Read Rosemary By Any Other Name Page 5

  Chapter Five

  Over the next few years with only a very few setbacks Vittorio and Marie Rosita's business prospered. Vittorio started out with a corner of his friend Jonathan's office. Within six months he was able to open his own office in the same building, later he had offices in London Rome and New York. Marie Rosita's talents both with computers and as a researcher were matched by Vittorio's ability on the stock markets and in the boardrooms of the various companies they bought shares in. Their telex and telephone and satellite bills were formidable but these expenses made only a small dent in their profits. Vittorio rarely made a bad investment, not with Marie Rosita's information.

  Vittorio also used the information, obtained by Marie Rosita, to develop his vendetta against his father and the Alessi family. He managed in a variety of ways to cut them out of business deals and through nominees to buy shares in their companies without his fathers or the Alessi's knowledge. He was hitting them where it would hurt them the most in their bank accounts. Within the two years Georgino Alessi was worth half what he had been.

  Even so Vittorio was not finished with him or his family. He had a lot of grievances to work off against them, even without the way they had treated his little Marie Rosita and her nephew. Marie Rosita did not find Vittorio's ruthlessness to detract from his attractions; on the contrary, in the academic world which her grandfather had occupied ruthlessness in the pursuit of ones subject was an admired trait. In the financial world the name of Giannini di Balbini had soon become well known, he was regarded as being very lucky with a talent for playing the markets, but it was generally felt that his luck must one day run out.

  He naturally attracted a lot of attention, a handsome Italian playboy who has wasted a considerable inheritance is not expected to turn around and make a second fortune especially in a field in which he had no experience. In reality he had always been interested in finance and the stock markets, and had always known how any shares he owned were doing.

  This is not quite the same as playing them like a professional. Money is said to make money and Vittorio and Marie Rosita were able to prove this true. They made a very lot of money, MVR Holdings ltd. Went from strength to strength and Vittorio and Marie Rosita were well on the way to becoming very wealthy. Ricardo also did well financially since Vittorio had taken over the management of the Lampton's trust fund.

  In Greece Marie Rosita lived very quietly with Ricardo and Francisca. Stefano even, gradually, got over most of his suspicion of her. Especially when she showed no interest in, or jealousy about newspaper stories about Vittorio's social life away from the villa. Marie Rosita found, to her dismay that her initial crush on Vittorio had grown into a deep and abiding love. She was never happier than when he was at the villa with them. Vittorio, she knew, regarded her in the light of a young relative and she had early on resigned herself to taking this place in his life. Having Vittorio as a brother or cousin was better than not having him at all and at least he kept his love life away from the villa.

  Ricardo becoming a toddler proved that although he had his father’s looks he had inherited the Lampton's intelligence and temperament, however in temper he took after his aunt rather than mother. Much as she had loved her sister Marie Rosita was glad she didn't have a second Sophie to bring up Ricardo was much better tempered than his mother had ever been.

  It was the night before Ricardo's second birthday that Marie Rosita was woken well after midnight by the sound of footsteps in the courtyard. She had been hoping that Vittorio would return for Ricardo's birthday but it was clear that more than one person had arrived. She hastily pulled on a robe and went to investigate, reaching the living room just in time to see Vittorio enter he had a bundle in his arms and supported between him and Stefano's cousin Nino was a girl of about her own age, or perhaps a little older.

  Marie Rosita quickly pushed the buttons that rang bells in Stefano's rooms, and also in Francisca's. While Vittorio leaving the girl to Nino brought the bundle over to Marie Rosita and put it gently into her arms. The bundle squirmed and Marie Rosita, startled, nearly dropped it, then from the feel of it she knew what it was and folded back the blanket to expose a small skinny baby of about four or five months.

  “Lucia.” Vittorio explained harshly, he was white and tired, he was also very, very angry, but only someone who knew him as well as she did would have been able to tell. “My niece, my sister Emilia's daughter.” Marie Rosita glanced towards the girl who had collapsed on the settee. “Nurse.” Vittorio, succinctly, answered the unspoken question “She's seasick.”

  Some of Nino's crew helped by Stefano started to bring in the baby and the nurses luggage. Meanwhile Francisca took the nurse of to one of the spare bedrooms to minister to her sickness and put her to bed.

