Read Ruled By Rabbits Page 22


  Mom and Dad watched Belle binkying around her cage. But when she saw them watching her, she stopped.

  “You sure are happy!” Mom exclaimed.

  “What's all the binkies about?” Dad asked.

  Belle bunny shrugged. “Just happy.”

  And then she nibbled on some hay.

  Mom and Dad went back to doing what they were doing. A few moments later, they heard Belle binkying again.

  And like before when she saw them observing her, Belle stopped.

  “OK, you have to tell us what's going on,” Mom said.

  Belle sighed. “A party.”

  “You're having a party by yourself?” Dad questioned.

  Belle rolled her eyes. “No. It's a Spot party.”

  “Spot party?” Mom and Dad repeated.

  “Yes, the funnest party you can go to,” Zoomer said.

  “The Spots are happy so Belle binkies and then we binky too,” Cola added.

  Duster binkied just to demonstrate.

  “How come we haven't been invited to a Spot party?” Dad wondered.

  Mom laughed. “Maybe we aren't cool enough to get invited to one of their parties.”

  All four bunnies tried to look busy.

  Mom and Dad looked at each other.

  “What?” Mom said.

  “The Spots don't think we're cool enough to go to their parties?” Dad repeated.

  Belle looked at them. “You said that, The Spots did not.”

  “Well, now that we know about these parties, maybe we can be invited to the next one,” Mom said, looking at Belle.

  Belle scrunched up her nose. “OK. Spots give you a chance. Spot party now!”

  All four bunnies started to binky in their cages.

  And Mom and Dad stood in front of the cages.

  “This is fun,” Mom said.

  “Definitely glad we were included,” Dad agreed.

  Belle stopped binkying. “You have to binky to be part of the spot party.”

  “Oh …” Mom said.

  She and Dad shrugged and started to hop up and down.

  The party continued for a minute or so.

  “So will we be invited to the next party?” Mom asked.

  Belle conferred with The Spots. ““You need to work on your binkying but the spots think you are on the guest list.”

  Mom and Dad high-fived.

  “The Spots like us!” Mom said.

  “And The Spots like stories that end with us getting a treat!” Belle smiled.

  Mom and Dad understood and headed to get the bunnies some treats.


  “Wow, one more thing to do and we are finished Spring cleaning!” Mom said to Dad.

  “Great! What's left?” Dad asked.

  “I just have to clean Belle's cage and this place will be spotless,” Mom and Dad high-fived.

  Belle's ears twitched, she had heard something mentioned about the Spots.

  “What does “spotless” mean?” she asked the other bunnies.

  Cola, Duster and Zoomer all exchanged worried glances.

  Belle picked up on their hesitance to answer.

  “Well?” she waited.

  “Um, “spotless” means without spots,” Cola whispered.

  “Without spots?” Belle repeated. “As in The Spots will be gone?”

  The other three bunnies nodded slowly.

  “The Spots will have to leave?” Belle mumbled. “Where would they go?”

  No bunny wanted to answer that.

  Belle's ears went back. “My Spots aren't going anywhere.”

  And with those words, the baby bunny with spots thumped so loudly Mom and Dad scurried into the living room to see what the fuss was.

  “Everything OK?” Mom asked.

  Belle thumped again.

  “What's wrong, Belle?” Dad questioned.

  When the bunny parents went to open her cage door, Belle grunted at them.

  “You can't make The Spots leave!” Belle grunted.

  “Why would we want The Spots to leave?” Dad asked.

  “I heard you say you're going to clean my cage and then this place will be spotless,” Belle thumped again. “Stay away from my Spots!”

  “Belle, we would never want The Spots to leave. We meant that this place would be perfectly clean, no messes anywhere,” Mom assured her.

  Belle was still wary. “The Spots are staying?”

  “Of course The Spots are staying,” Dad nodded.

  “OK, you can clean my cage and get us some treats,” Belle replied.

  “No one mentioned treats,” Mom said slowly.

  “But you were going to,” Belle assured her.

  Mom and Dad smiled at each other. Dad went to get the treats while Mom cleaned Belle's cage.


