Read Rosemary By Any Other Name Page 8

  Chapter Eight

  Marie Rosita alone at last walked up to the cliff garden and leaned against the wall, she shouldn't be disturbed here for none of the household ever used it. Vittorio’s tenant had created it as a lookout point. Perhaps up here she would be able to calm down, she was so angry, absolutely seething furiously angry. Stefano had been totally impossible ever since Vittorio had left eighteen days earlier.

  He had expected to be gone only a few days, but a crisis in the New York office had taken him across the Atlantic. The longer he had been gone the worse Stefano had become. Last week he had forced the gossip column of an Italian newspaper on her notice. According to which a certain Signorina Cortese had just flown to American, was she joining Signor di Balbini who was known to be in New York? Was an engagement being announced soon? This was the kind of thing Marie Rosita really didn't want to hear about.

  She couldn't even lose her temper with him or throw half the household at him, as this would upset Conchita, which would upset the baby who was teething. Also Ricardo would want to know why Mama was angry with Stefano, and Ricardo was very, very tenacious when he wanted to know something. As she leaned against the wall looking out over the sea she slowly started to relax. It was peaceful here with only the sound of the sea and the birds. In the distance a fishing boat silently chugged across her line of sight.

  She wondered when Vittorio would get back he wasn't usually away this long but had had to stay in America to reorganise the New York office. More importantly how would he treat her when he did get back, they had hardly become lovers before he had had to leave.

  Marie Rosita didn't think she could bear it if he went back to treating her as a younger sister. On the other hand how did you treat a lover! She had no experience to guide her.

  She had reached this point in her worrying when she realised that the fishing boat had just tied up at the jetty. It was Stefano's cousin’s boat out from Otranto. While they usually called in if out fishing this way it was unusual for them to be in this area at this time of the year. Even at this distance she recognised the figure that was first to leave the boat. Vittorio was back at last! While the fishermen made their way to the villa Vittorio turned aside and took the path up to the top of the cliff, clearly intending to join her.

  Vittorio had spotted Marie Rosita well before the boat reached the jetty; she was after all the only redhead in a Mediterranean household. He was amused to see that she was ignoring his approach; she was clearly in a temper. The sooner she got that out of her system the better, a pity there was nothing up here for her to throw except the pot plants.

  “How are you?” He asked his tone carefully neutral.

  “Mad, furious, angry. I've been plotting ways to murder Stefano.” Marie Rosita returned sourly.

  He had stopped close behind her, and she wanted so much to lean back against him, to relax against his strength. Vittorio unseen raised his brows, so it was Stefano she was angry with and not himself, all the better. He put his arms around her and pulled her back against him. Marie Rosita sighed, feeling the tension seeping out of her.

  “What has Stefano been doing to upset you?” Vittorio asked gently.

  “I think, he's decided I'm his little sister who needs looking after. It's driving me up the wall. I have never had a brother and I don't want one and I do not need looking after.” the words rushed out angrily. “Ever since you . . . You left he has been totally impossible.”

  “My poor Marie Rosita, if I had known I would have bought some new crockery.” He said gravely, Marie Rosita giggled.

  “Oh I haven't thrown anything at him, not yet anyway.” She finished darkly.

  “That's very restrained of you.” Vittorio replied coolly. “How many headaches have you had?”

  Marie Rosita was startled, she had not realised that Vittorio had noticed the tension headaches that were a side effect of her keeping her temper and tried to turn round to look into his face. His arms tightened about her so that she couldn't move, but she could feel his breath hot against her hair.

  “I think it would be a good idea if you got away from the villa and Stefano for a few hours.” Vittorio suggested softly. “I'll take you into Prevezia in the small boat we can have dinner and dance. You can wear the turquoise dress I bought you in Paris last year; it's about time you wore it.” Marie Rosita considered seriously Vittorio wanted to take her out, on what amounted to a date!

  “It's a nice dress.” she remarked it was lovely but the sort of dress you wore for first nights or going to the opera. Not for working in or for having family meals with the children.

  “And think how much it will annoy Stefano.” Vittorio went on as if she had not spoken.

  “That's a brilliant idea.” Marie Rosita replied and laughed aloud as the last of her anger melted away.

  “Yes isn't it.” Vittorio remarked smugly his arms relaxed and Marie Rosita turned around within them to look up into his face. He was as expressionless as usual only in his eyes did his amusement show. Marie Rosita knew she would always love him, this cold devious beautiful man.

  Vittorio bent his head and kissed her gently, there was none of the passion in it that she had dreamed of for the past eighteen days. It did however hold promise of more to come. When they reached the villa everyone Francisca, Stefano, Conchita, all four children, Stefano's cousin, and his three crew members, were sitting around the living room drinking either fruit juice or Francisca's coffee. Ricardo and Lucia at once threw themselves onto Vittorio they had three weeks of events to recount to ‘Papa’.

