Read Ruled By Rabbits Page 15

  *thump* to get her attention.

  Mom leaned down and gave him a noserub.

  “Hi, little Duster dude. Are you a good boy?” Mom asked her favourite boy bunny.

  “Of course I am a good boy! And you are a Mommy that suddenly has blue AND furry feet!”

  Why was she not alarmed?

  He knew he had to take matters into his own paws.

  The bunny circled Mom’s feet … and started to pull on the blue fur.

  Mom chuckled and moved her foot.

  “Hold still, Mom, this is for your own good,” he said and bit down on the blue fur … and apparently Mom’s toe …

  “Ow!” Mom said. “Duster, no!” and she moved her foot again.

  Whew – at least she still has feeling in her feet.

  Duster was on a mission … must save Mommy’s feet.

  He started to claw at the fur … some of it came off … in the form of a string …

  “Don’t worry, Mommy, I will not give up till I get rid of these blue toe trappers!”

  He clawed at her other foot … Mom actually laughed.

  She must be delirious.

  By now Cola was curious and came over to inspect Mom’s feet.

  “Well at least the blue fur only goes as far as her ankles,” Cola observed.

  Duster was busy trying to extract Mommy’s poor feet.

  Suddenly Mommy raised her left foot … and pulled off the blue fur … and put it in the dirty laundry basket next to the chair.

  Then she did the same to her right foot.

  With both feet back on the floor in front of me, Duster carefully inspected Mom’s feet … all toes present and accounted for.

  “You don’t like my socks, Duster?” Mommy asked and leaned over and rubbed his ears.

  “Socks?” Duster asked.

  Cola flopped over laughing.

  It doesn’t matter if they were socks or toe trappers, he had saved Mommy’s feet that day!


  Duster wrote a poem for Mother's Day.


  Dear Mommy:

  I love you so much

  You are so sweet

  I love when you give me nose rubs

  And when you give me treats

  I am so happy you are my Mommy

  And I love being your bunny

  I like to stretch out under your chair

  Because I know that you are sitting there!

  You give me banana for bunny breakfast

  And I fix your bed-head hair

  You clean my cage, give me fresh water

  I know how much you care!

  You and I play with my toss toy

  It’s OK for you to call me Mommy’s Little Boy

  So (Cola and) I want to say

  “Happy Bunny Mommy Day!”


  “Yippee! Mommy is on holidays!” Duster hopped into the bedroom.

  Mom was getting ready for work. “No, Duster, that’s next week. This week I still have to work.”

  “No,” Duster stated.

  “Yes,” Mom countered.

  “No, you must stay home!” the grey bunny insisted.

  Mom was curious. “And why is that?”

  “I need noserubs!” Duster exclaimed.

  “Daddy can give you noserubs,” Mom said.

  “Daddy noserubs are not as good as Mommy noserubs!” Duster argued. “And I want Mommy noserubs!”

  Mom leaned over and petted Duster’s nose. “That will do till I get home from work.”

  Duster was so disappointed.

  He watched as Mom put one sock on and then went to put the other sock on.

  Duster hopped, grabbed the sock, hopped away from Mom, dropped the sock and sat on it.

  “You can’t go to work without your sock!” Duster said triumphantly.

  Mom reached into her drawer and pulled out another sock … it was identical to the one he was sitting on.

  “I have back up socks for times like this,” Mom smiled.

  Not fair!” Duster thumped and left the bedroom.

  When Mom came out to the kitchen, she saw Cola and Dad staring at the front closet.

  There was Duster tugging on her running shoe laces.

  “He’s on a mission,” Dad said.

  Mom sighed. “Duster, what are you doing?”

  “Ha! If I eat your shoe laces you can’t wear your shoes to work!” and he munched on the laces.

  Cola had now hopped over to help Duster destroy the laces.

  “Duster dude, I don’t wear running shoes to work …” Mom explained.

  The two bunnies looked up at Mom.

  “Ack! I have seen her wear laceless shoes!” Cola said and hopped into the closet, pulling out sandals.

  Cola sat on one and Duster sat on the other, confident Mom would not be going anywhere.

  “Bunnies, Mommy needs her shoes and she has to go to work.”

  “How many pairs of shoes do you own? You only have two feet!!” Cola exclaimed and hopped back in the closet.

  This time she pushed out Mom’s winter boots.

  Mom folded her arms across her chest.

  Duster hopped into the closet and returned with another pair of sandals. “This is the last pair in there!”

