Read Rosemary By Any Other Name Page 4

  Chapter Four

  Food proved to be no problem since Stefano's Aunt had left a dish of tortellini al pomodoro, in anticipation of Vittorio's arrival, which only needed reheating. By the time Rosemary had bathed Ricardo and got him off to sleep the table was laid and dinner ready to be served. It was a very quiet dinner with Stefano glowering from one side of the table and Vittorio colder and more formal than usual. Rosemary ignored all the tensions, the food was lovely and she was hungry so she relaxed and enjoyed it.

  Food and wine were things the Lampton's didn't bother themselves with; such things were not considered important, although Rosemary could remember her father cooking occasionally. Travelling with Vittorio had been an education to Rosemary. She had never been given such good food and the wine was nothing like the cheap red Sophie occasionally brought home.

  Being a Lampton she was learning about both fast however she still had no wish to learn to cook herself. It would have been different if she had been returning to Cambridge she might have had to learn then for Ricardo's sake if not her own.

  Over coffee Vittorio finally decided to explain the matter properly to both Marie Rosita and Stefano. He addressed himself to Rosemary first and she thought he was less angry than he had been.

  “Stefano had a young female cousin Nina, a pretty, shy, affectionate girl. Nina came to stay with Stefano's family while she attended college.”

  “What has my poor Nina to do with her?” Stefano asked rudely nodding aggressively at Rosemary.

  “If you are patient you will find out.” Vittorio returned gently. “Nina had the misfortune to meet Gino Alessi at my father’s house. Gino is Ricky's older brother. Nina who was only seventeen fell in love with him and he took advantage of it to seduce her. He tired of her quickly, she was too innocent for his taste, and abandoned her. Nina killed herself a few weeks later.” Vittorio finished. Rosemary saddened by the story nodded and remarked thoughtfully.

  “I expect she was pregnant.” She paused then added puzzled. “But why kill yourself and the poor baby. After all pregnancy is something that could happen to almost anybody. Wouldn't her family have helped her?”

  “What would your father do if you came home and told him you were unmarried and pregnant?” Stefano snapped angrily.

  “My father is dead.” Rosemary snapped back. “But he was a very understanding man who loved me very much.”

  “What would your Grandfather have done if he was still alive?” Vittorio asked, he was increasingly fascinated by these odd Lampton's.

  “Throw one of his tantrums.” Rosemary returned dismissively. “Then I expect he would march off and demand from the man involved exactly what provision he intended making for the baby. After that he'd probably buy up all the books on pregnancy and childbirth he could find. Grandfather was a great believer in researching your subject.”

  “Is she for real.” Stefano questioned stunned and a little disgusted by her answer.

  “The Lampton's seem to be a very eccentric family.” Vittorio returned.

  “To get back to the matter in hand. You can understand Marie Rosita why Stefano is not keen to have an Alessi even a baby one under his roof.”

  “Yes, but Ricardo's a Lampton. It's on his birth certificate.” Rosemary insisted.

  Eccentric she thought really! Grandfather was difficult and she supposed Sophie was too, and of course there was Grandmother! Surely Father couldn't have been considered eccentric then she remembered some of that man’s peculiarities. All right so they were all eccentric but you didn't have to say so!

  “Ricardo?” Questioned Stefano light breaking in his mind. “He's Ricky's child.” This seemed to make a difference it seemed that he, like Vittorio, regarded Ricky differently from the rest of his family.

  “Oh so he can think after all.” Rosemary snapped she was tired and had had enough of Stefano, who she considered was a bore.

  “Marie Rosita's sister Sophia met Ricky Alessi in America and they became engaged. His family didn't approve of course but since Ricky was not dependant on them there was nothing they could do. After he died in the accident Sophie found she was expecting his child. Sophia died in Mexico when the baby came.”

  Rosemary yawned she was tired it had been a long drive and Ricardo was sleeping less during the day so needed more attention. Also she didn't want to have to talk about her sister to Stefano, who would not she felt approve of Sophia.

