ever met. You really don't act like a stylist at all?"

  Ro froze, suddenly nervous, "I don't know what you mean?"

  Devon shrugged. "But you created such awesome costumes for us?and you even got our sizes perfect without having to measure us and without a fitting. Almost too perfect, I think. It's?suspicious." Devon stroked his chin and narrowed his eyes at Ro.

  Ro gulped, and laughed nervously. "Ehehehehe. I'll take that as a compliment, Devon." Ro finished putting Joey's costume on and moved over to assist Devon next.

  Devon was standing before her in only his boxers. He had a pale, muscular body that looked as if it were made of marble. His dark red boxers had tiny footballs on them and that surprised Ro. She has figured Devon would be wearing boxers with tiny skulls on them or something. A lit cigarette was dangling from Devon's lips in a sexy manner. "Er, could you put your cigarette out?" Ro asked.

  Devon took the cigarette out of his mouth with his right hand and wet the fingers of his left hand with his tongue so that he could snuff the glowing end of the cigarette by pinching the cig with his index finger and thumb. He tossed the cig into a nearby trashcan afterwards.

  There was something sexual about what Devon just did and Ro gulped as she approached The guitarist with a pair of leather pants - but the pants were suddenly snatched from her grip! Ro turned to see Sadie glaring daggers at her and almost spitting fire.

  "I can dress Devon, myself! I'm his girlfriend so you need to get your paws off of my man!" Sadie screeched.

  "Sadie," Devon began in a stern tone.

  But Ro cut him off. "Ah, it's okay, Sadie can dress you. She is your girlfriend after all so it's only natural that she's the only one who gets to touch you. And I respect your relationship."

  Devon gave Ro a surprised look before shrugging. "Well, if it's alright with you."

  "Yay! Thanks Ro! I totally owe you one!" Sadie declared as she began to help Devon into his costume. Her mood had apparently done a one eighty and she seemed to be in high spirits again.

  Ro shook her head at Sadie. That girl had bi-polar disorder for sure. One minute she was sweet and cute, and the next she was scary and violent. Ro let out a breath of relief. She was actually glad she didn't have to touch Devon - he was really tall and intimidating and sexy as hell. She didn't really know how to deal with him?

  Devon Decayn was a real rockstar. He had this overwhelming presence that naturally drew people to him.

  "Take a photo, beggar girl, it will last longer." Blake sneered at Rosalie's side making her jump in surprise.

  After the rockstars had finished putting on their costumes and military uniforms, the concert crew handed the young men their fake AK-47s. It was then explained to the band that when they pulled down on the triggers nothing would actually happen but that the sound effects crew would activate the sound of an automatic rifle firing.

  Carrie then directed the band to take a seat in front of the vanity mirrors that were surrounded by lights, and that had dressing counters in front of them, so she could begin applying their zombie makeup. "Come on boys, you too Ro, it's time to do your zombie makeup. I shall turn you all into zombies!" The witch cackled evilly for comedic effect. "Buwhahaha."

  Joey shivered and gave Carrie a nervous look. "Scary."

  "Hurry up, will you? I'm dying for a smoke," Devon complained.

  Vincent chuckled. "I feel your pain, bro."

  Joey gave Devon and Vincent disgusted looks. "You guys should really quit smoking."

  Devon and Vincent just looked at Joey as if he were crazy.

  "Joey's a bit of a health nut?he won't eat anything a rabbit won't eat. Be careful Ro - he's going to try and convert you to his Jiddu Krishnamurti ways!" Vincent teased.

  "Rabbit?" Ro mused and pictured Joey with bunny ears while eating a carrot and giggled.

  "Did you just giggle? Your inner persona and your outer persona don't match at all, Miss Ripper." Devon declared as he gave Ro a piercing look.

  Ro gulped.

  Joey grinned. "I know, right. Ro looks so totally awesome and punky, but she's so sweet!" Joey declared, as he looked Ro's zombie outfit over in an admiring way. He had the urge to hug and squeeze her, but he resisted.

  Ro was wearing a white, long-sleeved, knee-length dress with a triple tier layered skirt. Ro was self-consciously pulling on the bottom of the dress thinking that it was too short. Ro was wearing a thick, black belt around her waist that had a silver skull on it and had kept her choker on around her neck. Her left sleeve had been ripped off at the shoulder and parts of her dress had been ripped or torn to give the dress a ragged effect. Carrie had put her in a pair of black stockings that had holes cut into them for dramatic effect and a pair of modern, chunky-heeled, mary-jane shoes. Ro's eye sockets had been painted black, her cheekbones had been accentuated with gray blue and she had black lipstick on. She was looking a little bit like a Goth version of a Raggedy Anne doll that had been zombiefied.