  “Oh, right, I keep my dress shoes in the bedroom closet,” Mom said with a smile.

  In a matter of seconds, two rabbits dashed into the bedroom and barricaded the closet, meaning they stretched out in front of the closet and pretended to be asleep.

  “Bunnies sleeping – do not disturb,” Duster said. “Yes, I am talking in my sleep.”

  Mom and Dad stared at the rabbits, trying not to smile.

  “OK, put it like this … if Mommy and Daddy don’t go to work, there’s no money for treats,” Mom said.

  Duster and Cola sat straight up. “Why didn’t you say that before?”

  The rabbits started to nosebonk and scratch at the door trying to get it open.

  Eventually the bunnies hopped aside and allowed Mom to get the shoes she needed and out the door to work.

  “Bye, Mom! Have a great day at work! And don’t come home without treats!” Cola said.



  Duster sat up, hearing someone say his nickname. He looked around the living room but he was the only bun or person there. Thinking he had dreamed it, he laid back down.


  Duster hopped up, he knew he heard that for sure.

  “Where are Mom and Dad and Cola?” the grey lop wondered.

  He hopped around the apartment. Dad and Mom were in the kitchen, talking, and Cola was in the bedroom, rearranging the blankies.

  Duster knew he had to discover who was calling out to him.

  He hopped around the living room.

  “Dude, we have the best plan!” the voice said.

  The television was on. But how did the actors know his nickname?

  Duster cautiously moved towards the TV. He could see three people, two men and a lady, on the screen.

  “Hey, lady!” Duster said, he loves ladies!

  The lady didn’t reply but the one man kept talking.

  “Dude, this is going to work perfectly! We are going to be rich!” the actor said.

  “Rich?” Duster whispered to himself.

  “All we have to do is rob the bank,” the lady spoke.

  Duster’s jaw dropped. Rob a bank? They wanted him to help them rob a bank? These actors were bad guys (and lady)!

  “No!” Duster thumped. “I’m a good boy!”

  Mom and Dad entered the living room when they heard Duster thump.

  “Everything OK, Duster Dude?” Dad asked.

  The grey lop was slowly backing away from the TV.

  “I’m a good boy!” the lop repeated. “Mom says so when she gives me noserubs!”

  Mom and Dad looked at each other, not sure who Duster was talking to.

  “Yep, you are the bestest good boy in the world,” Mom agreed.

  When Duster was sure he was far enough from the TV, he ran towards Mom and Dad, ears flopping all over the place.

  “I’m a good boy – I can’t rob a bank!” and he hopped to the bedroom to find Cola.

  “Good to know,” Dad said, as he and Mom exchanged confused looks.

  Then Mom started to laugh and pointed at the TV, realizing what had happened.

  “Poor Duster, he thought the TV was trying to talk him into helping with a bank robbery,” Mom said.

  Mom and Dad got the bunnies some treats and went to the bedroom to make sure Duster wasn’t traumatized by his misinterpretation of the movie he had overheard.

  Cola and Duster were cuddled in the blankies and happily accepted the treats.

  All’s well that ends well.


  Cola looked at Duster. He had his paws on his water bowl and was staring at the fridge.

  “Duster, what are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m working on getting the fridge door to open and have treats come to us,” Duster said.

  Zoomer binkied excitedly. “Wow! You can do that just by staring at the fridge?”

  “Yep,” Duster confirmed, never breaking his stare on the big white appliance.

  Cola was skeptical. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

  “Anything is possible,” Duster replied. “You just have to try and believe!”

  Zoomer stared at Cola. “I believe that you will someday love me as much as I love you!”

  Cola looked at the baby bunny. “Maybe and maybe Duster will be able to get the fridge door opened and treats delivered to us - guess you never know what will happen.”

  Duster continued his unwavering stare at the fridge.

  A few minutes later, Mom and Dad came around the corner.

  “Uh oh, Duster’s in a trance,” Mom said.

  “We know what this means,” Dad nodded.

  Both parents headed for the kitchen.

  Mom opened the fridge and Dad retrieved the bunny treats.

  “Hurry,” Mom said. “I think he’s falling asleep in that position.”

  “It’s hard work staring at the fridge for a few minutes,” Dad agreed.

  Dad quickly distributed the bunny treats.

  Duster munched away on his Romaine lettuce. “See – I stare at the fridge, Mom and Dad know I need treats, they open the door and deliver treats to us.”