  “Go to bed Marie Rosita.” Vittorio ordered gently. “You have had a tiring day.”

  “I have to make up some night feeds.” Rosemary protested.

  “I'll make up the bottles.” Vittorio promised. “I have done them before. I'll leave them in the fridge for you, and I'll leave the bottle warmer on top of the fridge. All right.”

  Rosemary nodded she collected her suitcase and went off first to the bathroom and then to the bedroom in which Ricardo was already asleep. Meanwhile in the sitting room Stefano turned to Vittorio.

  “Giannini, do you really think Ricky would have married that girl’s sister.” He asked the idea seemed to him incredible.

  “That girl is called Marie Rosita.” Vittorio said irritated. “Ricky bought Sophia not only an engagement ring but two wedding rings one for her and one for himself.”

  “Ricky wearing a ring especially a wedding ring!” Stefano exclaimed shocked. “It's unbelievable.”

  “He also wrote to Marie Rosita, after she wrote warning Sophie about getting involved with strange Italian men. I've seen the letters. Ricky was very serious.” Vittorio explained. “Marie Rosita not knowing the rest of the Alessi family, except that they existed, made the mistake of thinking that Ricardo's grandparents had the right to be at least consulted about baby Ricardo's future.”

  “She was lucky to get away from them with the baby.” Stefano remarked. “What did they want done with the child.”

  “They wished to farm him out where nobody would know who he was. When Marie Rosita wouldn't agree they locked her and the baby in an upstairs room overnight. Marie Rosita climbed out of a window in the night with the baby strapped to her front.” Vittorio explained wearily.

  “Dear God is the girl mad. What are you going to do with the pair of them?” Stefano inquired. “They will just be a liability to you. If you're seen to be taking an interest in them everyone will presume the child is yours.”

  Vittorio smiled slightly he knew he was going to give Stefano a shock and the thought amused him. “I'm going to install them in the Villa and Marie Rosita and I are going into business together.” He remarked innocently.

  “You can not be serious, what on earth can the pair of you do together. I don't see you going in for embroidery or knitting or whatever that girl is fit for.” Stefano exclaimed disbelief in his voice.

  “Marie Rosita is an intellectual.” Vittorio returned. “I doubt if she can embroider in fact I'd be surprised if she could sew a button on. As for knitting I'd like to see her try she'd probably think the knitting needles were chop sticks.” The idea greatly diverted him, Marie Rosita was becoming a constant source of amusement to him, Then with change of both voice and subject. “Have you seen to the villa for me?”

  “Yes of course, Francisca is over there now, I only came back myself yesterday. We had it cleaned up by the time I left, and Francisca was busy arranging her furniture in her rooms. She's very grateful to you for giving her a job.” Stefano answered quickly.

  “In that case if it's all right with your cousin Nino we could travel over tomorrow I want things set in train as quickly as possible.

  In the morning they embarked on Stefano's cousin Nino's boat. This was a smallish commercial fishing boat shabby and stinking of fish. It became clear that Vittorio was well known to the crew; apparently he had been on several fishing trips with them. Marie Rosita was amazed she couldn't see the suave sophisticated and well-dressed Vittorio helping out on a boat like this one.

  The boats crew clearly regarded Marie Rosita with some suspicion, due partly to th
e fact she was clearly on bad terms with Stefano. For her part she ignored them she rather thought Ricardo was either getting yet another tooth or was sea sick since he was very fractious. Fortunately she still had some of the gel for his gums and some of the syrup like painkiller, despite this it was a very difficult day.

  They anchored off Kerkira - Corfu - during the night a very bad night for Marie Rosita. She spent it wedged into a narrow bunk with Ricardo in her arms, and neither of them slept very much. She was very grateful when they finally arrived at the jetty below the villa at about ten in the morning.

