Read Ruled By Rabbits Page 23

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  “From our family to yours, wishing you a wonderful holiday season and best wishes for the coming year.”

  Duster, Zoomer, Belle (and The Spots) and Mom & Dad


  “Mom, me and The Spots want to go to school!” Belle exclaimed.

  “Alright, well maybe we'll try homeschooling you and The Spots before you go to an actual school,” Mom said, hoping that would appease Belle.

  The baby bunny binkied,. “Great! Can we start now?”

  “Let's begin with language – you would say The Spots and I, not me and The Spots,” Mom said.

  “OK, now what?” Belle asked.

  Mom had to think fast. “How about we try some math?”

  Belle sat down and nodded, ready to learn.

  “One plus one is two,” Mom said. “What is two plus two?”

  “Boring,” Belle yawned.

  “Two plus two is four,” Mom replied.

  Mom asked a few more addition questions and Belle started to stare off into space.

  “How about this – if you have two treats and you add two more treats, how many treats do you have?” Mom asked.

  “A whole bunch!” Belle hopped around.

  “Maybe it's time for a break,” Mom suggested.

  Belle nodded. “Can we have one of those treats you mentioned?”

  “At lunch time,” Mom said.

  “When is that?” Belle asked. “The Spots are really hungry!”

  Mom sighed. “OK, let's have lunch.”

  Mom got up and got a treat for Belle, Duster and Zoomer.

  “Can we learn something fun?” Belle asked.

  Poor Mom was running out of ideas,. Alright, what happens when you eat food or treats?”

  Belle periscoped, “I poop and then you clean my litter area!”

  Mom chuckled. “That's true, but I was going more for the whole you digest the food.”

  “And then I poop!” Belle added.

  “I think I have run out of things to teach you in school today,” Mom admitted.

  Belle was quiet for a moment. “Mom, The Spots and I, see I learned how to properly say that today, aren't ready to go to school yet.”

  Mom petted Belle's head,. Very good, Baby Belle and Spots. You have lots of time to learn everything you need to know.”

  “Know what I know already?” Belle asked.

  “What's that?” Mom questioned.

  “I know I'd love another treat,” Belle was hopeful.

  “And I bet you already know the answer to that,” Mom smiled.

  Belle binkied. “We can have another treat …. later?”

  “You are a very smart bunny,” Mom said.

  “With spots,” Belle added and hopped off to tell Zoomer and Duster about the treats they would get later on.


  Belle hopped by Zoomer's cage. “Hi, my boyfriend!”

  “Hi, Belle and The Spots,” Zoomer almost whispered.

  Belle was full of energy and that sometimes scared the somewhat timid Dutch bunny.

  Belle continued to hop and binky around the living room. When she made a lap past Zoomer's cage, he gasped.

  Belle stopped. “What's wrong?”

  “I think you dropped a spot!” Zoomer said quietly.

  “What do you mean?” Belle asked.

  Zoomer nodded towards a clump of brown fur on the floor.

  Belle cautiously approached the discarded fur. She nosed it and then hopped away from it.

  The baby bunny thumped. Mom and Dad entered the living room to see what the fuss was.

  “I lost a spot!” Belle exclaimed.

  “It's not lost – it's right there,” Duster said.

  “But it left me and the rest of The Spots,” Belle said.

  Dad picked up the fur. “You're shedding, this is perfectly normal. Look how much fur Duster sheds.”

  “That's not fur, that's a spot!” Belle thumped.

  “Spots are made of fur,” Mom said.

  “But I want my Spot back.” Belle was sad.

  Mom and Dad looked at each other and then explained the shedding process to Belle.

  “So another Spot will replace that Spot?” Belle had to be sure.

  Mom and Dad assured her she wouldn't be short a spot.

  Belle decided to flop and await the arrival of her newest Spot.


  “Oh no!” Belle thumped, staring at Mom. “What's on your chin?”

  Mom sighed. “It's a pimple, Belle. Remember the last one?”

  Belle persicoped. “Oh I do! This one looks bigger than the other one you had.”

  Zoomer and Duster sat up, looking to see what all the commotion was.

  “Is Mommy alright?” Duster asked.

  “I'm fine, I have a pimple,” Mom assured the rabbits.

  “Are you sure that's what it is?” Zoomer questioned.

  Daddy came into the living room. “What's up?”

  “Mommy has an owie,” Belle said.

  Dad looked at Mom, and Mom pointed at her blemish.

  “As bad as last time?” Dad whispered.

  “Not yet,” Mom replied.

  The last time Mom had a pimple, the bunnies spent almost two hours asking questions – what was it made from, how did it get there, how long would it stay, what else could it be?

  “I hope it's not chicken spots,” Belle said, looking at the red dot on Mom's chin.

  “Or weasels,” Duster said.

  “That would be bad,” Zoomer added. “Chicken spots and weasels do not get along.”

  Dad looked at Mom, hoping she could translate the bunny banter.

  “I think they mean chicken pox and measles,” Mom answered.

  “That's what we said,” Belle replied.

  Mom smiled and nodded.

  “Can you still clean our cages?” Zoomer asked.

  “And get us treats?” Belle added.

  “And get us bunny and bunny bedtime breakfast?” Duster wondered.

  “Of course I can. It's just a pimple!” Mom was exasperated.

  “Oh then we're good,” Belle said.

  Zoomer went back to grooming his feet and Duster flopped.

  “Maybe you should get us a treat, just to make sure,” Belle suggested.

  Mom smiled,. Will do.”

  And Mom was off to get the bunnies their reassurance treat.