  “Vittorio don't you think I can look after a baby without the help of a nurse.” Marie Rosita asked she was not pleased and at the same time was very worried about Vittorio, and if this was his sister’s baby where was his sister?

  “Could we not delay arguing about it until after I have had some coffee?” Vittorio said wearily. Marie Rosita nodded and tucked the baby up in a chair guarded by cushions.

  “Of course, you’re exhausted I'll get some.” She turned around in the kitchen door. “And you don't have to worry about the coffee Francisca made it, and it only needs heating.”

  She was gone a little time and came back not only with coffee but sandwiches as well. Vittorio was pleased to see them he had not known that he was hungry till now. Marie Rosita drank coffee while she patiently watched him eat. Something had happened she knew him well enough to be able to tell that much. Stefano coming into sight indicated with a gesture of the head that he wanted a word with her and she slipped out into the courtyard to join him. His cousin Nino was also there they both looked serious and Stefano was upset, Marie Rosita looked at him enquiringly.

  “Giannini's sister Emilia is dead.” Stefano told her quietly. “A car accident Nino says. The baby is hers; Giannini was very fond of his little sister.”

  Marie Rosita frowned this explained the baby, but not Vittorio’s deep smouldering anger. “I had better go back inside.” She said with a sigh. “Are you going to put the crew up or are they leaving straight away?” She inquired.

  “I will stay with Stefano and the crew will stay on the boat. I told them to go out early and get Francisca some fish for breakfast.” Nino returned soberly.

  Francisca was with Vittorio when Marie Rosita returned and was reassuring him about the nurse. Francisca was going to make her some herbal tea to help her sleep and restore her upset stomach; she would also make a fresh pot of coffee. Meanwhile Marie Rosita fetched the whisky and having poured out the fresh coffee added it to Vittorio's cup. His eyes gleamed suddenly

  “You think I need strong spirits Marie Rosita.” He asked and then more quietly. “Nino told you about Emilia.” He stated rather than questioned.

  Marie Rosita said nothing what could she say? People had tried comforting her with words when Sophie died none of them had helped. Some had made her feel worse.

  “Emilia had been dead for more than three weeks before I even heard about it.” Vittorio said his cold anger for once clear in his usually dispassionate voice. “My father told me nothing. Do you know how I heard? Marie Rosita at a conference in America. An Italian journalist asked me if I couldn't have put aside my quarrel with my father long enough to attend my sister’s funeral. I didn't even know she was dead. I couldn't believe it, how could he behave like that does he hate me so much.”

  Marie Rosita was horrified at his story and the effect it had all had on Vittorio. For the first time since they had met his composure was in danger of breaking down. Marie Rosita wished she was in a position to comfort him; he had nobody that close she realised. She took his hand gently it was the most she dared to do.

  “How did she die, Nino said a car accident?” Marie Rosita asked diffidently.

  “Emilia wrapped her car around a tree, there was no other
traffic on the road, the road was perfectly dry, she had not been drinking and there was nothing wrong with the car. They called it accidental death but the police clearly had their own idea. Her husband apparently told them she was happy and had no worries.” Vittorio informed her icily angry. Marie Rosita decided that if she ever did anything that might make Vittorio this angry she would leave not only the country but the continent.

  “You didn't believe her husband.” She prompted carefully.

  “I spoke to her friends and her cleaning woman, Enrico was keeping a mistress and made no attempt to hide it from Emilia. He was leaving her alone for days with the baby. He married her for the dowry our father gave her and was spending it fast mostly on enjoying himself often with other women.” Marie Rosita grimaced and poured him some more coffee and whisky.

  “You think she drove the car at the tree deliberately.” Marie Rosita asked, in reply she received a glance cold enough to freeze water, so that was indeed what he feared.

  “You may not have been able to attend her funeral, Vittorio but we can always have a memorial service for her. The Monsignor would come over and hold it I'm sure.” She said referring to the local elderly Catholic Bishop who had given Marie Rosita instruction before receiving her into the Church.

  Vittorio reached over and ran a finger gently down Marie Rosita's cheek. “You always know exactly what to do.” He remarked absently, he was wondering what he would do without his little Maria Rosita.

  “Drink your coffee.” Was all she could find say to this. Then she had a thought. “What about the baby.”