  Stefano's cousin was clearly surprised to hear Ricardo and Lucia (who was after all Giannini's niece) calling him Papa. Marie Rosita could see Conchita explaining to him, the whole thing embarrassed Conchita even more than it did Marie Rosita. Marie Rosita poured out a cup of coffee and took it across to Vittorio, who said, as he accepted it from her.

  “You had better go and change, Marie Rosita, we'll leave as soon as you're ready.” He turned to Conchita saying. “You and Francisca will be able to see to Ricardo and Lucia this evening won't you. I am giving Marie Rosita a night off.” Before any of the surprised party could disagree he turned to the two children.

  “Will you two be very good for Francisca and Conchita while I take Mama out to dinner in Prevezia?”

  Marie Rosita whisked herself out of the room at this point carefully not looking towards Stefano; there was little he could do so publicly to prevent her going out with Vittorio, however much he might disapprove. She turned the key in the lock, and started to strip her clothes off. It only took her twenty minutes to get ready, in the taffeta dress and silver sandals. Sometime she thought as she looked in the mirror, she was going to have to do something about her hair. It had not been cut, only having its ends trimmed by Francisca, since before Sophie died. It hung well below her shoulders in a riotous mass of red curls.

  Marie Rosita walked through into the living room, carrying with her the heavy cloak she wore on the boat it was warm now but would be much cooler later in the evening especially on the water. Vittorio, who had also changed into evening clothes, rose to his feet as she came into the room. When he had seen the dress he had known that it would suit Marie Rosita but had never realised how beautiful she would look in it. He let her say a quick good night to Ricardo and Lucia and then hurried her out and down the path to the jetty.

  “Stefano and Conchita are plotting in the kitchen; I want to be off before they come up with an excuse to stop us.” He explained as he rushed her down to the boat. Marie Rosita watching him cast of and start the boat realised that he was enjoying putting one past Stefano just as much as she was.

  Prevezia was only just over an hour away by boat, although it was much further by car, and they spent the journey in business discussions, intermingled with Ricardo and Lucia's latest doings. Marie Rosita was perfectly capable of switching from one subject to the other in the blink of an eye.

  It was still light when they arrived at the town but they took
a taxi to the restaurant. Vittorio thought they should keep their energy for dancing and anyway he was hungry. It was a large popular restaurant with a small band playing they ate genuine Greek food and drank champagne to Marie Rosita's surprise.

  “Why Champagne?” She asked him puzzled. “You usually prefer Italian wines.”

  “Yes but you like fizzy wine.” He pointed out placidly. This startled her even more Vittorio rarely referred to her opinion on such matters as clothes, food, or wine. “And I'm trying to please you.” Vittorio added innocently.

  Marie Rosita eyed at him with the greatest possible suspicion, on her face. Vittorio usually pleased himself; he must be up to something even more devious than usual. Having amused himself and confused Marie Rosita, Vittorio took her onto the dance floor until she forgotten to be suspicious They danced until nearly midnight then made their way back to the boat, together with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

  It was dark but still warm on the water and Marie Rosita found she didn't need her cloak. Once they were away from the lights and noise of Prevezia the night was still and quiet. Marie Rosita curled up close to Vittorio was happier than she had ever been in her life. They were about half way home when Vittorio turned the boat into shallow water and stopped the engine. He let down the anchor and checked that it was holding before opening the wine.

  They sat there for some time drinking wine, talking quietly; the night was perfect warm and dark. There was a full moon far out over the sea and overhead the sky was full of stars. After a while Vittorio took Marie Rosita's cloak and laid it out on the bottom of the boat. He pulled Marie Rosita to her feet and held her close against him, not even kissing her. She trembled as he gently touched her face with his fingertips. Then he reached around and undid the zip of her dress letting the dress slid slowly down onto the deck leaving her standing in just her panties.

  Marie Rosita stepped out of the dress, picked it up and put it carefully on one of the seats. Vittorio now slid the panties down until they also landed on the floor and Marie Rosita kicked them and her shoes of out of the way. Vittorio sat down on the cloak drawing her down with him; he held her in his arms for a moment then laid her on her back bending over her to kiss her with slow, gentle passion.

  Then he released her and rising lithely to his feet stood looking down at her lying naked in the bottom of the boat. Marie Rosita felt wanton, lying there while he did nothing but look at her, his eyes caressing her body. Tension rose in her and she trembled uncontrollably.

  It was a long time before Vittorio finally moved quickly striping of his own clothes and joining her on the cloak. He made love to her slowly, maddeningly slowly. Marie Rosita could have screamed at him with frustration. By the time he finally entered her she was more than ready for him and they rode the tides of passion together before finally collapsing in each other’s arm. As they lay quietly together

  Vittorio murmured to her softly. “Did you say you were the placid one of the Lampton’s?”

