Read Rockstar Ghost PG-13 Version Page 11

  Chapter 8: Complete Control

  The concert was a complete success and Manager Brody congratulated the band enthusiastically with hard pats to their backs before telling the band they had to make an appearance at an after party that was being held in one of the hottest nightclubs on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood: The Viper Room.

  "You were freaking amazing!" Sadie greeted Devon by running up to him, leaping up into his arms, wrapping her legs around his torso, and smashing her lips aggressively to his. Devon wrapped his arms around her waist before pressing her close to his body as he grabbed her butt with both his hands, and thrust his tongue into her mouth. It was the ultimate, hot, steamy, rockstar kiss.

  Joey had attached himself to Ro's side, and was looking at her with sky-blue eyes shinning with admiration. "Ro?that was incredible. I didn't know you could sing?"

  Blake had left Ro's body and now Ro was feeling extremely anxious, vulnerable and like a complete fake! A liar. A deceiver. She wanted to yell out to Joey that it hadn't been her voice - it had been Blake's. But all Ro could manage was to give Joey a strained smile.

  Vincent swaggered backstage and looked around for Carrie. He spotted the Goth girl and winked at her. "So?were you mesmerized by my amazing performance? Or perhaps by just me?" He asked with his chin in his hand in a pensive pose.

  Carrie tried to appear nonchalant and unaffected by Vincent's special attention. She crossed her arms over her ample chest. "Well?it didn't suck." She offered.

  Vincent raised an eyebrow at Carrie before chuckling in that deep, throaty voice of his. "A lady who is hard to please. I like that type of woman - a woman who really knows what she wants. I'll just have to convince you that I'm what you want." Vincent declared as he stepped closer to Carrie so that he was only about a foot away from her.

  Carrie swallowed. Was he going to try and kiss her? Eppp! "G-Good luck with that." Carrie clenched her fists at her sides and tried to remain unaffected by Vincent Sangre's powerful pheromones. His mere closeness was giving her goosebumps.

  Vincent chuckled and sauntered past her. "You haven't seen me dance yet." Vincent said in a confident manner. "I'll be seeing you at the club. Your first dance belongs to me." He threw a roguish wink her way.

  "Presumptuous, womanizing?!" Carrie muttered under her breath. When his back was fully turned towards her she stuck her tongue out at him. She wasn't so easy. If Vincent Sangre thought she was the same as all his other fan girls who could be so easily seduced then he was wrong! Her gaze fell upon Sadie and Devon. She coughed awkwardly into her hand as she averted her eyes from the amorous couple. She wasn't a slut like Sadie Skellington! That's for sure!

  Manager Brody approached Ro, a lit cigar dangling between his thin lips. "That was an extremely impressive performance, Miss Ripper. Mr. Wraythe was watching the performance from his office back at Wraythe Records since he still had a lot of work to take care of, but he wanted me to thank you. You really saved our butts back there. He would also like to discuss the opportunity of working for Wraythe Records. How would you like to be the lead singer of Erotic Corpses, Miss Ripper?" Manager Brody offered in his easygoing manner as he removed the cigar from his mouth and breathed out a long stream of smoke.

  Ro was rendered speechless by Manager Brody's sudden offer and caught completely off her guard. The lead singer of Erotic Corpses? She didn't even know how to sing! She was completely tone deaf! "I?" She stammered out in a flustered manner.

  With his arms crossed over his chiseled chest, Blake was floating next to Ro and watching Manager Brody intently. "Tell Manager Brody that you'd love to." Blake instructed Ro firmly.

  Ro gave Blake an incredulous look but looked back at Manager Brody. "I'd?love to." Apparently?

  Manager Brody let out a breath of relief and wiped some imaginary sweat from his brow with his hand. "Phew. That's a load off my back. Now, let's hurry up and get ready to go. There's an after party we're having at The Viper Room. There we'll begin to introduce you as the new lead singer of Erotic Corpses. Signing a contract with us will come after that and is only a formality. Welcome to the band." Manager Brody put his cigar back into his mouth and held out his hand for Ro to take while giving her a warm look.

  Ro took Manager's Brody's hand. He had a strong handshake. Ro's fingers felt numb after he let go of her hand. The medium felt someone's eyes upon her and turned to see Devon Decayn. Sadie was now attached to his arm and chatting away at him, but his attention wasn't on Sadie - it was focused on her.

  His dark eyes that were like obsidian were so intense and penetrating.

  Ro swallowed nervously. She felt like Devon could see right through her and her lies. She hated confrontation. She wanted to get as far away from Devon as possible and unconsciously began to back away from the sharp young man. However-

  Blake had also noticed Devon's sudden interest in Ro and determined that this was the perfect chance for the medium to get closer to Devon in order to investigate him. Blake floated by Ro's side while still looking at the guitarist. "He's intrigued by you?we can use this. You need to get close to him. Smile at him, Ro." Blake instructed in an imperious manner.

  Ro gave the ghost an incredulous look, as if to say 'are you crazy?' raising both her eyebrows at Blake. But then Ro took a deep breath, turned to face Devon, and smiled at him.

  Devon didn't smile back and his eyes narrowed at the stylist instead.

  Eppp! Ro flinched.

  Getting closer to Devon Decayn was going to be impossible! Manager Brody clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Okay, everyone - enough dilly dallying. I have a limo waiting outside to take you all to The Viper Room. A lot of very important people will be there: actors, actresses, fellow singers, bands and socialites. We're going to introduce Ro Ripper as the new lead singer of Erotic Corpses there as well. Got it, guys?"

  Devon looked at Ro curiously, watching her every move. Vincent looked impressed and pleased by the announcement. The Vampire Prince even whistled through his teeth loudly. "Well done, my lady."

  Joey was looking extremely happy. "Sweet! You're going to be a part of the band? This freakin awesome! Dude!" Joey exclaimed as he punched the air in front of his with his fists.

  Ro smiled at Joey and nodded. "Mmm." She tried to avoid Devon's scrutinizing stare since it was totally making her nervous.

  Vincent sauntered over to Ro. "It's an honor to have such a talented singer work with us. Your performance tonight really moved me?it reminded me of-" Vincent cut himself off and shook his head. "It was incredible. Didn't you think so, Devon?" The drummer turned to give his best friend a questioning look. Devon was being oddly quiet, Vincent noted.

  Devon looked at Ro and nodded. "Incredible." He agreed in a bland tone as he took out a cigarette, lit it with his Zippo, and took a long drag to steady his nerves.

  Epp! Ro inwardly squeaked. Devon Decayn was so scary!

  "Get your butts moving people!" Manager Brody drawled as he led the way.