  “Lucia. Marie Lucia Faraglione to be exact.” The frozen look was on his face again. “I went around to their apartment, I wanted to see Enrico but he was out. The apartment was empty, but I could hear a baby crying so I forced the door.” Marie Rosita nodded; this was naturally the only action to take. Even through his grief Vittorio could feel a momentary spasm of amusement at Marie Rosita's attitude he always wished he had known the rest of the eccentric Lampton's.

  “I found Lucia in her cot. It was mid-morning and nobody had been near her since her father and the au pair went out together the night before. Lucia was filthy and hungry she also had an open sore on her arm.” Marie Rosita looked with pity to the chair where the baby was snuggled down. “I took her to a hospital.” Vittorio went on, “They said she was malnourished she had severe nappy rash caused by being left in a wet nappy for hours. The sore on her arm was a burn that had not received attention. Lucia also had a number of bruises that were apparently non-accidental.”

  Marie Rosita winced and moving to the sleeping baby picked her up gently and returning to the child’s uncle commented. “What did you do to her father whatever his name is”.

  “The hospital informed the Police, by the time they arrived at his apartment he had disappeared taking his passport with him. The neighbours said he came back found the door forced and the baby gone and he panicked. He left the au pair behind. The police have charged her with neglect and issued a warrant for Enrico's arrest.” He finished heavily.

  “Good.” Marie Rosita said forcefully. “A man like that deserves anything he gets, although I am glad you didn't catch up with him. If you had killed him it could have made life a little difficult.”

  “No doubt it would have.” Vittorio said his voice a little unsteady even at a time like this she could amuse him.

  “Is the nurse here because Lucia is still ill?” Marie Rosita went on.

  “Her arm needs proper dressing and care it also wouldn't do any harm to have a professional eye kept on her for a few months.”

  “A few months, is there something you’re not telling me.” She asked quickly. You could trust Marie Rosita, Vittorio thought she rarely missed anything.

  “The nurse, her name is Conchita, has just finished her training as a children’s nurse. The doctor had a word with me about her.” Marie Rosita interrupted

  “I expect he's another friend. You have friends everywhere.” Something she had noted before.

  “I wouldn't have called him a friend but my mother was his godmother.” Vittorio admitted. “I have not seen him for years. Conchita is pregnant and on hearing the news her American boyfriend abandoned her and returned to the States. She can't go to her family without shaming them.”

  “So she comes to us. It doesn't seem fair Vittorio you always seem to be left holding the baby. First Ricky and Sophie's, then Emilia's and now this one.” Marie Rosita mused thoughtfully.

  “This one is not going to be left on my hands.” Vittorio assured her. “It is to be adopted. Then as far as her family and the rest of the world are concerned Conchita, having finished her training, has been doing some private nursing for a few months.”

  “She's not going to be much use until she has got over her seasickness.” Marie Rosita commented. “I'd better find the Moses basket Ricardo used to use and tuck Lucia up in it. I expect you brought baby milk and bottles, we still have nappies.” She frowned mentally considering what they had left from when Ricardo was a baby.

  “I have brought everything Lucia should need.” Vittorio told her. “The hospital let me have some long life baby milk.” Marie Rosita looked confused.

  “They use ready-made bottles in hospital now; all you need to do is unseal them put on the teat and heat, very quick and easy.” Vittorio explained and Marie Rosita nodded in approval.

  Since the sky was clear and rain was unlikely most of the luggage had been left in a corner of the courtyard for unpacking the next day. Vittorio and Marie Rosita searched through and found several of the bottles and a brand new bottle heater.

  Having sent Vittorio off to bed Marie Rosita slipped into the nursery and found the Moses basket together with its sheets and blankets. She then went to bed herself with Lucia in the basket on the floor at her side. A bottle in the heater which only needed switching on and nappies and baby wipes laid out ready in her shower room. After caring for Ricardo for two years she was very experienced with babies.

  Marie Rosita was up at half past six and having changed and fed Lucia she was now walking up and down singing nursery rhymes to the baby. Lucia was not happy she was grizzling constantly so when Vittorio came in Marie Rosita was very pleased to see him, he was sure to make some coffee even without being asked.

  “Shall I take Lucia for a while?” Vittorio asked quietly

  “No, it's all right I can manage her.” Marie Rosita returned. Vittorio smiled he knew his Marie Rosita.

