Read Rosemary By Any Other Name Page 9

  Chapter Nine

  Marie Rosita arrived late for the lunch meeting; she had finally agreed to attend it but only when Vittorio had insisted. When she did arrive the conference room was crowded with people. She paused in the doorway trying to see Vittorio, and although she didn't realise it, attracting a lot of attention, most of the guests being men! She was certainly lovely enough to brighten the day of even the most jaded business man. A beautiful reed slim young woman dressed in a jade green dress that only served to highlight the red of her tumbled curls

  Vittorio talking with a group across the room had been keeping a close eye on the door, when he saw Marie Rosita he caught her eye and held out his hand to her. Marie Rosita joined him quickly putting her hand into his with a smile, and Vittorio lifted it to his lips. Marie Rosita concealed her surprise with difficulty before smiling shyly at the rest of the group.

  He soon introduced her to the men around him, there was Mr. this Mr. that and Sir somebody else, until finally he reached a certain Dr. Dayton. Dr. Dayton was an economist who had been conducting a vitriolic correspondence with Marie Rosita in the letters page of the Times Newspaper for the last few weeks. Vittorio had been anticipating a lot of fun out of this introduction.

  “And this is Dr Dayton, gentlemen my business partner Signorina Lampton.”

  “Lampton, Lampton?” Dr. Dayton questioned querulously. “Any relation to the idiot whose been writing to the Times” His voice was grumpy in the extreme.

  “No.” Marie Rosita returned. “That's me, and it's very rude of you to call me an idiot the first time we meet. If we are going to talk about idiots your letter in this morning’s Times.” She went straight into the attack and the two were soon embroiled in argument.

  Marie Rosita was really enjoying herself Vittorio noted, she was a vigorous and ruthless debater, and something he had already found out to his cost. He was unsurprised that she had no trouble keeping her temper. She ran rings around Dr. Dayton who in less than five minutes was reduced to gobbling like an old turkey, having realised that she had led him into appearing to contradict his own opinions. Sir Nicholas Holden who had been listening almost as fascinated as Vittorio saved him at this point.

  “I knew a Lampton once.” He interrupted. “Up at Cambridge, he was a brilliant debater; I think I recognize the style. He would have been your father?” He questioned. “Which would make Professor Lampton of St Augustine's your grandfather.”

  Marie Rosita having admitted to the relationship changed the subject by questioning Sir Nicholas about his recent failed takeover bid. Vittorio listened, highly diverted, it was clear that the extent of Marie Rosita's knowledge was startling these men. Others had been drawn to the group partly by the discussion and partly by the attractions of this beautiful young red head.

  Vittorio about to make further introductions was interrupted by his English assistant, Samantha Gray, handing him the print out of an e-mail from America, he glanced at it briefly and then passed it over to Marie Rosita. She frowned at being interrupted and then read it through twice.

  “Pen please.” She demanded.

  Vittorio had one ready and she scribbled calculations all over the back of the e-mail, to the horror of Ms. Gray. Marie Rosita carefully considered her calculations and then looked up at Vittorio who raised his eyebrows questioningly at her she answered in Italian.

  “Do you know a polite way to tell him to take a running jump?”

  “Would you send a reply Samantha please?” Vittorio requested in English. “We regret that we are unable at this time to accede to your latest proposals. Is that polite enough for you.” He added turning back to Marie Rosita and taking pen and e-mail from her.

  “Are you sure about this?” Samantha questioned uncertainly. “Shouldn't you at least check the figures.” as Vittorio looked at her in haughty surprise her annoyance got the better of her and she snapped angrily. “You hardly even looked at the e-mail.”

  “La Signorina and I employ you to carry out our instructions, not to question them.” Vittorio replied icily.

  Samantha flushed and rushed from the room shaken her employer had never spoken to her like that before, she blamed Marie Rosita for it not taking into account the fact that she had never questioned any of his orders before. Marie Rosita wondered who she was exactly, and how close she was to Vittorio. She put this to the back of her mind since Vittorio was introducing her to other people, but she didn't intend to forget it.