  Carrie and Sadie grabbed Ro's arms and began to drag her to the exit. "You were amazing out there, Ro!" Carrie gushed, feeling proud.

  "Yes, even I was impressed?" Sadie put in. "Your voice?it sounded just like Blake's! Hahahaha! The boys all looked like they'd seen a ghost when you started to sing! They got so pale and freaked out. It was marvelous! You must have listened to Blake sing a lot to be able to copy his tone and everything almost perfectly. Your voice still sounds feminine though?too bad. You were so close?but your 'imitation' wasn't perfect. But no one will be able to sing like he did?" Sadie finished in a surprisingly wistful tone.

  "Yea?" Ro readily agreed with Sadie's theory that she had been trying to 'copy' Blake's voice! Nice cover! Thank you, Sadie Skellington.

  Devon, Vincent, Joey, Ro, Carrie, Sadie and Manager Brody exited The Great American Music Hall through a back exit and spotted a stretch limo waiting for them on the street. The group made their way to the limo and Manager Brody opened the back passenger do
or for everyone to get inside the limo first. Carrie's eyes brightened at the sight of the interior of the limo. It was spectacular. Ro had already been inside of Erotic Corpses' limo before and wondered if the familiar looking driver was Harper with that surly expression on his face Ro knew it had to be him.

  Carrie eyed the long gray and black couch, the long bar on the other side that was covered in glasses and expensive bottles of booze, the mini fridge and the entertainment center that had a CD player and a small TV. "This limo is freaking awesome!" Carrie exclaimed loudly as she stepped inside of it. She immediately covered her mouth with her hand and looked embarrassed. "Sorry?"

  Vincent smoothly moved to take a seat next to Carrie on the limo seat, and chuckled. "Don't be, my lady. You think rockstars don't swear? I assure you we have our vices." Vincent declared as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. "Sex, drugs, and booze." He winked.

  Carrie rolled her eyes at the drummer.

  Ro moved to sit on Carrie's other side and Joey swiftly moved to sit next to the medium while grinning like an idiot. Ro smiled nervously, feeling very out of place.

  Devon entered the limo with Sadie attached to his arm. It was kind of amazing that he could move around like that.

  Manager Brody got in last. Blake floated inside, took a seat on the limo seat, and watched everyone with a bored expression on his face. Joey was sticking close to Ro in a very irritating manner. And Sadie was attached to Devon as if someone had accidentally put superglue on Devon's arm and she had accidentally gotten stuck there. Carrie was flirting with Vincent even if she didn't want to admit it, and that pissed Blake off immensely. The Wicca witch had promised him she wouldn't flirt with his ex-band mates.

  Blake knew he had to figure out a way to get Sadie away from Devon first. Then he needed to find a way to get Joey away from Ro. He needed a plan. Blake stroked his chin in thought.

  The limo pulled up right in front of The Viper Room. There was a crowd of fans and 'zombies' gathered and waiting outside of the club to catch a glimpse of Erotic Corpses and their newest member: Ro Ripper. There were several reporters and paparazzi also present.

  Manager Brody exited the limo first and kept the door open for the band as they began to file out of the limo one by one. He offered his hand to the ladies present, and helped them out of the limo in a gentlemanly manner.

  Manager Brody is such a nice guy. Ro thought to herself as she took Manager Brody's hand and allowed him to help her out of the limo.

  Ro noticed that Manager Brody let out a heavy sigh though and wondered why. But Brody was used to women needing help these days - to get in and out of cars, or to go up or down a flight of stairs due to the crazy shoe fashion that was popular or 'in' these days.

  Manager Brody was nodding to himself as he thought about it with a frown on his face. Shoe fashion had gone insane - with five-inch heels or higher being the norm. Women can barely walk in those hellish things! It's hazardous to the health. Lady Gaga has been spotted in an interview wearing shoes that were a foot high! That's just wrong. Manager Brody shook his head remembering that interview.

  Palanquins for female celebrities were already becoming a common sight in Beverly Hills. Especially, on Rodeo Drive?one could see extravagant, ornately decorated palanquins encrusted with Swarovski Crystals being carried around on the shoulders of celebrity security guards. Joan Rivers was the first to have one and since she started the trend other celebrities soon followed.

  Ro looked at the building that was The Viper Room curiously. It was a rectangular shaped, brick building that had been painted completely black. There were no visible windows. And the name of the club: 'The Viper Room' had been painted above the door in gigantic white letters on the building's brick surface.

  Blake floated up next to Ro and began to tell her about the club. "This is one of the most popular hangouts for Hollywood's most famous young actors and musicians. It used to be co-owned by Johnny Depp. It was founded in 1993. It's been frequented by celebrities like: Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Marie Presley, Jared Leto, Christina Applegate, Angelina Jolie, Rosario Dawson, Tobey Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Adam Duritz. River Phoenix died tragically on the club's front steps in 1993 because of a drug overdose. He was close friends with Flea from The Red Hot Chili Peppers and even played with the band from time to time. River was a talented actor and musician. I wonder?if his ghost is here. I always wondered about that when I came here with my band mates to get smashed." Blake revealed.

  "River Pheonix?" Ro mused softly. "I saw him in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when Carrie ordered that movie on Pay-Per-View. He was good. I didn't know he was dead."

  "It's crap stories like that that make me stay away from drugs like cocaine and heroin." Blake said. "He was only twenty three when he died. Devon and Vincent smoke cigarettes, but that's about it. Damion Hellsing's a total drug addict and he's going to die of an overdose someday?that idiot." Blake groused, with a pissed off expression on his face.

  Ro looked at Blake curiously. If she didn't know any better she'd say Blake was concerned about Damion Hellsing.

  As the group walked towards the entrance, screaming fans and zombies greeted them loudly while camera flashes greeted them brightly. They entered through the front door unhindered and Ro found that even the coatroom seemed impressive to her.

  Ro had never been to a nightclub before. The atmosphere was intense. There were so many people packed so closely together: dancing and drinking. Ro wasn't the most social person in the world and could feel her social anxiety rising within her as her chest felt tight.

  Beautiful waitresses walked around the club with trays of colorful drinks. The California club goers were beautiful too and very well-dressed in designer clothes. There were a lot of blondes because of the sunny California weather though they were currently suffering the cold of November. The women looked perfect - a little too perfect and Ro wondered if a few of them might have gotten plastic surgery or breast implants. These people were picture perfect and without any flaws. At least, this is the way it appeared to the homely Ro.

