Read Ruled By Rabbits Page 13

  *big bunny stretch*

  Duster has to get ready ... Mom is getting up soon to go to work! She has her routine and so does Duster ... as her baby boy bunny he cannot disappoint his Mom in the morning. This level of adorability just doesn't happen, ya know ;)

  Phase 1: Duster assumes his "bunny's eye view" of the kitchen pose (he sits on his haunches and places his front paws on his food bowl) ... Mom loves this pose ... from there he can see what Mom is getting him and Cola for bunny breakfast!!

  After they have breakfast, Mom then gives the bunnies some fresh water ...

  Phase 2: Nice cool water ... and when Duster sips the water he makes a squeaking noise .... Mom says it sounds like "mew, mew, mew" ...

  As Mom finishes getting ready for work, Duster prepares for his grand finale.

  Phase 3: The stretch and flop!

  By now Mom is in front of the cages, saying good bye and telling the bunnies she loves them ... and of course, noticing how cute Duster is stretched out on his side, licking his paws, getting ready for his nap.

  Mission accomplished! Mommy is happy!

  Duster loves his ladies - his Cola and Mommy (and he loves Daddy too of course) ... what more could a bunny want?


  Duster wrote poems for Cola and Mommy:

  For my Mommy:

  Carrots are orange

  Raisins are sweet

  I love you Mommy

  Please give me a treat

  For Cola:

  My Valentine’s bunny is Cola

  She has really nice fur

  We like to cuddle all day

  My heart belongs to her

  RE: BUNNY BODYGUARD BLOG BY COLA-Duster's side of the story

  A few weekends ago, on Saturday morning, Mom and Dad were up earlier than normal. Cola and Duster waited to be set free to explore the living room. Mom got a phone call and a few minutes later there was a knock at our door. Mom invited the visitor in.

  The “visitor” was a nurse sent by Daddy’s Life Insurance company to do a physical. Mom and Dad talked to the lady, they were laughing and the lady walked by our cages, mentioned how cute the bunnies were and then sat down in the living room.

  Duster was very happy to see this new lady visitor and sat “handsome” as Mommy calls it. Duster wanted out of his cage to meet this visitor! So Mom opened the cages and out Duster went … right to the lady. He sniffed around her, curious but still cautious enough to not let her get close enough to actually pet him … he was curious about the bags she brought with her – could there be treats in there??

  Cola hopped out of her cage joined him underneath the chair the nurse was sitting in.

  The nurse moved from the chair she was sitting in to the one in front of the computer. Cola and Duster moved to behind the chair where Mommy was sitting. Duster stretched out but Cola was on guard – keeping her eyes on this visitor. She started doing some paperwork, all the while talking to Mom and Dad … Cola was suspicious of her … Cola thought she talked too much – probably trying to distract Mom and Dad for some evil reason!!

  Then the nurse asked Daddy to sit in the chair she had been sitting in. Daddy sat down and the nurse went to her bag and brought out a machine used to check Daddy’s blood pressure. Cola thought it was a weapon used to choke Daddy’s arm and she thumped her cute little foot.

  The nurse laughed – such a nice lady with a nice laugh, making sure our Daddy is healthy!

  Mom and the nice lady kept talking.

  Cola crept towards the bags she had brought with her … wondering what other torture devices did she have in there??

  Cola ran back to where Duster was relaxing and thumped again.

  “Get away from my Daddy!”

  Mom reached down from her chair and petted her. “It’s OK, Cola.”

  “OK?” Cola shook her head and thumped> “It’s not OK! Some stranger is choking my Daddy’s arm and all you can do is sit here and laugh with her!!”

  “Tsk, tsk, Cola … Mommy would not let anyone hurt Daddy! You are being silly,” Duster said to her.

  Cola was not impressed with Duster for not thinking the lady was an evil witch sent to destroy Daddy’s arm so he couldn’t give the bunnies treats anymore!

  The nurse took the device off Daddy’s arm and said everything was good and she left shortly afterwards.

  Daddy picked Cola up and pet her and let her know he was alright. And then he gave both bunnies a raisin (Duster can’t believe Cola forgot to mention that in her blog).


  Last night, Mommy and Daddy left Cola and Duster out free-range while they took a nap. They always leave the bedroom door open so they can wander in and out to check on them ... well, last night Cola and Duster hopped on in and wow, Mom had quite the case of bed-head! Duster knew he had to fix her hair. He hopped up onto her pillow (he kind of landed on her head) ... and was gently moving her hair around (maybe not so gently ... he did his best not to pull it but it just wasn't co-operating) and ta-da Mom's bed-head went bye bye! What would she do without Duster's help?


  “Good morning, bunnies!” Mom said as she came out of the bedroom.

  Cola and Duster were up … waiting for bunny breakfast.

  “Yikes!” Cola gasped. “Did Mom get hit by lightning?”

  “Um, no storm last night.”

  “Did Mom stick her finger in a light socket?” Cola asked.

  “Pretty sure we would have noticed that.”

  “Is it Halloween?” Cola asked hopefully.

  “No …” Duster sighed.

  “Mom doesn’t know does she?” Cola gasped.

  Duster shook his head, helicopter ears all over the place.

  “Wait … that isn’t Mommy … “ Cola whispered to Duster. “That’s the bride of Frankenstein!!”

  Duster thumped for Cola to be quiet. They watched Mommy approach with their raisins and didn’t run to the front of the cage to greet her …

  “Hi, Mom,” Duster said. “You can just drop the raisin there … I’ll get to it … eventually …”

  Mom was confused. The bunnies always ran to the front of their cages to greet her.

  Mom shrugged and went to turn on the computer.

  Why wasn’t she headed in for her usual morning shower and Duster was really hoping she didn’t look in the mirror and scare herself to death.

  Duster was sure there has never been such a bad case of bed-head.

  Cola snickered,. Hey if we dyed Mom’s hair yellow, she’d look like the sun with her hair sticking out all over the place!!”

  Duster didn’t find the comparison to Mom’s all-over-the-place hair to the sun’s rays funny … Duster thought it would offend the sun.

  Duster works so hard to keep her bed-head under control when he groom her hair … and then she chopped her hair off short … Duster sighed knowing there was nothing this little bun could do to help his hair-style challenged Mommy.


  Duster's favourite time … bunny sleepover with Mommy and Daddy! How convenient – the bedroom door is open just enough for Cola and Duster to hop on in!

  This time Duster headed on in ahead of Cola.

  He hops over to Mommy’s side of the bed.

  “Hi, Mom,” he gives her a bunny kiss on the nose and jumps up on her pillow to re-arrange her hair, as he now thinks of himself to be famous for doing.

  Wait a second … something is … missing … ???

  *sniff, sniff*