  Marie Rosita was a big hit with the guests, she was quick to realise however that most of them were speculating on her exact relationship with Vittorio. So she was very careful not to let any conversation turn to personal matters, this was made simpler since Vittorio remained almost constantly at her side. As the party started to break up Vittorio excused them both saying that he wanted to introduce the Signorina to their London staff.

  The party had been held in a conference room on the second floor of the building, and their office was on the top floor. None of their offices were large in this one they employed less than a dozen people. In the absence of Vittorio, Samantha ran the London office a job she was very good at. She had been doing all she could over the last two years to gain Signor di Balbini’s attention and was not at all pleased at suddenly gaining a possible rival!

  Vittorio naturally introduced Marie Rosita to Samantha first of all; he had hardly done so when he was called away to the telephone. He went to his own office to answer it leaving the two women alone together. Marie Rosita looked around the office hesitantly, she was not happy about being left with Samantha Gray who quite obviously didn't like her and wasn't bothering to hide it.

  “Have you known Giannini for very long?” Samantha asked her voice polite but Marie Rosita thought this was only on the surface underneath the other woman was seething.

  “For more than four years.” Marie Rosita answered, adding warily “Have you been working for us for very long.”

  “Two and a half years.” Samantha returned angry that Marie Rosita had known the Signor longer than she had. “I presume you inherited your share of the firm very recently.” Samantha went on.

  Marie Rosita smiled suddenly at her. “Oh no.” She replied sweetly. “Vittorio and I started the business together, over four years ago. Not long after we first met.” It was easy to see that this Gray woman was getting angrier and angrier.

  “Since the Signor’s name is Giannini, why do you call him Vittorio?” Samantha snapped.

  “Because, I always have.” Marie Rosita replied unhelpfully.

  “If what you say is true why haven't I met you before?” Samantha asked disbelief in her voice. “Giannini trusts me utterly I assisted him to set up his American office. My brother was at university with him.” She smiled knowingly at Marie Rosita. “Giannini and I are very close.”

  “Well you won't be for very long if you keep trying to cause trouble between your employers. Why should I lie to you, try and show some sense.” Marie Rosita walked towards the door and then paused and turned around. “And I haven't been around before because I've been too busy looking after the children.”

  With this parting shot she walked angrily out of the room that should really upset the wretched woman. Marie Rosita wandered into Vittorio’s office and sat on the edge of his desk while he finished his phone call.

  “How did you get on with Samantha?” He asked as he put the phone down. Marie Rosita was looking distinctly ruffled.

  “I don't think she likes me.” Marie Rosita retorted sulkily.

  “She's very good at her job.” Vittorio returned warily. “You haven't sacked her have you?” Marie Rosita looked at him thunderstruck.

  “Could I?” She asked shocked.

  “Yes of course, you are forty percent of her employer.” Marie Rosita considered the idea for a moment.

  “No, I don't think that would be a good idea.” She remarked. “After all you might make me do her job until we found someone else.” She pointed out laughing. “I was very polite
to her.” She went on proudly. “She was angry though, I think she thinks you would make her a suitable husband.” Marie Rosita was looking out the window as she said this. Carefully keeping her feelings to herself.

  “Did you warn her off?” Vittorio asked quietly, Marie Rosita spun round to stare at him.

  “Of course not.” She replied surprised. “You must have been fighting females of since you were fifteen; I hardly think you need any help from me.”

  Guiltily she remembered what she had said about the children; however that was only said to annoy not to warn Samantha off. Vittorio she noticed looked a little irritated, although she couldn't think why. Vittorio proceeded to take her around the office and introduced her to all the staff; the women she quickly realised didn't like Samantha very much either. One of the young men really annoyed Marie Rosita trying to explain to her how the computer worked. She pushed him out of his seat and started in to access some of the files herself.

  “Be careful.” Samantha couldn't help calling from across the room to her. “You should leave the computer alone until someone has time to show you how to use it. We have our own company programme you won't have come across it before.”

