Read Romero Page 27

  Romero let his head hang back. “Don’t remind me.”

  He filled her in on a few more of the minor details he’d uncovered, but he didn’t have a whole lot more to tell her. He only hoped this wasn’t something that looked and smelled bad, but was actually nothing. That happened a few times when he was following a potentially cheating spouse. Isabel’s family already didn’t like him and him flinging false accusations like this, certainly wasn’t going to buy him any points. As long as Isabel could keep this under wraps until he knew for sure, everything should be okay.


  Art and Sabrina were already there when Isabel arrived at the restaurant Sunday. She hugged them both eagerly. “So what is it?”

  They both laughed. “You have to wait until everyone is here,” Art said kissing her on the cheek. “Where’s Romero?”

  Isabel rolled her eyes. “Don’t get me started.”

  “What happened? Did you break up?”

  “No.” She took the seat across from Art. “After last week’s nightmare he’s been banned from coming around the family. They all say he’s dangerous for me, but we both know who’s the most adamant about it. They actually had an intervention for me on Friday.”

  “Get the hell out of here.”

  The waiter came by and filled their champagne glasses. Isabel took the pitcher of orange juice on the table and poured some in her champagne glass. She loved mimosas. “No, I’m not kidding. Whose idea do you think that was? They even brought Jacob along to put in his two cents.”

  Art laughed. “Well, Pat’s in for one today. I don’t give a damn what she says anymore.”

  Isabel downed most of her mimosa and nodded her head. “Good for you.” Maybe if Pat spent less time worrying about other people’s relationships, her own wouldn’t be such a mess. “Did you really tell Pat you agreed about Romero being dangerous?”

  Art finished sipping his champagne making a face. “No, she said I did?”

  “Yeah,” Isabel nodded. She should’ve known Pat was full of it. “She said you’d agreed the night of dad’s announcement dinner.”

  Art then laughed. “I said she better watch her ass, because Romero didn’t seem like he’d be one to take her shit.”

  Isabel had to laugh, too. Of course, Pat would find a way to turn that around in her favor. She then eyed Sabrina, remembering how Pat had made it sound like Art purposely hadn’t brought her to please Pat. “And why weren’t you there the night of my dad’s dinner?”

  Sabrina’s eyebrows lifted and she looked as if she felt guilty. “I’m sorry.” She glanced at Art. “I thought he’d told you. My mom had surgery that week.

  She was in no condition to be left alone. So I stayed home to look after her.”

  Isabel shook her head. “Oh, no worries. I was just curious.” God, she should’ve known better. Pat had always had a way of manipulating everything to her advantage.

  After asking Sabrina a bit more about her mother’s health, the waiter came by and refilled Isabel’s champagne glass nearly to the top, leaving little room for the orange juice. Her parents arrived together with Pat and Charles. Art, Sabrina and Isabel all stood to greet them. Pat’s standoffish attitude toward Sabrina didn’t go unnoticed by Isabel.

  Isabel reached out and gave Charles a quick handshake instead of her usual hug and kiss on the cheek. She could barely stand to look at him. Her parents sat next to her, leaving Pat no choice but to sit next to Art and Sabrina. The bad part about that was Isabel would now be facing Charles through entire brunch.

  “Well, are you going to tell us why we’re here now?” Pat asked as she placed her napkin on her lap.

  Art pulled out his phone and Isabel took another big gulp of her mimosa. She was nervous for him. Whatever it was, she’d be behind him all the way. She didn’t want Pat squashing their news. She was so good at that.

  “Let me get Gina on the phone. I promised I’d put her on speaker so she could hear it at the same time as you guys did.”

  Pat rolled her eyes, already disparaging whatever he was about to tell them. The waiter walked around the table, pouring more champagne all around, as Art placed the phone in the center face up on speaker.

  “Hey. Art.” Gina answered, sounding excited.

  “Hey, Gina. You’re on speaker. Say hi to everyone.”