  "She looks like a mean punk girl." Devon said simply as he looked at Carrie's finished makeup job on Ro.

  The medium blushed.

  "Hey, Ro's not a punk," Joey defended. "She's a real sweet girl."

  "I know." Devon said, rolling his eyes at his slow friend. "I was being sarcastic, idiot."

  Sadie didn't like all the attention that Ro was suddenly getting and began to grit her teeth angrily! "Hey Carrie, can you give me zombie makeup too? I'm a 'zombie' after all as Erotic Corpses number one fan."

  Carrie gave Sadie a skeptical look. "Oh ho, their number one fan, you say? But aren't you the lead singer of The Necromancers? Erotic Corpses' number one rival band in the rock scene? Isn't that like betraying your own band?"

  Sadie glared at Carrie. "Who I fall in love with can't be helped."

  "Love?" Carrie scoffed. "Weren't you madly in love with Blake White just a few weeks ago? It's all over your Twitter page. Who are you claiming to love now? Devon? You sure like to use the word 'love' lightly, huh?"

  "Uh!" Sadie was speechless and tried to defend herself but strange squawking noises came out of her mouth instead. However, Devon suddenly came up behind Sadie and put his arm around her in a possessive gesture.

  "That's enough, Carrie. You've gone too far. Sadie is my girlfriend now." Devon said in a low voice.

  Carrie flinched at the scolding. "Sorry?my bad?it's really none of my business."

  "You're right - it's not." Devon agreed coldly.

  "I'd love to do your makeup, Sadie!" Carrie offered, in an overly cheerful manner.

  Sadie gave her a distrustful look but smiled crookedly. Two could play at this game. "Oh really? Thanks a bunch! Teehee."

  Carrie did Sadie's makeup and pretended she didn't want to strangle the two-faced female rockstar. Next, Carrie painted Devon's eye sockets in black and painted a complex design on his face to make his face look more like a skull. The Goth did something similar with Joey's makeup giving him black eye sockets, and a mouth with teeth painted over his cheeks to make him look like a grinning skull. For Vince
nt she used red and black on his eye sockets, painted his face white, lips black, gave him some fake vampire fangs, and added fake blood dribbling down the corner of his mouth.

  Carrie stood back from Erotic Corpses and looked them over one final time before she nodded, looking pleased with herself.

  The rockstars were finally ready to rock.

  With only minutes to spare before the concert, Manager Brody led the band, Carrie, Ro, and Sadie to a backstage area. Ro peeked around the curtain and saw that the band's instruments were already up on stage. The lights in the concert hall suddenly dimmed and the stage was enveloped in darkness.

  "Break a leg, boys." Manager Brody said, grinning at them as he affectionately whacked the guys on their backs as they passed him by and made their way on stage. The band ran on stage, perfectly dressed in their military uniforms and holding their plastic machine guns.

  The light crew immediately had the band illuminated with lights. The sound effects crew began to play the sounds of war: grenades going off, the sound of rapid gunfire, the screams of the wounded and dying. Devon, Joey and Vincent looked around the stage as if they expected enemies to appear.

  Up on projection screens behind the band gruesome war images were being displayed. Shots of battles being fought in Afghanistan and shots from past wars. Powerful visual anti-war images like the mushroom cloud in Hiroshima after the atomic bomb had gone off. The bodies of dead children clutching their toys and dolls in the middle of a war zone.

  Since Blake was a ghost he could float around invisibly and undetected wherever he wanted to. Blake floated around backstage and looked at the stage performers curiously as well as their fake machine guns.

  That's when Blake heard it. The unmistakable sound of someone inserting a magazine into the slot of an AK-47 until it locked in place, and then the person pulling back on the cocking hammer that juts out from the side of the rifle. Blake followed the sound and found one of the stage performers - dressed in a black military uniform, military hat on his head, and with his AK-47 in hand. However, this man's AK-47 wasn't plastic like everyone else's. As Blake floated closer and took an even closer look, Blake was able to decide upon one thing. It was unmistakably real.

  What the hell? Blake floated backwards in shock.

  The hired actor raised his automatic rifle and pointed it at Erotic Corpses - putting each band member in his sight through the scope. Lastly, he put Joey in his sight since Joey was the closest and waited for a clear shot.

  Crap crap crap! Blake began to panic. What the hell was going on? Was someone going to kill Joey? Who was behind this? Was it Devon? Vincent? Who was trying to kill who? And why?