  Their apparent 'perfection' made Ro feel insecure almost instantly. She felt herself shrinking inside of the nightclub. Everyone suddenly seemed to be towering over her, pointing at her, sneering at her and laughing at her. Ro shook her head to get rid of the paranoid images from her mind. Her anxiety continued to rise though and it was becoming hard to breath.

  When Sadie and Devon entered the club as if they owned the place, all eyes instantly fell upon them. They were the picture perfect rockstar couple. Sadie was clinging to Devon's arm as the couple made their way through the crowd of dancing people, and the club goers parted like the Red Sea for the Prince and Princess of Punk Rock.

  "Ro!" Blake floated over and shouted in Ro's ear to get her attention over the thumping dance music. "Let go of Joey's arm! I need to speak with you and Carrie alone for a second! We need a plan!"

  Epp! Ro squeaked and let go of Joey's arm instantly. She hadn't even noticed that she had grabbed Joey's arm out of nervousness. All these people?the bright colored lights?the loud music?it was just too much.

  Ro reached out and grabbed Carrie's arm instead. The Goth had been about to put her hand on Vincent's arm and jumped. Ro pulled the flustered Carrie backwards and into the large coatroom.

  "Whoa, Ro, what's wrong?" Carrie asked, wondering if Ro had seen her about to put her hand on Vincent's arm and was about to lecture her about it.

  "It's Blake. He wants me to get Devon alone so I can investigate him. He's our number one suspect right now. He's been acting incredibly suspicious. And Blake wants you to help me by getting Sadie away from Devon. He already has an idea about how to get Joey away from me?" Ro explained while she was listening to Blake's instructions and relaying them to Carrie at the same time.

  Carrie immediately sobered. She had almost forgotten why they were really there - all these people they were hanging out with were murder suspects. "Tell Blake, I'
m in. I'll see what I can do about Sadie. Just leave it to me!" Carrie gave Ro a thumbs-up.

  Ro let out a breath of relief. She felt better knowing that Carrie was here and on her side. The medium and the Wicca witch left the coatroom to find Joey and Vincent waiting for them with curious and amused expressions on their faces.

  "Is everything alright, ladies?" Vincent asked in his smooth voice.

  "Of course," Carrie exclaimed as she boldly took Vincent's arm. "Lead the way."

  Ro looked at Joey shyly and at his arm. Joey grinned at her and offered his arm. "Might as well take it?or else we're going to feel left out." Ro smiled tremulously, nodded, and took Joey's arm.

  The young men escorted the ladies into the club and the crowd parted for them. They spotted Devon and Sadie already seated at a circular table in the VIP section, and headed over to them. The four took a seat on the circular sofa. Ro looked around curiously to see where Manager Brody had gone, and saw that he had taken a seat at a table by himself. The manager of Erotic Corpses was currently enjoying a martini. Ro figured the older man probably wanted to give the young rockstars some space. Devon was already enjoying a cigarette and Vincent asked Devon to give him one, which he obliged.

  Devon and Sadie already had drinks in front of them, but a waitress promptly arrived to take their orders. "What would you like to drink, Ro?" Joey kindly asked her.

  "Um, just a glass of water." She said softly.

  A heavy and profound silence descended upon the table.

  One could hear a pin drop in the club.

  "What?" Joey blinked at her.

  "Idiot! Just order a normal drink!" Blake chided her. "Try and act like a normal girl your age, for heaven's sake!"

  "I?um?I don't drink?well, it's not that I don't. I've never had an alcoholic drink before?" Ro quickly tried to explain.

  Everyone relaxed at that. "Oh, why don't you try something that has a low alcoholic content and that's sweet - like a cocktail?" Joey suggested.

  "Oh no, I couldn't?" Ro argued.

  Joey ignored Ro and ordered her a sweet cocktail and a drink for himself. Vincent ordered himself a Bloody Mary. And before Vincent could ask Carrie what she wanted she ordered herself a Cosmopolitan. Vincent smiled at the Goth witch. "A woman who knows what she wants." He repeated softly to himself.

  The group began to chat about various things while Ro remained quiet for the most part. Her social anxiety had begun to subside and she could breathe a little easier. "Hey, is everything alright, Ro? You're being awfully quiet. Feel free to participate in our conversation?" Joey insisted.

  "Ah, it's not that. It's more than enough to get to listen to you guys?I've never been to a dance club like this before?" Ro revealed.

  Everyone looked at Ro as if she'd grown a second head.

  "What did I tell you about acting normal? Are you ignoring me? Gah! So much for our punky female stylist turned rockstar act?you little goody two-shoes!" Blake complained loudly.

  "Dude! No way! What did you do in college?" Joey asked as he arched a blonde eyebrow at her.

  Ro shrugged. "Studied. I was always studying because I had a scholarship and I wanted to become a nurse. I managed to get a job at the Good Samaritan Hospital right after graduation, but?" A dark shadow fell over Ro's face but passed almost instantly. "It didn't work out."

  "A nurse?" Joey exclaimed. "That is so cool! I'm sure another hospital will hire you?"

  "Yea?" Ro agreed, though she didn't sound too convinced.

  "A nurse?" Sadie suddenly scoffed. "But?what about being a singer? Don't tell me singing is just a hobby of yours because I won't believe it. To get that good at singing you have to practice 24-7. Like I do! You're obviously lying to look cool in front of Joey. Do you think he likes nurses or something? Joey, do you have a nurse fetish that I don't know about?"

  Joey blushed in response. "Wha? No way?" Although as Joey began to picture Ro in a nurse's outfit his blush intensified and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

  Ro stiffened. "I'm not lying?I went to Biola University. It's my dream to be a nurse?in order to help people." To help my father?

  "It's pretty hard to believe?a singer as good as you wanting to be a nurse." Devon started. "But I wanted to be a football player back in high school." He shrugged. "Life works in mysterious ways. I think what's harder to believe than that is your personality change. You were so loud and vibrant on stage, but now you're acting all shy and quiet."

  "Idiot! Act normal!" Blake shouted at Ro.

  "I'm just nervous to be surrounded by such incredible artists. I'm sorry?" Ro apologized.

  "Don't apologize!" Joey looked horrified. "I understand you, Ro." Joey whispered in her ear. "You're just a very kind person."

  Ro blushed in response. She wasn't used to receiving compliments. A few minutes later their waitress arrived with four drinks on a tray. The waitress quickly set the drinks down before them. Ro took a sip of her cocktail tentatively and was instantly surprised by how sweet it was. "Mmm."

  Joey laughed at Ro for being so obvious about liking her drink. "Let's get this girl another cocktail!"

  "Oh no, I really shouldn't," Ro said while sipping her drink quickly. This is just sooo good. I don't feel so nervous anymore. This is so liberating. Whee!