  “You know I am.” Marie Rosita answered sleepily.

  “In that case Ricky must have been a very brave man.” Vittorio returned quietly as if speaking to himself.

  Marie Rosita fell asleep trying to work out what he could mean, it was only when his words came back to her the following afternoon that she realised that it was probably a compliment. It was over hours' later that a breeze blowing across his naked back waked Vittorio. He shivered, the moon had gone down and it was very dark although he knew it must be close to dawn. It was too dark for him to see Marie Rosita who was curled up as close to him as she could get he kissed her gently, before getting up and struggled into his clothes entirely by touch.

  He found Marie Rosita's panties and pulled them on to her. She stirred and started to wake up shuddering as she realised how cold she was. Vittorio helped her back into her dress and wrapped her up in the cloak, before pulling up the anchor and starting the boat again. It was grey dawn by the time they arrived back at the jetty.

  Making their way slowly up the path to the villa they realised that someone was running down from the Villa towards them.

  “Stefano's up very early.” Marie Rosita remarked puzzlement in her voice. “I hope nothing’s wrong with the children.”

  “I think you will find that he has been sitting up waiting for us to come home.” Vittorio remarked coldly angry. His anger disappeared though as he felt Marie Rosita lose her temper, it was rather like a silent explosion going off at his side. Things should get very interesting he thought and prepared to enjoy the situation.

  They all met at the side of the swimming pool and Stefano launched straight into a verbal attack on Vittorio.

  “Do you know what time it is Giannini, where have you been till now? How can you keep the girl out till this time of night? What have you been doing to the child?”

  An angry Marie Rosita countered this by very simply pushing him into the pool; Vittorio sighed silently he had thought it poor tactics on Stefano's part meeting them beside the pool in the first place. Stefano surfaced spitting out water only to find Marie Rosita glowering down at him.

  “I think Stefano that you should remember that I am a close friend of your wife, the way you keep running around after me and interfering in my social life is a disgrace in a married man.” She snapped and stalked away almost rigid with anger. Vittorio however stayed to help Stefano out of the water.

  “She can't really think that.... that I would.” Stefano spluttered incoherently. “Can she?”

  “Apparently she does.” Vittorio replied lightly, it was taking all his self-control not to laugh aloud. “But if I were you I wouldn't be worried about what Marie Rosita thinks. I would be worried what Conchita was thinking.”

  “Conchita!” Stefano questioned horrified.

  “Well if you've managed to give Marie Rosita the wrong impression what sort of impression can you have given poor Conchita?”

  Vittorio walked back to the villa with Stefano carefully hiding his amusement from his friend. Marie Rosita despite her anger had turned the tables on Stefano very successfully he didn't think Stefano would dare interfere between them again. At least not in the near future. Having seen Stefano back to his own rooms Vittorio went in search of Marie Rosita. She was in her own bedroom rooting through a drawer and scowled at him when he came in.

  “What are you doing?” He enquired placidly.

  “Looking for something warm to wear to bed I'm frozen.”

  Vittorio thought she sounded pretty frigid as well, she was clearly still angry. “Francisca will have left some coffee ready in the kitchen.” He remarked. “You go and heat it up while I get the bath ready.”

  “But I don't want to have a bath.” Marie Rosita returned peevishly.

  “You said you want to get warm Rosy.” He pointed out his voice warm, deep and caressing.

  Marie Rosita sighed and went off to the kitchen she wished he wouldn't call her Rosie she could never resist him when he did and it gave him an unfair advantage.

  Since all the bedrooms had showers the bath was only used when they had run out of hot water. Water for most of the villa was solar heated the bath water on the other hand was heated by bottled gas. This needed turning on and lighting but then provided instant hot water. By the time Marie Rosita a tray of coffee in her hands came into the bathroom. The bath was already filling with steaming water and pink, Rose scented bubbles. A pile of clean fluffy towels lay on a chair.

  “Take your dress of and let me have it and I'll take it back to your room and hang it up.” Vittorio offered.

  Maria Rosita was surprised to find she was embarrassed at the thought of undressing in front of him. She turned her back and took the dress of quickly, thinking how silly it was, she hadn't been at all embarrassed on the boat lying stark naked before him. Vittorio took the dress from her.

  “If you don't hurry up and get into the bath you will catch cold.” He pointed out, carrying her dress away.

  She took her panties of and climbed
quickly into the water, letting the taps run till the water reached the overflow. As she leaned back and relaxed warmth flowing into her she realised she hadn't poured out any coffee, but she was too warm and comfortable to bother getting out of the bath again.

  It was several minutes before Vittorio returned, he'd taken the opportunity to go to his own room and change into a robe. He had a bottle of brandy in one hand that he added to the two cups of coffee he poured out. These he put on the shelf beside the bath before stripping of his dressing gown.

