Read Ruled By Rabbits Page 14

  *thump, thump, thump*

  Duster scurried out of the bedroom and bee-lined for where Cola is rearranging her toss toys.

  “What’s wrong?” Cola asks, seeing the grey bunny's eyes are nearly popping out of his head.

  “There is something wrong with Mommy.”

  Cola rolls her eyes. “Of course there is … she doesn’t come home from work smelling like raisins like Daddy does!”

  (Cola is a little biased seeing as she is a total Daddy’s Diva!!).

  “No, no … something really wrong … come with me …” Duster made his way cautiously back to the bedroom and let Cola go in first. “I’ll wait out here – let me know what you find out.”

  Cola bunny shrugs and hops on in.

  Duster waits.


  Keep waiting.


  “Cola?” he called out.

  “Yes?” she sounded a bit grumpy.

  “Everything OK in there?”

  “Yes,” still sounding grumpy.

  Duster hops back in the bedroom and sees Cola stretched out between Mom and Dad, Dad is rubbing her cheeks and she is happily grinding her teeth … Duster guesses he was interrupting her being petted.

  “Mom is OK?” Duster asked.

  “Yes …” Cola said.

  “But didn’t you notice that her hair is missing?” Duster questioned.

  “WHAT?” Cola asked and jumped up, looking at Mommy’s head.

  Then she flopped over laughing.

  “What’s so funny, bunny?” Duster demanded.

  “Duster, Mommy’s hair is still there.”

  “No, no it’s not! I jumped on her pillow and she is bald.” he insisted.

  Now Cola was really laughing.

  “Duster, Mommy and Daddy switched sides of the bed!! Heh heh heh … you jumped on Daddy’s pillow!”

  “Huh?” Duster hopped back over to Mommy’s usual side of the bed … sure enough, there was Dad – he likes to shave his head bald from time to time …

  “Thank goodness!” Duster hopped over to where Mom was laying down and jumped up on her pillow. “Yay, Mommy still has hair.”

  And he proceeded to “fix” her bed head.


  “Mommy has such pretty blue feet,” Cola sighed.

  “Yes she does,” Duster agreed and flopped over under Mom’s chair.

  Wait a sec … Mom … blue feet?

  Duster jumped up and quickly positioned himself in front of Mom’s feet.

  They were blue … and furry …

  “When did this happen?” he looked up at Mom.