  "Cheers! To new friends!" Vincent declared raising his Bloody Mary.

  "To new friends." Devon agreed. Everyone raised their glasses, clinked them, and then they all took a large swallow from their drinks.

  Blake was also seated at the table, feeling very invisible. Dang. He wished he could have a drink! Sometimes it really sucked being dead. He couldn't drink, couldn't smoke, couldn't make love, couldn't si-

  Actually, he could sing now because of Ro. Blake realized thoughtfully as he looked at the medium who was getting tipsy on cocktails. That idiot. Blake knew he needed to move fast and put his plan into action before Ro passed out.

  "Oi! Ro! Ask Joey about his dancing skills. Tell him that online you once saw this YouTube video of a dance off between him and Vincent. Ask him what that was all about." Blake commanded.

  "Hey Joey, are you a good dancer?" Ro asked in a slightly slurred tone.

  Joey gave Ro a surprised look. "I think so?why? Would you like to dance?"

  "Do you think you're better than Vincent? I saw this video of you and Vincent dancing on YouTube?what was that?" Ro asked with a lopsided smile.

  Joey frowned as he tried to figure out what Ro was walking about. "Ah, you saw one of our 'Kamikaze Dance Offs?" Joey explained.

  "Kamikaze Dance Off?" Ro repeated drunkenly.

  Joey and Vincent exchanged a look. "How about it, Vinnie? You up for the challenge? Even though you know I'm going to beat you." Joey jabbed his chest with his thumb in a cocky gesture.

  "You're on, Joey. Waitress - bring us the Kamikaze Set!" Vincent told a nearby waitress.

  "Right away, Vincent, er, Sir!" The waitress said enthusiastically with hearts in her eyes as she got to speak to Vincent Sangre.

  Carrie noticed and rolled her eyes at the waitress.

  "What's a Kamikaze Set?" Ro asked.

  "You'll see," Joey said with a wink.

  A few minutes later the waitress was back with two trays piled high with various expensive looking drinks. The waitress set one tray down in front of Joey and the other down in front of Vincent. As the waitress set the tray down in front of Vincent she made sure to bend over in such a way to show off her cleavage. "You're Vincent Sangre, aren't you?" She purred.

  "That's right, my lady." Vincent agreed, smiling charmingly at the pretty waitress.

  "Do you have a girlfriend right now?" The waitress asked curiously.

  "I am currently single. This is good news for all of the beautiful, single women in California." Vincent stated as he tucked a stray lock of his red hair behind his ear.

  The waitress' eyes sparkled. "I like you?would you consider going out with me? Even if it's for one month?I don't ca
re." Her voice began to take on a begging tone.

  Vincent looked at Carrie out of the corner of his eye and frowned. "I'm sorry but there's someone I like right now."

  "Oh." The waitress stood up straight and looked put out. She stalked off, somewhat angrily.

  "Are you done flirting, Vinnie?" Joey joked.

  "Indeed, I believe so." Vincent put his hands out in a helpless gesture.

  "Allow me to explain how the Kamikaze Dance Off works." Devon offered to Ro. "These two idiots are going to have to drink everything that's on those trays in front of them before going up on stage and dancing. They'll dance one at a time and the club goers will cheer for who they like more. The dancer who gets the more enthusiastic response is the winner. The loser has to pay for all these expensive drinks." Devon explained to Ro with an amused smirk on his face.

  Joey and Vincent each picked up a drink, clinked their glasses together, and chugged their drinks back in one go. Joey and Vincent set their empty glasses down, wiped their mouths with the backs of their hands, and took up another drink.

  Carrie rolled her eyes at the two rockstars. "Are you sure you're going to be able to dance after drinking all that, Drummer Boy?" Carrie asked Vincent in a skeptical tone.

  Vincent smiled at her easily, swirling his latest drink - a martini - before taking a sip. "It would take more than this to affect my dancing skills. Prepare to be mesmerized, my lady."

  "Yea, yea." Carrie said with a wave of her hand. "Try not to fall flat on your face out there, Mr. Vampire Prince."

  Several drinks later, the drummer and bass guitarist had finally managed to finish off their Kamikaze Sets. Now it was time to dance (and try to remain standing).

  Joey and Vincent got up from the table (Joey a little unsteadily) and made their way to the dance floor, and headed towards the stage where a pole had been imbedded in its center.

  Devon leaned back in his seat, putting his hands behind his head, and his boots up on the table. "You girls are going to love this." He said in a drawling voice, a twinkle in his eye.

  The first to get up on the stage was Vincent Sangre. As soon as he hopped up on stage the crowd, zombies, and especially the ladies present in the club, all cheered:

  "Kyahhh! Vincent! We love you!" "No, I love you!" "I love you more!" "No I do!" "Meooww! Rarrr!"

  An unexpected catfight broke out around the stage as the girls fought over who liked Vincent Sangre more. A few actually bit each other on the neck!

  "DJ Angelo! Hit it!" Vincent shouted over the music to his friend and one of the most popular DJs for The Viper Room. DJ Angelo was this huge, tan-skinned dude with long dread locks and with a Rasta colored bandana tied around his head. He had kind, brown eyes, a friendly demeanor and very chill attitude. He was wearing a funny t-shirt that had the image of DJ Yoda on it wearing a pair of headphones around his neck and some aviator sunglasses on his green face. Yoda's sunglasses reflected a crowd of dancing people with their hands up in the air.

  DJ Angelo nodded and selected his own personal remix of Michael Jackson's Thriller song. He knew that Vincent would want to dance to that particular song so that he could whip out his zombie moves and head banging stunts.

  The music started and Vincent began to dance. His olive-hued skin glowed in the dance club's lights. The drummer's movements were fluid and precise. Vincent's dancing almost looked like a martial arts routine. He borrowed a lot of moves from the King of Pop, added some zombie arm swaying, definitely had a lot of crotch grabbing that made the girls howl with glee, and tipped his top hat at the end of the song.

  DJ Angelo pulled the mic closer to him and spoke loudly over the music. "Hello everyone. WUZZZUPPP? Alright, everyone knows the drill. But for those of you who don't and have been living under a rock - this is Erotic Corpses' Kamikaze Dance Off! The loser of the dance off has to pay for all the expensive drinks these two rockstars just consumed! So if you think Vincent's got the moves - I want you to make some noise people!"

  "Kyahhh! Vincent!" The roar from the females was deafening.

  Vincent bowed dramatically and hopped off the stage.

  "Alright, we all know you liked Vincent. But will you like Joey Bones better? Let's give it up for the Dancing Skeleton!" DJ Angelo announced.