  The actors got ready to go out on stage and act as if they were exchanging fire with the band.

  In a boiling rage, Blake flew as quickly as he could towards Ro. "Ro! There's no time to explain. I have to possess you!"

  Ro whipped her head around and saw Blake flying towards her with a freaked out expression on his face. Her eyes went wide like saucers. "What's wrong?"

  But Blake didn't respond and entered the medium's body with a whoom.

  Blake blinked as he opened his lavender colored eyes. He took a deep breath and clenched and unclenched his hands into fists.

  "Hey, Ro what's-" Carrie was asking when 'Ro' took off running backstage and towards the hired actor.

  At this point the actors had entered on stage and had begun firing at the band. The performer with the real automatic rifle raised his AK-47 and pulled down on the trigger.

  "No!" Blake shouted as he leapt and tackled the man to the stage floor. The rifle went flying out of the man's hand and went skidding across the stage.

  The shooter had gotten a few shots off, but luckily he missed his mark when Blake slammed into him and knocked him to the floor. The shots hit the outside of a box seat that was across the concert hall. Blake landed on top of the man but the shooter recovered his wits quickly and shoved Blake off of him and made a break for it.

  "You're not getting away, you son of a gun!" Blake growled as he ran after the actor.

  Blake pursued the man backstage and caught up to him. "Hold it, right there!"

  The man spun to confront Blake, fists raised, military cap lowered to shadow his eyes and features, and got into a fighting stance.

  "Ahhh!" Blake charged forward and threw a high punch with his right hand.

  The man raised his forearms to block the punch and Blake used this opportunity to punch the man in his gut with his left hand.

  POW! The shooter grunted and coughed spit.

  Blake threw another right-handed punch and the man tried to dodge it. "Too slow." Blake smirked as his fist connected with the side of the man's face.

  KAPOW! The man's head whipped to the side grotesquely.

  Blake executed a roundhouse kick next, his left foot aiming for the man's face. However-

  Ro's patent leather shoe flew off and smacked the man in the face instead right between his eyes.

  BAM! Without the heavy shoe on his left foot Blake became overbalanced and had to put his leg down. "Crap!" Blake swore as he bent over to pull his other shoe off so that he could regain his balance and continue the fight.

  But the shooter wasn't going to give Blake the chance to recover. He turned around and fled.

  "Hey, wait, you jerk! Crap!" Blake swore as he flung the shoe aside and took off running after the guy. However-

  Running in stockings is never a good idea. Blake slipped and fell face first upon the floor with a thwacking sound. "Ugh?" Blake groaned and looked up to see that the shooter was long gone. "Dang it?" Blake brought his fist down upon the floor out of frustration.

  The ghost could hear his band mates still exchanging fire against the actors, and then there was silence as the band collapsed to the stage - 'dead'.

  Blake felt sick. One of them had almost been dead for real. But who had the shooter been targeting? Blake pushed himself up off the floor and quickly put Ro's shoes back on. He didn't want to miss the start of the concert. Blake ran back over to where Carrie and Sadie were standing and looking at the stage.

  "Where were you?" Carrie started and noticed Ro's lavender colored eyes. "I thought I saw you up on stage?"

  Blake's attention was on his ex-band mates, however, as they rose up off the stage floor and ripped their military uniforms off to reveal the costumes that Carrie had designed for them.

  The audience and the 'zombies' all went wild.

  Devon Decayn - the Angel of Death - was wearing a long, black, trench coat with hundreds of glossy, black feathers decorating the jacket's collar and its cuffs. The guitarist had on a pair of extremely tight black leather pants that had lots of straps and shiny buckles. To complete his 'fallen angel' look he had on a pair of heavy combat boots.

  "Kyahhh! Devon!" "Our Angel of Death!" "Come and take me to heaven, baby!"

  Next, was Joey Bones. The bass guitarist was dressed in a special, glow-in-the-dark suit that was black and had the glowing, green pattern of a skeleton on it. He was also wearing a glow in the dark neon green tie. He had a pair of shiny dress shoes on his feet and was grinning from ear to ear.

  "Kyahhh! Joey! You're so cute!" "It's the Dancing Skeleton!" The zombie girls howled.

  Lastly, Vincent Sangre. The drummer was dressed in a exquisite, red velvet suit. The jacket had two long tails in the back like a butler's jacket. A ruffled cravat was around his neck and a ruby broach had been clipped into the center of it. There was a top hat sitting on Vincent's head that had a deep red ribbon around its crown. He had a pair of tight, black silk pants on and a pair of fancy dress shoes.