  Belle hopped up to Mom. “What is a birthday?”

  “Your birthday is the day you were born,” Mom said,

  “What does that mean?” the baby bunny questioned.

  “It's the day you took your first breath,” Mom was trying to find the right words.

  That explanation worked for Belle.

  “Birthdays are special?” Belle asked.

  “Very special. We'll celebrate your birthday – all of your birthdays – with an extra treat and presents,” Mom assured Belle.

  “Is my birthday today?” Belle asked excitedly.

  “Not today, but pretty soon,” Mom replied.

  “Okay, I wait,” Belle said and hopped off to do some bunstruction.

  A few minutes passed and Belle tugged on Mom's jeans.

  “Do The Spots have a birthday?” Belle needed to know.

  “Um, I guess so,” Mom said.

  “Is The Spots birthday the same as mine?”

  “Yes, that makes sense,” Mom agreed.

  Belle binkied. “That means extra treats and presents on my and The Spots birthday!”

  Mom was momentarily not sure what to say.

  “The Spots will get treats and present?” Belle asked.

  “Definitely, of course, The Spots will get treats and presents just like you do,” Mom assured Belle.

  “But The Spots need their own treats and presents – their birthday is special too,” the baby bunny pointed out.

  “I promise The Spots will get to celebrate their own birthday - maybe we'll even throw them their own party.”

  Belle pouted. “The Spots would not be here without me! I need my own party too please.”

  Mom petted Belle. “We'll make sure you and The Spots all have a wonderful birthday, treats and presents.”

  Belle binkied again. “The Spots and I wait for our birthday but hope it comes soon!”

  And off she hopped to start planning the party.

  When the baby bunny (and The Spots) are happy, the world is happy!


  Belle hopped up to Zoomer's cage. “Hi, Zoomer.”

  “Hi, Belle,” the brown and white Dutch bunny replied.

  “You're really cute!” Belle said.

  Mom and Dad were listening and watching and pretty sure Zoomer would have turned red at the compliment if he could have.

  “Thanks, Belle,” Zoomer whispered.

  “And The Spots, they think you're cute too!”

  “Thanks, Spots,” Zoomer added.

  “Me and The Spots are really adorable,” Belle stated. “And it's OK for you to agree with me on that.”

  Zoomer blinked, he was a bit caught off-guard by the baby bunny's bluntness.

  “Now would be a good time to agree with her,” Dad whispered.

  “You're really adorable, you and The Spots,” Zoomer agreed.

  “Thanks! So what are you doing?”

  “Just eating me hay,” Zoomer replied.

  “And then what?”

  “Maybe I'll flop,” Zoomer thought.

  Belle binkied. “Mom says you are so cute when you flop! I'll hop by when you are ready so I can watch Mom watch y
ou flop!”

  “Okay ...” Zoomer looked a bit confused as Belle hopped away.

  Mom and Dad smiled at Zoomer.

  “She likes you,” Mom said.

  “But she's hanging around, loitering, is that normal?” Zoomer whispered.

  Cola laughed and said. “I remember you wore out the carpet in front of my cage!”

  “Oh yeah,” Zoomer remembered. “Belle loves me like I loved you?”

  Mom, Dad, Cola and Duster nodded.

  Zoomer sighed.

  “She is really cute,” Mom pointed out.

  Zoomer nodded. “But she and The Spots have so much energy!”

  As if on cue, Belle binkied past the cage and parents.

  “She kind of scares me,” Zoomer admitted, as he is a rather timid rabbit.

  “Is it time to flop?” Belle binkied back to Zoomer and her parents.

  Zoomer shrugged and flopped. Then Belle flopped too.

  Belle hopped back up at the same time Mom said. “Oh so cute, baby bunny flop, so cute!”

  “I am so lucky to have such a cute boyfriend,” Belle exclaimed and binked away.

  Mom and Dad smiled at Zoomer, again.

  “I'm her boyfriend? When was she going to tell me?” he wondered.

  “I think she just did,” Dad replied.

  “That's kind of neat,” Zoomer said. “I have a girlfriend.”

  “With Spots!” Belle exclaimed as she did the Bunny 500 around the living room.