  The crowd cheered and this time men and women cheered for Joey. "Let's rock this joint, Angelo! Give me - I'm sexy and I know it!" Joey shouted over the music.

  "You got it, Joey!" Angelo shouted back, "Set that stage on fire with your sick moves, bro!" DJ Angelo put on LMFAO's 'I'm sexy and I know it' and it burst from the speakers driving everyone wild with its catchy beat.

  Joey hopped up on stage, put his baseball cap backwards, and began to sing along to the song. Then Joey broke out into some impressive break dancing moves. He did a handstand and spun his legs through the air. Then he hopped back to his feet and started dancing like a robot. The crowd laughed and cheered. Joey took off his glow-in-the-dark skeleton jacket, whirled it over his head in a circle, and threw it at the crowd.

  "Kyahhh! Joey!" The girls went WILD.

  "Is it hot in here?" Joey shouted at the crowd.

  "YEA!" The girls shouted back with their hands in the air.

  Joey put his hand to his ear and leaned towards the crowd. "I can't hear you!"

  "YEAAA!" The girls all cried.

  "Okay! I guess I should take off a little more!" Joey shouted back and began to slowly peel off his shirt to reveal his sun-kissed, muscled torso and six pack abs. He tossed his t-shirt into the crowd and the girls all dove for it. It was as bad as girls diving for a bouquet at someone's wedding. Joey couldn't believe the catlike sounds he was hearing and the sound of fabric being ripped. He shivered. Girls were kind of scary.

  DJ Angelo put on Gangnam Style next and Joey began to dance the horsey dance. The crowd went even wilder as everyone began to dance the horsey dance along with Joey. It was like a bad version of PSY's Gangnam Style music video up on that stage!

  "Hey Nassira! You know what to do!" DJ Angelo called out to his friend and the club's main hostess.

  "I'm on it!" A tall, voluptuous and exotic woman with long, wavy, black hair, dark luminous brown eyes and tanned skin said as she grabbed a bottle of tequila from the bar and ran over to the stage. She drew a line with the tequila along the front of the stage and using her lighter she set it on fire. Flames erupted along the front of the stage.

  "That boy's on fire, yo!" DJ Angelo said over the music. "Now people, if you think Joey has the moves let me hear you all make some noise! Let us know if you think Joey is the better dancer!"

  "Kyahhh!" "WHOOOO! JOEYYY!" "The Dancing Skeleton!" The club goers erupted into ear shattering cheers.

  It seemed pretty obvious that Joey had won the competition. Joey reached his hand down to Vincent and pulled his band mate up on stage so that they could dance together. Vincent accepted Joey's hand without hesitation, showing that he had no hard feelings over the loss.

  Meanwhile, back at the VIP table, Devon chuckled at the crazy antics of his band mates. Ro was spellbound. She had never seen anything like the dance off before. Joey and Vincent were?incredible. To be able to dance like that in front of so many people?she could never imagine doing such a thing. She'd be terrified.

  "Whooo! Yea! Vincent!" Carrie exclaimed as she pumped her fist in the air suddenly acting like she was a football game. "Woo woo woo!"

  Sadie stared at Carrie as if she'd lost her mind. "Obvious much?"

  Carrie blushed and immediately fell silent as she lowered her hand. She glared at Sadie across the table. "No, that's you, Miss Desperate." Carrie eyed Sadie's girlie pink-colored cocktail. "Pfft! What is that? Is that girlie drink all you can handle? I thought you were a rockstar? But you're a pathetic lightweight."

  Carrie's words made Sadie's blood boil. "What was that b-" Sadie looked at Devon and laughed nervously. "Hahahaha. I can assure you that I can handle more liquor than you, Wicca witch."

  "Oh? I'd
like to take that challenge. Waitress! It's time for shots! Let's see who can truly handle their liquor, Sadie Skellington!" Carrie egged Sadie on.

  Sadie was fuming and her cute blonde haircut seemed to be standing on end. "Oh, you're on, witch."

  Their waitress arrived shortly after with a tray of shots. Carrie picked up a shot and Sadie followed suit. The two girls glared at each other as they drank their shots in one go - tilting their heads back. The girls' shot competition had begun!

  Carrie and Sadie were so focused upon each other and their shot competition that they left Devon and Ro to themselves at the other end of the table.

  Blake nodded to himself. That was a job well done if he didn't say so himself. Now was Ro's chance to get close to Devon! "Smile at him! God! Do I have to tell you how to do everything!" Blake huffed in irritation.

  Ro flinched as Blake yelled at her and tried to look natural as she smiled at Devon tremulously.

  "So how do you like your first time at a nightclub, Ro?" Devon asked suddenly.

  "Oh, it's fun?if not a little intense." Ro admitted.

  "Do you know how to dance?" Devon asked Ro casually as he took a drag from his cigarette causing the tip to ignite and glow.

  "No-" Ro was saying when Blake yelled into her ear. "Yes! Say: 'Yes!' Idiot! Get Devon to take you out to the dance floor!" Blake ordered.

  "I mean, yes?" Ro quickly corrected.

  Devon let out a stream of smoke before putting his cigarette out in the ashtray and then stood up from the table offering his hand to Ro. "Would you like to dance?"

  "Um?wait a sec?" Ro picked up her cocktail and chugged it back - because it was wasteful to leave it since it had probably cost a lot of money.

  Devon raised an eyebrow at her actions but shrugged it off. Ro set her empty glass down and put her hand in Devon's. She felt warm and fuzzy and tingly inside. She was suppressing a smile and a giggle.

  Devon pulled the medium up to her feet and led her out onto the dance floor. The guitarist let go of Ro's hand and began to dance. Ro however just stood in front of Devon, smiling goofily and stared at Devon. She felt like clapping her hands at Devon because he was a really good dancer.

  Blake quickly floated through the crowd after Ro and Devon and reached them in time to see Ro acting like an idiot. "Idiot!" Blake floated up next to Ro. "You're supposed to be dancing. Not just standing there staring at Devon like a retard!" Blake shouted at her. "Lame."

  Ro giggled at Blake. "But I don't know how?"

  Devon smiled and took Ro's hands. "Don't be so nervous?just let the music move you. That's how you dance." He said as he moved Ro's hands back and forth to start with.

  Ro giggled and smiled at Devon as they began to sway back and forth. "Okay!" She shouted over the music.

  "That's the beauty and power of music. It can make you move your body without even thinking about it. Music resonates with people's souls." Devon shouted over the music with a chagrined expression on his face. It was hard to have a deep conversation in the middle of a dance club.