  The Villa itself was set further up the slope which inclined gently down to the sea. A stone flagged path led up from the jetty to the house which was surrounded by a tall white painted wall. A large wrought iron gate pierced the wall and guided by Vittorio they passed through. Below them on the jetty the fishermen were unloading the luggage.

  Inside was a large paved courtyard, which the villa surrounded on three sides and the wall on the fourth. Rosemary was to find that the Villa, which was all on one floor, was built around three courtyards.

  They went straight across this courtyard to the far side where open glass doors led into a very large room, this obviously doubled as the main living and dining area and had a great many doors leading out of it. From the door nearest the dining area a plump middle-aged woman emerged. She advanced towards them talking volubly in Italian and embraced both Stefano and Vittorio.

  Marie Rosita was startled and wondered how she dared; Vittorio was not the sort of man you went around hugging. It was only when Ricardo started making a noise that she noticed Rosemary and the baby, she stared very suspiciously at them.

  “Francisca.” Vittorio introduced. “This is Marie Rosita Lampton and her nephew Ricardo. When I'm away you will take your orders from Marie Rosita. Marie Rosita, this is Francisca who was maid to my mother many years ago and will be our housekeeper.”

  Rosemary came forward like a nicely brought up child to shake hands politely. She could see Francisca harboured the same sort of ideas as Stefano had, and she was tired of being regarded as some sort of Lolita. “Could you show me the way to the bathroom please.” She asked politely. “Ricardo needs changing.” He didn't but she wanted to get out of the way and leave Vittorio to explained matters.

  If Francisca left because she had thrown something at her, as she had done at Stefano, Vittorio would be annoyed especially since one of them would have to cook lunch and dinner. Rosemary would be prepared to bet Stefano couldn't cook - Women’s work! Far better to stay out of the way until the explanations and questions were over.

  One of the doors led to a short passage terminating in a very swish bathroom all marble and hand painted tiles. Rosemary sat on the side of the bath and cuddled Ricardo who had gone back to sleep, she hoped she had done the right thing. Francisca had been no more pleased to see her than Stefano had.

  In a few days Vittorio would be gone and she would be alone with these people none of whom seemed to either like or trust her. Life was going to be very difficult and rather lonely. She continued to cuddle Ricardo to her, tears in her eyes, he at least was warm and comforting. When Vittorio finally came he made no comment on the fact that she had clearly not been changing the baby.

  Instead telling her. “Francisca is making coffee for us, I have explained about little Ricardo. I think she is going to mother the two of you.” Then he mimicked Francisca. “Poor little thing to be left all alone in the world, with an orphaned baby and her not much more than a child herself.” Rosemary smiled slightly.

  “So someone’s pleased to see us after all.”

  “You can't blame Stefano for not liking you not after you threw that bowl at him.” Vittorio pointed out mildly.

  “I'm not going to apologise.” Rosemary announced stubbornly. “He was very rude.” Vittorio pulled her to her feet.

  “I didn't ask you to.” He returned and would have taken her back to the main room, but she stopped him.

  “Do you want me to call you Giannini or Vittorio?” She questioned, Vittorio shrugged and thought for a moment.

  “Vittorio will do.” He decided. “A new life, a new name.” He had no intention of telling her that he liked the fact that the little Maria Rosita had a private name for him a name nobody else used.

  In the living room a tray of coffee and biscuits was on the table and Rosemary found that Vittorio was right about Francisca who clucked around her and wanted to know all about la bella bambino

  “After we have had coffee Stefano and I will take the villas boat and go around the coast to Prevezia it's the nearest large town. So will you and Francisca make up a shopping list of all the most urgent things we are short of please? And Marie Rosita put down anything you are likely to need for Ricardo for about a week. Although anything you do run out of Stefano can always get for you.”

  Rosemary did not fancy having to ask Stefano to go shopping for her so did as she was asked. The length of Francisca's part of the list horrified her; apparently there were not enough sheets, pillows or towels. Although Francisca insisted they needed all the linen she was not happy about Vittorio shopping for such things. Rosemary saw no reason if they were needed why he shouldn't buy them, it was his idea after all and his money.