  She did and everyone greeted her back. Isabel’s insides were beginning to turn. She was sure Art would be announcing his wedding date and she was terrified that Pat was going to say something stupid.

  “Alright, you ready for this?”

  “Yes!” her mother said. “I’m dying. Just tell us.”

  Isabel took another drink of her mimosa and waited, holding her breath.

  Art and Sabrina exchanged glances then addressed her parents. “You two are going to be grandparents.”

  Pat’s jaw dropped. Gina squealed on the phone, making Art reach for the phone and turn the volume down. Before Pat could say anything, Isabel stood up and rushed around the table. “Oh my God. I’m gonna be an aunt?”

  Art smiled and nodded pleased that Isabel seemed so happy. Her parents followed, hugging them both, apparently happy about the news also. Even Charles stood to shake Art’s hand and hug Sabrina. Pat was the only one who remained seated. “Art, you two are not even married. Weren’t you guys using protection?”

  Leave it to Pat to ask such a thing at a moment like this. Isabel wasn’t sure if it was the mimosas she’d drunk so fast or just the fact that Pat could be such a witch that made her speak up. “It doesn’t matter, Pat. They’re obviously very happy about this and so am I.” She turned and smiled at both Art and Sabrina.

  “Actually we did use protection,” Art said then turned and smiled at Sabrina. “But sometimes these things happen.”


  “Pat.” Her mothers tone was forbidding.

  “I’m just saying. A baby is going to make it that much harder to finish school. It’s already taken her this long. And honestly, having babies out of wedlock these days has become so acceptable.”

  Isabel glared at her but took another drink of her champagne to keep from lashing out.

  “Don’t listen to her, Art and Sabrina.” Gina’s voice was loud and clear. “I for one am very happy for you. You two can always get married later. Finally, a baby in the family. I was getting sick of waiting on Pat and Charles.”

  Pat’s expression turned even more severe. Art and Sabrina exchanged another suspicious glance. “The baby wasn’t all we wanted to announce today,” Art said.

  Pat turned to them, not even attempting to hide her distaste. Sabrina held out her hand showing off a simple wedding band then Art did the same. “We got married last week.”

  There was more squealing out of the phone. Isabel jumped up again, this time stumbling a little and she giggled. “Oh wow, you guys! This is all so unexpected!” She hugged them again and again everyone else followed suit. The exception of course being Pat whose mouth now pulled tightly to the side. “I agree with Isabel. Wow,” was all she said as she reached for the menu.

  Everyone ignored her. Gina congratulated them and asked if there were any more announcements. When Art said that was it, she congratulated them again before saying she had to go and hung up.

  The second Art and Sabrina walked away to the buffet table, Pat wasted no time to start in about what a mistake he’d made. “I swear people act like a marriage is something you jump into. She got pregnant so half a thought later they’re married. Neither of them have any idea what it takes to make a marriage work.”

  “Trust?” Isabel said, eyeing Charles.

  “That’s just one of the elements needed to form a strong union. One that’ll withstand not just the ups but the many downs as well. It’s not so simple.”

  What a joke.

  “They’re both adults, Patricia,” her mother warned. “I don’t want you lecturing them. That’s not why they wanted us here today.”

  The rest of the brunch was the
same, with Pat throwing in jab after jab about how marriage shouldn’t be taken lightly. She’d already mentioned the importance of knowing someone well enough to see the signs of future issues. That one was aimed at Isabel, of course.

  Isabel was feeling lightheaded and much braver. Her resolve and decision to just ignore her sister and keep changing the subject was beginning to wane. It was when Pat brought up trust again that Isabel couldn’t take it anymore. “Because you know without a doubt that you can trust Charles. Right?”

  Pat’s brows pinched and Charles stared at her. “Of course. We’ve been married all these years and I’ve never had reason not to.”

  Isabel stood up without responding, excusing herself to the ladies’ room. She noticed Charles kept his eyes on her. Not wanting to be overheard she texted Romero.