  “Move up.” He told Marie Rosita and climbed into the bath behind her, being careful not to slop water over onto the floor. Marie Rosita found herself sitting between his knees with her back to him; he leaned back pulling her to lie against him.

  They lay in the bath drinking their coffee while the bubbles melted around them. Marie Rosita was just starting to feel cramped when Vittorio put his cup down and started kissing her slowly along one shoulder while his hands gently encircled her breasts. Ripples of desire ran throughout her and she could feel the beating of his heart quicken against her back.

  “Rosie mia caro turn around.” He breathed against her neck. Marie Rosita did as she was bid; kneeling between his legs she looked him over as he lounged back in the water in front of her. He was so beautiful; she switched languages addressing him in Italian.

  “But Vittorio we can't there isn't enough room.” She objected laughter in her voice.

  “We can try.” He answered pulling her down on top of himself.

  The next few minutes proved Marie Rosita right, flooded the bathroom floor, broke one coffee cup and reduced Marie Rosita to laughter. Vittorio a giggling helpless girl in his arms finally gave up and wrapping one foot around the plug chain let the water out. Climbing out of the bath he put on his robe and pulled the still giggling Marie Rosita to her feet and wrapped her in a towel. He then carried her through to her room and very deliberately dropped her onto the bed. Marie Rosita stopped giggling and peered up at him through the gloom.

  “You're not really angry are you?” She questioned uncertainly, Vittorio kissed her hard before lying back on the bed beside her.

  “Of course I'm angry.” He returned trying to make his voice as cold as he could. “Angry, furious, mad, and.” He added. “I'm going to buy a bigger bath.” Marie Rosita collapsed into giggles again only finally silenced by Vittorio rolling over on top of her. With a deep sigh she surrendered herself to him and to pleasure joyfully.

  Over the next few days it became clear that Marie Rosita had succeeded in deflecting Stefano. He was doing all he could to avoid being left alone with Marie Rosita and he was also being very, very attentive to Conchita. Vittorio could only admire, with amusement, Marie Rosita's unique ability to manage the household.

  Vittorio stayed for six days before leaving for Italy, where he was negotiating the purchase of the house in Napoli. While he was there he and Marie Rosita made holiday, taking the children out in the boat and into Prevezia. They picnicked despite the deteriorating weather, they swam naked in the pool while the rest of the house slept and made love on the beach.

  Life returned to normal over the next three weeks, Vittorio came and went just as he always had the only difference was the new relationship between Vittorio and Marie Rosita. Then three days after Vittorio had left once more for Rome trouble appeared unexpectedly.

  The weather had been appalling all day, there was a storm out in the Mediterranean and high winds and rain whipped the whole coast line. The household had gathered that afternoon for tea or, coffee if preferred, and comfort in the living room.

  A sudden banging on the glass doors into the courtyard startled them all, living so far off the beaten track unexpected visitors were almost unknown. They were also all aware that anyone coming by road would arrive at the villas main entrance, which since the villa faced the sea, was at the back. Only those arriving by sea would enter through the courtyard but who would be at sea in this weather. Everybody glanced at once towards the doors where huddling together in the rain were two cold wet indistinct figures. Francisca hurried forwards to let them in.

  “Grazie.” One of the pair said. “Does anyone speak English?”

  “Yes, we speak English what are you doing out in this weather.” Stefano replied warily.

  “We've been shipwrecked.” The second man explained in a strong American accent. “The boat made it to your jetty it's down there now sinking slowly.”

  “We left the others down by the boat while we came for help.” The first speaker added.

  “You must all come here of course.” Francisca put in hospitably “At least until the storm has passed. I'll make some more coffee, Conchita will you get some towels.”

  “How many of you are there.” Stefano asked he was not at all happy with the situation; however there was nowhere else for them to go it was over a mile along a rough track to the village.

  “There are three of us and the boatman, we'll go and fetch them and our luggage.”

  “I'll give you a hand.” Stefano offered he lent over Marie Rosita as he put his coffee cup down, and hissed in her ear. “Lock the office.”

  Marie Rosita was startled, but like Stefano she didn't trust these men. As soon as they were out of the room she pushed Lucia off her lap and went into the office. The key was hanging on a hook above the door but there was something else she intended to do first. It took only a few minutes to send an email marked urgent to the Rome office.

  Subject visitors

  Strangers just arrived at Villa by sea M-R

  She not only locked up the office as asked but closed and locked the shutters as well, that would prevent anyone trying to look in the windows. Then carefully tucking the key into her pocket she went to supervise the children. Conchita and Francisca were busy making up beds, and laying fires, in case they lost power. Stefano was soon back with three men and one woman all soaking wet and all looking battered and dishevelled. They had their entire luggage with them, which seemed to contain rather a lot of expensive cameras. Francisca bustled forward again welcoming them gladly to the villa.