  Blake smacked a hand to his forehead as he watched Devon and Ro dance together like a couple of middle school kids. "Ugh?what are you doing? You're both acting like a couple of twelve-year-olds! Don't you see how everyone else is dancing? Go ahead and copy them, Ro." Blake instructed.

  "Okay." Ro said as she looked around at all of the people dancing interestedly. She began copying some of the moves she was observing from an African-American guy who was busting out some hip-hop moves first. Next, Ro copied a girl who was doing a disco line dance like she was in the movie Night at the Roxbury or something. Ro copied people doing funny dances like the 'chicken dance', and the 'sprinkler' too.

  Devon chuckled at Ro's antics. This girl is so weird! But in a good way.

  Blake groaned as he watched Ro's silly dancing. "No! No! You idiot! Copy some woman who is dancing in a sexy manner. Copy?" Blake looked around the dance floor for an appropriate example and spotted one couple that seemed to fit the bill. Nassira and her date were doing a good job of steaming up the dance floor. "Her! Copy her!" Blake instructed Ro as he pointed to the couple.

  Ro searched the dance floor for the couple Blake meant and spotted one particularly sensual couple. Nassira and her boyfriend - a handsome, buff man from Spain with curly black hair and dark eyes - were dancing very close, their hands were all over each other, and they stared into each other's eyes lustfully. They kissed each other frequently as they danced and couldn't seem to keep their hands off of each other. Ro watched as Nassira turned around to put her back to her boyfriend and slid down his body before standing back up.

  The drunken Ro squinted at Nassira as she did that sexy move, and did her best to copy it. Ro dizzily spun around and put her back to Devon, leaning back and pressing her body against his as she slid down his body and then back up again. However, as she came back up she ended up stepping on Devon's foot and hit the underside of his chin with the top of her head.

  BAM! "Ow!" Devon complained as he rubbed his sore jaw. That had really hurt.

  Ro spun around and looked at Devon with wide eyes. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry?"

  Devon rubbed his chin and laughed. "Naw, it's okay?"

  "Idiot?" Blake said rubbing his temples out of frustration. Ro was supposed to be seducing Devon on the dance floor not almost knocking his teeth out!

  "Maybe you should just follow my lead," Devon suggested as he reached out and took Ro's arms and wrapped them around his neck. Ro felt her face heating up at the close physical contact. She had never been that close to a man of her own freewill before.

  "That's more like it. Now, press your body closer to his." Blake ordered imperiously.

  Ro did as Blake instructed her absentmindedly and not really even realizing that she was obeying Blake's every word as if she were in a trance. Ro and Devon began to dance very close to each other until their bodies were moving against each other, swaying to the beat.

  "Now, look up into his eyes." Blake commanded.

  Ro tilted her head up and stared into Devon's eyes.

  Devon smirked and leaned forward-

  Ehhh? Ro's hazy mind wondered what Devon was trying to do.

  "Let him kiss you." Blake was nodding in approval. Now they were finally getting somewhere.

  Ehhh? Kiss me? But I don't want him to kiss me! I don't even know him! Ro thought, beginning to panic internally.

  Devon leaned forward, and pressed his lips against Ro's. The medium immediately froze up as if she'd been turned to stone. Devon began to languidly move his lips against hers but Ro did not respond. She was too stunned to do anything.

  "Idiot! Kiss him back! Gah!" Blake complained, throwing his hands up into the air.

  Devon pulled back and put his hands on Ro's shoulders as he gave her a confused look. "Are you toying with me?"

  The blood drained from Ro's face at the thought. "No?I don't even know what I'm doing?" Ro's voice began to quaver.

  Devon let go of Ro's shoulders and gave her a scrutinizing look. "I don't believe you."

  "Ah, we blew it?" Blake let out a huff as he ran his hand back through his wild, platinum blonde hair.

  Devon sighed. "Look. How would you like to go out on a date with me tomorrow so we can get to know each other better? It's a little hard to get to know someone at a nightclub, I think." He gave Ro a reassuring smile.

  Ro let out a breath of relief. "Sure. I'd like that."

  Devon's smile widened. "Good. Then it's settled. I'll pick you up at your place at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. I'll call you in the morning to work out the details. Give me your phone number." Devin said as he whipped out his smart phone.

  Ro obligingly gave Devon her cell phone number.

  "You're doing an awful job of seducing him, you know. You'd get a hell of a lot more information out of him during pillow talk." Blake complained.

  Seduce? Pillow talk? Ro thought, panicky. "Well, now that that's settled?I?I?nee
d some air!" Ro said as she took off running through the crowd, knowing that Blake would follow her.

  "Ro? What is it? What's wrong? Where are you going?" Blake floated after her, concern etched into his handsome features.

  Ro whirled around and glared at the rockstar ghost. "I need to speak with you. Alone. Right now." Ro hissed in a low voice, head lowered so no one could see her lips moving.

  "Okay?the roof here is nice and secluded. No one ever goes up there. I used to go up there when I just wanted to be alone and have a smoke. Follow me." Blake said and took off, floating through the crowd.

  Ro followed Blake through the chaotic mass of people dancing, drinking, and kissing, up the back stairs and out of a door that opened out on the roof of the club. The roof was fenced off so that drunken club goers wouldn't fall off accidentally. There were potted plants decorating the area and some nice teak benches. It had a romantic yet lonely atmosphere. Blake led the way over to a bench. "Take a seat."

  Ro stalked over to Blake and clenched her fists at her sides. "No, thank you. How dare you??!"

  Blake raised an eyebrow at the emotional girl. "What? What are you so angry about?"

  "You?you wanted me to?s-s-seduce Devon, didn't you?" Rosalie's voice trembled. "That's what you were making me do!"

  "Well, yea, duh?how else are you supposed to get close to Devon and investigate him? Devon is a pretty loose guy. And you don't look half bad tonight, so I think he'd do you. What's the problem? You might as well get a little fun out of all of this too. It's not like you're a virgin or anything?" Blake chuckled at the thought.

  "Do me? Fun?" Ro approached Blake, raised her hand and slapped him hard across the face. However, since Blake was a ghost Ro's hand went right through thin air and she ended up crashing to the ground, and skinning her arm and leg badly as she fell.

  "Ro!" Blake cried out in concern. "Idiot!"

  Ro sniffled from her prone position on the rooftop. Her ice-blue eyes began to fill up with tears. "How could you put me in that kind of situation? Using me to seduce some guy?! Someone I don't even know, or trust, or love! What kind of girl do you think I am? I can't just sleep with some guy just for kicks! And yes - I'm a virgin! I'm saving myself for marriage!"