  “Maybe someday we'll try introducing you to each other,” Mom said.

  “Like both of us outside our cages at the same time?” Zoomer questioned.

  Mom and Dad nodded.

  Zoomer paused. “I think we need to take this slow. I'm cool with Belle and The Spots loitering outside my cage.”

  Mom couldn't help but laugh. “Slow is good, Zoomer.”

  The Dutch bunny sighed. “Especially since she has so much binky-power.”

  “Hi, Zoomer! Me and The Spots love you!' Belle was still running laps around the living room.

  “I love you too,” Zoomer replied.

  Belle stopped in her track. “Do you love The Spots? Because if you love me you have to love The Spots!”

  “I do, I do love The Spots!” Zoomer assured Belle.

  Belle resumed her laps.

  “Wow, having a girlfriend is a lot of work,” Zoomer said.

  “Especially when there are Spots involved,” Mom smiled.


  The bunnies watched as Mom paced back and forth from the kitchen to the living room.

  “What's wrong?” Duster asked.

  “I am so tired and I can't sleep, this is beyond annoying!” Mom exclaimed.

  “Are you hoping the walking back and forth will make you sleepy?” Zoomer questioned.

  “Never thought of that,” Mom admitted. “But, no, I just don't know what else to do.”

  “Maybe you should lay down and close your eyes,” Belle suggested.

  Mom smiled. “If I thought that would work, I would.”

  “I think you should,” Belle said. “The Spots are sleepy and all this walking back and forth is keeping them up.”

  “Sorry,” Mom apologized. “I'll see what else I can do.”

  The bunnies watched as Mom went to the computer and surfed from web page to web page. Then she watched TV and channel surfed for a bit. She was still wide awake. Then Mom tried to read a book, or two. Still no luck, she was sleepy but not able to sleep.

  Mom resumed her pacing, much to Belle's obvious disapproval.

  “The Spots still aren't asleep!” Belle exclaimed. “They are getting grouchy. Do you know what it's like to have Spots that are grouchy and sleepy?”

  Mom sat down in front of Belle's cage. “No, I don't actually. Tell me all about it.”

  Belle's ears flattened against her head. “They are sleepy and grouchy! That's what it's like.”

  Mom nodded. “Tell me, exactly what do The Spots do?”

  Now Belle was confused. “They are The Spots, they be The Spots! What else would they do?”

  “I don't know, that's why I asked,” Mom admitted.

  “Now you're giving me and The Spots a headache,” Bell sighed.

  “They can get a headache? Fascinating,” Mom said.

  Duster and Zoomer were trying not to laugh.

  “Oh wait, The Spots just fell asleep!” Belle exclaimed.

  “Really?” Mom whispered.

  “No,” Belle sighed. “I was hoping you would stop asking questions if you thought they were asleep.”

  “OK, well, I'm going to go lay down and try to sleep,” Mom said.

  “I know what would help you sleep,” Zoomer said.

  Mom looked at him.

  “I bet you can't sleep because you haven't given us bedtime bunny breakfast and your conscience is keeping you up,” Zoomer stated.

  “So if I give you treats I might get to sleep?” Mom asked.

  All three bunnies nodded.

  “It's worth a try,” Mom shrugged and went to the kitchen to get treats.

  After distributing the treats, Mom stretched and yawned.

  “Zoomer, I think you're right. I'm going to go lay down! Good night, bunnies, and The Spots,” Mom said and headed to bed.

  “Good one,” Duster whispered to Zoomer.

  “If it helps Mommy sleep, it was worth the sacrifice of us having to have breakfast,” Zoomer smiled.

  “Shhh, now The Spots really are asleep,” Belle whispered.

  “I guess they needed bedtime bunny breakfast too to fall asleep,” Duster whispered.

  All three bunnies, The Spots and Mommy had a good nights sleep.


  “My dear Belle, what are you doing?” Mom asked.

  Belle had crept into the kitchen and was exploring.

  “Nothing! What are you doing?” Belle hopped over to where Mom was standing.

  “I'm seeing a baby bunny with spots in the kitchen when she isn't supposed to be,” Mom replied.