  Marie Rosita had had enough, she had been polite to Samantha despite provocation, she had been almost polite to the officious young man but this was too much for her. She turned and sent a tray full of papers hurtling across the room

  “I wrote the damn program.” She exclaimed between clenched teeth. “Go away, and clear all that paper up of the floor somebody.” Then she turned abruptly back to the computer screen ignoring everyone. Samantha angry and malicious turned to Vittorio.

  “Giannini.” She asked winningly. “Are you going to let this child get away with that kind of behaviour?”

  “Marie Rosita.” Vittorio said, she turned to face him, her temper on a very short rein. “Would you like some coffee?” He asked softly and a gasp went around the room. Marie Rosita smiled slowly then nodded.

  “Si grazie.”

  “I'll see to that personally. Samantha would you see to tidying up the room please, and stop trying to annoy Marie Rosita. You probably haven't noticed but she has an extremely volatile temper.”

  By the time Vittorio came back with the coffee Marie Rosita was deep into the files, and the room was tidy. Later as they made their way back to the hotel Marie Rosita was quiet and withdrawn, she had always known that Vittorio had a life away from the Villa. Now for the first time she had come face to face with it, she knew he entertained a lot, and then there was the Gray women, and not just her. There must be plenty of other women chasing him, and there was that Cortesa woman in Italy. It was not a very happy thought.

  That evening Vittorio took both Marie Rosita and Conchita to the opening night of the latest London musical this delighted both the girls. He also knew it would give any reporters interested in him something to think about. He was proved right when the next day the gossip columns were full of comments about his beautiful, young, mysterious business partner. The fact that he had taken both her and another lovely woman out to the theatre only added to the speculation.

  Only one of the financial papers whose reporter had been at the lunch and had interviewed Sir Nicholas about the Lampton family said anything sensible. While Vittorio and Conchita read the papers avidly Marie Rosita remained aloof from the whole thing. Ricardo was at last moved to ask her

  “Don't you care what they write about you Mama?” Marie Rosita looked at him amazement in her eyes.

  “How could it possibly matter, we don’t know any of them. Ricardo as long as you know that you have done nothing to be ashamed of it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about you. Especially people you don't know and who don't know you.”

  It was all Vittorio could do to keep a straight face at this typical exhibition of Lampton arrogance. His life would be a lot less fun without his two impossible irrepressible Lampton's.

  It was that afternoon that the emergency custody hearings took place at the High Court. Vittorio and Marie Rosita took both the children. Vittorio had intended leaving them at the hotel but Marie Rosita had insisted, it was their hearing and they had the right to be there. As anticipated there was no problem over Ricardo's custody, Marie Rosita after all had been granted custody by the Mexican court soon after he was born, and he had lived with her all his life. However the court expressed some surprise that custody of Lucia who was Italian should be applied for through the British High Court!

  After much discussion temporary custody of Lucia was awarded jointly to Vittorio and Marie Rosita, and an order was issued for a social workers report on the family. Marie Rosita was annoyed about this.

  “They will only interfere, and want to send Ricardo to school.” She complained to Vittorio.

  Ricardo on the other hand was outraged, and lost his temper as only a Lampton could, the court had given Lucia to Mama and Papa. But they had only given him to Mama, this wasn't fair, why couldn't he have Papa as well he raged. Finally he burst into tears asking plaintively if Papa didn't want him. Vittorio picked him up and hugged the child to him.

  “Of course I want you Ricardo, mio figlio; we thought this would be easier, quicker. But if you want when we come back to court about Lucia we will ask the court to change it to me and Mama.”

  “Promise.” Ricardo asked tearfully.

  “Promise.” Vittorio assured him and Ricardo after regarding him gravely for a minute stopped crying and consented to be cheered up.

  They returned to the hotel to pick up Conchita and the two younger children and then Vittorio took them all out to tea to celebrate, but although Conchita and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves, Marie Rosita was brooding. Vittorio had discussed going to live in Napoli with her, but in court their barrister had said they would be living in Cambridge! Vittorio was obviously up to something, but what? He could be so devious that man. It had occurred to her that could be intending to settle her and the children in Cambridge while he lived in Napoli probably with the suitable, aristocratic, and Italian Signorina Cortese.

