Read Ruled By Rabbits Page 7


  “Pillows, I demand you move out of the way for me to get by!”

  Duster was now on the bed too.

  Cola turned to face him. “Humph … the pillows are ignoring me! I asked nicely and they won’t move.”

  “Excuse us, bunnies on the move … please move aside,” Duster said.

  Nothing. Both pillows were ignoring them.

  How rude.

  Cola had enough. She went over the nudged the pillow with her nose.

  No response so she started to chew on the pillow.

  Duster jumped on the other pillow and started to scratch it.

  Nothing! These pillows were impervious to pain!

  Duster and Cola moved towards the middle of the bed, they had to regroup.

  “I think we need to take them by surprise.” Duster decided.

  On the thump of three they charged the pillows … Duster tackled one and Cola head-butted the other … and then something happened … the pillow that was leaning up against the wall … it started to fall over … aiming for Cola!!

  She barely escaped being “crushed” by the pillow.

  Duster and Cola fled the bedroom, those pillows didn’t fight fair!

  They curled up beside Daddy in the living room, thankful to have escaped from the pillow fright. That night they had bunny sleepover and Mommy and Daddy made the pillows move out of the way so Duster and Cola could play where they wanted too!

  Bunnies – 1, Pillows - 0


  “HAPPY BUNNY MOMMY DAY!” Cola jumped up on the bed beside Daddy and Mommy.

  Mommy and Daddy were getting ready to take a nap and were apparently discussing Mother’s Day and Daddy came out with. “Mother’s Day doesn’t count for bunny moms.”

  Cola took that as her cue to leave.

  Cola ran out to the living room where Duster was cuddled under the chair.

  “DUSTER!!” she hollered. “Daddy is in trouble!!”

  Duster stretched and propped himself up.

  “Daddy is in trouble? What did he do? Oh no, did he try to take Mommy’s blanket?”

  “No … no, this is worse. This is the worst thing in the world he could do today!” Cola ran around Duster.

  “Cola, you’re making me dizzy,” Duster sighed.

  Cola stopped running around.

  “Duster, Daddy is going to be in the dog house!”

  “But we don’t own a dog.”

  “It doesn’t matter. He told Mommy that Mother’s Day doesn’t count for Bunny Mom’s!”

  Duster’s eyes got big. “He is in trouble for sure. What did Mommy say?”

  “I didn’t stick around to find out,” Cola said. “I ran out of there as soon as he said those words. He could already be in the dog house.”

  “Where is this dog house you keep talking about?” Duster questioned.

  Cola panicked. “I don’t know. I have heard people talk about it on TV though so it must be real. What if the dog doesn’t have room for Daddy? What if the dog is mad when Daddy shows up because the dog isn’t expecting company and his house is dirty and he makes Daddy sleep on the floor or outside? Daddy doesn’t have fur – he’ll freeze!”

  “Cola, let’s go see where Daddy is before we go too crazy,” Duster reasoned and we hopped to the bedroom.

  “Duster, you have to go in first. I’ll be devastated if Daddy is really in the dog house,” Cola said.

  Duster hopped in.

  “Cola, come on in, everything is alright,” Duster called.

  I cautiously peeked around the door, still fearing the worse.

  “DADDY!” Cola cheered and bounded on to the bed.

  Duster was cuddled up to Mommy and Daddy was moving out of the way for her to run where his pillow had been.

  “Yippee, Daddy’s not in the dog house!” Cola was so happy, she binkied and then laid down beside Duster.

  Duster started to groom her fur. “I guess Mommy knew Daddy was only kidding.”

  Cola sighed. “Thank goodness! I love my Daddy … “


  “YAY! Daddy wants to play!” Cola happily hopped over to Daddy as he stretched out on the living room floor. “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!!”

  She put her cute little paws on his arm and he petted her ears.

  Duster stretched lazily under the chair but Cola was really excited that Daddy was spending quality time with them.

  Cola hopped around the room and was going to do her bunny super sprints laps when she noticed something strange … where were Daddy’s feet hiding?

  She cautiously crept up to where his feet should be and came nose to material with the curtains!! Her dreaded enemies. Oh they had gone too far this time, they were holding Daddy’s feet captive.

  The dwarf bunny hopped over to Duster.

  “The curtains have taken Daddy’s feet hostage!”

  Duster looked over to where the crisis was happening. Seeing that she wasn’t exaggerating he stretched and headed over to survey the scene.

  “Wow, this isn’t good,” Duster shook his head, the infamous helicopter ears all over the place. “Maybe we should get Mommy.”

  “We don’t have time for Mommy! We have to save his feet NOW!!” Cola thumped.

  Daddy looked over to see what was going on … two bunnies beside the curtains … nothing unusual with that as far as he was concerned … oh if only he knew …

  “I will try to reason with them,” Cola decided and glared at the curtains. “Excuse me. You have something that belongs to my Daddy and I need you to release his feet immediately.”

  No response from the curtains.

  Duster could see Cola’s fur start to rise on her back … she was getting mad ..

  “Hey! You, curtains! I asked nicely - let go of my Daddy’s feet,”

  Wow the curtains were pushing their luck with no reply again.