  I don’t know how much longer I can keep quiet about Charles. Pat is so infuriating! She needs to be told how NOT perfect her marriage is.

  It took a few seconds but Romero responded.

  She’ll know soon enough. You don’t have to tell me what a pain she is. Just be cool for now.

  When Isabel got back to her seat, her champagne glass had already been filled, as if she needed any more. Her parents and Pat were gone. She could see them over at the buffet table again. Art was busy smooching Sabrina and Charles sat back in his seat. Isabel couldn’t help glare at him.

  “Something on your mind, Isabel?”

  She sat down taking a sip of her champagne again. “No. Just wish Romero was here.”

  He sat up a little. “You know your family is only looking out for you. They don’t trust that—”

  “Really is he the one that can’t be trusted, Charles?”

  Charles’ brows flew up. Isabel turned away from him when she noticed Art and Sabrina stood up. Art chuckled. “How many of those have you had, Bell?”

  She looked down to where he was pointing at the champagne glass in her hand. Too many but she wouldn’t admit that out loud. “Are you leaving?”

  Just then, Pat and her parents returned to the table, plates in hand. Art explained to them that they had a long drive and were still planning on meeting with Sabrina’s family to give them the news.

  Once they were gone, Isabel knew Pat would now openly unleash her self-righteous opinions about them. Even though it was rude to text at the table, Charles had done it the entire time so she pulled her phone out and texted Romero again.

  I can’t take this anymore. But I don’t think I’m okay to drive. I had to numb myself with champagne to get through this. You think you can pick me up?

  She sipped her water, trying to ignore Pat who was already going off on a tangent when she noticed Charles staring at her. Her phone buzzed and she read the text.

  On my way.

  Isabel endured, listening to her sister go on and on about what a huge mistake Art had made. Her mother didn’t seem to think so, but was a little hurt that they’d gone off and gotten married without having at least the immediate family there. Her father didn’t say much as usual except that he agreed with Pat that it would be a lot harder for Sabrina to finish school now. Charles was surprisingly quiet throughout the conversation. He could be just as opinionated as Pat when he wanted to be.

  From experience, Isabel knew there was no arguing with her sister so she didn’t bother. The waiter had already brought the bill and Pat insisted on paying since she’d picked the restaurant and as usual it was a pricey one on the marina. Of course, she had to throw in a few jabs about not expecting Isabel to pay on her teacher’s salary.

  Romero’s text letting her know he was there hadn’t come fast enough. They were all getting ready to leave as well but Isabel didn’t wait to walk out with them. If she had to listen to Pat for even another minute, she was going to scream.

  She made one last stop at the ladies’ room before heading out the front door. The cool ocean breeze felt good against her face. Romero leaned against the side of his car and she smiled at him.


  She turned to see Charles walking toward her. “Is there something you wanna say to me?”

  A sudden wave of anger washed over her. There was plenty she wanted to say to him, but she’d wait until Romero gave her the go ahead. “Nope.”

  She didn’t like the way he walked up to her and stood menacingly close. “You made a couple of odd comments in there. I couldn’t help but feel they were directed towards me.”

  She took a step back. “Wow, what a genius. Was that because I was looking right at you when I said them?”

  He took a step forward. “So out with it then. Say what you wanna say.”

  “I’m sure you know perfectly well what it is.” She began to turn and walk away.

  Charles grabbed her arm before she could turn with an expression she’d never seen on him before. “What do you think you know?”

  “Big mistake, asshole!”

  Both Isabel and Charles turned to see Romero rushing toward them, that unmistakable rage in his eyes again.


  Careful what you ask for

  Charles let go of Isabel’s arm as soon as he saw Romero. Romero charged at him, but Isabel jumped in front of him. “That’s right and don’t you ever put your fucking hands on her again.”

  “Don’t please,” Isabel pleaded, her hands on Romero’s chest.