  “What you mean.” He remarked calmly. “Is that you would rather I made you some coffee.” While he went off to the kitchen Marie Rosita went back to her nursery rhymes. They were sitting drinking coffee when Ricardo having just woken up ran into the room.

  “Mama, Mama it's my birthday, it's my birthday.” He exclaimed then stopped the noise he had made had started Lucia off crying. “What have you got Mama?” he asked curiously coming to look. He peered at the baby enthralled.

  “Can I hold her Mama, please?” He begged without taking his eyes from Lucia. Marie Rosita got carefully to her feet

  “You sit down here, sit well back now hold her carefully.” She placed the baby on Ricardo's lap.

  Brown eyes stared into brown eyes and Lucia abruptly stopped crying and smiled at Ricardo, a small hand reached out and touched his face.

  “What is it called?” Ricardo asked still staring fascinated at Lucia

  “Her name is Lucia she is Vittorio's niece. Her mother died so she has come to live with us.” Marie Rosita explained she was not at all sure how Ricardo would take to having to share her with another child. Ricardo looked up at Vittorio and he switched to Italian, despite only being two, Ricardo was already fluent in both English and Italian.

  “How did you know I wanted a baby sister?” He asked in a voice full of awe. “You must be nearly as clever as Mama. It's the best birthday present in the whole world.”

  Vittorio's eyes met Marie Rosita's, which gleamed with tears. If his parents had lived th
ey might have been providing him with a baby sister or brother themselves by now. At the hospital they had wanted to keep Lucia in for another week, but Vittorio had insisted on removing her he had wanted to be back for Ricardo's birthday. Since however happy Marie Rosita would try to appear to Ricardo, for her this was the anniversary of the day she had watched her sister die.

  When Francisca came in with a tray to start to lay the table for breakfast Ricardo called to her happily.

  “Francisca have you seen what Vittorio has brought me for my birthday. Isn't she lovely? Stefano said I couldn't have a baby sister, but Vittorio has got me one, and I didn't even tell him I wanted one!”

  “Well you are a lucky boy.” Francisca said coming to look at the baby in his arms. “She is a beautiful baby isn't she?”

  Vittorio came over and took the baby gently. “Go and get dressed, Ricardo.” Then to a small mutinous face. “She will still be here when you get back; Mama is going to get dressed as well. Lucia can sit next to you at breakfast in your old highchair. Off you go, you too Marie Rosita.”

  While Marie Rosita helped Ricardo wash and dress himself, he spent the whole time chattering on about his new sister and how clever Vittorio had been. Finally she was free to take a quick shower and get dressed herself it was fortunate that she was not vain so could dress quickly without worrying about make-up and such things.

  By the time she was dressed the table was laid and breakfast was ready. Lucia and Ricardo were already at the table. They were only waiting for Marie Rosita and as soon as she arrived they started breakfast, just as Stefano came in. He did not always have breakfast with them, although he usually ate lunch and dinner with the rest of them. On seeing Stefano Ricardo bounced up and down in his chair.

  “Have you seen what Vittorio brought me for my birthday? And you said I couldn't have a baby sister because Mama was not married!” He finished smugly.

  “For your birthday?” Stefano questioned he was confused. Before he could say anything he met Marie Rosita's eye and decided to keep his mouth shut.

  If he said the wrong thing! There were far too many things on the breakfast table capable of being thrown. If Marie Rosita though he was going to say anything to upset Ricardo she could become very dangerous, and Giannini would do nothing since he always seemed to be amused by the girls temper.

  Stefano drank coffee while Ricardo told him all about his new sister, her name was Lucia, she had a poorly arm, she was going to sleep in his old cot, and she was going to share the nursery with him. Vittorio must have answered a lot of questions while she was getting dressed Marie Rosita realised. It was fortunate for Ricardo that Vittorio was so patient. Ricardo wanting to know everything about a new subject was not something most people would be able to cope with for long. They had almost finished breakfast before Conchita diffidently entered the room.

  “I am so sorry to be late.” She said in a soft gentle voice. “I must have overslept.” Vittorio rose and drew her to the table.

  “We were leaving you to sleep after your journey, sit here and I will introduce you to the family.” He said. A jealous Marie Rosita was pleased to see that Conchita was repelled and made uncomfortable by Vittorio's usual cold and formal manner.

  “Grazie Senor.” Conchita managed and sat down quickly.