  Belle innocently looked around. “Really? I see a baby bunny with spots talking with her Mom!”

  Mom tried not to smile. “Remember the rule – no bunnies in the kitchen without me or Dad.”

  “I remember I think that is a silly rule,” Belle replied.

  Mom sighed and ushered Belle out.

  Belle hopped over to flop under the computer desk.

  A few minutes later she saw Mom putting a cardboard box she had cut down across the doorway to the kitchen.

  “What are you doing?” Belle hopped over to investigate.

  “I'm making a barricade, or I guess in this case a Belle-icade,” Mom replied.

  “What does that mean?” Belle asked.

  “It means this cardboard is meant to keep you and The Spots out of where you should not be,” Mom said.

  Belle sat down and looked at the cardboard creation. “I don't like that.”

  “You're not supposed to,” Mom said. “Now let's go find something to do.”

  Mom headed off to do some cleaning while Belle sat staring at her new nemesis.

  A few minutes passed and Mom heard the sound of cardboard ripping. She went out to find Belle yanking on the cardboard and shredding what she could.

  “Really?” Mom asked.

  “You said to find something to do, so I did!” Belle exclaimed, continuing to pull on the cardboard.

  “OK, you're right about that,” Mom sighed.

  “Move cardboard and I won't chew on it anymore,” Belle promised.

  “Will you stay out of the kitchen unless I am in there?” Mom asked.

  “I did not promise that,” Belle said.

  Belle yanked on the box and then stopped.

  “I have an idea. You move this Belle-icade, go into the kitchen, I can follow you, and you get us bunnies treats – every bunny will be happy!” Belle binkied.

  “Then you'll stay out of the kitchen?” Mom asked.

; Belle thought for a moment. “Yes … for now ...”

  “Alright, if it means I don't have to listen to the cardboard being shredded, you have a deal,” Mom removed the cardboard and Belle happily hopped behind her into the kitchen.


  “Belle, hold still,” Mom said.

  Mom stretched out on the floor in front of Belle and tried to focus the camera.

  “No!” Belle thumped.

  “I just want to take one picture,” Mom tried to reason with Belle.

  “No!” Belle repeated, hopping away.

  Mom sat up. “What if I give you a treat?”

  Belle paused. “No, I don't want to treat right now. I want to relax with no camera bugging me.”

  Belle flopped near a wall.

  Mom sighed and got up. She walked past Belle. And then quickly turned around and tried to focus the camera before Belle noticed.

  Mom was too slow though. Belle shook her head and hopped off.

  Mom followed.

  Belle flopped again. Mom sat on the floor. Moving closer and closer to Belle.

  “What if I am in the picture with you?” Mom asked.

  Belle sat up and hopped away just as Mom hit the button and the flash went off.

  “Ack, lightning!” Belle exclaimed.

  Mom blinked, trying to clear the spots from her eyes. “Not lightning, it was the flash. I forgot to shut it off.”

  “Mom was struck by lightning!” Belle insisted.

  “Are you alright?” Duster asked.

  Mom sighed. “I'm fine. The flash didn't hurt me, it's just annoying.”

  Mom scrolled back to show Belle the picture.

  Belle cautiously hopped over and scrunched up her nose. “You look like you're in pain.”

  Mom's eyes were half closed, her hair was all over the place from trying to move fast and have Belle in the picture with her. She also had a strained look on her face.

  “That's not pain, it's frustration,” Mom mumbled, making sure the flash was turned off.

  “You can take my picture, Mom,” Zoomer offered.

  “Thanks, Zoomie,” Mom sighed.

  And she did.

  Mom showed that picture to Belle.

  “See how cute he looks?” Mom asked.

  Belle smiled, almost proudly. “Of course he's cute, he's my boyfriend!”

  Belle paused and then looked at Mom.

  “The Spots say you can take their picture,” Belle stated. “But only The Spots on my back.”

  “I can take a picture of The Spots. I guess that's progress,” Mom said.

  “And now I'd like a treat, and one for Zoomer and Duster too, please,” Belle was now in negotiation mode.

  “Picture first and then the treats,” Mom replied.