  “You are my hero!” Zoomer said to the grey lop.

  Even Cola had to admit Duster’s plan had worked. “You have Mom and Dad well-trained.”


  Cola was on curtain patrol. She checked the living room. Everything was secure. Mom was sitting on the floor petting Duster, keeping the Cola-approved safe distance from the curtains.

  Cola hopped into the bedroom. All curtains present and counted for.

  On her way back to the living room, Cola saw Mom was in the kitchen. Cola hopped into the living room, looking for Duster.

  “Duster?” Cola called out.

  No reply.

  She circled around the room, looking in all his usually flopping spots. Still no Duster.

  “Have you seen Duster?” Cola asked Zoomer.

  The Dutch bunny replied. “He was with Mommy last time I saw him,” and went back to munching on his hay.

  Cola hopped to the kitchen.

  No Duster.

  “Where’s my bunny?” Cola questioned.

  “Which one?” Mom asked.

  Cola sighed. “I know where Zoomer is. Where’s the Duster Dude?”

  “He was in the living room when I came back to the kitchen. He was laying in front of the curtains,” Mom replied.

  “I’ll go look again,” Cola said, positive there was no way she could have overlooked him on her first search.

  Cola went back to look where she had last seen Duster.

  “Oh no, how did I miss that?” Cola asked herself.

  There was a pile of grey hair where Duster had been laying.

  “And he was next to the curtains …” Cola’s voice trailed off.

  She looked from the pile of fur to the curtains.

  “No way …” and Cola thumped.

  Zoomer looked up. “What’s wrong?”

  “The curtains have Duster!” Cola exclaimed.

  “Where?” Zoomer was curious.

  “I don’t know but they have gone too far! Taking a bunny and hiding him!” Cola was really mad.

  “Wow, your fur is really angry! I wish my fur would go all spikey like that …” Zoomer said.

  “Curtains, prepare to meet your doom!” Cola thumped dramatically and hopped at the curtains.

  She started to bite them and scratch them. All the while, the curtains drifted back and forth, just making Cola even more furious.

  Hearing all the noise, Mom came into the living room. Seeing that Cola apparently had declared war on the curtains, Mom stood by Zoomer’s cage.

  “So, what happened this time?” Mom asked Zoomer.

  “Oh the curtains stole Duster and Cola wants to get him back,” Zoomer said, pretty nonchalantly.

  By now Dad had heard the commotion and had joined Mom.

  “Curtains do something pretty bad this time?” Dad questioned.

  “Uh huh, they stole Duster,” Mom replied.

  No one had noticed the grey lop hopping up to see what was going on.

  Seeing how angry Cola was and that no one else was helping her, Duster figured he should offer some assistance.

  “Need some help?” he asked Cola as he hopped up beside her.

  “Yes! They stole … you …” Cola stared at the bunny.

  Duster had started to pull on the curtains.

  “Stop!” Cola thumped.

  “But we have to make the curtains stop being bad!” Duster insisted.

  Cola thumped again and Duster stopped pulling on the curtains.

  “Wait, you mean the curtains didn’t steal you?” Cola asked the lop.

  “Nope. I was in the bathroom. Mom’s penguin bathmat is great to flop on!” Duster said.

  “You were taking a nap?!” Cola exclaimed.

  “Yes and it was a great nap till you made all that noise,” Duster grumbled.

  Mom and Dad and Zoomer were listening to the exchange.

  “Maybe you need to apologize to the curtains. They didn’t do anything wrong this time,” Zoomer said.

  Cola shook her head n. “There was a pile of fur where you had been – what else was I supposed to think happened?”

  “Oh that was from me petting him,” Mom realized. “Poor Dude is shedding right now.”

  Cola started to groom her fur back into place. “OK, shows over. Everyone and everybun can go back to doing whatever you were doing” and then she turned to glare at the curtains. “You haven’t fooled me.”

  Mom and Dad (once again) managed not to laugh as Cola scrutinized the curtains.

  “Wonder how long till the next curtain crisis?” Dad whispered.

  “Knowing Cola, it won’t be too long,” Mom replied.

  “I heard that!” Cola called out.

  Now Mom laughed. “And I know, only treats will make it all better.”

  And off Dad went to get the three bunnies their treats.


  Duster was stretched out under his favorite chair in the living room and Cola was hanging out in the igloo. Mom was on the phone with Grandma.

  “Right, yes,” Mom opened the fridge door. “That's just the fridge running.”