  Marie Rosita was still sulky a while later as she changed her clothes, Vittorio was taking her out again but he hadn't said where. She was looking disconsolately through her dresses wearing only her underwear when Vittorio walked into the room. He pulled out the dress she had worn to have dinner with him in Prevezia and laid it out on the bed. Before turning quickly and pulling her into his arms and Marie Rosita's sulkiness disappeared under the firm reassuring pressure of his lips.

  Left alone a few minutes later Marie Rosita was forced to admit to herself that it didn't matter where or with whom Vittorio lived she would still love him it was very tiresome and rather humiliating. Marie Rosita found her mood swing from despondency to joy and back again as Vittorio took her to the theatre to see The Mousetrap and then out to supper.

  Marie Rosita enjoyed herself thoroughly until she spotted Samantha having supper with a small party across the room. While they were having coffee Samantha brought her party over. One of the two men with her addressed himself to Vittorio who had risen to his feet at their approach.

  “Evening Balbini, haven't seen you in years. Don't think you've met my wife Jen and this is Terry Michelson. You know my sister of course.” He laughed loudly as he spoke; Vittorio shook hands and then introduced Marie Rosita.

  “Signorina Lampton, Marie Rosita, Lord and Lady Blanding's. I was up at Oxford with Charles when he was plain Charles Grey.” He told Marie Rosita, before suggesting to Lord Blanding. “Why don't you all join us for coffee?”

  “I say.” Terry said to Marie Rosita. “Sammy says you and di Balbini are business partners, I think she's trying to make a fool of me.” Marie Rosita eyed him with dislike and decided he had had too much to drink.

  “Why don't you believe her, are you one of those men who think that women shouldn't be involved in business.” She asked indifferently.

  “Not when they look like you.” Terry returned leering at her. “You're fa
r too lovely to be involved in anything as sordid as making money.” He smiled fatuously and Marie Rosita pounced.

  “So you think only plain girls have brains do you.” She hadn't wanted these people to join them; she'd been enjoying herself with Vittorio and was consequently in no mood to be patient with bad manners and stupidity. “You are of the opinion then that women have the choice between beauty and brains. That they can't possibly have both.”

  “I didn't say that.” Terry croaked.

  “Yes you did.” Marie Rosita returned austerely and turning a shoulder to him ignored him from then on.

  Samantha was monopolising Vittorio, smiling at him touching his arm and generally oozing charm and Marie Rosita soon realised that Samantha had detailed her brother and the ghastly Terry to keep her occupied thus leaving the field open for herself

  Marie Rosita found Charles hearty manners and loud laugh very tiresome, he interrupted her attempts to draw his wife out, constantly putting the poor woman down in a jocular manner, and treating Marie Rosita as a pretty nitwit. Marie Rosita quickly became bored with being polite to him.

  “Tell me.” She asked Jen. “Why did a pretty intelligent woman like you decide to marry a bore with a mental problem?”

  “Bore.” Gasped Lord Blanding.

  “M.m mental problem.” Stuttered his wife.

  “When someone has to be constantly putting another person down it usually indicates a buried inferiority complex. If I were you I should insist that he consults a psychiatrist before you even think of having children.”

  “Children.” Lady Blanding said faintly.

  “Yes, even if you allow yourself to be mentally and emotionally abused, you don't want to risk the emotional damage it would cause your children do you?” Marie Rosita asked as she rose to her feet. “You will all excuse me for a moment.” She said and sailed off to the ladies room.

  Vittorio was alone when she returned; he made no mention of their missing guests but instead took her onto the dance floor. Marie Rosita's way of getting rid of unwelcome guests was unique but effective, and he wondered briefly if Charles Gray would ever talk to him again. Meanwhile he had Marie Rosita's to smooth into a more receptive mood. Something he had no difficulty doing.