  Vittorio raised his eyebrows at the size of the list, Rosemary, wished he wouldn't do that it was so enticing! He was altogether too attractive. When Vittorio and Stefano had gone Francisca showed Rosemary to her bedroom so that she could lie down for a while. The room that was to be hers led almost directly off the living room with only a tiny annex between. A second door in the annex led to a shower room, with toilet and hand basin. She was to find that all the bedrooms had, courtesy of the American tenant, showers and toilets.

  Rosemary was woken by Ricardo after only a couple of hours sleep. Francisca had offered to look after him but Rosemary had insisted on doing it herself. After seeing to Ricardo's needs and having lunch Rosemary unpacked her things, which didn't take long. Francisca had already unpacked Ricardo's and put them away in the room which she said would to be the nursery. This was a room larger than Rosemary's and also leading from the living area with its own annex and shower room. The windows of the nursery faced over a second much smaller courtyard.

  The door from which Francisca had appeared when they arrived led into a passage with a door at the far end into the second courtyard. Another door in the passage was the kitchen door. The kitchen itself was large and, judging from the empty electrical sockets and plumbing in points had been well equipped. Now it was very empty with only the minimum equipment. All its windows overlooked the second courtyard so that it presented a blank wall to the main courtyard

  At the other end of the kitchen a second passage led to three rooms and a bathroom, this was, where Francisca intended to live, she had furnished them with her own things brought over on the fishing boat, she explained. The room next to Rosemary's was empty. This was a long room with rather more electric sockets and shelves than you would expect in a bedroom. Rosemary presumed this had been the office. Although it also had its own shower/toilet room.

  Opposite the nursery and kitchen were three further bedrooms each with shower. One had windows overlooking the third courtyard. The other two had windows looking into the main courtyard. The last in fact had a glass door into the courtyard. Francisca said she was making it ready for Senor Giannini. Rosemary wondered if Francisca was putting him here at the other end of the villa to keep him away from her or from the baby.

  At this side of the villa a door from the courtyard led via a passage to the third courtyard. Around this were rooms that Francisca said would be Stefano's. Also here were rooms containing the backup generator, pumps for the water and the solar heating system, which for most of the year heated the water for kitchen and showers. The Villa was beautifully clean but almost empty of furniture.

  While Francisca cooked dinner Rosemary tried to relax, but there was nothing for her to do. No books, no radio or televi
sion not even in Italian or Greek! Having nothing to do was very boring she realised. By the time the two men returned Rosemary was pleased even to see Stefano. She went straight out to help them carry their purchases although Stefano tried to stop her - women didn't carry packages if there were men to do it. Rosemary took no notice of him and Vittorio said nothing to discourage her. Among the purchases they had made was a cot complete with mattress and plenty of bedding.

  “You know.” Rosemary said severely looking first at the cot and then at Vittorio. “I'm tired of being grateful to you.” From the look on Stefano's face he was clearly shocked at her attitude.

  “Well don't be.” Vittorio returned, Marie Rosita had managed to amuse him again! “I am pleasing myself, not trying to please you, and remembering to be grateful all the time would in any case be bad for your temper.” Rosemary laughed out loud at this he was right of course.

  They ate dinner together before unpacking the rest of the shopping. Vittorio seemed to have spent some time in the Greek equivalent of Mothercare and bought everything necessary for the baby’s nursery. Apart from the cot and everything possible to go with it there was a changing mat, nappy liners, terry nappies and all the cleaning products needed for properly sterilizing them.

  There was a highchair of the wooden type that transformed into seat and table. There were baby proof gates, and a play pen and enough toys and clothes for several babies. Vittorio hadn't missed a single thing that an infant might need. Rosemary regarded the terry nappies with deep suspicion, Vittorio had suggested them in the past but she had always insisted on disposables - easier for travelling. Anyway she had never fancied washing nappies; Vittorio watched the expressions crossing her face with amusement.