  Duster's ears perked up, if it involved the fridge, he felt it involved him.

  Mom closed the fridge door. “Far away. Wow, right now?”

  Now what Duster heard was Mom's side of the conversation which in his mind was “the fridge is running far away right now.”

  Those are words a rabbit never wants to hear when he or she knows the fridge is wher
e some of the best bunny treats are kept.

  Duster went on high alert at the same time, Cola hopped out of the igloo to see her grey bunny.

  “Duster, my fur...” she said.

  “Cola! Not now! We are on the verge of a crisis!” Duster thumped.

  Mom peeked out of the kitchen when she heard the thump but all she saw was Duster and Cola staring at each other.

  “On the verge of a crisis?” Cola asked. “I am having a crisis! Look at my fur!”

  Poor Cola, her fur was being rather unruly that morning and no matter how she groomed it, the fur would not stay in place. She was used to having Duster listen to her fur rants but this morning, he was on his own mission.

  Cola stared in disbelief as the lop hopped away from her.

  Duster quickly hopped down the hallway and sat beside one of the two doorways that lead into the kitchen. Mom was still on the phone and was busy with something on the counter. She didn't notice the grey lop, hop very quietly past her and out through the other doorway.

  “Whew, the fridge is still there for now,” Duster sighed.

  Cola was watching him, no idea as to what he was doing.

  Then Duster quickly hopped to the right side of the second doorway, which was the closest one to the fridge. He got as close to the wall as he could and stared at the fridge. Then he darted across the doorway to the other side and got as close to the wall as he could.

  Mom had left the kitchen through the other doorway now. She had finished her phone call and was going to spend some time with the bunnies. She came into the living room and saw Cola staring at Duster, who was still lurking up against the wall.

  “What's he doing?” Mom asked.

  “Apparently stopping a crisis,” Cola replied.

  Mom and Cola watched, ready to help if needed.

  Duster hopped into the kitchen and sat in front of the fridge. “We need to talk.”

  The fridge was quiet.

  “There's no need to run away. I'm sure Mom and Dad will do whatever it takes to make sure you are happy and stay. We need you to keep our treats fresh!” Duster said.

  And still the fridge remained silent.

  Duster periscoped and put his paws on the fridge. “Please don't run away!”

  Now Mom had to find out what was going on.

  “Duster, everything OK?”

  The grey lop sat down. “The fridge is running very far away right now!”

  Mom looked at the appliance and then her bunny,. “You heard me talking to Grandma didn't you?”

  Duster nodded.

  “You're pulling a Cola. Remember we said no hopping to conclusions when you only hear one side of the conversation!” Mom said. “The fridge isn't going anywhere.”

  Duster binkied.

  Now Cola periscoped. “Is the fridge OK?”

  Mom and Lop nodded.

  “So can I have my crisis now?” Cola asked.

  Mom laughed as Duster hopped over to help Cola deal with her fur freakout. Mom made sure all the bunnies had treats, as that was necessary for Bear to recover from any Cola crisis.


  “Oh no!” Duster exclaimed and hopped up.

  Mom had been watching TV and saw her Lop hop up quickly from where he was laying near her feet.

  “Everything alright, Dude?” Mom asked.

  “I'm going to be late!” Duster said and hopped off.

  Mom watched him head over to his cage and then move to Cola's. He looked around and then hopped down the hallway to the foyer of the apartment. From there he headed in one door of the kitchen. Mom could see him looking all over the place.

  “The fridge is still there,” Mom assured him.

  Duster chinned the fridge and hopped out of the other kitchen door.

  “Can I help you find something?” Mom asked the grey Lop, who was apparently on a mission.

  “No, must find on my own,” Duster sighed and hopped down the hallway towards the bathroom.

  While this was going on, Mom saw Cola hop into Duster's cage. Then she watched Cola hop into Duster's litter box.

  Mom wandered over to see what Bear was doing.

  “Can I have some privacy?” Cola asked.

  “Are you using Duster's litterbox?” Mom questioned.

  “Uh no,” Cola said and hopped out.

  Mom looked in. “Cola, those are your little poops.”

  Cola periscoped. “I think you're seeing things.”

  Mom was about to reply when Duster hopped from the bathroom down the hallway towards the bedroom.

  “Still haven't found it?' Mom asked.

  “No ...” Duster sighed.

  “Let me know if you need help,” Mom said.

  “Alright ...” and Duster hopped into the bedroom.