  Belle agreed to those terms.

  Mom was able to take a lovely picture of The Spots on Belle's back and the three bunnies got their treats.

  All in all, it was picture perfect.


  “Mom! Help! I'm being followed!” Belle hopped up onto the couch and squeezed in behind Mom.

  Mom looked in the direction where Belle had came from.

  Mom didn't see anything or anyone. Mom and the bunnies were the only ones home and Belle was the only bunny out of her cage.

  “Did you see it?” Belle asked, peeking out from behind Mom.

  “Belle, there's no one there,” Mom said.

  “There is! I saw it! It was following me everywhere I went!” Belle insisted.

  “What exactly did you see?” Mom asked.

  Belle took a deep breath. “It was dark and creepy and well, shaped like a bunny. And it did everything I did! It was following me and copying me.”

  Mom smiled and pointed to where Belle's shadow was. “Is that what was following you?”

  Belle gasped and hopped behind Mom again. “Yes! Make it go away.”

  “I can't, that's your shadow,” Mom said.

  “What does that mean?” Belle stayed behind Mom.

  Mom then tried to explain what a shadow was. “Belle, you're over a year old and you've never noticed your shadow before?”

  “I've been busy,” Belle defended herself.

  “You'll get used to your shadow, now that you know it's there,” Mom assured Belle.

  “That's not mine,” Belle replied.

  Now Mom was confused.

  “Why do you think that's not your shadow?” Mom had to ask.

  “Well, obviously I have The Spots and there are no spots on that shadow. It cannot be my shadow if it does not have spots,” Belle answered.

  “No one's shadow has spots or anything like that,” Mom said.

  Belle thumped, not happy about this news. “But The Spots want to be on the shadow too.”

  Mom had to think quick. “They are there, they're just hiding. Yes, that's it. The Spots are hiding on the shadow.”

  “Why?” Belle was now confused.

  “Well you know The Spots, they don't always explain the things they do,” Mom stumbled her way through an explanation.

  Belle hopped out from behind Mom. “You're right, they don't. Thanks, Mom. Me and The Spots and our shadow are going to go flop.”

  Mom smiled. “Sounds like a good idea, Belle. I'll make sure there is an after-flop treat for all my bunnies later on.”


  Halloween wasn't far off and the bunnies were trying on their costumes.

  Duster's was very straightforward – he was going to be gentlebun. He had has little black top hat and matching bowtie.

  “Ladies love me?” Duster asked Mom.

  “Definitely, you look quite dapper,” Mom told the grey lop.

  Zoomer wanted to be a race car driver. However, he does not have his drivers license or a race car so Mom and Dad were able to convince him that being a super hero was the next best thing.

  Zoomer looked at the little red cape that went across his back. “Super Zoomer will get lots of treats?”

  Dad nodded. “Super heroes always get lots of treats.”

  Belle had opted to be a ghost. Mom and Dad had taken some white fabric and cut holes in it for her eyes and for her ears. But the bunny parents could tell from the way Belle's ears were back that she was not happy.

  “What's wrong, Baby Belle?” Mom asked.

  “The Spots want to have a costume too,” Belle said.

  “Well that would be kind of hard to do,” Dad replied. “But not impossible.”

  Mom looked at Dad. He motioned for her to take the fabric off Belle.

  “Give us a few minutes, alright? We'll make sure The Spots are a part of your costume,” Dad promised Belle.

  Mom and Dad disappeared into the kitchen. They returned a few minutes later and Dad put the ghost costume back on Belle.

  “Now look at the back,” Dad instructed.

  Belle did and what she saw made her binky. “The Spots!”

  Dad had cut holes in the fabric right where The Spots were on Belle's back.

  “Perfect!” Mom said.

  And the bunnies were now ready for Halloween.


  Mom sat down on the living room floor, placing a small box in front of her.

  Belle was out of hr cage and decided to investigate

  “What are you doing?” she hopped over to Mom.

  “I'm going to put together this puzzle,” Mom said.

  The picture on the box was a baby bunny relaxing in a field of green grass.

  “Aw so cute!” Belle exclaimed. “Just like my boyfriend, Zoomer!”