  Romero had managed to stay calm as he’d walked toward them when he saw Charles’s body language. He could tell even from where he’d stood Charles was pissed, but seeing him put his hands on him had done it. Only thing keeping him from slamming his fist into Charles’s smug face was Isabel’s touch.

  “You must love getting arrested. But then you’re probably used to it, right? Like father, like son?”

  Isabel wasn’t going to be able to hold him back much longer. Romero was ready to bury his fist in Charles mouth. The door to the restaurant opened and Isabel’s family walked out. “What’s going on?” Pat hurried toward them. “Is there a problem? Why is he here, Bell?”

  “He’s taking me home.”

  Charles shook his head. “Some people never learn.” He started to walk toward Pat who had nearly reached them. “Put your dog on a leash, Isabel, before he gets himself into anymore trouble.”

  Isabel spun around. “You’re the dog!” Her parents and Pat stared at her. “You’re the one having an affair!”

  “Isabel!” Pat looked completely stricken. “Just because you’re mad about—”

  “It’s true.” She turned back to Romero. “Tell them.”

  Charles stared at her. Pat’s face went sour and she rolled her eyes. “Oh, I’m gonna believe him? Really, Isabel I can’t believe you would—”

  “He has a girlfriend in Miami, Pat.”

  “No he doesn’t.” Romero said, feeling a little calmer now.

  Isabel turned back with a completely confused expression on her face now. Pat crossed her arms looking a little too self-satisfied, so he laid it on her. “He has another wife and a kid.”

  No one said anything for a moment then Pat, scoffed. “This is ridiculous.”

  Charles said nothing, just stared at Romero.

  Romero smirked then turned to Isabel’s dad who appeared shocked. “He’s been taking money donated to the campaign so he can set up his other wife and kid here in San Diego. She gave him an ultimatum. It was either that or she’d come forward and tell Pat.” Romero turned back to Charles. “I guess you don’t have to move her here now uh? Now that the truth is out, she can stay in Miami.”

  Pat turned to Charles. “This isn’t true right? He’s making this up, right… Charles?”

  Turns out Romero was off with his theory of Pat knowing about Charles’ escapades, because when Charles didn’t say anything, Pat dropped her purse and took a swing at him. Her parents rushed to them, Charles managed to grab hold of her arms and told her to calm down. She was hysterical. The scene only got worse as Pat screamed obscenities and her father and Isabel trying to pull her
back. Her mother stood off to the side in near tears pleading with Pat to calm down.

  Romero hurried toward them to try and help as people began to gather and restaurant patrons began coming out. Just as he’d reached them he saw Charles grab both of her hands with one of his and the second Romero saw him lift his other hand he knew what was about to happen and he jumped, wrapping his arm around Charles’ neck, startling them all but no one more than Charles. Pat probably deserved to be slapped more than a few times through out her life. But not by a fucking man. “Rule number one, you prick—never hit a woman!” Romero’s grip around Charles’s neck got even tighter, making Charles grunt. “Especially not in front of me.”

  Romero’s plan was to kick Charles’ ass, but Pat didn’t give him a chance. With Charles in a choke hold, she took advantage and landed a couple of resonating slaps on his face that could be heard clear across the marina, then topped it with a knee to his groin. Romero let go when he felt Charles body go limp. He fell to the pavement with a groan.

  Clearly, now wasn’t the time to let Pat in on everything his buddy from the mall had managed to uncover in just one day. But she knew the most damning thing already. He’d been having this affair for a few years now but it wasn’t until several months ago when his love child was born that his mistress started pressing to be closer to him. That was right around the time he and Pat began pushing for Isabel’s dad to run for Mayor.

  The idiot had actually gone and married his mistress when she found out she was pregnant to keep her mouth shut.


  As expected, Pat filed for divorce and pressed bigamy charges against Charles. Charles was also hit with charges of embezzlement along with a few other counts of fraud. Isabel was furious that weeks later he still hadn’t done so much as an hour in jail. His lawyers had him out on bail before he ever went in. Romero warned her that he’d probably get off easy.