  Mom turned back to Cola. “So, you used Duster's litterbox?”

  “Can you prove that? Do you have witnesses?” Cola asked.

  Belle and Zoomer looked up, they hadn't actually seen Cola in the litterbox.

  “I don't need witnesses,” Mom said. “That's your poop.”

  “Mom, we all know I don't use litterboxes,” Cola said and hopped back into Duster's bedding.

  She quickly dug in the bedding and sent it flying everywhere.

  Mom's jaw dropped.

  Cola started to clean her paws. “Pretty sure you won't find my poop in there now, not that it was ever in there because I don't use litter boxes.”

  Duster was now out of the bedroom and under the computer desk.

  “Oh thank goodness, I got here just in time,” Duster said.

  “Found what you were looking for?” Mom asked as she sat back down on the couch, giving up on Cola and the litterbox.

  Duster smiled and flopped over. “I'm not late.”

  “Not late for what?” Mom wondered.

  Cola hopped over to join her bunny. “He's not late for his one o'clock nap. He was looking for the perfect place to nap.”

  “Now I understand – can't stop a lop when he finds the perfect place to flop,” Mom said.


  Mom gave the bunnies their carrot slices and set about doing some housecleaning.

  Duster was so happy to get his treat he binkied and bumped the carrot with his paw. The carrot took off, rolling towards the fridge.

  “Yikes. Stop, runaway carrot!” Duster exclaimed and pursued the vegetable.

  He caught up to it at the fridge, where he again bumped it with his paw and it slid under the fridge.

  “Oh no,” Duster sighed.

  He laid down on his belly, flat as he could to look under the fridge. There it was – just out of paws reach.

  “Please give me my carrot back,” Duster said to the fridge.

  The fridge did not reply.

  Duster stayed flat on his belly, staring at the carrot.

  Mom walked past and caught a glimpse in the kitchen out of the corner of her eye. She shook her head and took a few steps backwards.

  “Duster, everything alright?”

  The lop shook his head. “I am pretty sure it is the end of the world.”

  “No, that was supposed to be last month, last year,” Mom said. “It's January now and the world didn't end so I am sure we can fix whatever is troubling you.”

  Duster sat up. “The fridge took the carrot back.”

  “I definitely need you to tell me how that happened,” Mom said.

  The grey lop explained how it all came about.

  Mom sprang into action. She walked out of the kitchen, Duster on her heels.

  “What are we going to do?”

  “It's time for Operation Carrot Comeback,” Mom said and got the flashlight.

  “Sounds intense,” Duster replied.

  “It might be. We won't know till we see the conditions the carrot has ended up in,” Mom admitted, heading back to the kitchen.

  Duster followed and watched as Mom laid on the kitchen floor, turned the flashlight on and checked out the location.<
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  “How does it look?' Duster asked.

  “Not good,” Mom admitted.

  “Is it that bad?” Duster was anxious.

  “I'm afraid so,” Mom admitted. “I really need to clean under the fridge. It's really dusty under there.”

  “What does that mean?” Duster was almost frantic.

  Mom sat up. “It means the carrot under the fridge is a goner. He has to go to the garbage.”

  Duster sat down, taking the news hard.

  Mom smiled. “And that you are getting a brand new fresh carrot slice! And after that, I'm going to clean out from under the fridge.”

  Duster binkied. “Thanks, Mom!”

  And while Mom started the carrot cleanup, Duster happily munched on his new carrot slice, far away from the fridge.


  “Hi, Cola, are you guarding the fridge?” Mom joked, she was used to seeing Duster hovering near the fridge.

  “Yes,” Cola replied and scanned the kitchen.

  “And where would Duster be?” Mom asked.

  “Securing the parameter,” Cola answered, continuing to look around the kitchen.

  “That sounds official,” Mom commented. “What are we looking for?”

  “I'll let Duster brief you when he relieves me of my post,” Cola's reply was brisk.

  “And when do we expect him back?”

  Cola watched Duster hop from the front door of the apartment to the balcony door. “When he is satisfied there are so risks to the safety of the fridge.”

  “Right, that just makes sense. Well send him in to the living room when he has a minute,” Mom requested.

  “Yes, Ma'am,” Cola thumped her little foot to show Mom she was dismissed.

  A few minutes later and Duster hopped onto the couch beside Mom.

  “Everything alright?'

  Duster nodded. “For now. No one will get in here to get the fridge without us knowing about it.”