  “Come in and get warm. Stefano will you turn the gas on. A hot bath will soon warm you all up. There is soup and coffee on the stove and Conchita and I are getting four rooms ready for you luckily we have plenty of room.”

  “Three will be fine.” Said the American putting his arms around the shivering women. “Vonnie is my girlfriend.” He explained. “We can share.”

  “Not under this roof.” Marie Rosita put in austerely. “This is a strict Catholic household and we can't have you setting a bad example to the children.” She had taken an instant dislike to this large hearty American.

  Stefano could cheerfully have hit her; he didn't care who the American shared a room with. He had been hoping that Marie Rosita would stay in the background he would rather these people didn't realise she was nominally the head of the household, it also crossed his mind that considering her recent behaviour she was the last person to object to other peoples morals.

  “The gas is already on Francisca, would you take Vonnie, is it to the bathroom. Marie Rosita can see to coffee since Conchita seems to be making up the beds. I'm afraid the rest of you will have to wait, we only have the one bath.”

  Marie Rosita leaving the room wondering why Stefano was dismissing her to the kitchen, he knew how badly she cooked even her coffee was disgusting! Within half an hour the visitors had all been bathed and were sitting around the living-room in borrowed clothes drinking mugs of warming soup.

  The American acted as spokesman and introduced his party, he was Wally Turner and his girlfriend was Vonnie or Yvonne Lecoutier they were on a boating holiday with their friend Dick Maynard. They had been caught in the storm and then their boat had been holed if they hadn't happened on the jetty, god alone knows what would have happened to them.

  “But enough about us, I haven't given you a chance to introduce yourselves.” Wally finished genially, looking at Marie Rosita. He w
as quite definitely annoying her as he lounged on the settee with his arm around Vonnie looking as if he owned the place.

  “I'm Stefano Patelli; these are my wife Conchita and my aunt Francisca. Over there is our good friend Marie Rosita who is staying with us.” Stefano replied coolly Francisca stared in surprised at her new nephew but said nothing.

  “And the children?” Vonnie asked interest in her voice.

  “Talking about the children isn't it time they were bathed ready for supper and bed.” Stefano interrupted quickly.

  It was in fact early for them to be thinking of putting the children to bed but Conchita and Marie Rosita exchanged glances and then rounded the children up and took them all into the bathroom. Meanwhile Stefano gathered all the mugs and took them and Francisca through to the kitchen ostensibly to give her a hand but really to warn her not to mention Giannini and to be very careful what she said. Stefano then rooted around and found some of the children’s night clothes and took them through to the bathroom, he had to be careful what he said in front of Ricardo but had had an idea.

  “Ricardo, Lucia, Toni do you remember what we have always told you about talking to strangers.” He said. “Well I think our visitors are strangers.” Ricardo nodded seriously and Stefano relaxed knowing the other children would follow Ricardo's lead.

  “Mama doesn't like them I can tell.” Ricardo returned. “We won't talk to them Zio Stefano.

  Stefano succeeded in keeping everyone too busy preparing dinner or seeing to the children to answer questions, but knew this couldn't last. Conchita seeing he was trying to confuse the visitors put all four children to bed in the nursery; Nina was tucked into the Moses basket so they could easily move her later. Stefano was pleased and only wished he could have had a word with everyone before they had to sit down to dinner with their unwelcome visitors.

  Francisca was laying the table when the buzzer in the office went off, it had never occurred to Marie Rosita to turn it off!

  “Electric plant.” Stefano explained quickly. “I had better see to it before all the lights go out, would you give me a hand Marie Rosita.”

  “Can I help?” Wally asked coming to his feet.

  “No, we can cope it happens all the time.” Stefano returned quickly

  Marie Rosita was already unlocking the door, they slid inside and Stefano was only too happy to lock it behind them. The e-mail was from Vittorio asking for more information about their unexpected visitors.

  “Are you going to tell me what you think is going on.” She asked as she read it.

  “I think they might be Paparazzi.” Stefano explained slowly. “Spiro and I noticed a small boat hovering out at sea a couple of days ago. The people on it seemed to be using binoculars; we thought they were watching the villa. I think it's the same boat, I took a look at the hole in it, and it could have been made after they arrived at the jetty, as an excuse to stay at the villa probably. I might be wrong though.”

  “This is Greece but when they first arrived they used Italian so they knew more about us than they've let on.” Marie Rosita pointed out. “But why should the paparazzi be interested in us?”

  “Not in us, in Giannini.” Stefano returned. “Can you imagine the headlines ‘Italian Millionaire Financier in Greek Love Nest’ or how about ‘Italian Playboys Secret Children’.”

  Stefano looked at Marie Rosita warily; she had to keep her temper this time. Marie Rosita smiled wryly she always did have her temper under better control than Stefano realised. Losing it now would be just self-indulgent. She sent Vittorio an answering e-mail.

