Read Romero Page 28

  Even though her dad knew people in high places, unfortunately so did Charles. As bad as she felt for her sister, she was glad she’d found out about Charles before they had any kids together. Ironically all the time her sister had worried Romero or Sabrina would somehow taint her dad’s reputation and harm his campaign, it had been her own husband that ultimately cost her dad the chance to be Mayor. With the scandal that followed about the campaign donations being mishandled her dad decided to resign from running, something Isabel suspected he was secretly relieved about. At least now he could enjoy his retirement in peace.

  What Isabel least expected was for Pat to apologize to Romero and even thank him for everything, including jumping in to stop Charles when he was obviously going to slap her. Not only had she apologized, but after witnessing Romero’s indignation regarding a man hitting a woman, she told him she was glad someone like him was watching out for Isabel and she admitted she had him all wrong. While she still said his temper was something he needed to work on, she also said she’d never worry about him turning it on Isabel again.

  Although Isabel had said many times that she didn’t care what Pat thought of Romero, she’d never tell him but a tiny part of her was thrilled that she finally had her big sister’s approval, especially about something this important to her.

  Weeks after the whole ordeal, Romero had only dropped hints here and there about the ring he’d given her being an engagement ring. A couple of times she’d been asked in front of him if it was an engagement ring. Both times she’d said no, and he hadn’t corrected her. Even though each time, she’d she noticed a change in his mood. It obviously bothered him but he hadn’t actually asked her to marry him so how could she say it was.

  Tonight she’d made a big dinner for him and bought champagne. She told him it was Friday and she’d had an especially good week at work so she felt like celebrating. When they finished eating and moved into the front room with their champagne, she almost lost the nerve, but after one especially long and passionate kiss she did it. “Will you marry me?”

  Romero sat up, almost making her spill the champagne she held. “What?”

  “Since you won’t ask me I’m asking you. Will you marry me?”

  “What do you mean since I won’t ask you? I thought you weren’t ready, the way you acted any time I or anyone else brought it up. You were always so adamant that the ring wasn’t an engagement ring. ”

  “I don’t know. Since you never actually asked me, I felt weird saying it was. Anyway never mind all that. Will you?”

  He smiled that beautiful smile that had done her in, from the very first moment he called her sexy at the wedding shower. “You bet your sweet ass I will.”

  Her heart swelled and she felt the tears fill her eyes.

  He sat up and kissed her again. “You’ve never even talked about it. Are you gonna want a big wedding?”

  “No not at all.” She shook the tears away smiling big. “I’m with Valerie, the smaller the ceremony the better. But I do want my family there. My mom was really hurt about Art and Sabrina eloping the way they did. But after the ceremony I just want an intimate dinner: close family and friends only. I’d rather spend the money on a nice honeymoon.”

  Romero’s eyes had gone from her eyes to her lips the entire time she spoke. “You really want my uncles and Aida at the same dinner table with your family?”

  Isabel laughed. “That’ll be the best part.”

  “You ever heard the saying be careful what you ask for?”

  “Yes,” she giggled. “But I don’t care. I’m asking for it. I want them all there. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Romero took the champagne glass out of her hand, setting it on the coffee table then pulled her down onto him, lying back. “Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you. You asked for it.”

  “And what are you asking for?”

  “The only thing I can’t live without. You.”

  Isabel felt that familiar lump in her throat she’d felt all too many times since she’d met Romero. But this time it was a good lump. Never in a million years would she have imagined feeling this happy. “Maybe you should be careful what you ask for because you got me, babe. Forever.”


  The ceremony had gone as smooth as it was going to go. Romero had taken Manny and Max to shop for suits that didn’t make them look like pimps but they’d insisted they’d all wear matching fedoras and Romero gave in—only because he knew how much Isabel liked him in it.

  They could think of no place more fitting to have their intimate dinner than Moreno’s. Since their guests consisted of only her immediate family, his uncles and Aida and of course Alex and his family who were part of Romero’s extended family, they didn’t need a banquet room. But Alex and Sal still insisted on closing off one of the smaller dining rooms just for them. And they set up small dance floor at Isabel’s request so that they could have their first dance as a married couple and she could have her father-daughter dance.

  Romero had done enough coaching before the dinner, telling his uncles to watch their mouths, take it easy on the burping and not talk with their mouths open. He planned on having Isabel’s family at one table and his uncles at a separate one. He even asked Sal to try and arrange it that way when everyone was seated. But somehow, things got goofed up. Since even Gina had shown up with a date Max and Pat were the only two not paired up so to Romero’s horror, they ended up sitting next to each other.

  Dinner was going well until Aida’s snorting caught Romero’s attention. Apparently, his uncle the comedian was at it again. Isabel touched Romero’s hand. “Stop worrying. Everyone is having a good time.”

  Angel and Sarah, who sat across from Manny and Aida, were laughing, as were Alex and Valerie who sat at the same table. It was hard to believe they were all married now. Alex was even expecting a kid. Kids were still a scary thought for Romero, but Alex was totally stoked about it.

  Surprisingly, Sal, who was the oldest, had yet to get serious with anyone. Sure he’d brought a date to dinner tonight, but she was a different girl from the one he’d brought bowling with the gang just a week ago. He always said he had too many things going on to settle down any time soon. Personally, Romero thought he was just too damn anal to ever meet a girl who’d be perfect enough for him.

  He looked over and cringed when he saw Max talking animatedly to Pat with a mouth full of food. There was clinking of a glass and Manny stood up. “I’d like to make a toast.”