  “Francisca will be doing all the washing.” He observed and saw Marie Rosita's face clear.

  Vittorio and Stefano had also bought plenty of bedding and towels. As well as crockery and cutlery.

  “We still need a number of things.” Vittorio told them. “So I have booked a suite at a hotel in Prevezia for tomorrow. I thought we could all go and anything we can not fit in the boat can either be delivered or Stefano can collect the following day.”

  “Is that when you will be leaving.” Rosemary asked forlornly.

  “Yes but not for long. Stefano will arrange for the telephone to be reconnected, also the telex and broadband. So I will have no trouble staying in touch.”

  Rosemary was pleased about this although Francisca liked her Stefano obviously still regarded her with distrust and dislike. She would feel safer and happier with Vittorio only at the other end of the telephone.

  As it happened Rosemary enjoyed her day in Prevezia mostly because Vittorio sent Stefano and Francisca off together, while he remained with Rosemary and Ricardo. The two parties’ only meeting for lunch and tea. She was also able to ask Vittorio about the money he was spending on the Villa.

  “You know Marie Rosita.” He remarked indifferently. “You worry too much about money. If I couldn't afford it I wouldn't spend it.” Since she still looked worried he went on patiently. “The villa was let at what you would consider an exorbitant rent for nine years. All the money went into a Greek bank account and I have hardly touched it over the years. We should be able to refurnish the villa and run it for several years without any additional funds. In any case the villa is going to be my home for the next few years.” Vittorio continued his voice becoming austere. “I see no reason why we should not live in reasonable comfort. You do not need to feel guilty that I am wasting money on you.” Vittorio finished firmly.

  He then took her into a shop and bought her three swimming costumes and a beach robe. Rosemary didn't protest she knew if she did he would only buy her something else. In her opinion he could be very perverse. One of the places they visited was a decorator where Vittorio arranged for the villa to be repainted inside and out. He was spending money freely and Rosemary was confirmed in her idea that his conception of not having very much money was not the same as hers.

  Francisca meanwhile had been in her element ordering a large deep freeze, an enormous fridge, a washing machine and a dishwasher together with quantities of other items she considered Senor Giannini's household could not do without. She had a high opinion of Vittorio and very definite views on how his household should be run.

  Vittorio left on his way to London the following day, he had another meeting concerning the winding up of J Tanset ltd and also wanted to clear up Marie Rosita's affairs in Cambridge, as far as was possible. As soon as he could he phoned her from Cambridge and his news was not good. Private detectives were still watching her house, waiting for her arrival. However with the help of a letter from Rosemary, Vittorio had enrolled her tenants in the attempt to remove her personal effects.

  Vicky Hampton wanted her to ring and confirm the arrangement. This would also give them the chance to check that all was really well with Rosemary. Rosemary enjoyed talking to Vicky once more, but she found it strange being called Rosemary again, she was even starting to think of herself as Marie Rosita. Vicky had been a good friend especially to Sophie; it was only because she was there to keep an eye on Rosemary that Sophie had been able to travel to America in the first place.

  Fortunately the internal door between the basement and the main part of the house while being locked was only bolted on the house side. So there was no problem getting into the flat unobserved. There would have been trouble trying to remove furniture but the largest thing Vittorio intended removing was the computer system. His little Maria Rosita insisting she needed more than just her laptop, which had been shipped to Cambridge together with most of the possessions, she had had in Mexico.

  Rosemary's Solicitor, Mark Challoner had been glad to receive the power of attorney she had sent and had prospective tenants for the basement in mind already. He saw no reason why things should not go smoothly, it seemed Mr Challoner and Vittorio between them had her affairs well in hand. Rosemary in Greece had only one problem, apart from boredom, while Vittorio was away. He had arranged for any letters and all the financial papers to be delivered to the local village where Stefano in the Villas ancient jeep would pick them up daily. Since there were as yet no letters Stefano saw no reason why he should pick up the papers every day, financial papers were clearly over Marie Rosita's head, whatever she said. She should stick to looking after the baby, help with the housework and cooking instead of leaving it all to Francisca. That was more suitable work for her.