  “You met our housekeeper Francisca last night of course, and this is my business partner Marie Rosita.” Marie Rosita smiled at Conchita and handed her a cup of coffee. “The boy is her nephew Ricardo, and next to you is my good friend Stefano who manages the place for me.”

  Before Ricardo could ask any awkward questions Vittorio told him quickly. “Conchita helped me to bring Lucia in time for your birthday; she is a nurse and will look after Lucia's poorly arm for us.”

  “Is she going to stay for ever and ever like my new little sister?” Ricardo asked. Conchita startled by the question looked up for the first time. She was very pretty Marie Rosita thought and hoped Vittorio didn't think so. She explained carefully to Conchita.

  “Ricardo is very pleased to see Lucia, he wanted a baby sister and she arrived right on time for his birthday.”

  “It is your birthday?” Conchita asked Ricardo, seizing on the one point she understood. “What presents did you get?” She went on smiling at him. “Apart from a little sister.” Ricardo's eyes opened wide and he looked at his aunt.

  “Mama, do I get presents as well as Lucia?” He questioned. Marie Rosita laughed at him mischief in her eyes.

  “I think you might but not till after breakfast.”

  Conchita was again confused la Senor di Balbini had said the boy was the Senorita's nephew but he was calling her Mama!

  After they had all finished breakfast and the table was cleared, Marie Rosita was always very strict with Ricardo about everything being tidied away properly; Ricardo's presents were produced from under his aunt’s bed. They were the normal presents for a boy of two except for the simple reading books in both English and Italian. These Stefano and Conchita were able to agree silently were far too old for a two year old. Marie Rosita who had learnt to read well before she was three, though only in one language, was very pleased with the range and types of books Vittorio had found for her.

  Ricardo although happy with his presents was obviously best pleased with his little sister. He followed where ever she was taken all day even insisting on watching while her arm was redressed.

  “How did it get poorly?” He asked Conchita, who did not know how to answer; the truth would not be suitable for a two year old. Even one as strange as this one luckily la Senor had entered the nursery in time to hear the question and answered it for her.

  “Lucia's arm was burnt in an accident.” He explained immediately. “It's what happens when people are not careful with fires and matches. Mama has told you never to play with fire, didn't she; well you can see what happens when you do.”

  “Poor little Lucia, they must not have been looking after her properly. Mama will look after her and I'll make sure she doesn't get hurt again.” Ricardo promised fervently, adding thoughtfully. “She's even sweeter than the baby goats.”

  “She is nothing like a baby goat.” Conchita burst out angrily “She is a beautiful little girl.” Ricardo looked at her scornfully.

  “Goats.” He remarked. “Have fur and four legs.” Then he added sadly. “Mama wouldn't let me have a goat.”

  This startled Vittorio, Marie Rosita let Ricardo have most things he wanted as long as he wanted them for the right reasons. He decided he would have to enquire into the matter at a later date. After all a nanny goat could provide milk for their growing household and it had been in his mind for some time that it would be a good idea if they started growing vegetables and fruit for the house. They had the land he’d have to get Stefano to look around for someone to do the work and perhaps a few chickens and geese would be a good idea he would run the idea past Marie Rosita later.

  Since Nino's boat was still moored at the jetty it was decided that a trip down the coast and a beach picnic with fresh caught fish cooked over an open fire was to be the afternoon’s birthday treat. Luckily the weather was good the sea was calm and they had a peaceful trip.

  Marie Rosita and Francisca had made several salads and they stopped at a small village and bought cheeses, plenty of bread and several chickens to roast. They had a glorious time getting back very late in the evening and Ricardo had to be carried to his bed fast asleep.

  The only person who did not enjoy it was Conchita, who didn’t think a baby straight out of hospital should be being dragged away on noisy picnics. She did not dare protest because she was in too much awe of Signor di Balbini tomorrow she would have to assert herself she was the nurse in charge of the baby. Tomorrow she would have to have things sorted out.

  However in the morning when Conchita woke and went to see to Lucia she found Marie Rosita in a rocking chair in the living room already feeding Lucia her bottle.

  “You should have woken me.” Conchita said quickly. ??
?If you will give the baby to me now please I will see to her.”

  “No.” Returned Marie Rosita pleasantly but firmly. “I can manage, why don't you go and pour us both out some coffee. Francisca made it last night and I put it on the stove to heat.”