  Romero leaned over to Isabel. “Isn’t there a rule or something for when you do the toast? You don’t just get up in the middle of dinner and—”

  “Shh… listen.”

  “I still remember my first words to Moe when he came to me to tell me he was getting married. ‘Is she knocked up?’”

  Don’t laugh at your own joke. Too late. He was already wheezing, his belly jiggling as he laughed. Aida’s cackling didn’t help either. But they weren’t alone, others were laughing, too. Romero could only hope this didn’t encourage the comedic act to go on too long.

  Romero smiled, trying to be a good sport and glanced over at the table with her parents. They weren’t laughing but they did smile.

  “Seriously though, I can’t say how glad I am that he’s found someone that makes him this happy.” Isabel slipped her hand in his and patted it. “I raised this kid. Me and Max did, along with his grandmother, God rest her soul. I’ve never seen him so happy. You two seem to be made for each other. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s like you said to me that one time you two broke up for a few days there. You’re broken without her.”

  Isabel leaned into him. “You said that?”

  Romero smiled trying not to show his annoyance. Yeah, in complete confidence. He didn’t think he was going to announce his weaknesses in front of everyone here at his wedding.

  “When you asked me and Max to be your best men...” He put his hand on his chest, getting choked up. “I can’t tell you what an honor tha
t was. I thought for sure you was gonna ask them pretty boy friends of yours, or that other one. What’s his face with their sister?”

  Isabel laughed. So did everyone else. “No, really. Huh Max?” He turned to Max. “Isn’t that what we were thinking?”

  Max nodded. “Anyhow, I just want to say I wish you and your beautiful wife, Izzy, a long and prosperous marriage. I know you’re gonna hold off on the babies but don’t wait too long. Me and Max need another kid around, now that ours…” He choked up again. “Now that our kid has left the nest.” Manny lifted his glass unable to go on. “Salud!”

  Feeling a little choked up himself, Romero lifted his glass and took a drink. Everyone clapped and began clinking their glasses. Romero leaned in and kissed his beautiful bride. The memory of the utter despair he’d felt when he thought he’d lost her coming to him. “I really am broken without you. Promise you’ll never leave me, Izzy.”

  “I’m broken without you, too. I promise. I love you.”

  Romero kissed her softly still unable to believe, she was his forever. “I love you too, baby.” Then he stood up taking her hand. Just like Manny, he didn’t care if this was the appropriate time or not but it felt like it, so he was going for it. “Get me some music,” he said to Sal. “Time for my first dance with my perfect wife.” He lifted her hand in his for everyone to see. “Izzy Romero.”

  About The Author

  Elizabeth Reyes is a full time stay home wife, mother of two teens and writer. This is the fourth in the Moreno Brothers Series. As mentioned I the dedication since obviously Romero is not related to the Moreno’s he played a side role in the first three and was liked enough to garner enough attention from the readers who requested his story be told. Elizabeth is currently working on the last book in the series Making You Mine, about the Moreno’s oldest brother Sal. Making You Mine is scheduled tentatively to be released in December 2011.

  For more information on Elizabeth Reyes and her writing including updates excerpts and sneak peaks of her upcoming works visit her website and her FB FanPage You can also follow her on Twitter @AuthorElizabeth. She loves hearing feedback from her readers and Romero is proof that she is listening to your requests and suggestions. =)


  As I write more and more, the stories come to me faster and faster. I already have the plots for the first two in my next series just begging to be written. This means I spend 90% of my time writing. I have to thank my family for their continued support and patience as I spend most my day in front of my computer. Once again thank you Mark since you know that as soon as I upload this one I’ll be back to writing Sal’s story. It’s never ending and I couldn’t do it without you! Thank you for supporting my dream, Dr. Doback  inside joke. =) As for your request I write Manny and Max their own book. Uh not happening. Even I can’t romanticize those two. lol

  To my critique partner and good friend Tammara Webber. Thank you so much for all your wonderful help. If it wasn’t for your complete honesty and telling me to get my “big girl panties on” just as you lay it on me. LOL, I’d miss some of the things that it’s amazing how another pair of eyes can read so differently. Also thank you for helping me find my new editor.

  Which leads me to my next acknowledgment. My new editor Stephanie Lott (aka Bibliophile). I got to say I owe Tammara big time for this one. I was very impressed with your professionalism and timely turnaround time. I look forward to working with you on my future projects. Sal is just around the corner. ; )

  To Ivannia my beta reader and good friend. I know you’ve been busy getting ready to graduate and all so you didn’t contribute as much this time but let me tell you. The little you did was huge. Catching that big “DOH!!” right at the end about the character names. I can’t believe everyone else missed it! Thank you for that!

  To the rest of my family, parents, brother, sister-in-laws, In-laws and my commadre Inez for believing in me from the very beginning. I love you all and thank you for your continued support.

  To my readers, bloggers and everyone who has reached out to me online with your kind words and your loyal following of the series. I’ve had so many offer to help in one way or another. You have no idea how much it’s meant to me through out this journey to read the encouraging emails/pm’s/comments from you. I spend so much time and pour so much of my heart and soul into all these stories it’s nice to know you are all enjoying them. Trust me I think of you all now when I’m writing, at times cringing. “Oh crrrap they’re gonna be mad!” =/

  Check my website often for updates on Sal and hints about what the next series will be about!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  High School Graduation


  The Real World


  Moving On


  First impressions




  Stealing first


  Just Friends


  Fucking Fantastic


  The one




  Manny and Max


  Man up






  No one else


  The call








  Hell Hath No Fury




  Little Moe








  BIG mistake


  Careful what you ask for




  Elizabeth Reyes, Romero



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