  Marie Rosita made it clear that if he thought the housework was too much for Francisca he should do some of it himself. Stefano was the sort of Italian male who assumed that housework and cooking would be done for him, by women naturally. In actual fact Francisca would have been most annoyed if anyone had interfered with her work. She expected Marie Rosita to discuss the day’s meals with her each morning and consulted her about household matters but wanted and needed no help.

  After a phone call from Vittorio however Stefano agreed to collect the papers each day. Marie Rosita with notebooks taking the place of her database was able to resume in a small way her study of the world financial markets. In between studying and looking after Ricardo she swam in the villas pool. This was a semi natural feature and was inundated by sea water at each high tide, the water then being trapped until the next high tide. By the evening at this time of the year the water was almost hot.

  It was two weeks before Vittorio returned and Rosemary had missed him badly, although she was careful not to show it. If she had Stefano's distrust would have intensified. Vittorio had arranged to arrive with the van bringing Rosemary's personal possessions, and some furniture and things he had bought in London.

  It gave Vittorio a great deal of quiet amusement that the first things Marie Rosita unpacked were her beloved computers and all the soft and hard ware that went with them. Vittorio had bought a lot of office equipment while in London. Stefano and the van driver soon had it all unpacked and arranged. As soon as the furniture was in place Marie Rosita start
ed setting up the computers, printers, modem and telexes.

  Vittorio had bought himself a computer and everything needed to set up a wireless network, Maria Rosita had given him a detailed list. She had the network up and checked the broadband link before setting up the rest of the office - papers, files, and everything else necessary to the smooth running of an office, although few offices contain a play pen! As with the nursery Vittorio had bought everything he thought could possibly be useful.

  Having finally finished arranging the office Rosemary started to join the others when she overheard Stefano and Vittorio talking and stopped to listen, she knew she shouldn't, but she had to protect herself from Stefano and his clear distrust.

  “Do you really think that child is going to be able to run all this equipment?” Stefano was asking angrily. “If you wanted a secretary you could at least have got one with training. Not some English child who couldn't run a house let alone an office. I wouldn't have thought you would be taken in by a pretty face and whatever lies she's been telling you. Come to that she hasn't even got a pretty face.”

  Rosemary wondered what she could hit him with, the office equipment was all too new to be thrown at anyone, but no doubt Vittorio would deal with him. Vittorio's voice, as he replied, was as cold as usual but she could tell he was very much amused.

  “That English child was intending to read computer science at Cambridge University before I persuaded her to work with me.” He returned lightly.

  “Going to University, you must be joking, or, more likely she's been lying to you.” Stefano exclaimed hotly.

  “Marie Rosita comes from a highly intellectual family.” Vittorio went on lazily. Rosemary could picture him leaning back and smoking the cigar he allowed himself each evening as he talked.

  “Her Grandfather was a Professor of Physics, I actually had the honour of hearing him lecture once, her Grandmother was a classics doctor - Latin and Greek - she didn't become a Professor because she was female, married and was bringing up a child. Marie Rosita's father had a doctorate in pure Mathematics; he was in line for a Professorship when he died. Her mother is a Professor of Modern Languages at Princeton University in America. Sophia, Marie Rosita's sister, had a master’s degree in mathematics and was going to study for her doctorate when she returned to Cambridge. I see no reason why Marie Rosita couldn't get at least a doctorate of her own if she tried.” Vittorio concluded.

  “I don't believe it.” Stefano snapped. “I just don't believe it.” And Rosemary heard him go out slamming the door behind him.

  When she emerged from the office a minute later Vittorio was sitting on one of the new chairs and as she had pictured him smoking a thin black cigar. When he saw her he rose to his feet.