  In the morning Marie Rosita unexpectedly turned up at the office complete with Ricardo. She took over two of the computers and settled Ricardo down at one with a collection of educational software before starting working on the other. Samantha having heard they were there stalked angrily into the room.

  “What are you doing here interfering with my office, and why have you brought that child. He should be at school or with his nanny.” She blurted out angrily.

  “Miss Grey.” Vittorio who had entered just behind her said with deadly coldness. “If you wish to continue working for us I would suggest a change in your attitude.” Samantha gulped looked at him and ran out of the room.

  Vittorio glanced at Marie Rosita who was angry and ignoring him, he shrugged and turned to Ricardo, who smiled and explained.

  “Mama has come to use the computers; she had a call just after you left from Stefano's cousin Marco. She was very excited, Conchita went back to bed with Nina, she's getting some new teeth. Why doesn't that woman like Mama?” He finished.

  “Why don't you like cabbage?” Vittorio returned gravely, Ricardo thought for a moment.

  “But cabbage is yucky.” He pointed out and to the surprise of the office staff, who liked Vittorio but along with the rest of the world thought him cold, Vittorio laughed and dropped a kiss on the boy’s head.

  Marie Rosita gradually took over the whole office running several different programmes on the computers and sending and receiving a stream of telexes and e-mails. Samantha on the verge of tears at the disintegration of her orderly office finally asked Vittorio distraughtly.

  “Does she always work like this?”

  “The last time Marie Rosita created this much fuss we made over two million American dollars.” Vittorio replied coolly he and Ricardo were the only people in the office still calm.

  “This isn't work.” Marie Rosita, who had overheard said. “It's pleasure, and I'm sorry if I'm disrupting your office.” She went on sympathetically to Samantha. “But it's entirely Vittorio's fault, he wouldn't let me bring my own computers.”

  “I should have known it was my fault.” Vittorio returned lazily. “Are you going to stop for lunch?”

  “Later, later.” Marie Rosita answered her mind back on her computers.

  Vittorio took Ricardo and Samantha out to lunch, bringing something back for Marie Rosita. She was still tied up with her computers and didn't even notice when he finally left for a meeting. It was well over an hour later that Marie Rosita smiled softly as she regarded the information on the screen she now had proof about the fraud she and Vittorio had suspected for some time. It had taken her months to track it all down, but the clue Marco had given her that morning had cracked it for her. All the information was now in her computers, she had only to copy it out and hand the whole thing over to Vittorio. He was going to be very pleased. It was midafternoon before she had finished printing out all the relevant papers and went to look for Samantha.

  “Do you know where Vittorio is?” She questioned hurriedly.

  “Yes, I do.” Samantha returned in an unfriendly manner.

  “Good, order us a taxi and we'll go and find him.” Marie Rosita replied happily.

  “We can't disturb him in a meeting.” Samantha exclaimed shocked.

  “I can.” Marie Rosita said confidently. “He won't mind, not this time.”

  When they arrived at the office where the meeting was being held Marie Rosita ignored all the attempts to stop her and burst into the meeting trailing Ricardo, Samantha and an irate secretary in her wake.

  “I'm very sorry sir.” The secretary said to the man at the head of the table. “I couldn't stop them.”

  “Papa, Papa.” Called Ricardo running across the room to Vittorio “Mama said we should come, Samantha said no, the man on the door said no, all the secretaries said no, and here we are.” He was giggling helplessly.

  “Some of your possessions di Balbini.” The chairman asked acidly. Vittorio's voice was colder than usual as he replied.

  “I believe you have met my London assistant Samantha Grey, the boy is my ward Ricardo, and this.” He went on taking Marie Rosita's hand and lifting it to his lips. “Is his aunt and my business partner Signorina Lampton, Marie Rosita, Sir James Harkness.”

  “I've heard of him.” Marie Rosita said dispassionately. “Millionaire business man, patron of the arts and adulterer.”

  “I don't think she likes him.” Ricardo put in. “Are you going to look at her file, only I want to go back to the hotel and see Lucia.” Vittorio raised his eyebrows and took the file Samantha was holding and started to read through it.