  Mom opened the box and the pieces fell to the floor.

  Belle thumped. “The picture is broken!”

  “No, it's in pieces and you have to put it together.”

  Belle was confused. “Why?”

  “So you can see what the picture is,” Mom started to sort through the pieces.

  “Just look at the box,” Belle said.

  Mom paused. “Wel
l yes, you can do that but that would take all the fun out of doing the puzzle. This one only has 24 pieces so it shouldn't take too long to do it.”

  “I can watch?” Belle asked.

  Mom nodded and started to place pieces where she thought they fit.

  Half an hour later...

  “Mom, your face us really red!” Belle exclaimed.

  “Yep,” Mom replied, teeth clenched.

  “I don't think that piece goes there...”Belle whispered, watching Mom try to force to pieces together.

  Mom sighed. “It's only 24 pieces...”

  “Me and The Spots can help!” Belle offered.

  Mom gave the OK.

  Belle hopped directly on top of the puzzle and started to dig, sending pieces all over the place.

  “I make it go away!” Belle said.

  Mom cringed,. “Now I have to start all over again.”

  Belle thumped. “No! You have the picture on the box! And you have me and Zoomer and Duster and The Spots – no puzzle bunny needed!”

  Mom had to smile. “Good point, Belle. Want to help me clean up the pieces to put them back in the box?”

  “No. I want to help you get us treats,” Belle replied, very seriously.

  “Treats, of course. I forgot the treat factor,” Mom said.

  “Silly Mommy. Come on, treats are waiting!” Belle hopped to the kitchen.

  Mom happily followed her, glad the puzzle problem had been solved.


  Mom was watching a show about over the top Christmas decorating.

  Belle hopped up beside her on the couch. “Wow, pretty colors.”

  “That's a heck of a lot of Christmas lights,” Mom said.

  “Why did they do that?” Belle questioned.

  “They are decorating for Christmas,” Mom replied. “This show is about people that like to decorate a whole bunch. You know, when Santa Paws brings you and all the good bunnies all over the world lots of treats.”

  This would be Belle's second Christmas.

  The baby bunny with spots binkied. “Oh yes! Me and The Spots loved Christmas last year.”

  Belle paused and looked around the apartment. “Are we going to decorate?”

  Mom nodded.

  “When?” Belle asked.

  “Soon,” Mom promised.

  “What will you use?” Belle wondered.

  “We'll put up a little tree, some penguins, and any Christmas cards we get,” Mom replied.

  Belle periscoped and looked at the TV screen. “I wanna do that!”

  Mom looked at the TV. There was a large house, covered from top to bottom with lights and life-sized Christmas characters. And the yard was hardly visible through the festive ornaments.

  “We can't go quite that, um, thorough,” Mom said.

  Belle frowned. “Why not?”

  “Well we don't live in a house that big, we're in an apartment,” Mom said.

  That made sense to Belle but she had an idea.

  “We can decorate Grandma and Grandpa's house!” she exclaimed.

  “I think they want to decorate their own house,” Mom said.

  Belle pouted. “But if we don't decorate the roof, Santa Paws won't find us and we won't get any gifts!”

  Mom petted Belle. “I don't think you have to worry about that. Santa Paws will bring you presents.”

  Belle settled down beside Mom to finish watching the show.

  “Oh I know what we can do!” Belle hopped up.

  She whispered to Mom what her plan of action was.

  Mom smiled. “Yes, that is definitely something I can help you with.”

  A short time later …

  “Wow! That's cool!” Zoomer said, staring at Belle's cage.

  “Santa Paws will for sure see your cage,” Duster nodded.

  Mom and Belle stood back to admire their work.

  Mom, with directions from Belle and The Spots, had decorated the wall around Belle's cage with Christmas themed pictures. They even manged to string some lights up that blinked off and on.

  “Just like I am pretty sure Rudolph's nose does,” Belle sad, explaining the blinking lights when they were done.

  Belle binkied. “Santa Paws will be so happy to see what we did.”

  “Now you just have to wait for Christmas to arrive.” Mom said.

  The three bunnies nodded, looking forward to a Merry Christmas.