  “I think.” Conchita started to say only to be interrupted.

  “Make that three cups please Conchita.” Vittorio said from behind her.

  He had been taking an early morning swim and was wearing only a short towelling robe over his trunks. His wet hair gleamed and he looked extremely fit, virile and even more handsome than usual. Conchita disappeared to the kitchen very fast. Marie Rosita looked at Vittorio in amusement it was a good thing she had had two years of practise in keeping her feelings to herself, he looked very sexy this morning.

  “I wanted a word with you.” She remarked lightly.

  “The Dominica Corporation.” He asked quickly.

  “No Lucia. Who has charge of her?” Then seeing that he did not understand. “Me or Conchita.” She explained. “I don't want to presume to far after all she is the nurse.” Vittorio looked coldly annoyed.

  “I thought I had made it clear that I wished you to be as a Mama to my niece. Unless of course you prefer not to be.”

  “Don't be silly.” Marie Rosita said austerely. “I only wanted to be sure of my ground. I could hardly turn away your niece after you took in my nephew. Anyway I wouldn't want to.” She finished looking down into Lucia’s face and giving her a kiss. Conchita came back at this point with a tray of coffee and seeing Lucia had finished her bottle she tried again to establish control.

  “If you give Lucia to me I will change her.” She announced.

  “She has already been changed.” Marie Rosita told her, her voice deliberately friendly. “Why don't you pour out the coffee for us?”

  Vittorio diverted realised why Marie Rosita had checked who was in charge of Lucia. Conchita poor child had no chance against a Lampton with her blood up. It then occurred to him that the poor child was a year or two older than his little Marie Rosita

  “Lucia will need winding.” Conchita snapped. Vittorio decided to pour out the coffee himself, he was not going to wait for it to go cold.

  “Do they still teach old wives tales like that?” Marie Rosita asked in a surprised voice. “Babies swallow no more wind with their food than adults do. This strange obsession with winding babies is confined to the USA and Europe the rest of the world has never heard of it. I do wish you would stop looming over me and take your coffee from Vittorio.”

  Conchita vanquished for the moment took the coffee and sat down. Francisca came bustling into the room exclaiming over Lucia and Conchita before starting to lay the table. Ricardo tumbled out of the nursery still dressed in yesterday’s clothes, he climbed into Marie Rosita's lap kissing her and cuddling Lucia.

  “Careful for her arm.” Conchita broke in Marie Rosita gave her a look cold enough to rival one of Vittorio's.

  “Ricardo will not hurt his sister.” She said cuddling both the children to her.

  Greatly amused Vittorio took his coffee and went to get dressed. Matters had not changed by the time he returned. Since the table was laid Vittorio picked Lucia out of Marie Rosita's lap and put her into her highchair. As the rest of them sat down at the table Conchita tried again.

  “Shouldn't I sit next to Lucia, so that I can feed her.” she suggested.

  “I promised Ricardo he could sit next to Lucia.” Vittorio answered. He said nothing about the other side of Lucia where Marie Rosita was sitting.

  While they had breakfast she fed Lucia a little scrambled egg and then left her to suck and play with some bread. Ricardo watching her asked interested.

  “Was I as messy as that when I was a baby?”

  “Yes, all babies are it takes a long time to learn to use your hands properly, and know where your mouth is.” Marie Rosita explained patiently. Ricardo giggled delighted with the idea that a baby didn't know where its mouth was.

  After breakfast Marie Rosita let Conchita take Lucia to give her a bath and change her dressing while she saw to Ricardo. He wanted to have a bath with Lucia, but Marie Rosita pointed out that Lucia had to keep her arm dry but they could have baths together when her arm was better. Showered and dressed in clean clothes Ricardo looked respectable again and Marie Rosita left him with Vittorio while she went and showered and dressed herself. By the time she got back Vittorio was out in the courtyard reading to Ricardo and showing him all the words as they went along.

  “Do you want to keep Ricardo or shall I take him into the office with me.” She asked quietly showing none of her feelings; her heart had turned over at the sight of the two dark heads bent over the book. The two people she loved most in the world.

  “I'll keep him.” Vittorio said. “We will call you later for coffee. Send Lucia out to join us will you please.”