  “What about our meeting.” Sir James interposed angrily.

  “This is more important.” Marie Rosita returned. “And stop gobbling like that it's very unattractive.”

  “Are you usually this rude?” Sir James snapped at Marie Rosita.

  “You started it, I am not a possession and neither is Ricardo, you have some very sexist attitudes.”

  “This is my office.” Sir James managed feebly. “Well, why haven't you offered us any coffee then?” Marie Rosita retorted.

  Vittorio interrupted their argument in a stream of fast Italian addressing himself solely to Marie Rosita, then after a couple of moments he grabbed her kissed her hard and almost ran out of the room.

  “Where's he going?” Samantha asked aghast.

  “Rome.” Marie Rosita answered; she turned and smiled charmingly at Sir James. “Do you want to delay the meeting until he gets back, or to have me stand in for Vittorio?” She enquired. “We are partners after all.”

  “I don't think that would be necessary.” Sir James replied quickly.

  “I'm quite happy to wait until di Balbini returns.” He couldn't wait
to get this woman out of his office.

  “Why has Giannini gone to Rome?” Samantha asked plaintively as they left the building. “Has there been a crisis in the Rome office.”

  “Not yet, but there's going to be when Vittorio arrives” Marie Rosita announced happily.

  It was two days later that they made the papers with two very different stories. The Italian papers were full of the arrest for fraud and embezzlement of Gino and Marco Alessi and the death by suicide of Georgino Alessi.

  Meanwhile several continental papers specialising in scandal carried the Italian playboy in Greek love nest story. When it became clear that the information leading to the arrests and suicide had come from Giannini di Balbini the stories were linked. The party in London found they were unable to leave the Hotel as the press was besieging them.

  After three days Vittorio returned, and swept the whole London party into two hire cars and down to Cambridge. Where Stefano and Francisca had arrived several days before. They drove up quickly so that there was less time for the children to get bored and arrived in the early afternoon having lunched on the way.

  The house looked very much as Marie Rosita remembered it had while her Grandfather had lived. The windows shone and the paintwork gleamed. Inside they were greeted enthusiastically and shown over the house. Apart from a door in the hall leading into the other house the alterations did not show at first.

  Conchita and Stefano had an apartment on two floors in the second house. This was temporally furnished with the furniture used by the tenants. Just till Conchita could choose her own furniture Vittorio explained. Francisca had her own flat in one attic with a lift up to save her all the stairs. What had been the drawing room in the other house had been turned into an office with all the computers, telexes and other equipment Marie Rosita could possibly need.

  The rest of the house had been furnished with the Lampton's own furniture taken out of store with additions carefully selected by Vittorio. The whole house had been redecorated and all the bedrooms had showers fitted. Vittorio had been to a lot of trouble Marie Rosita realised, and only wished she had the courage to ask him how much of his time he intended to spend with them in Cambridge and where and with whom he would be spending the rest of his time.

  It was only a couple of days later and they had barely had time to settle in when Marie Rosita had some more unexpected visitors. It was early evening the children had just gone to bed, Conchita and Stefano had retired to their own apartment, Francisca was in the kitchen and Vittorio had been in London all day.

  She checked that the callers didn't look like a member of the press, before opening the door. There were two of them an elderly man and a very attractive young woman.

  “We would like to see Signor di Balbini.” The man demanded proudly.

  “I'm sorry he isn't here can I help you.” Marie Rosita asked, from his accent he's Italian she thought. This was confirmed when the woman addressed the man in that language.

  “This must be the whore Giannini was keeping in Greece. How dare he bring her to live openly under his roof?”

  “Actually it’s my own roof.” Marie Rosita explained in her own perfect Italian. “Who are you and what do you want, apart from insulting me on my own doorstep.” The woman pushed past her and followed by the man walked into the house.

  “I don't believe that even Giannini could be so stupidly extravagant as to give you a house this size.” The elderly man exclaimed in English.