  Subject Visitors

  We suspect they may be Paparazzi masquerading as shipwrecked travellers. Party consists of Wally Turner (American), girlfriend Vonnie or Yvonne Lecoutier (French) & Dick Maynard (British). They may have been watching the Villa from the sea for several days. On approaching Villa they used Italian not Greek, they know more about us than they are admitting.

  M-R & S

  Marie Rosita and Stefano then went back to join the others, carefully locking up the office again.

  “You always that fussy about locking up.” Wally questioned suspiciously.

  “We have to be careful, with young children around.” Stefano improvised. “We're a little too far from the hospital to risk accidents.” He went on, putting the key away in his pocket, while Marie Rosita sped away to help Francisca serve the dinner.

  “She really any help with a generator.” Wally asked derisively, nodding in the direction of Marie Rosita's retreating back.

  “Marie Rosita.” Stefano queried and then grinned. “Actually she's surprisingly good with machines.” He returned walking over to join the rest of the party at the table.

  Conchita and Marie Rosita had worked out a plan to prevent awkward questions during dinner. They talked none stop all through the meal about children and child care. The best ways of breast feeding how to wean a baby, potty training ways and means. They even managed to draw Vonnie in asking her about French methods of child care and when Wally tried to interrupt they questioned him enthusiastically about the differences between European and American methods of child rearing.

  Stefano having quickly caught on joined in thankfully preventing anyone from changing the subject. Francisca to be on the safe side stuck to Italian and refused to understand even the most basic of English. Wally and Dick were consequently left with nothing to do but eat and drink. Francisca and Conchita had opened four bottles of wine and Francisca kept the visitors glasses well filled. The Greek boatman ate and drank almost totally ignored by the rest of the table and soon took himself off to bed.

  After dinner while all the women cleared up Stefano got out the whisky and not only poured out generous amounts but also left the bottle out in front of Wally. With this encouragement it was not long before the visitors were reeling off to their rooms for the night. The only problem was what they were going to do in the morning!

  They couldn't keep on avoiding questions and Stefano couldn't think of a way to stop Ricardo and Lucia calling Marie Rosita Mama. It was clear to him that it was who Marie Rosita was and what her position in the household was that interested the visitors most. Although the parentage of the children ran this a very close second.

  He was still worrying about this the following morning when, just as the whole party were sitting down to a late breakfast, a helicopter was heard hovering overhead.

  “Papa!” Ricardo called out excitedly, and he and Lucia ran out into the courtyard to watch the helicopter land on the beach.

  “Papa?” Wally questioned quickly, but nobody bothered to answer him. It was not long before Vittorio entered with Lucia in his arms and Ricardo skipping along at his side.

  “Buon giorno.” He remarked to the room at large. “Ah Signor Turner.” He said coolly, putting Lucia down in her seat at the table. “I believe we have met before and these I presume are your friends.” His voice was suave, smooth and cold as he sat himself down next to Marie Rosita.

  “I hope my household has been making you comfortable. I have taken the liberty of contacting the boatyard at Prevezia they will be along soon to see to your boat and I have ordered a car to pick you up in about an hour.” He took the coffee Marie Rosita had poured out for him. “So you will have time for breakfast before you all have to leave.”

  “I didn't know you were married Signor di Balbini.” Dick Maynard remarked a nasty note in his voice.

  “I'm not.” Vittorio answered buttering a roll. “Nor to answer your next question do I have any children, of my own that is, at least not yet.”

  “So Papa is not your father.” Wally sneered to Ricardo.

  “My father is dead.” Ricardo returned through a mouth full of food. “He was run over by a car before I was even born, and I'm not allowed to talk to strangers.”

  “Don't talk with your mouth full dear.” Marie Rosita told him gently.

  “And was the little girl’s father also run over.” Wally asked sarcastically.

; “The little girl is my niece, my sisters Emilia's daughter.” Vittorio replied continuing with his breakfast calmly. “Do you wish any further information about my household?” He asked civilly.

  “Well I did wonder what position the young lady.” Wally indicated Marie Rosita who was just pouring herself a cup of tea. “Occupies in your household? Or can we all guess.”

  Vittorio reached out and removed the teapot from Marie Rosita's hand quickly; he thought they could manage without scalding hot tea splashing around the breakfast table.

  “La Signorina Lampton is my business partner.” He explained suavely.

  Wally choked on his coffee at this, and Vittorio had to admit that Marie Rosita breakfasting in a green silk shirt and white skirt didn't look like anyone’s business partner.

  “Do you really expect us to believe that?” Vonnie put in derisively.

  “Our business is incorporated in the City of London.” Vittorio pointed out mildly. “I believe that a small fee to Companies House would buy you the list of our Directors. A simple bit of research.” He paused, before adding flintily. “For a good journalist.”

  “What does Signorina Cortese think of your business partner?” Dick Maynard asked slyly, Vittorio gave him a chilling look.