  Maria Rosita found Conchita and Lucia in the nursery; Lucia was in her cot naked and lying on a nappy letting fresh air at her nappy rash. Marie Rosita smiled at her

  “Conchita will you take Lucia out into the courtyard please while I find a rug for her to lie on.” She asked politely.

  “I think the sun would be far too strong for her.” Conchita answered hotly “She will be better off inside in the quiet.” Marie Rosita rooting through a cupboard looked back over her shoulder.

  “There is a large umbrella in the courtyard Lucia will be quite safe under it.” Marie Rosita said gently then sighed she could see it was no good the girl was going to be difficult.

  Since actions speak louder than words having found the rug Marie Rosita tucked it under her arm then going to the cot picked up Lucia and her nappy and carried her towards the door. Conchita reached the door first and blocked it

  “I am the child’s nurse.” She said angrily. “And it is my duty to look after her now please put her back in her cot.” Marie Rosita looked at her an innocent expression on her face, this was a danger signal, and then she stamped lightly on Conchita's foot. Conchita reeled back and Marie Rosita pushed by her.

  Vittorio spread the rug out under the umbrella and Lucia was put down in the shade to kick her legs and enjoy the fresh air. He could see Marie Rosita was irritated, for Conchita's sake he would have to have a word with her, a pity he always received a lot of pleasure and amusement from Marie Rosita's temper. Conchita soon appeared in the doorway and Marie Rosita ignoring her walked past and made her way to the office she had to e-mail Rome and Stefano should be back with the papers soon.

  “Wouldn't Lucia be better off inside?” Conchita asked timidly she was a little afraid of la Signor.

  “She seems quite happy to me.” Vittorio said in a bored voice. “If I thought she would be better inside I would not have asked Marie Rosita to bring her out.” He added gently.

  “She did not say it was by the Signor’s orders.” Conchita returned quickly.

  “I see no reason why she should.” Vittorio told her icily. “Marie Rosita is the mistresses of this house she is also Lucia's foster mother as such her word is law when it comes to my niece as it is with her nephew.”

  He went on in a much gentler tone. “I brought you here to look after Lucia's arm and to help Marie Rosita. I do not wish her work to suffer because she now has two children to look after. Sit down and relax while I read to Ricardo.”

  By the time Ricardo was sent to call Mama to coffee Conchita had recovered herself, Vittorio had left her feeling skinned and wishing she had done anything except come to Greece with Lucia. Marie Rosita made herself comfortable on the rug with Ricardo and Lucia, who she sat up against her and gave a drink of fruit juice and water in a baby cup. Lucia paid her for this by dirtying herself her nappy and Marie Rosita's skirt.

  Ricardo rolled on the floor laughing while Marie Rosita wrapped Lucia up in her nappy and holding her skirt up struggled to get to her feet hampered by baby and by her own giggles. Conchita jumped up quickly.

  “Shall I take Lucia?” She offered. Marie Ros
ita smiled at her.

  “Would you please? It's run down my leg I shall have to shower and look at that dreadful child laughing at me, bad boy.” With her skirt held up she ran for her room to wash herself and rinse the skirt through before putting it in the wash. By the time she returned to the courtyard Conchita and Lucia were already back, Lucia now with a nappy on so there would be no more accidents.

  Francisca had brought out some fresh coffee and Stefano had joined them. Marie Rosita had thought the previous day that he was much taken with Conchita, watching him now she was confirmed in her opinion. Another difficulty! How would he take to finding out she was carrying another man’s child. Since Vittorio had clearly had a word with Conchita it was up to her to speak to Stefano. She did not want him to say the wrong thing and upset Conchita it must be very hard carrying a baby you knew you couldn't keep. Giving the child away would be almost as bad as having it die. Stefano gave her the opportunity the next day when he brought her the letters and newspapers.

  “How long will Conchita be staying?” He asked nonchalantly

  “Six or seven months I think. It depends on when her baby is born.” Marie Rosita replied carefully.

  “She's pregnant?” He questioned astounded.

  “Yes but don't mention it to her will you, I don't know if I should have told you only I thought if you didn't know you might put your foot in it.” Marie Rosita explained gently.

  “She is not married?” Stefano enquired.

  “No and her boyfriend went back to America as soon as she told him. That's why she agreed to come here. If she stays with us to have the baby it can be adopted without her family knowing.” She turned to Stefano to ask thoughtfully.