  “I inherited the house from my grandfather, and you still haven't told me who you are.” Marie Rosita was trying very hard to keep her temper and for once wished Stefano was within earshot.

  “I.” Returned the man impressively. “Am the Conte di Balbini and this is Signorina Cortese, who is engaged to Giannini.”

  This was a hard blow for Marie Rosita but she met it bravely, allowing none of her pain to show, not in front of her enemy. At this moment Vittorio, who had entered the house through the garage only a moment before spoke from behind her, his voice icy with anger.

  “I was not aware of an engagement Margherita.”

  He crossed the hall in a leisurely manner and taking Marie Rosita's hand lifted it to his lips, an act that was fast becoming a habit with him. Marie Rosita's temper cooled instantly. Not even returning when Signorina Cortese ran across to Vittorio and placed her hand gently on his arm smiling artlessly up into his face. It was very beautifully done Marie Rosita thought, and she knows exactly the effect it would have on a man.

  “Giannini.” She cajoled. “I just had to come! All those dreadful stories, in the papers! Whatever you have done I will forgive you. After all you cannot be serious about this English girl, she is so very unsuitable.”

  “Really Giannini, you have been very indiscreet. Nobody minds the odd bastard discreetly provided for, but to pretend that their mother is your business partner do you really expect anyone to believe that.” The Conte put in with cold pomposity.

  Marie Rosita didn't think it necessary to lose her temper at this unpleasant speech, Vittorio was angry and an angry Vittorio was so much nastier than she could ever be. He shook himself free of the Signorina and turned on his father savagely.

  “One of those children you are so quick to stigmatise is Emilia's daughter Lucia, did you never enquire what had become of your granddaughter after her mother’s death, and no of course you didn't. As for the Ricardo if he was my son I would want everybody to know it, he is a boy to be proud of. And my father.” This very sarcastically. “It was my business partner who has put yours behind bars.”

  “Giannini.” Margherita reproved gently. “You must not talk to your father like that he only wants what's best for you.” Vittorio spun round and addressed her icily.

  “Being a Conte does not stop my father from being a selfish hedonist, who has never cared for anyone but himself. Even if I had any desire to marry you, which I do not, the fact that my father appears to approve of you would put me of entirely Stefano will see the two of you out don't bother to call again.”

  Marie Rosita turned her head startled she had not seen Stefano, who had been attracted by the noise in the hall. He nodded and came forward to reopen the door. While Vittorio took Marie Rosita by the arm and drew her towards the drawing room then stopped and turned around.

  “Since you are here father, I may as well inform you that I intend to marry Marie Rosita at the first possible opportunity.” He announced and turning on his heel ushered Marie Rosita out of the hall shutting the door behind them.

  Marie Rosita angry again now glared at Vittorio as he sat across the room from her. “You never told me you were thinking of marrying me, or was that just said to annoy your father.” She snapped sulkily.

  “I'm not thinking of marrying you I'm going to marry you.” Vittorio returned calmly. “And you don't tell someone you are going to marry them you ask them.”

  “Well you certainly never asked me.” Marie Rosita pointed out huffily and Vittorio gave her one of his rare smiles.

  “I didn't dare.” He admitted. “You might have said no, then where would I have been.”

  Turn him down! Marie Rosita knew that was extremely unlikely she had loved him for so long. He got up and poured them both a drink then sat and looked across at her; he decided to tell her the whole truth, almost.

  “I wanted a son.” He admitted slowly. “I have never had any intention of allowing the title to pass to my brothers sons; he is a second edition of my father and consequently his favourite. I was looking around for a suitable mother and of course wife.”

  “Aristocratic Italian.” Marie Rosita put in glumly.

  “Yes” Vittorio agreed amusement in his usually cold voice. “We all make mistakes, mio caro. And it was Ricardo who stopped me making the worst mistake of my life.”

  “Ricardo.” She questioned startled. Vittorio ignored this and went on with his confession.

  “It was while I was looking after Ricardo and Lucia when everyone had flu I put them to bed on
e night Ricardo wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me. He said Buona notte Papa.” Vittorio was looking down into his glass he sighed and looked up at Marie Rosita.