  “I cannot see why Signorina Cortese or anyone else should be interested in my business relationships.” He informed him with icy courtesy.

  It was not long before the taxi arrived and Vittorio coldly polite to the last saw the visitors out of the villa himself. Only the boatman remained he would go back with his boat and was in fact already starting to make temporary repairs. Once the boat was patched up and towed to Prevezia they all assembled in the living-room to discuss their visitation.

  Vittorio was very amused by Stefano's description of the previous night’s dinner. However the situation was serious they could only guess what the paparazzi would choose to publish, and it was likely that more of the breed would now appear.

  “It seems to me.” Vittorio said. “That the best thing to do is abandon the villa quickly. Before any more turn up on the doorstep.”

  “You mean move to Napoli.” Marie Rosita asked puzzled. “But you said the house needs a lot of work. Will it be habitable and has the sale even gone through yet.”

  “Napoli.” Stefano questioned in surprise he knew nothing about a house near Napoli. Vittorio had not mentioned it to anyone except Marie Rosita.

  “The sale went through yesterday but the architect is of the opinion it will be at least eighteen months before the house is in a fit state to live in. No I think we should go to Cambridge.”

  “Cambridge.” Francisca questioned confused. “Where is that?”

  “England, Marie Rosita and Ricardo own a house there.” Vittorio explained.

  “I didn't know I had a house.” Ricardo put in excited. “Is it a nice house?”

  “A very nice house.” Vittorio assured him. “But all the furniture is in store.” Marie Rosita reminded him.

  “The house was redecorated only last month and I had the furniture taken out of store and replaced in the house at the time. We could move in tomorrow if we wished.”

  Marie Rosita was stunned and wondered what Vittorio was doing, having the Cambridge house prepared for occupation. They had after all practically agreed to live in Napoli in a year or so.

  “I think the best thing would be for me to take Marie Rosita, Conchita and all the children to London for a few days.” Vittorio continued thoughtfully. “While Stefano and Francisca close the villa up and pack and ship all our personal effects to Cambridge. Not the furniture or fittings we will be coming back here for holidays.”

  “But why do we have to move.” Conchita asked distracted by the sudden upheaval. “Just because those, those paparazzi came.”

  “Because they will splash us all over the gossip columns, especially Marie Rosita and the children. We will have to apply to the High Court about the children’s custody immediately.” Vittorio paused and then added.

  “Then the London office is giving a business lunch in a few days. I can take the opportunity to introduce my partner to some of our business contacts. That should take some of the heat off.” Vittorio explained.

  “I don't like to leave the villa empty.” Stefano protested.

  “Spiro and his wife could move in, we have all those rooms the other side of my courtyard there’s even a separate kitchen there.” Francisca pointed out. “And it will help them, they have their youngest son, his wife and their children living with them, there isn't another house in the village for them to rent or buy.”

  “That settles that problem then.” Vittorio said. “Conchita you and Francisca can start packing all we will need for a few days, a week at most. Stefano had better go into the village and talk to Spiro and his wife. Marie Rosita you and I will have to arrange about the office.”

  “What do you want us to do Papa?” Ricardo asked excited.

  “You can choose which of your toys you want to take with us to London.” Conchita answered for him.

  Vittorio and Marie Rosita withdrew to the office, where Vittorio sat himself down and having caught hold of Marie Rosita's hands pulled her to stand in front of him.

  “Marie Rosita what are the chances that anyone could find out about your computer hacking, which is what could cause us the most trouble you realise.”

  “But I hardly do any hacking.” She protested and Vittorio's face became stern.

  “This is serious.” He retorted. “If your activities were splashed all over the papers not only would we lose business confidence we could find the police after us. We need to cover our tracks.” Marie Rosita smiled at him softly.

  “I knew you thought I spent my life hacking into other people's systems.” She said smugly. “The only firms whose computer systems I have hacked into over the past four years are those belonging to your father and the Alessi family”

  “You get all our information without hacking.” Vittorio asked thunderstruck.

  “Grandfather taught me to research my subject properly. He was very strict about it, and I am a brilliant researcher.” She returned immodestly Vittorio rose to his feet and Marie Rosita stepped back quickly.

  “Carissima, do you mean to tell me that for four years you have let me believe.” He came to a halt.

  “You never asked.” Marie Rosita pointed out. “You just presumed. It would have been cheating and anyway I'm not as devious as you are and I think my morals are rather better than yours!”

  A moment before Vittorio had been angry now his eyes gleamed with laughter. Naturally she wouldn't tell him, not if he didn't ask, not his Marie Rosita, he pulled her close for a moment.

  “What about the information in your computers how do we move it. Could you copy it onto some discs or something and take them rather than the complete system. I can buy you some new computers in London.” Marie Rosita glared at him.