  “I'll fetch the coffee. I thought you were going to spend the night in the office.” He remarked as he went.

  There was a lot more furniture than there had been in the room and it was much better quality she noticed. Sheepskin rugs were on the floor and there was a very complicated music centre on one of the shelves. Rosemary was examining it when Vittorio returned with a tray of coffee.

  “Are you sure this isn't part of the control panel of a space ship.” Rosemary joked.

  “Why don't you choose some music to play?” Vittorio suggested he had put down the tray and had come up to look over her shoulder.

  He was standing far to close, Rosemary thought, if she leaned back she would be touching him, as it was she could clearly feel the heat from his body. She pulled herself together, she mustn't feel like this and most of all she must not let Vittorio find out how she was feeling. She started looking through the compact discs. Vittorio had an impressive range of music. Rosemary thought darkly that he was probably very musical, the man was just too, too perfect, life was being very unfair.

  “There’s so much choice.” She complained gently before asking “Did you bring my radio I always have music on while I work.”

  “If you can’t decide what to play why don’t you pour out the coffee?” Vittorio commented moving over to look through the CD’s while he went on. “If music helps you work I'd better get another system for the office. I didn't bring your radio I'm surprised it worked.

  Rosemary smiled her radio had worked perfectly despite the fact of being held together by bright green tape.

  “Tell me.” Vittorio asked sitting down opposite her and taking his coffee. “Is music another of those things that were not considered intellectual enough for a Lampton?”

  “Oh no.” Rosemary exclaimed. “Music and math’s go very well together. I learnt the piano until we had to rent out the house. We couldn't fit a piano in the basement. Sophie played the clarinet.” Vittorio raised his eyebrows.

  “Now you do surprise me.” He murmured idly.

  “Grandmother played the piano apparently.” Rosemary confided. “So did my father he was very good. He used to play for me when I was little.” Her voice was sad Rosemary had adored her father.

  “How old were you when he died.” Vittorio inquired gently.

  “Twelve.” Rosemary admitted. “I think it's what really killed Grandfather, he was never the same again, and he died himself thirteen months later.”

  “I was the same age when my mother died.” Vittorio told her quietly.

  So they had that in common Rosemary thought and it might account for some of Vittorio's cold manner, if he had loved his mother as much as she had loved her father! It was very comfortable sitting talking to Vittorio she had missed this when he was away. He wouldn't be around all the time but would always return, as long as she didn't give herself away. There was one matter she did want to get out in the open though.

  “Vittorio, do you think Stefano thinks I'm trying to trap you into marriage.” She asked timidly.

  “Very probably.” Vittorio replied as usual the little Marie Rosita had gone straight to the heart of the matter. Her education may have been unusual but it had taught her to think logically and to face facts.

  “Isn't that a little stupid of him?” She asked thoughtfully. “After all you must have had a lot of experience at avoiding matrimonially inclined females, and I have enough to do looking after Ricardo without wanting another male to look after.”

  “Stefano is old-fashioned even for an Italian man and so is of the opinion that all unmarried women are looking for a husband and, at least in his mind, I am a very eligible bachelor.” Vittorio replied lightly.

  “It wouldn't be any good my telling him he didn't have to worry about me so I suppose I will just have to be patient. Time is likely to solve the problem for me.” She had been looking down into her coffee cup now she looked up and smiled at Vittorio. “I will try and keep my temper with Stefano.” She promised. “After all he is only trying to protect you even if he has got it wrong.”

  In the morning with Ricardo in his rocker chair at her side Rosemary started transferring the information in her note books to her financial database. By the time she was called away to lunch she had started one of her filtering programmes. This would cross check data as requested; it was surprising what you could come up with. You only had to ask the right question that, of course, was were skill and experience would come in.

  Rosemary was glad to put Ricardo in his highchair for the meal it was nice eating without the baby on her lap. He was not yet old enough to have solid food but unless he was asleep she always brought him to the table with her, he might be too young to learn good table manners but he was not too young to see them. Eating together had been very important for the Lampton family and Rosemary intended to continue the practice even if the family was only herself and a baby.