  “I felt as if someone had hit me. I realised then for the first time that I had two children and almost a wife already. I had never thought about what I would do with you and the children if I married. I also realised that no wife would accept my relationship with you and that if any wife, however suitable, came between you and I, I would have no hesitation in divorcing her. You have been for years now the delight of my life, you have amused and fascinated me almost from the day we met and I hadn't even noticed that I was in love with you.” Marie Rosita sat stunned even when he had said he was going to marry her it had never occurred to her that he felt for her as she felt for him.

  “It is a little difficult.” Vittorio continued. “To completely change a relationship after four years, I spent a long time trying to decide what to do about it. Then I decided to take your advice.”

  “My advice.” She inquired fascinated.

  “Your advice to Stefano, you told him to seduce Conchita, to pounce on her.” Marie Rosita looked outraged. “Well it worked for them” Vittorio pointed out with a smile and Marie Rosita scowled at him.

  “It worked in that it certainly changed our relationship, but I was never certain about how you felt about me. I wanted more than just a sexual relationship, however perfect. You always welcomed me to your bed you clearly find me just as desirable as I find you, but you never stake any claim to my attentions or to me. Do you know you never reach out and touch me? Even when we are making love I notice that you are hesitant about touching and caressing me.” Marie Rosita flushed bright red and dropped her head shaking her curls till they fell forward to cover her face.

  “I have even been reduced to being jealous of the kisses and cuddles you lavish on the children.” Vittorio went on levelly.

  Marie Rosita had finished her wine and having refilled her glass came to sit down besides Vittorio. “Have you really been jealous of the children?” She asked hesitantly. “You never showed it.”

  “Rosie.” Vittorio returned wrapping one of her curls idly around his finger. “Do you really think I would take my feelings out on the children” There was a pause and then he went on very seriously.

  “I know you do not love me as I love you but I am going to marry you even if I have to tie you up and carry you into church.” Vittorio informed her firmly. “And then we are going to live in Cambridge for the next four or five years until you receive your doctorate. Then we will live in Napoli until Ricardo goes up to St. Augustine's.” He had it all worked out she thought breathlessly.

  “And how exactly were you going to break the news of your intentions.” She questioned with pretended sharpness underneath which she was fizzing with happiness. “What were you going to do get me pregnant and then.” Her voice trailed away, as Vittorio's plan was at last fully revealed to her.

  He had never once used or suggested using contraception she realised shocked! He was so very devious! So wonderfully beautifully devious. And she loved him so much, so very much, but in trying to hide that love from him she'd hurt him.

  “Can't you do anything the simple way, Vittorio.” She questioned patiently. “Do you know how worried I was I thought perhaps you were going to leave me and the children in Cambridge and live in Napoli with a suitable Italian wife?” Marie Rosita told him, rendering Vittorio speechless by this revelation.

  She turned to kneel beside him, gently taking his face in her hands and kissing him along both eyebrows, Vittorio went very still as she touched him.

  “I've wanted to do that for four years.” She remarked softly and when he would have spoken, silenced him with a kiss. She pulled back from him and smiled into his eyes.

  “Let me tell you a story.” She said laying one finger across his lips. “Once upon a time” She began. “I was lost, alone and friendless in the middle of nowhere, with a baby to look after and too stubborn to admit that I was frightened. Then as in all the best fairy tales a Knight came riding up. Instead of shining armour and white horse he had a rusty car but he did rescue me.” All the time she was speaking she caressed Vittorio's face gently with her fingers.

  “You were the most thoughtful, kind, considerate and most beautiful man I had ever met. Of course I tumbled headlong into love with you. How could I help it?” Vittorio grabbed her by both arms shaking her sharply.

  “Do you mean that Rosie, that you love me?”

  “Of course I love you, you idiot, I adore you, and I have spent four years being careful not to touch you in case I gave myself away. As for marrying you, I think that's the best idea you have ever had.” As she kissed him again he drew her into the safety of his arms, showing her all the love she could have wished for.


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