  The image that Blake had created in his mind about Ro suddenly crumbled. Huh? "Hah? A virgin? You've got to be kidding me! How old are you again?"

  "I'm twenty-two." Ro let out a loud hiccup.

  "A twenty-two-year-old virgin? You've got to be kidding me?" Black ran his hands back through his hair and looked up at the sky overhead. The sky was pitch black and dotted with silvery stars. A few gray clouds were overhead blocking out the moonlight. "No one's a virgin by that age, unless they're hideous! What the hell were you doing in college?"

  "Studying?" Ro muttered.

  "Right?so, you're a virgin. Right. I get it." Blake was trying to process the information in his brain?it wasn't really computing?

  A virgin?they still exist? It's like finding a unicorn?or something. I mean, come on! How the hell was I supposed to know she was a virgin? I just assumed she wasn't because of her age?

  And if it's true and she's a virgin then I've been acting like a total jerk! Blake looked at Ro as if she were a strange alien being. "So, wait, you've never played with yourself?"

  "Played with myself?" Ro repeated.

  Blake raised an eyebrow at the gloomy girl. "You've never pleasured yourself before?"

  Ro turned bright red once she figured out what Blake was talking about. She was a nurse after all. She knew about the body's functions. "No?of course not?" Oh my God! I can't believe he just asked me that, perverted rockstar ghost!

  "You're probably like the only virgin your age in America?" Blake mused aloud. "You're so?old-fashioned. No, archaic."

  "Shut up! That can't be true?" All unmarried women should be virgins?right?

  "A virgin?now, I don't know how to talk around you?" Blake mused aloud feeling awkward. "Can I still swear? Can I still talk about sex?"

  "Just talk normally!" Ro shot back, feeling totally embarrassed.

  "No way!" Blake shot back.

  "Um, excuse me, Miss? Who are you talking to?" Came a scratchy voice.

  Ro spun around to encounter a man in his early fifties with a buzz cut and who was wearing a leather jacket, jeans and sneakers. He had a guitar case strapped to his back. Blake's eyes widened and he breathed out: "Oh my God, it's Flea?from The Red Hot Chili Peppers."

  Ro became equally impressed when she realized just who it was before her. Blake had a poster with this guy on it back at his penthouse! She looked next to Flea and saw a young man with dark brown hair and sad blue eyes, who looked awfully familiar. It was Ro's turn for her eyes to widen when she realized just who was standing next to Flea. "River Phoenix?"

  Flea stiffened at Ro's words, approached Ro with swift steps, and grabbed the girl by her shoulders. "What was that, girl? Who were you just talking to? Who did you just see?"

  "I?um?no one?" Ro lied, beginning to panic and getting afraid of this intimidating man.

  Flea noticed that Ro was getting afraid of him and took a step back from her while releasing her. He let out a heavy sigh and ran his hand back over his buzzed hair. "Look. I watched you talking to someone?invisible. And just now you said 'River Phoenix'. I won't tell anyone. Just?tell me the truth. Please."

  Ro looked up and met Flea's sincere eyes. "I'm a medium. I can see ghosts. I was talking to Blake White just now and River Phoenix is standing right next to you."

  River's eyes narrowed at Ro. "You can see me, babe? No freaking way. Please?tell my friend Flea that I appreciated how he went with me to the hospital in the ambulance. Tell him I said 'thanks for being with me at the end, man'. Just like that."

  "River wants me to tell you this: 'thanks for being with me at the end, man'." Ro informed Flea.

  Flea staggered backwards and then began to laugh brokenly. "You're kidding me. He said that? Is he okay? Why's he a ghost?"

  "Why are you a ghost?" Ro asked River.

  River sighed. "I?left this world too soon. I want to wait until my friends die so that we can cross over together. I don't want to cross over alone. Friendship is the most important thing to me. More important than anything."

  Ro repeated River's words.

  Flea smiled brokenly. "He would say something like that?dang?this is crazy, but I always came here waiting for something like this to happen. Thank you, miss." Flea let out a relieved breath, a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

  Ro nodded.

  "Ro!" Came a call from the door to the roof as Devon stepped out onto the roof. He spotted Ro and ran over to her. "Hey, what happened, babe? What are you doing up here?" Devon spotted Flea and his eyes widened. "Flea? No freakin way!"

  "So much for this being like a secret spot." Flea chuckled at the medium and guitarist, "I'm outta here. Thanks again, miss. I owe you one." Flea said as he stalked past the stunned Devon and Ro, and made his way back down the stairs to the club.

  Devon looked Ro overly concernedly and noticed her scraped up arm and leg. "You're hurt."

  "I fell?" Ro explained and Devon gave her a skeptical look. "I'm drunk?" Ro said as further explanation. She did feel kind of dizzy.

  Devon didn't completely believe Ro that that was all that had happened to her. Had Flea hurt her? No. Flea was a good man. But perhaps there had been someone else on the roof? A deep scowl formed on Devon's face. "I'll take you home. I'll have someone bring my car to the club. Let's go." Devon took Ro by the arm and began to lead her off the roof while still looking around the rooftop suspiciously. He couldn't explain it, but he knew that someone else was still there?hiding. The freakin coward?Devon grit his teeth.

  "Hey, we weren't done talking yet?jerk?" Blake called after Devon, shaking his fist at him.

  Devon led Ro out of the club and made a phone call for someone to bring his car to the club. At the entrance of The Viper Room the medium and guitar
ist waited for Devon's car to arrive. It was pretty cold out and Ro rubbed her arms against the chill. She wished she had brought a jacket with her.

  Devon noticed Ro's unease. "Tch?why don't girls ever wear warm clothes? They'll wear such skimpy clothes even at the end of Fall."

  Devon took off his long, feathered, black trench coat and put it on Ro's shoulders.

  Ro was touched by Devon's gentlemanly action. Maybe he's not so bad. "Thank you, Devon."

  "Don't mention it, babe." Devon said in his drawling tone.

  In fifteen minutes, Devon's car pulled up in front of them - a stunning, midnight blue, Aston Martin with tan leather interior. The professional driver got out and tossed Devon the keys. Devon caught them easily. "Thanks, man."

  "No problem, sir." The driver said with a nod.

  Devon unlocked his car and helped Ro into the front passenger's seat. Devon got into the driver's seat, put the key into the ignition and started the car. He pulled out onto the road and made his way down the street. "So where do you live, babe?"

  "The Chateau Marmont Hotel," Ro replied with a hiccup.

  Devon's hands clenched around the steering wheel but he kept his eyes on the road. "Oh?what room number?" He tried to sound casual.