  “Will you have time this afternoon to show me how to use the computer and to access the files?” Vittorio asked. Rosemary regarded him a look of shock on her face at the suggestion.

  “You want to get into my computer files.” She couldn't have sounded more horrified if he'd wanted to roast Ricardo for dinner.

  “Yes of course. I will need to h
ave total access to all the financial files.” He pointed out. Rosemary looked at him gloweringly she had spent eighteen months assembling the financial files. She knew this was what she had agreed to but agreeing to something was different from putting it into practise.

  “No.” She said finally starting to eat again and thinking hard.

  “Do these so important financial files actually exist?” Stefano asked slyly.

  Rosemary ignored him she was eating but her mind was clearly on something else. Vittorio watched her calmly, if this was going to work he would need access to her files but she was quite capable of working that out for herself. Finally she looked across at him.

  “Tomorrow.” Marie Rosita said. “I'll need to form caches in the hard discs for us to keep our private files in, and the hard disc could do with reorganising. I should have done it before but I never got around to it.”

  “Caches?” Vittorio questioned.

  “A bit like locked drawers in the hard disc.” Rosemary explained. “Keeps information separate.”

  It was not the best allegory but would do for someone who knew as little about computers as Vittorio. Marie Rosita spent two days teaching Vittorio to use the computer system and access the financial files. These he found very comprehensive in fact far too comprehensive and he spent some time helping Marie Rosita winnow them down. Some of the information appeared totally unnecessary but Marie Rosita pointed out that she could not be sure what would come in useful and with more experience she would know what information not to keep.

  He noted without surprise that some of the information could not have come from any of the usual sources! He did not think it would not be tactful to ask Marie Rosita where she had acquired it! Once he had a good working knowledge of Marie Rosita's system he started files on his father and Georgino Alessi's small group of companies. He had not thought it necessary to tell Marie Rosita that the two men were business partners.

  They were very close friends and Georgino Alessi's nephew was married to Vittorio's cousin Anna. He thought that his cousin had been a fool to marry Marco, Vittorio had warned her but she wouldn't listen. Marco was good-looking with a superficial charm he was also five years younger than Anna who was plain and worried that she would never marry and have a home of her own. Anna had wanted to train as a nurse but this was not considered as a proper for the niece of the Conte di Balbini. Probably she would have been happier nursing and she would have had an opportunity to meet someone better than Marco Alessi. Marco's treatment of her was one reason for his hatred of the Alessi family.

  Vittorio had questioned Marie Rosita about what exactly she had intended to do with all the information she'd so carefully collected.

  “I was going to take control of our trust once I was eighteen, I persuaded Sophie to let me. She wasn't interested and would have left it all to our trustees, but they are totally useless! If I was going to be in charge of the trust I needed to know what to invest in, so of course I started researching.” Suddenly Rosemary sounded like a sulky child. “I might have gone over the top a little; Sophie made it so clear that she disapproved. Anybody would think I was planning to go to the LSE instead of just looking after our money properly.”

  “The LSE.” Vittorio questioned.

  “London School of Economics.”

  “And what is wrong with the London School of Economics.” Vittorio demanded amused.

  “Nothing, except to people like Sophie. She would have thought a Lampton going to the LSE was like Picasso attending night classes in art at a Poly Tec. So silly of her.”

  By the time Vittorio left a week later to attend another meeting concerning the winding up of J Tanset ltd he had several other ideas to work on. Finding Marie Rosita had been like discovering your own personal gold mine, and he was determined, to use her to place himself permanently beyond his father’s financial reach.

  Marie Rosita herself found her life very busy with Ricardo to look after, her research for Vittorio and her studies. Francisca would have looked after Ricardo for her but she took her duty to him very seriously. If Ricardo was awake he was with her and since she was working in the home she could organise her work around him, and him around her work.