  The rockstars made their way over to their instruments. Vincent took a seat behind his drum set and picked up two drumsticks that were shaped like bones, and spun them in his hands. Joey went over and picked up a green bass guitar and slid the strap over his shoulder. While Devon sauntered over and picked up his dark blue guitar and put the strap over his head.
The band began to play the new anti-war song beginning with the opening instrumental. Then, Devon approached the microphone stand.

  The audience and zombies cheered in surprise and anticipation of what was to come. Devon grabbed the mic. He opened his mouth to sing and-

  Nothing happened.


  Vincent and Joey shot Devon worried looks but kept playing as if nothing was wrong in order to buy Devon some time.

  But Devon Decayn had frozen up on stage - for the very first time in his life Devon Decayn had made a mistake.

  "What the hell is that idiot doing?!" Blake snapped. "Devon?you wanted to sing our song, didn't you? And now you have the nerve to get cold feet? You suck! You're freakin pathetic! You're going to screw up the whole concert! I can't watch this crap! I'll show you how it's done, Devon!" Blake shouted and ran out on stage.

  Blake shoved Devon aside and removed the microphone from the stand before motioning for Joey and Vincent to restart the song. They immediately did so and Blake opened his mouth to sing - inside of Ro's body.

  "It's a cold cruel world we all live in

  The weak are always consumed by the strong

  This world around us is a Zombie World

  Good people sure don't last for very long


  Old men are sending our boys to war

  They're forced to leave their families alone

  Why do terrorists take so long to die?

  No one is left to protect our home


  Kill, Kill, Kill!

  Everyone's getting freakin killed

  Kill, Kill, Kill

  That's what they teach you to do

  Die, Die, Die!

  Everyone's turning into zombies

  Die, Die, Die!

  We're all soulless hunks of flesh"


  Devon looked at Ro with wide eyes?in fact everyone was looking at Ro with wide eyes because Ro was singing and with a voice so similar to Blake White's voice it was scary. It was like they had the same voice but her voice was unmistakably feminine.

  Devon quickly snapped out of his stupor and began to play his part on the lead guitar. He was ashamed of himself. He had just frozen up onstage and had been unable to sing Blake's song because?? Devon shook his head of such thoughts. He had a song to play. His fingers were soon racing up and down the fret board.

  "Darwinism, survival of the fittest

  Turn a blind eye and ignore the truth

  Hell on earth controlled by those in power

  On the net there's just way too much proof


  Kill, Kill, Kill!

  Everyone's getting freakin killed

  Kill, Kill, Kill

  That's what they teach you do to

  Die, Die, Die!

  No heart, no soul, no conscience

  Die, Die, Die!

  We're all flesh-eating zombies"

  Ro sang the chorus twice. The girl was singing Blake's song perfectly, word for word, after only having heard it once. Devon was extremely impressed. She was perfectly in key, singing in a voice so achingly similar to Blake's. That voice?that's the voice that was meant to sing this song! Devon thought to himself happily. Joey and Vincent were also spellbound by Ro's voice.


  "How many more Americans must die?

  The war in Afghanistan is zero

  Zombies will destroy all we hold dear

  The fallen sons will be named 'hero'


  This place is now a Zombie World?

  This place is now a Zombie World?

  This place is now a Zombie World?


  The audience - the zombies - noticed it too. Ro Ripper had Blake's voice. And they went absolutely wild! "Kyahhh! Ahhh!" "EROTIC CORPSES RULES!" "Let's end the war and bring our boys home already!" "Yea! End the war!" The zombies yelled and danced and hand banged and made the sign of the horns aka the Maloik with their hands. The audience was completely eating Ro Ripper up.

  When the song ended and the next one was supposed to start Devon, Joey and Vincent didn't know what to do next. How could Ro possibly be able to sing all of their songs after all? That first time was a fluke, right?

  "What are you boys waiting for? Let's do this!" Ro yelled at them fiercely and totally being out of character. She was being bold and sexy as hell. "Yea! Yea! Yea!"

  Devon nodded to Joey and Vincent and the boys began to play the next song. Blake held the mic and sang his soul out.

  Joey closed his eyes?Vincent closed his eyes?Devon closed his eyes?

  Suddenly, it was like Blake White was there with them again. Blake was back?

  The concert continued with Ro Ripper having been revealed as Erotic Corpses' new singer.

  Devon opened his eyes and stared at Ro. He couldn't believe it - that voice. Just who was Ro Ripper? Who?or what was she? Ro Ripper?who the hell are you? What are you? Devon eyed her curiously and suspiciously. Devon intended to find out.