  “That would be very extravagant and have you any idea how many discs it would take, we wouldn't even be able to carry them. The best way to transfer information held on computer is over the internet, but that would mean having a target computer with a lot of spare memory. Or perhaps storing it on a cloud might be better?” Vittorio shrugged.

  “We probably have plenty of spare memory on the office system. I'll phone young Morris and the two of you can manage it between you.”

  It was a couple of hours later that Marie Rosita emerged from the office to find everything ready for their departure. Francisca had even packed her clothes for her, she had nothing to do except try to calm the excited children.

  Vittorio had arranged for another helicopter to pick them up and take them to the airport, where a private charter plane was waiting to take them on to London. Less than twenty-four hours after the arrival of the paparazzi the evacuation of the villa had started.

  Two adjoining suites at the Hotel had been booked for them and they arrived there in time for the children to go to bed. Vittorio went almost stra
ight out to check in at the office, he'd had to miss an important meeting that afternoon. Conchita tired out after the fuss and the journey also went off to bed.

  Left with nothing to do, and no one to talk to, Marie Rosita took a long bath and curled up in bed to watch the television, it was years since she had had the opportunity. They couldn’t get television at the villa although they did watch DVD’s and Vittorio had mentioned getting satellite television. The television was still on when Vittorio came in but Marie Rosita was fast asleep.

  He watched her sleeping while waiting for room service to arrive with the supper he had ordered. He had ordered for both of them he supposed he would have to wake Marie Rosita, such a pity! When it arrived he pushed the trolley noisily into the bedroom, and Marie Rosita stirred turning over restlessly. Vittorio sat on the side of the bed beside and she woke to his kiss and smiled at him lazily.

  “Supper.” He said indicating the trolley; and Marie Rosita slipped out of bed and went to inspect the contents. They had supper curled up in bed together, Marie Rosita picking at one of the dishes asked idly.

  “Are you sure there will be enough room for us all in Cambridge. I know it's a big house, but Conchita will miss having her own kitchen.” Her voice trailed off and she frowned thoughtfully.

  “I bought the house next door and had some internal doors cut through.” Vittorio informed her absently. “So we should have plenty of room.” Marie Rosita stared at him once again stunned.

  “When did you do all this?” She asked suspiciously. “You didn't mention it when we were talking off moving.”

  “Two months ago after you all had flu. I went down to Cambridge because the last tenants had just moved out. I saw the house next door was for sale, so I bought it. I didn't tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise”

  A surprise! It was a shock and Marie Rosita couldn't help remembering that Vittorio had once promised to look after her and Ricardo until they reached home in Cambridge. She sank deep into solemn thought until recalled by Vittorio's voice.

  “Marie Rosita I know business is important, but not while we are in bed!” He remarked taking the empty plates away and having piled them on the trolley pushed it out of the room. “Now.” He said sliding back into bed beside her. “Let's see if I can think of some way to take your mind of work for a while.” And he took her into his arms.

  It proved very difficult to occupy the children, who badly missed the villa, the only home they had ever known. At the villa they had the sea, beaches, rock pools to and a natural swimming pool. Things even the best hotel is deficient in. Eventually they co-opted one of the chambermaids, who had half a dozen younger brothers and sisters, to help with them.

  Marie Rosita having bought a new computer, and linked it wirelessly to the London office, arranged to have all the papers delivered and went back to work. Part of the time she worked with the baby on her lap while Conchita and Jenny played with the three other children. Conchita thrilled at the London shops tried to persuade her to go out and buy a new dress or a suit to attend the lunch in but Marie Rosita would not be taken from her computer. Not just to go out and buy a dress!

  “I don't see why I have to go to this lunch anyway.” She remarked crossly.

  “You know perfectly well why.” Conchita returned patiently. “To cross the paparazzi they can't be writing articles about you living in a secret love nest in Greece when you're working openly in London.”

  “I don't see that it matters what they write.” Marie Rosita returned sulkily. “We needn't read it.” Conchita sighed Marie Rosita was being very difficult she tried another tack.

  “Why don't you go to the hairdresser?” She asked. This did get Marie Rosita's full attention.

  “I haven't been to a hairdresser in more than four years.” She remarked running a hand through her hair. “It has got very long perhaps I should have it cut short again.”

  “No.” Vittorio who had just come silently in interposed very definitely. “Under no circumstances, I absolutely forbid it.” Everybody was startled but it took Ricardo too put what they were all thinking into words.

  “But Papa you always let Mama do whatever she wants.” He pointed out.

  “Well I'm not going to let her cut her hair.” Vittorio returned. “What gave you the idea anyway?”

  “I suggested it.” Conchita said, she had her own ideas about the relationship between Giannini and Marie Rosita and they didn't agree with Stefano's. “I was trying to get Marie Rosita interested in buying something to wear for the lunch tomorrow.”

  “She will wear the new green silk dress and matching jacket I bought for her this morning.” Vittorio suggested with a slight smile