  "It's the one-bedroom penthouse suite on the 7th floor, room number 701." The drunken Ro slurred.

  "CRAP?" Blake muttered darkly to himself. Devon knew that Blake had rented the penthouse suite at the Chateau Marmont Hotel. Blake had never once invited his band mates to his penthouse, however?

  But that had been for their own safety. Blake had become a singer in order to be in the public eye and kept his real name to try and lure out his parents' murderer by using himself as bait. This was why Blake had been unable to let anyone get too close - not eve his best friends.

  Blake's plan had been to invite his band mates over to his place to practice after he had caught his parents' murderer. This was why the singer had a drum set, an electric guitar and a bass guitar at the penthouse suite. Blake had purchased those instruments for the band - for his friends. But now they'd never know about that.

  Images of Blake's parents' burning corpses in his mansion home surfaced in Blake's mind painfully?a painful reminder that no one close to him was safe?

  Blake's photograph was everywhere in the penthouse?how would Ro explain that?! Should she just tell Devon that she was a huge fan of his? And that that was also why she sounded a lot like Blake when she sang? The ghost pulled at his hair in frustration. "Argh!"

  Devon remained silent for the rest of the drive to Chateau Marmont Hotel. The guitarist parked his Aston Martin in the hotel's underground garage. Then he and Ro entered the hotel and rode the elevator to the 7th floor. The medium and the guitarist got out of the elevator and walked down the hall to room 701. Ro walked ahead of Devon and the guitarist was keeping a few steps behind her. He eyed her keenly when she punched in the pass code into the digital door lock and the door opened. Ro stepped inside of the penthouse first and flipped on a light switch. "Honeys, I'm home!" Ro called out.

  "Meeeowww!" Came the sound of five meowing cats. Black cats started popping their heads out all over the living room and came running at Ro.

  Devon froze in shock. "Cats?!? What the?"

  Ro bent over to greet her pets. "Lucky, Luna, Percy, Dulce, and Spottie. Mama's home. Did you miss me?" She cooed at her pets in her 'baby voice'.

  "Blake would die-" Devon cut himself off with a cough.

  "Already did that." Blake said sarcastically.

  Devon stepped inside the penthouse and closed the door behind him. He looked at all of the Blake White posters that were still on the walls and tried to keep a straight face.

  "Ro, tell Devon that you decided to rent this suite because you knew it was mine. You're a huge fan of me and that's why your voice even sounds like mine!" Blake ordered Ro.

  Ro froze and seemed to suddenly realize how stupid she was to bring Devon to Blake's penthouse suite! The medium stood up straight. "Ah, did you ever come here? I'm sure Blake had you and the band over before. After Blake died I found out that this place was available for rent and so I decided to rent it. I also decided to buy everything in it. I am a huge fan of Blake White?that's why my voice even sounds like his?I've tried so hard to emulate him." Rosalie stuttered over her explanation.

  "Is that so?" Devon drawled as he walked further into the room and eyed the instruments there: the drum set, the electric guitar, and the bass guitar. "Blake never actually invited the band here?but I knew he had a place here. It really surprised me when you told me this was your place now?" Devon's lips thinned into a grim line.

  Ro blinked. "He never invited you here? But that makes no sense?these instruments?" Ro looked at Blake intensely, who looked away and wouldn't meet Ro's gaze. "I'm sure he had his reasons, but?I'm sure these instruments were for you guys to practice with. Maybe Blake was just waiting for the right time to invite you guys here."

  Devon reached his hand out towards the electric guitar but didn't touch it. "Maybe?"

  "Ow?" Ro said.

  Devon turned around and eyed Ro concernedly. "What's wrong?"

  "My arm?" Ro raised her scraped forearm and looked at it with a confused expression on her face. She was so plastered she couldn't even remember when she had fallen down. "Huh? How did I??"

  "Come on, silly. We should get that treated." Devon grabbed Ro's hand and pulled her towards the bathroom. Ro allowed the guitarist to drag her to the bathroom and even let him open the door and flick on the light switch. Devon let go of Ro's hand and went over to the medicine cabinet that was over the sink and pulled out the first-aid kit.

  Ro was watching Devon absentmindedly until her blood suddenly chilled in her veins. Devon had just said that Blake had never invited him to his apartment - but then how had Devon known where the bathroom was and that there was a first-aid kit in the medicine cabinet?

  Devon turned around to face the frozen Ro, who took a step back. "How did you know where the bathroom was?and the first-aid kit, if you've never been here before?" Ro asked, her voice trembling.

  Devon sighed and ran a hand back through his dark blue hair. "You'd be surprised by how similar these penthouses are laid out and everyone in the band keeps their first-aid kit in the medicine cabinet. Manager Brody told us to do so."

  "Oh?" Ro said, thinking that made sense.

  Devon walked over to Ro and grabbed her shoulders and maneuvered Ro over towards the toilet so that she could take a seat on the toilet seat. He then began to dress her wounds.

  Ro remained silent and tried to stay composed, but she was totally freaked out. Devon was acting so suspicious. He could have really killed Blake, but?she needed more proof. She needed more evidence or to get him to confess to be sure. Devon finished tending to her arm and leg, and stood up.

  Ro looked up at him. "Thank you."

  Devon smiled charmingly, leaned over, cupped Ro's cheek and kissed her.

  "Pervert?" Blake growled.

  Ro's eyes went wide.

  Devon pulled back after a few seconds. "I better get going?unless you want me to stay?" The guitarist said in a deep, husky voice and licked his lips unconsciously.

  Ro watched as his tongue came out and wet his lower lip as if it happened in slow motion. It was an incredibly sexy move and had butterflies fluttering in Ro's stomach. She swallowed and shook her head. Epp! I can't let myself just give in to the moment! I'm not like that. This isn't like me! She gave Devon a panicked look.

  Devon chuckled at her obvious fearfulness. "Don't look so worried. I'll let you off the hook this time because you're injured but?the next time you decide to tease me AND invite me back to your apartment - I won't hold back. I am a man, you know, Ro?" Devon reached out and fondled a strand of Ro's black hair. "And you are a beautiful woman. It's very hard for me to control myself around you." Devon let go of the strand of hair and straightened. "I'll pick you up here at nine tomorrow morning?and we
'll go on our date. I hope you like adventure sports?that's my hobby!" Devon grinned broadly.

  Ro just stared after Devon as he left the bathroom before letting out a breath of relief and putting her face in her hands. Her wobbly legs gave out from under her and she sank to the cold, titled floor on her knees. Oh my God! I think Devon Decayn murdered Blake White?!

  Now all I need is proof?