  “I don't understand Italian families, I really don't. You claim as a nation to have strong family ties but Conchita cannot go to her family at the time she needs them most.”

  “And my cousin Nina killed herself rather than face her family in the same situation.” Stefano shot out. Marie Rosita recoiled shocked.

  “Stefano I am so sorry I had forgotten about Nina. I would not have said anything if I had remembered. I was only feeling sorry for Conchita she is so gentle and quiet.” Stefano looked closely at her but she was clearly upset at having said the wrong thing.

  “It is all right.” He reassured her with a smile. “I will be careful what I say too little Conchita perhaps there is some way we can help her to keep her child.”

  Later in the day with Ricardo and Lucia having their afternoon naps and Vittorio and Marie Rosita working in the office Conchita was able to have a word with Stefano herself. She wanted to ask some questions about this strange family, she did not see how an English girl who was younger than she could be a business partner to the Signor. The Signor she knew was an international businessman, the only conclusion she could come to was that Marie Rosita was his mistress.

  Then there was the boy he looked like a two year old and talked as if he was five or six. Marie Rosita was supposed to be his aunt but he called her Mama and there was no likeness between them. Ricardo was a brown eyed, olive skinned Italian and his aunt or mama was a pale skinned red head. The only thing they had in common was that they both had curly hair, unless Marie Rosita's hair was permed.

  “Stefano.” Conchita asked diffidently. “May I ask you something? You have known la Signor for a long time haven’t you?”

  “Yes? My parents worked for the di Balbini family. Giannini and I have known each other since childhood. You wish to know something about Signor.” Stefano replied a little suspiciously.

  “More about la Signorina.” Conchita explained quickly. “Is the little boy really her nephew and what her position in la Signor’s household is?”

  Stefano relaxed guarding Giannini’s privacy was one of his jobs. However all Conchita was after was information about the household that she was going to have to live in for the next few months. It was not after all a very usual household. He therefore explained carefully all the relationships. Ricardo was Marie Rosita's orphaned nephew, he did not think it necessary to explain exactly who the father was only that he was dead and had been engaged to Marie Rosita's sister. Marie Rosita did work for Vittorio in his business,

  Stefano had never believed that they were actually partners he preferred to believe this was some sort of joke. It was true that Ricardo was not like other children his age it would be wise never to interfere between Ricardo and his aunt you could never tell what she would do. Why did Marie Rosita call la Signor Giannini di Balbini, Vittorio? Who knew she always done so, who could tell why she did anything. The Signor had once said that her family were all eccentrics. If Conchita was worried about anything she could always come to him or if she preferred to Francisca, she had worked for la Signor's mother for many years.

  After working in a busy hospital and living in a large town Conchita found the villa very quiet. More and more she started to help Francisca especially with the cooking. Marie Rosita was a little worried about this until one morning over coffee she was able to have a chat with Conchita.

  “It is very kind of you to help Francisca, Conchita but you must not feel you have to.” Marie Rosita said she hoped tactfully, tact was not something she was good at! Conchita turned to her in surprise.

  “Oh but I don't, I like helping Francisca. I love to cook and Francisca has some Greek recipes she is going to show me.” Conchita explained. “I have very little to do you know and I was getting bored. At the hospital we were always busy and I do not like to have nothing to do.”

  Marie Rosita was able to agree with this she remembering how bored she had been just after she arrived at the villa. Then she laughed.

  “There must be something wrong with the pair of us.” She remarked to Conchita. “It is the dream of most people to be living in the lap of luxury with nothing to do but swim or sunbathe and we prefer to work.” The two girls giggled together.

  They were becoming good friends now that Conchita did not interfere between Marie Rosita and Lucia. Marie Rosita had not had a female friend before, except for her sister and their American tenant Vicky who in any case was fifteen years older than herself. Vicky still wrote to her, even though she and her husband had now returned to America. She was therefore revelling in having another girl to talk to; however even to Conchita she did not reveal her secret love for Vittorio.

  Marie Rosita knew that Stefano had been attracted to Conchita when they first met; she was not sure how he felt now he knew Conchita was pregnant. She was almost sure that Conchita was falling in love with Stefano. What the outcome would be she could not guess but only hope that Conchita would not be made unhappy again. Despite the fact Conchita was older than she was Marie Rosita found herself feeling protective towards her new friend.