  “Good to know,” Mom agreed. “So what makes you think someone is going to come and steal the fridge?”

  “I saw it on the news,” Duster's reply was matter-of-fact.

  “On the news?” Mom asked, she hadn't seen that report.

  “Yes. They are very organized thieves, trick people into letting them into their kitchen, and walk right out with the fridge. The poor people even get tricked into holding the door open for the thieves to leave with the appliance. These guys are good,” Duster sighed.

  “They have uniforms and clipboards!” Cola hopped into the living room, keeping a close eye on the fridge.

  “They even have theme music!” Duster exclaimed.

  “I need theme music,” Cola mumbled.

  “You really do,” Zoomer and Belle agreed with her.

  “If fridge thieves have theme music, Bear should,” Cola said.

  “They have theme music?” Mom asked.

  “Yes! Would you open your door to anyone that had their own theme music playing in the background?” Duster muttered.

  Mom didn't answer, still thinking about the thief theme music.

  “Well would you?” Duster was concerned now.

  “Of course not,” Mom assured the bunnies. “Did the news play the theme music?”

  “Yes and it was kind of catchy,” Duster admitted. “How'd it go … For pick up or delivery, Fridges or TV's, washers or dryers, give us a call, our numbers on our flyers...”

  Mom couldn't help but smile. “That's a pretty memorable song.”

  “I know, they're very smart,” Duster agreed.

  “So did you happen to see this news story during the news or could it have been a commercial for an appliance pickup and delivery company?” Mom asked.

  “A commercial ...” Duster whispered and looked over at Cola.

  “Hey, maybe it was just a commercial,” Cola nodded.

  Duster grinned sheepishly at Mom. “Uh I think it was a commercial but a really good commercial.”

  “I can hardly wait to see it,” Mom laughed.

  Duster hopped off the couch to cuddle with Cola.

  “I still think I need theme music,” Cola said.

  “How about a treat from the fridge?” Mom questioned.

  “That'll work too!” Cola agreed as Mom headed to get the four bunnies a treat.


  Duster hopped up to Mo. “What's that?”

  Mom held out the newest addition to her rabbit-themed collection. “This is Snoozer.”

  “What's a Snoozer?” Duster asked.

  “Snoozer is a bunny that likes to take naps,” Mom showed Duster the plush toy rabbit. It was laying flat on its belly with its feet out behind it. “Remind you of anyone?”

  Duster periscoped and shook his head no.

  “The floppy ears?” Mom asked.

  Duster was stumped.

  Mom sighed. “I bought him because he reminds me of you. The floppy ears, stretched out to take a nap with feet out behind him.”

  “Oh, I get it,” Duster nodded. “Am I late for my nap?”

  “Which one?” Mom asked. “You take a lot of naps.”

  “Naps are wonderful, so relaxing,” Duster sighed.

  Mom put Snoozer on a chair.

  “Can he flop?” Duster asked.

  “I'm not sure,” Mom replied.

  “I'll show him how,” and Duster flopped over.

  Mom looked at Snoozer. “Think he might need some practice.”

  “He has to flop like a lop if he wants to be like me,” Duster insisted.

  For the next few minutes, Duster flopped repeatedly, demonstrating to Snoozer the proper way a lop flops.

  “Very important for your ears to be in a cute position,” Duster told the toy. “Makes the humans want to give you more treats for being adorable when you wake up.”

  Snoozer stared at Duster.

  “But don't tell anyone that,” Duster whispered.

  Snoozer's silence made Duster confident that the secret was safe.

  “OK, time for the official pre-nap flop,” Duster announced.

  And he flopped.

  Duster was out like a light.

  Mom smiled. “Sweet dreams, Duster and Snoozer.”



  “Hi, my name is Ruby and I am really cute,” was how Ruby introduced herself to all the furniture in the living room.

  She explored behind the chairs and under the desk and around the blue storage bins.


  Time to do the bunny super sprints … lap one …


  Mom and Dad laughed – she is one happy bunny.

  Ruby ran across the living room and came to a stop in front of a long sheet of fabric hanging from the wall.

  “Hi, my name is Ruby and I am really cute!”

  No comment from the fabric.

  Ruby was confused and nudged the fabric. “Ha – I just nosebonked you!”

  No reaction so Ruby went back to hopping happily around. She decided to do another binky and went straight up and kind of to the left … and the fabric bumped in to her … interrupting her binky!

  Ruby shook her head and stared at the fabric.

  “That wasn’t very nice.”